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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

Atch  22 | 4299
10 Sep 2023   #721
Ireland does not discriminate against people with brains.

I'd say it's rather the other way round. We're positively encourage the weak of mind to participate in a proper social and spiritual education :)
Novichok  4 | 8485
10 Sep 2023   #722
The reason I like Ireland is for the stunningly beautiful women, Enya, the River Dance, and because Ireland is not a land of guilt-ridden nuts like the UK. In that sense, it's more defensible against refugee invasions than the rest of Europe.

Ireland's tax policies are a plus, of course...
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Sep 2023   #723
it's more defensible against refugee invasions than the rest of Europe.

The ones who end up staying generally settle down well. Actually there was a very sad case a few weeks ago, two teenage girls Irish and Syrian, best friends since they were about nine years old and the little Syrian girl came as a refugee. They died together as passengers, in a car crash. The Syrian girl was Muslim of course but the parish priest gave them both the last rites and anointed them both at the scene of the crash. He said their hands were touching 'as if they knew they were off to Heaven together' and the Muslim community in Ireland had no problem with a Muslim receiving Catholic last rites.
Bobko  27 | 2079
10 Sep 2023   #724
Muslim community in Ireland had no problem with a Muslim receiving Catholic last rites.

Muslims are people too.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Sep 2023   #725
I know that - but some posters here don't seem to. I wonder how many of them have actually known any Muslims?
Novichok  4 | 8485
10 Sep 2023   #726
The ones who end up staying generally settle down well.

At least you can control the numbers easier than, say, Germany.
That was a nice and very touching story. Our Western problem is that we tend to legislate or go to war on the basis of cute, tear-jerking stories.

I wonder how many of them have actually known any Muslims?

I don't need to know Muslims. All I need to know is Islam and how Muslims treat non-Muslims when they have the power and the numbers on their side.

No, Islam is not a religion. It's a totalitarian system dressed up as a religion to make conquests easier. Like lubricating a vagina before rape.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Sep 2023   #727
we tend to legislate or go to war on the basis of cute, tear-jerking stories.

Not really. Countries go to war usually when it serves their interests in some way. It's usually an entirely selfish position dressed up as something noble and altruistic.

how Muslims treat non-Muslims when they have the power and the numbers on their side.

A bit like how Christians used to behave towards non-Christians a few hundred years ago. All religions either evolve into something more palatable or disappear. I know a lot of moderate Muslims and they don't want to live under an Islamic state regime.
Novichok  4 | 8485
10 Sep 2023   #728
Countries go to war usually when it serves their interests in some way.

"Countries" are the top and the bottom. Two separate parts. Without a properly motivated bottom, the top is powerless. This is where "babies out ot incubators" are meant to produce "the ground swell of support". I could cite many such examples but then my post would be too long.

I know a lot of moderate Muslims and they don't want to live under an Islamic state regime.

They are "moderate" because they have no choice. They become a lot less moderate when they feel the host is timid or outnumbered. See Paris no-go zones and riots.

When polled, 40% of US Muslims said they would not report Muslim terrorists and would refuse to cooperate with the FBI. Model Americans...
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Sep 2023   #729
They are "moderate" because they have no choice.

I'm talking about ones who live in their own countries
Novichok  4 | 8485
10 Sep 2023   #730
OK. How many did you meet and what was the question you asked to make you feel that they are moderate?
Was it: Are you planning to slash an infidel's throat next week?
OP pawian  226 | 27475
10 Sep 2023   #731
Your example is from forty years ago!

That`s what I remembered from the past about Ireland - I googled: single mother teacher fired.

but I don't think it would happen in Ireland any more, maybe 30 years ago

Yes, you were probably right, coz now I am looking for more recent cases of similar dismissals and there aren`t any.
Novichok  4 | 8485
10 Sep 2023   #732
Muslims are as peaceful as Catholics. Here is proof...
Last year, an Imam and Archibishop visited Biden. Neither one tried to kill him.
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Sep 2023   #733
When polled,

Polls ........... we asked 100 people coming out of Walmart ............ and once again your perspective is uniquely American.

