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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
11 Nov 2022   #541
I would be too embarrassed to admit that I am a teacher. And of all subject - English!

In the US. In Poland it is different. :):)

It seems Americans don`t respect their teachers. That is why the US is such a fekked up country with rife crime and racial discrimination.
Joker  2 | 2447
12 Nov 2022   #542
It seems Americans don`t respect their teachers

It seems you dont know what youre talking since you have never lived here. What are you sources, Teen Vogue?? LOL

You never miss a chance to try and diminish the USA. Now, youre deflecting from your insecurities and take meaningless jabs at my country.

I could prove you wrong by coming here but we know your budget wont allow it on a Polish teachers salary... LOL Its equivalent to about $26,000 per year! LOLOL

Get a job over here and you will earn $80 to 100K

Taco Bell employees make more than you....Hahahahahahaha
mafketis  38 | 11260
12 Nov 2022   #543
Americans don`t respect their teachers

the US has always had conflicting ideas about education. Part of this is related to the frontier experience (which had a tremendous effect on creating general American cultural norms).

On the one hand there is respect for education and recognition of how necessary it is for societal improvement, and on the other hand on the frontier formal qualifications matter less than practical skills...

This is why in contexts where Europeans talk about 'qualifications' (usually meaning documents confirming completion of courses Americans traditionally like to talk about skills, practical abilities gained through direct experience.

Also, since the neoliberal Reagan revolution of 1980... public education has been the target of the crazy rightwing (who think education should be privatized as much as possible) and the tool by which the crazy leftwing wants to fundamentally change society... both approaches are catastrophic for education and have resulted in the ever lowering opinion of education and educaters...

Crime and racial discriminbation are not really factors here beyond the uncomfortable fact that not all sectors of American society respect education which causes increasing racial achievement gaps (blacks largely gave up on education in the 1990s, hispanics have never been convinced about its importance and Asians, if such a thing is possible, have too much respect for education).
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Nov 2022   #544
What are you sources, Teen Vogue?? LOL

No, my source was that Americano guy called Novi here. I quoted his own words of being too embarassed to admit to being a teacher in the US.

you have never lived here.

Of course I did so stop telling lies. :):):)

we know your budget wont allow it on a Polish teachers salary..

Darling, for my monthly earnings I could take all my family to the US and still have money to cover the stay expenses for a few days. But - what for??? :):):)

Joker: Get a job over here and you will earn $80 to 100K

But it is all the same in final calculation. I earn less than 100K$ but my expenses in Poland are much lower than yours. I don`t pay property tax, my kids have free uni education, my medi care bills are tolerable, etc etc.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Nov 2022   #545
my kids have free uni education,

While in the US - the average cost of public (state) tuition is $9,377. The average private, nonprofit university student spends $37,641 on tuition and fees. Per year.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Nov 2022   #546
You never miss a chance to try and diminish the USA.

Only when Americano ritards say such stupidities like Novi did:
Here you are again:
I would be too embarrassed to admit that I am a teacher. And of all subject - English!
mafketis  38 | 11260
12 Nov 2022   #547
my source was that Americano guy called Novi here

feel free to reference my considered response... or just ignore it if you prefer..... (fuming.... I do and do for this forum and what thanks do I get?)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Nov 2022   #548
feel free to reference my considered response.

Maf, I always read and bear in mind your message but sometimes those obnoxious ritards occupy my mind too much.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Nov 2022   #549
pick up your paycheck

We get electronic transfers, not checks. :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Nov 2022   #550
not checks.

25 years ago we got live cash. :):)

See how it was done:

OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Dec 2022   #551
Santa Claus comes to Polish kids and others twice a year - on 6th and 24th December. Today is the day we can see this tradition in Polish schools and kindergartens. Students celebrate it by giving each other presents. A few weeks before the event they hold a draw in their class and set the average cost limit for presents. I experienced this holiday many times: first, as a student, then as a class tuitor. Never ever were students able to keep the secret about their draws so when the gifts were given out, everybody knew who the Santa Claus was. Funny.

Primary school

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Dec 2022   #552
High school:

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Dec 2022   #553
Some things never change - school bulletin boards have always existed in Polish schools, commenting on important anniversaries or current affairs.

