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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

mafketis  38 | 11211
26 May 2021   #361
teachers sit around students and watch them all the time?

creepy.... I had a colleague who forced students to do written exams with the cameras on their hands... I can't do that - I feel like a member of the Stasi....

Poland is too focused on products (exam results) and not on process (study habits, understanding processes rather than memorizing facts).

I remember the difference between statistics in the US and Poland. In Poland, as described to me by students, they mainly memorized formulas and equations and had no chance to actually use them.

In the US during tests they provided us with a sheet with all the formulas... most of the test was about knowing what formula to apply to what problem.. and finding the right answer too but that was only possible if we knew from the problem which of the half dozen or so formulas was appropriate. I had dreaded statistics but ended up enjoying it a lot.

The US system has problems too and is not to imitated by other countries but my natural inclination is to not put too much stock in high stakes test results....
OP pawian  226 | 27583
26 May 2021   #362

No, it is normal and students are used to it already. :):)

written exams with the cameras on their hands.

That`s creepy.

study habits,

Each student must develop those habits on their own.

I remember the difference between statistics in the US and Poland.

The main difference can be seen in PISA tests - Polish students have always been ahead of Am ones in all categories, and in Maths they rock. :):) Do you think it is thanks to memorisation??? :):):)

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KorkiTaczer  - | 109
26 May 2021   #363
I almost forgot how to run a traditional lesson

So that's where my taxes are going... on your fat a$$ ;))) Now I know why you have so much free time on your hands.

you need to memorise things.

Sure, more tests, more exams, the more the merrier... for lazy leeches, sorry baboons :P

In 2007 I lent him 1500 PLN and he hasn`t paid it back since then

Good. Uncle Broniarz will certainly help you out ;)))
OP pawian  226 | 27583
26 May 2021   #364
Now I know why you have so much free time on your hands.

hahaha Yes, I see you are envious. To make you even greener with envy, I will tell you that I work only 9 months per year but am paid for 12. hahaha Thanks for your taxes - but you should still pay more so that I get a rise after holidays. hahaha

more tests, more exams

I detect you have bad memories connected with exams in the past. Did you pass the high school exam? Did you take it at all or you finished a vocational school?

Uncle Broniarz will certainly help you out ;

No, I always rely on myself and it has never let me down. Don`t worry about me, that 1500 was only a little fraction of my earnings - actually, when he asked for a loan, I reached into the pocket and just took it out. Thank you again. buhahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27583
27 May 2021   #365
The final year of primary school, aged 15, sat their maths exam today

Today, they took a foreign language exam - 95% chose English, of course. I don`t need to worry about becoming jobless. hahaha

Check the exam sheet here,nId,5258988#crp_state=1

Contrary to Maths or Polish, English was banal. Reminds me of 6th grade exam in the past. I forgot to tell you the current primary school lasts 8 years.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
28 May 2021   #366
9 months per year

Two months and a few days of summer holidays
Christmas time - from 11 to 14 days
Winter break - 14 days
Easter - 1 week

It is good to be a teacher. Hey, anybody envious like Korki? Then why don`t you join our ranks?? :):):)

Contrary to Maths or Polish, English was banal

I already showed you difficult Maths and easy English.

How about Polish? See the sheet - this year students dealt with Pan Tadeusz by Mickiewicz but not only.,nId,5254517#crp_state=1

Some exercises:
How can you explain the Judge`s statement: Every day I perceive the damage done to the youth who have no chance to attend schools which teach to live with people and the world. .

Funny exercise with calendar pages containing main topics and symbols from set texts. Do you recognise any books?

Which set book character displays moral courage?

Two topics for students` own texts, based on examples from set reading:

Essay - is it true that in difficult situations people get to know themselves.
Short story - Imagine that one of set text characters moved into your world. Write about your shared adventure during which the character was rewarded the title A Friend of Wisdom.

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OP pawian  226 | 27583
29 May 2021   #367
Funny exercise with calendar pages containing main topics and symbols from set texts. Do you recognise any books?