How many did you meet

As many and more than your poll, I can assure you. The degree of adherence to Islam varies hugely. For example I have a lot of Turkish friends (living in Turkey) and they are closer to Europeans in their outlook. They range in age from mid twenties to mid fifties. Though they all believe in God, none are very religious and the women wear ordinary, western clothes with no head covering. The younger ones wear shorts and a t-shirt in public. I also have friends from Oman. You couldn't meet nicer people. Most Muslims are just like most people anywhere - ordinary. They want the same things as we do, good health, to earn a decent living, a nice home, a happy family. They're really not interested in taking over the world. Extremists are precisely that, extreme. They are by definition, an exception.

Apart from the Muslims I know who are living in their own homelands I've met literally hundreds if not a couple of thousand over the years because I lived in London for several years and in Ireland I've taught a lot of kids from Muslim families of all nationalities, Algerian, Pakistani, Georgian, Indian, Lebanese, Libyan, Iranian, Iraqi, even Saudi and got to know their parents pretty well. The Saudis were the most stand-offish possibly because they were not permanently settled, just passing through usually for Phd studies or work. As for the Saudi children, the boys were difficult, spoilt and disobedient, the girls a delight. The boys learned how to behave though :) We had a wonderful nun in charge of the school and she told one father point blank 'In your country the men might be the boss, but n this country he'll have to learn to do what he's told by women.' :))
OP pawian  226 | 27475
13 Sep 2023   #734
PiS never ceases to introduce Eastern European approach in education. They passed the law requiring schools to hire a psychologist. However, there is a huge shortage of them coz the needs gravely exceed the supply of such professionals. What do school head teachers do then?

A child comes to a psychologist and there is a farming technician. "This is a system failure"

The Ministry of Education, headed by Przemysław Czarnek, has introduced changes in schools that are impossible to implement. These are psychologists and educators who, under the new act, are obliged to be employed by head teachers

. The idea is good, but the problem is that there is a dramatic shortage of these specialists. Directors manage as best they can. - It's come to the point that they employ psychologists and educators over the phone just to have someone, says psychologist Karolina (name changed) anonymously from a small, rural school. - They call their friends and say: take at least two hours.

In the Masovian Voivodeship alone, head teachers are still looking for 480 psychologists, educators and special educators. And it's already mid-September
Schools are doing what they can and - in order to meet the formal requirements - they are making arrangements and dividing the positions.
According to the Polish Trade Union of Psychologists, approximately 350 people work in schools who do not have the appropriate qualifications to perform the profession of a school psychologist.

What does this mean in practice? That if a child who desperately needs help knocks on the door of the school psychologist's office, the answer will be from, for example, a theologian or a farming technician who is just gaining appropriate education

- This is the collapse of the system. It is absurd that a person after three semesters of psychology studies goes to work with a child at school. I wonder if they are not afraid to take on such responsibility at all, says teacher Hanna

more here:,2b83378a

This is Poland under PIS. Thank you, fekking rightist gangsters !!!
mafketis  38 | 11142
13 Sep 2023   #735
PiS never ceases to

They just low grade bumblers who can't really do anything right.... (and as crooked as a dog's hind leg, don't forget that).
OP pawian  226 | 27475
16 Sep 2023   #736
Salary rises promised to teachers before the elections.
Tusk KO - 30%.
Other opposition parties - 20%
Rightist PiS - 12%.
The choice is obvious. :):):) hahahaha
Don`t get me wrong. I sneeze at any rises in state education coz I will always get them in private enterprise and there will be perfect balance in nature. :)::)

What I care about is that education under PiS is losing teachers by thousands each year. In 10 years` time, who is fekking going to teach my grandkids if I have any??? Young people have to be encouraged now to choose the career in education.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
16 Sep 2023   #737
Tusk KO - 30%.
Other opposition parties - 20%
Rightist PiS - 12%.

Your bias is so obvious!

Why did you post Rightist PIS and not Leftist Tusk?

You are embarrassing in your political bias......
OP pawian  226 | 27475
16 Sep 2023   #738
You are

Darling, why do you comment on me instead of on figures I provide and you quote??? :):):):) You must be personally biased, it seems. :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27475
19 Sep 2023   #739
Another stupidity kept by PiS. I don`t remember who invented it - PIS or previous govs.
Currently, while getting education in a high school students who are troubled with severe dyslexia are allowed some extended time during tests in class. However, this privilege comes to an end when they are sitting the final exam.

