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Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries

OP Player1
11 Aug 2015   #31
Wow, i have been celled a beast, effeminate, gay, etc in just the last hour alone by not_polish. What a brilliant guy :).....and so moral.:)

I dont really care though what some weird White power person says, which judging by his derogatory views of slavs, Muslims and gays in conjunction with his Huge admiration for The germans suggest that he is.

Alright....lets continue:) I hope there will be More gay anal sex insults. Those are my favorites.
11 Aug 2015   #32
If you want to talk anal sex, go to the swedish thread I created for you, your trolling pollution should be relegated there.
11 Aug 2015   #33
Well I (too) think that not_polish and def_not_swedish are the same filthy assshole. Mods will hate me for that post, but well.

Can't we get him out?
11 Aug 2015   #34
Not_Polish: how can you say"Yes, Swedish beasts" I think it was her Hitler who first dehumanized a group of people the proceeded to exterminate them, I find it strange as an american you could think this way, when i was young my father said to me that people would forget the lessons of history, all the pain and all the destruction that hatred can bring, I guess after all these years all the hate is brewing up again, why can't we look forwards instead of backwards, not sure if the moderator is having dinner, all gone off topic and heading towards WWIII.
11 Aug 2015   #35
/\ If you think it was hitler who first dehumanized people, I'd suggest you read the bible. Ask the edomites.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
11 Aug 2015   #36
Not to damn but with faint praise, Sweden too has had her mega problems with foreigners, among them Jews, in her midst, for at least several centuries! Leave us not play the idealistic violin strings of "Sweden - Paradise on Earth" either. The fact remains however, that Sweden, unlike Germany, WAS able to marshal her forces into a successful, productive democracy - no show of muscle flexing necessary:-)

The reason that Sweden, and Denmark as well, (unlike Norway or Finland!) could withstand the onslaught of Faschist philosophy has as much to do with religion as it does with economic wealth.
bullfrog  6 | 602
12 Aug 2015   #37
Characterizing Sweden for example as a feminine society because of her feminist movement??

In fact, not polish is right, Sweden, like other Scandinavian countries, is a highly feminine country but probably not in the way he means.

Feminity (and masculinity) are one of 6 characteristics in Hofstede's framework for cross-cultural analysis. Hofstede developed his original model as a result of using factor analysis to examine the results of a world-wide survey of employee values by IBM between 1967 and 1973. The theory was one of the first that could be quantified, and could be used to explain observed differences between cultures.The other 5 dimensions are : individualism-collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; power distance (strength of social hierarchy), long-term orientation, indulgence versus self-restraint.

Masculine cultures' are task oriented and feminine culture more person oriented. Masculine cultures ' values are competitiveness, assertiveness, materialism, ambition and power, whereas feminine cultures place more value on relationships and quality of life. In masculine cultures, the differences between gender roles are more dramatic and less fluid than in feminine cultures where men and women have the same values emphasizing modesty and caring.

On Hofstede's ranking for masculinity/femininity (scale from 1 -very feminine - to 100 -very masculine), Sweden scores 5, versus 43 for France, 62 for USA, 64 for Poland or 66 for the UK!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 Aug 2015   #38
Masculine cultures' are task oriented and feminine culture more person oriented.

This is the voice of reason. Comparing it to the bs that "not_polish" provides here, we may still have trust in the future of mankind. Thank you for this post, Bullfrog.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305
12 Aug 2015   #39

Sweden have remained neutral in every major conflict since the 1800s and helped the Allies out during the war.
They did more for the war effort by being neutral rather than being over run by the Nazis.
European History is not as simple as people think.

I think every country in the world has a grievance with the USA, especially the 70 independent countries that have been invaded by them in the last 70 years.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
12 Aug 2015   #40

What's "feminine" vs. "masculine" is purely relative. Because Englishmen used to like to sport those thin, long brollies and lean on them while talking doesn't make 'em fags, does it? No, rather it makes them gentlemen!
bullfrog  6 | 602
12 Aug 2015   #41
Because Englishmen used to like to sport those thin, long brollies and lean on them while talking doesn't make 'em fags, does it? No, rather it makes them gentlemen!

Depends whom you ask. Edith Cresson, ex Prime Minister of France, famously once said that " a quarter of British men are gay"! Mind you, she also compared the Japanese to "yellow ants striving to take over the world". I reassure you, she wasn't Prime Minister for very long!
Lyzko  44 | 9723
12 Aug 2015   #42
Yeah, and the first woman to make it too:-)

Pity, all the pity!
Crow  155 | 9699
15 Aug 2015   #43
Swedes should be re-Slavicized.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
15 Aug 2015   #44
They already have been:-) Rurik was a Slav (..... as well as a Swede)!
Crow  155 | 9699
15 Aug 2015   #45

If not before, then in some new Commonwealth, i am sure we shall found ourselves in same state with Swedes. They would for sure found interest to join us
Lyzko  44 | 9723
18 Aug 2015   #46
No certain as to whether or not the Swedes might be as enthusiastic about the idea as you seem to be:-)
Vox  - | 172
18 Aug 2015   #47

were of a singularly homogeneous nation, jealously guarding both their beautiful language and their culture from the majority of outsiders
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Aug 2015   #48
I think every country in the world has a grievance with the USA,

And the American citizens know that and want our government to quit feeding them and protecting their ungrateful a$$es.
Europe should be outraged with Sweden.
Did you see where Hillary was Lobbied HEAVILY by the Swedish Government to allow them to "do business" ( in spite of the Economic Sanctions imposed by the U.S and EU, & United Nations) On Iran. [ due their pursuit of a nuclear weapon...]