Nobody recognised anything? Too bad. You lost contact with classic literature. :):) See below for clues:

Set texts for the primary school final exam include a few foreign titles:

A Christmas Carol (Dickens :):) )
Little Prince
Dead Poets` Society (optional)
Agatha Christie`s novel (optional)
Old Man and the Sea (optional)
OP pawian  226 | 27583
1 Jun 2021   #368
Set texts for the primary school final exam include a few foreign titles:

How about Polish literature? One example:
The Labors of Sisyphus by Zeromski written in 19 th century. It shows school life in the Russian-controlled zone of partitioned Poland. Polish students, first passive and indifferent to national issues, slowly begin to resist the policy of Russification imposed by the Tsarist authorities.The Tsarist Russian occupiers try hard to indoctrinate Poles but it is obvious their endeavours will prove futile - hence, the title.

Why is this set text peculiar? Because I remember doing it in my primary school in communist times. Amazing, isn`t it? I still wonder if communists knew exactly what they were doing by making Polish students read it so extensively. I must say the book helped me understand a lot of things and develop my proper attitude towards indoctrination at the time. Coz we were also pressed and indoctrinated - e.g., learning Russian was compulsory from grade 5!

I still remember my essay that won the first prize in our school competition - I wrote about attitudes of young Poles under Russian occupation. They could be divided into 3 groups:

1. merrymakers mainly from rich families, they focused on partying, girls, games, fun.
2. loyalists - the ones who obediently followed all Russian rules and orders
3. patriots - the ones who decided to resist Russification.

Guess which group I wanted to belong to? hahaha

Here is a famous scene from the book which shows the moment of the national awakening in the passive class after they listen to a patriotic poem previously banned by Russian authorities.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
12 Jun 2021   #369
What I like in Polish school in general is the fact that most teachers are decent people with open-minded attitude. They educate the youth about tolerance, discrimination, racism, phobias, nationalism coz they feel it is their moral duty and not because they are told to do so by their superiors or various organisations.

16th November is the Day of Tolerance, also celebrated in Poland. Traditionally, students and art teachers make exhibitions.

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OP pawian  226 | 27583
12 Jun 2021   #370
Tolerance Day continued. BTW, a few weeks ago I had to make a report on my contribution into our school education programme. Each school has such a programme and each teacher is required to apply its content in practice. So, among others, I proudly admitted I am tolerant towards students affiliated with LGBT or Women`s Strike.

True Christian attitude, isn`t it?

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OP pawian  226 | 27583
3 Jul 2021   #371
The primary school final exam results have been announced.

Average results:
Polish 60%
Maths - 47%
English - 66%
Ironside  50 | 13054
3 Jul 2021   #372
hey educate the youth about

Brainwash them by some Bs proegssivies. figures many teachers of if not majority were educated by soviets'. Do they have to take a little rainbow flags home? In my home they found their place in the bin after properly educated as to what a commie idea and a lie it was.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
3 Jul 2021   #373
In my home they found their place in the bin

You see, your kids are educated properly at school while at home you brainwash them into sth opposite. You know that one day they might think their daddy is very infantile with all his phobias.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
4 Jul 2021   #374
Brainwash them by some Bs proegssivies.

Yes, it just occurred to me that rightists have a huge problem with raising their kids. Most, if not all schools promote that tolerance stuff coz it is natural that we should teach kids to be decent citizens. Then a rightist father or mother tries to reverse what the school has taught.

Don`t you think it can badly influence such kids? Having to deal with two coompletely different attitudes they can get sort of schizophrenic in result.

In my home they found their place in the bin

What could your kids think when their rainbow flags obtained at school landed in the bin? If you continue imposing your ideology on them against school standard, you might hurt them a lot, do you realise it?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Jul 2021   #375
What could your kids think (...) realise it?

The same I did probably, when teachers invited lgbt members who unquestionably let him talk about wether the almighty father is a mother or a father. Distorting how one is to pray. If that ain't demonic, do tell us what it is
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
4 Jul 2021   #376
rightists have a huge problem with raising their kids

What a weak and disgusting generalisation.

all schools promote that tolerance stuff

And that is the root of the problem.

Then a father or mother tries to reverse what the school has taught

The problem is that school teachers are out of touch with ordinary people.

Don`t you think it can badly influence such kids?

Of course!
Teachers need to learn to understand how parents feel and think,not the other way round.

Having to deal with two coompletely different attitudes they can get sort of schizophrenic in result

Exactly, teachers need to stop preachimg, it is not their job, they need to go back to teaching and not brainwashing kids.
Paulina  19 | 4558
4 Jul 2021   #377
@Milo, school is raising kids to some extent too, I think it's unavoidable. School taught me patriotism, for example, to some extent tolerance (towards Jews, for example), that neo-Nazism is bad, etc. And I'm grateful for that.

