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Which country is better SPAIN or POLAND

zikus  1 | 3
13 Feb 2010   #1
i live in spain
convex  20 | 3928
13 Feb 2010   #2
13 Feb 2010   #3
Spain's way better. You stay there, Zikus. Stay there.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
13 Feb 2010   #4
apparently, Poland is....
Exiled  2 | 424
13 Feb 2010   #5
Spanish women have big noses and small nostrils.
13 Feb 2010   #6
apparently, Poland is...

Don't listen to him, Zikus. It's cold in here and people are rude. Stay in Spain.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
13 Feb 2010   #7
It's cold in here and people are rude

You forgot the bad roads, bad drivers, bad food and beautiful women. Stay in Spain, Zikus. Stay in Spain.
Exiled  2 | 424
13 Feb 2010   #8
The most dangerous are the babcias.When they see moroccan guy,their stick gets up.
13 Feb 2010   #9
You forgot the bad roads, bad drivers, bad food and beautiful women. Stay in Spain, Zikus. Stay in Spain.

Lousy public health service, low wages and shi*tty football team. Spain's the country for you, Zikus.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
13 Feb 2010   #10
Spain's the country for you, Zikus.

I've got an Idea!

I hear Morocco is lovely this time of the year.
13 Feb 2010   #11
I hear Morocco is lovely this time of the year.

It is, isn't it?

Good thinking, Shawn - good thinking! :)
Exiled  2 | 424
13 Feb 2010   #12
Spain is perfect country if you are not a taurus.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
13 Feb 2010   #13
Much to hot and a failing economy at that....
13 Feb 2010   #14
i live in spain

Whats your address ?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
13 Feb 2010   #15
has the illegal immigration got so bad they had to hire a hitman to get rid of those who don't wanna leave?? ha ha... stay in spain dzikus, in Poland you will stand out like a sore thumb, not something you want if you're an illegal immigrant.
13 Feb 2010   #16

haheha !!!!
espana  17 | 951
13 Feb 2010   #17
stay in spain , we need people like you . working 14 hours a day for 400 euros .
the only risk is that you will end up in prision charged with rape .
13 Feb 2010   #18
Nothern Spain blows Poland away in about every, quality of life, food etc. The middle and south of Spain is too hot for me but other than the weather it beats Poland by a long shot. Anyone who says otherwise has not lived in both places clearly and is just blustering patriotic.
lowfunk99  10 | 397
13 Feb 2010   #19
Does it really matter?
banderias  - | 16
13 Feb 2010   #20
of course Poland.

Poland is the 2nd most beatiful country in the world. (after iran)

most beatiful, worth country to live in the europe.

Ps: No i am not an iranian citizen, or persian race, or came somewhere from iran, thats objectivity.
Exiled  2 | 424
13 Feb 2010   #21
Poland is the 2nd most beatiful country in the world. (after iran)

How is it possible?Poland has no desert.
carlatrina  - | 1
15 Feb 2010   #23
hello, well, I'm argentinian living in Spain and I have an spanish boyfriend. I knew polish people and they're very interesting too.
It's difficult to compare countries in a global way. Sure there are things that are better in Spain and many others are better in Polland. But we cannot say which country is better. Sorry!

greetings to all!
OP zikus  1 | 3
15 Feb 2010   #24
spanish people the most racist in the world
Amathyst  19 | 2700
15 Feb 2010   #25
I find them to be lovely, I was there week before last and have been to Spain many many times (my friends has a place out there)...They are polite well dressed family people...the only thing I hate about Spain is the filthy morrocans who harass you (lucky lucky men!!) even when you're eating in a manners whatsoever! and they stink! I have no idea how the Spanish put up with them...Poor Spaniards :0(
espana  17 | 951
16 Feb 2010   #26
spanish people the most racist in the world

RevokeNice  15 | 1854
13 Mar 2010   #27
Poland is the 2nd most beatiful country in the world. (after iran)

You are taking the p*ss, yes?
SeanBM  34 | 5781
13 Mar 2010   #28
You have never been to Poland, so how the feck would you know.
Stop spewing crap and crawl back under the rock you came from.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
16 Mar 2018   #29
No country is instrinsically "better" than another, of course, it depends entirely on what one is looking for, that's all:-)

Regarding a country which seems to value her culture and celebrates her historical identity, Poland's the place for you (in a toss up between Spain vs. Poland, naturally).

Regarding up-to-date job prospects, an international environment, delicious, varied, and healthy food, world-class fashion (Zara, Balencia etc.), multi-lingual, well-traveled citizens, particularly the youth, [post-Franco Era] Spain wins hands down!!
Slavictor  6 | 193
16 Mar 2018   #30
Poland has far fewer invaders from Northern Africa (or any other place for that matter). This is a serious issue which Spain is trying to contend with. Each country will have it's positives and negatives.

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