This was in 2009 -2010 as Hillary was Secretary of State.
The State Department granted the Swedes that privilege.
And now, Guess which Scandinavian Country donated $20 Million Dollars to the Clinton Foundation ?
If you guessed Sweden, YOU'RE CORRECT !
She ain't got "Skeletons" in her closet.... She's got CATACOMBS where she keeps her Pant-suit Collections !
Lolek222  - | 79
26 Aug 2015   #49
Johnny many Swedish, are so open minded that theirs brain fallen off.
They're to be pitted.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Sep 2015   #50
Just what America needs............another country to protect with American's blood and tax payers money.
And then to be spit on with ungratefulness.
Sweden's 200-year-old posture of military neutrality has been eroding amid European integration, and a perceived new threat from Russia has politicians now talking about abandoning it altogether and joining NATO.

"I think it's the combination of the perceived threat from Russia and a discussion about the armed forces' inability to carry out their tasks which leads to more Swedes being in favor of Swedish NATO membership," Ulf Bjereld, a political science professor at Gothenburg University, told Swedish Radio after the latest SOM Institute survey on Western military alignment.

After Swedish media gave broad coverage to rising pro-NATO sentiments, Russia's ambassador to Sweden, Viktor Tatarintsev, warned that Moscow might react militarily if Stockholm were to abandon neutrality and join the alliance.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
12 Sep 2015   #51
Sweden is, and always has been, a buffer state. No more and no less. Neutrality can come in awfully handy at time, e.g. during the Vietnam Conflict (.....never officially declared a war, by the by).


Don't knock Sweden. Someone out there has to be a voice of sanity and reason (Dag Hammerskjold, Hans Blix etc..), imperfect as their society clearly is!

I'm relatively certain Swedish fears are more than "aligned" with Polish, German and Hungarian ones:-) Stockholm's Old Town is now more Muslim than Swedish aka 'Christian/Lutheran', I'm told by Swedish acquaintances! One out of every Swede born to date is 'of color' aka 'NON'-Scandinavian in origin etc...

Most of us are well aware of the concerns Poland has, as has Ms. Merkel and Mr. Orban.

My last sojourn to Sweden was umpteen years back as a student in Goteborg and later on several day trips to Boraas. Even then, globalization appeared to be of concern to many Swedes with whom I had spoken.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Oct 2015   #52
One out of every Swede born to date is 'of color' aka 'NON'-Scandinavian in origin etc...

If 'one out of every Swede' is, that would mean that every Swede is 'of color 'or am I not that good in understanding English?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 Oct 2015   #53
Ziemowit, I meant figuratively speaking that more than practically every second or third Swede born today will likely be of non-Swedish parentage.

I'm NOT speaking about outside the capital, of course:-)
Levi  11 | 433
17 Oct 2015   #54
"I'm relatively certain Swedish fears are more than "aligned" with Polish, German and Hungarian ones:-) Stockholm's Old Town is now more Muslim than Swedish aka 'Christian/Lutheran', I'm told by Swedish acquaintances! One out of every Swede born to date is 'of color' aka 'NON'-Scandinavian in origin etc..."

I heard the same of my swede friends that work at the Oil and Gas industry.

Also, another alarming thing: 45% of the newborn boys in Sweden are or Mohammed or Ahmed.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 Oct 2015   #55
Sadly, many Swedes are beginning to share similar trepidations. In Germany, the Pegidists too are gettin' younger and younger:-) Any illusions of bigotry being an older or middle-aged persons disease should be dispelled immediately!
TheOther  6 | 3596
17 Oct 2015   #56

Sweden, Germany, Britain, France, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Hungary ... what do you expect when millions of people from the Middle East and beyond arrive in the EU every year; extended family not included? Standing ovations? The US isn't any different in this respect, given the fact that a large percentage of the population is constantly moaning and whinging about Latinos and Hispanics entering the country.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Oct 2015   #57
Stockholm's Old Town is now more Muslim than Swedish aka 'Christian/Lutheran', I'm told by Swedish acquaintances!


I've been to Stockholm, unlike you, and it's certainly not the case.
InPolska  9 | 1796
18 Oct 2015   #58
@Delph: well said! Better to rely on REAL things rather than on pure gossiping, isn't it? ;)
Rustygun  - | 6
11 Sep 2016   #59
I find the bashing of Sweden rather hypocritical given the enormous Polish work force that currently dominates the building trade in Sweden, there must be mitigating circumstance that creates this migration, at least the economics being primary, right? I work daily with Polish tradesmen, and their reasons for moving here ( some with their families as well) are varied, stating corruption as well as underpaid wages within their home country.

No doubt the few on this thread who state their dislike for Sweden have probably never set foot in this country, given the obvious lack of information from which their posts are founded. I suspect one should be thankful that this gene pool is limited, at least relegated to they're mothers basement, the obvious environment that produces this garbage.
mafketis  38 | 11260
11 Sep 2016   #60
I find the bashing of Sweden rather hypocritical given the enormous Polish work force that currently dominates the building trade in Sweden

Most Polish people don't have much info on the day to day lives of Poles there (or know how many there are or what they're doing).

their dislike for Sweden

The traditional stereotype of Sweden in Poland isn't that bad, it's of tall blonde people who do pretty well and who often have idealistic but silly notions that never work in the real world (like inviting hundreds of thousands of people who hate the basic values of Swedish culture into their country).

at least relegated to they're mothers basement, the obvious environment that produces this garbage.

You need to up your insults, 'mother's basement' is not an insult in Poland where people never live in basement's (most people live in apartments and I've never heard of basements being converted into living areas, I suppose it's happened but.....

Home / Polonia / Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries
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