Extra time at the final exam is granted to students:

with autism, including Asperger's syndrome,


visually impaired and blind,

with aphasia,

with motor disabilities caused by cerebral palsy,

with chronic diseases,

with social maladjustment or at risk of social maladjustment,

in a crisis or traumatic situation,

having adaptation difficulties related to previous education abroad,

with language communication disorders.

In exceptional cases, dyslexic students can write the high school leaving exam on a computer ; this adjustment is only possible when spelling disorders make it impossible to read and correctly evaluate the answers in the exam paper.

Students can count on the fact that their sheet will be graded slightly differently, and the grading rules will take into account specific learning difficulties. E.g,, spelling mistakes are ignored but only on condition students don`t mispell words into sth which already exists in the language. So, if a student writes cat instead of cut, it is treated as a mistake.

Dyslexia isn`t the reason to grant a student extra time at the final exam.

All dyslexic students are grateful to PIS for sticking to wise laws. After all , PiS means Law and Justice. I always repeat to my students - be grateful to the gov for everything they are doing for and to you.
mafketis  38 | 11142
19 Sep 2023   #740
students who are troubled with severe dyslexia

Do they mean the specific condition of dyslexia (reduced ability to recognize letters in linear order so, for example instead of STOP they see TOSP or SOPT).

I remember when dysleksja just seemed to refer to generalized learning disorders (of which there are many most of which don't involve dyslexia).
OP pawian  226 | 27475
19 Sep 2023   #741
Do they mean the specific condition of dyslexia

This, too.
OP pawian  226 | 27475
6 Oct 2023   #742
Students of certain high school in the city of Gorzów W. has been organising mock elections for 20 years. Yesterday they did too.

The school announced the results of the elections, which were won by the opposition parties. The ruling party only took fifth place.

72 percent of students of the Gorzów Secondary School took part in the vote. And according to the school, the Tusk party won with 46.3 percent of the votes. Second was New Left with the support of 18.8 percent of students, and third was Confederation , for which 10.3 percent voted. Hołownia and PSL took fourth place with the support of 9.9 percent, and only fifth place went to Law and Justice. 6.8 percent of students voted for Jarosław Kaczyński's party .

Good prognosis for the future. :):):)
Polish proverb - such will be future Polands as their youth is raised/educated today.

  • LANDSCAPE_8401.jf.jfif
OP pawian  226 | 27475
21 Oct 2023   #743
Good prognosis for the future. :):):)

Yes, it was. Rightist PiS lost, the pro-democratic opposition won. Amasing!

I am still wondering how stupid PiS gangsters were when they went to the war against Polish teachers a few years ago,. Did the gangsters really believe that teachers wouldn`t take a revenge on them after the failed strike of 2019 and the next years of continuous humiliation??? Of course, we did. We educated the youth about two major things:

- to take part in the ballot
- not to vote for the perpetrators of students` misery in schools.

How simple. Yet, those rightists are unable to grasp such basic things.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
21 Oct 2023   #744
PiS gangsters

You keep repeating this nonsense. PIS may be many things, but gangsters? You are having a laugh!!!
OP pawian  226 | 27475
21 Oct 2023   #745
Students of certain high school in the city of Gorzów W. has been organising mock elections for 20 years. Yesterday they did too.

Actually, 700 schools took part in the election education programme. The results were similar to those in Gorzów - autocratic PiS lost disgracefully, the pro-democratic opposition won.

  • karta_do_glosowania.jpg

  • WYBORY_SU24.jpg

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  • wyboryKopiowanie..jpg
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
21 Oct 2023   #746
autocratic PiS lost disgracefully, the pro-democratic opposition won.

So what? These were schoolkids educated by leftists like you and that don't even have the vote yet!
OP pawian  226 | 27475
21 Oct 2023   #747
that don't even have the vote yet!

Wrong! The students who as first experienced the horror of the Polish education after the PiS deform left high schools this year. They are 19 years old. Ha! Their one year younger mates who still are students also voted if they turned 18 before the election day.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
21 Oct 2023   #748

But these students still "benefited" from education by leftist retards like you!
OP pawian  226 | 27475
22 Oct 2023   #749
But these students still "benefited" from education

Of course they did. Their final exam results were excellent. After all, most of the time we spent together was devoted to hard work over textbooks and workbooks.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
22 Oct 2023   #750
After all, most of the time we spent together was devoted to hard work over textbooks and workbooks.

Now what would a used carpet seller living in a london sewer know about professional teachers work.

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