11 Nov - Independence Day:

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Dec 2022   #554
EU countries presentation:

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johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Dec 2022   #555
but sometimes those obnoxious ritards occupy my mind too much.

Do you think it has anything to do with your Woke indoctrination agenda to your Polish students ?
Have you tried praying about it instead of worrying about it ?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2022   #556

What exactly do you mean by that word? You use it all the time but have never explained its context. Do you mean students are kept awake in class, ie they mustn`t sleep etc?? So, yes, you are correct, they can`t and need to pay attention etc.

Have you tried praying

Yes, we pray all the time - e.g, to Santa Claus.

Check seasonal bulletin boards:

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johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Dec 2022   #557
What exactly do you mean by that word?

It describes people who pray to Santa Claus instead of Jesus Christ for our eternal salvation.

Yes, we pray all the time, to Santa Claus.

So does Satan to lie to the Woke's.
And l@@kie, it works for Satan in a tool (Woke teachers) to indoctrinate our youth with such ilk.
Class dismissed
Alien  26 | 6527
20 Dec 2022   #558
people who pray to Santa Claus

You can pray to every Saint.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2022   #559
Jesus Christ for our eternal salvation.

which we shall attain by forsaking Santa Claus. Wow! Now that you have explained it so well I see the full complexity of the matter. Thanks.

So does Satan to lie

You mean Santa Claus is Satanic work??? Who knows?? You are an expert after all.

However, I wouldn`t like to be in your shoes when you announce it to kids and inform them they mustn`t accept presents from Satanic Santa.

They will be furious. Then you will be fast, running from the site. In this way you will make another episode of Fast and Furious. Excellent!!

  • youngbeautifulchil.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Dec 2022   #560
You mean Santa Claus is Satanic work?

No, that's what you mean and want to project.

when you announce it to kids and inform them they mustn`t accept presents from Satanic Santa.

No, those are your words to indoctrinate your students, not mine, Goofy.
Why not tell them the truth about how Christmas is about celebrating Jesus Christs birthday.
Jesus is the reason for the season.
You non-believers in Christ Jesus should not be allowed to celebrate the birth of Christ period.
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Dec 2022   #561
Santa Claus is Satanic

He'd better not tell St Nicholas...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Dec 2022   #562
non-believers in Christ Jesus should not be allowed to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Amasing that you want to control what people can or can`t celebrate. Where were you raised?? In Russia or China??
This is a free country......
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Dec 2022   #563
You can celebrate anything you want to.
I just found it odd atheists would celebrate Jesus Christs birthday.

It seems Americans don`t respect their teachers.

Well we sure the hell know that the Polish students don't respect you. Hahahahaha !
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Dec 2022   #564
They don't. They celebrate the winter holiday. It predates Christianity.

Nobody knows when Jesus had his birthday.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Dec 2022   #565
They don't. They celebrate the winter holiday. I

Why do they do it on Jesus birthday, to feel included ?
Why don't they celebrate their own holiday for Pagon's ?
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Dec 2022   #566
They don't. Nobody knows what day Yehoshua Ben Yusef was born.

Why don't they celebrate their own holiday for Pagon's ?

Pagans? They do. On 25 December, just after the solstice....
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Dec 2022   #567
The solstice is December 21st which would be a good date for the Pagans to celebrate their holiday.

They do. On 25 December, just after the solstice....

December 25th is when Christians celebrate Jesus Christs birthday.
You Pagans should find another date to celebrate your non Christian beliefs.

Nobody knows what day Yehoshua Ben Yusef was born.

Doesn't Hanukkah celebrations start December 18th ?
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Dec 2022   #568
As you were told, the winter holiday is celebrated just after the solstice, on 25 Dec.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Dec 2022   #569
As you were told, December 25th is when Jesus Christs birthday is celebrated and all other "winter celebrations" for the December 21st solstice should be celebrated on December 21st.
Lenka  5 | 3548
21 Dec 2022   #570
Christmas is by now social tradition as much as religious one. You cannot spend centuries pushing people into celebrating certain things, making sure people have time off exactly then and not at time that suits them and avoid making it unrelated to religion in some way too.

Home / Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

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