Btw, children aren't parents' property. They are their own people and may have different views than their parents (and they have the right to have them).
Lenka  5 | 3546
4 Jul 2021   #378
Well, the balance must be there. There are generally accepted standards and no parent can just say no to it. And if they do they have to home school. If a parent wanted his kid to be taught that for example Catolicism is the only option and all the other Faith's should be crushed even by force would that be ok?
OP pawian  226 | 27583
4 Jul 2021   #379
And if they do they have to home school.

Yes, that`s the best option for a rightist parent.

school is raising kids to some extent too, I think it's unavoidable

Yes. I see it when I observe students throughout school years. Some stay the same as they were in the first year but many change. For better, of course. :):)

Teachers need to learn to understand how parents feel

There is no time to think about each parent. The curriculum is very tight. :):) You don`t like school as it is ? - take Lenka`s advice. How simple. :):)
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Jul 2021   #380
School taught me patriotism, for example, to some extent tolerance (towards Jews, for example), that neo-Nazism is bad

Which is to be expected in any Polish school

Catolicism is the only option and all the other Faith's should be crushed even by force would that be ok?

Who gave you that idea? In a public school that would depend on it's local community, parents, teachers and the principle. There is a program to be followed by the ministry of education.

Defending your children from bad influence is not the same as trampling other children. If their parents don't want the best for their kids, that's their choice.
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
4 Jul 2021   #381
. School taught me patriotism, for example, to some extent tolerance (towards Jews, for example), that neo-Nazism is bad

I think all that is good.

the balance must be there

Exactly my point, I don't think it is any more.

For me, the job of teachers is to educate not to indoctrinate.

I feel that Pawian is a biased person with his attitude towards "Rightists" and is not fit to be an unbiased educator.
Lenka  5 | 3546
4 Jul 2021   #382
Every school is raising kids and promoting certain values. The actions as posted on Pawian's pics are not the work of a single teacher.
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
4 Jul 2021   #383
But I still don't think that is a teacher's role.
Educate not indoctrinate.
Paulina  19 | 4558
4 Jul 2021   #384
@Milo, but when I wrote that school taught me patriotism you stated that it's good :) So is it education in this case or indoctrination?
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
4 Jul 2021   #385

How can a love of your country be indoctrination?
We are talking about patriotism here, love for your country,as opposed to nationalism which is a feeling of superiority over other nations.
Poles are not 1930's Germans......
Lenka  5 | 3546
4 Jul 2021   #386
But that is school teaching certain value. For some tolerance towards others is in the same category. Why teaching one is ok and the other isn't?
Paulina  19 | 4558
4 Jul 2021   #387
@Milo, you wrote yourself that teachers (and school in general?) should educate. I'm not saying that patriotism is bad. But educating would mean only teaching history, for example. Not patriotism. That would mean teaching a neutral version of history rather then from the point of view of the Polish nation, I suppose. Without the emotional bias (patriotism).
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
4 Jul 2021   #388
Why teaching one is ok and the other isn't?

Because that is not the job of teachers.
Their job is to teach,not to indoctrinate with political views.

. But educating would mean only teaching history, for example. Not patriotism

Yeah, I don't have a problem with that.Patriotism may or may not follow from that approach to education.
But that is fine.
I just hate the political indoctrination that seems to be happening in schools across Europe right now.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
4 Jul 2021   #389
Their job is to teach,not to indoctrinate.

How about teaching evolutionism or non-divine universe creation if parents don`t believe in them? Or what if parents are flat earthers? Or how about teaching poetry ot literature by a guy who got the Nobel Prize but has very liberal views? etc etc

You see, everything in education can be called indoctrination today.

That is why I don`t care when I hear such silly suppositions. I just do my job which I know must be done and don`t look behind. Simple.
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
4 Jul 2021   #390

I don't have a problem with any part of your post.
Because I do not see a.political agenda in any of that.
For me, that is an education like the one that I had.
A wide selection of views.
It is the narrow minded, this is how you should think, stuff that I hate.
And teaching kids that right wing thinking is wrong and left wing thinking is right is unacceptable and teachers have no right to step into politics.

Home / Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

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