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India - review this country (as a Pole)

okay_04x  2 | 6
19 Jul 2020   #1
what ya'll think about India? what do poles think? i mean like do they discriminate people on basis of skin color (i have read many news regarding this)? or do they like the Indian culture (which i don't think so)? just answer
Poloniusz  5 | 969
19 Jul 2020   #2
A sweaty, overpopulated country which doesn't have much modern infrastructure to speak of but does have extreme poverty despite it being the 21st century.

Yet it somehow manages to churn out a surplus of students with "degrees" in STEM which it exports to Western countries to depress wages and meet diversity quotas.
cms neuf  2 | 1959
19 Jul 2020   #3
Better food than Russia. Better transport too
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jul 2020   #4
what ya'll think about India? what do poles think?

It is a big exotic country which can offer a visitor exciting experiences.

i mean like do they discriminate people on basis of skin color

In big cities, generally no. In the countryside and small towns, possible.

or do they like the Indian culture

Yes, they think it is fascinating coz it`s so exotic and unusual.

We need more Indians in Poland coz the ones who are already here are cultured, hard working, amiable, well educated immigrants.

Better food than Russia.

Curry!!! My fav spice, I add it to everything.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Jul 2020   #5
i mean like do they discriminate people on basis of skin color

One of the India members here married a Polish lady.
He is one of the crème de la crème members here and would be the expert to ask.
He is well liked by most everyone here.
His name is Cargo Pants.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jul 2020   #6
One of the India members

But you mean American Indians, not the one from Asian India.
Joker  2 | 2458
19 Jul 2020   #7
what ya'll think about India?

Hey, why do Indians hate Pakistan so much? I think I know the answer, but want to hear it from a real Indian instead of some "know it all" Eurp
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
19 Jul 2020   #8
lol ask an Indian if he is a Pakistani and watch his he will be so offended,but ask an Pakistani if he is an Indian and he will admit he is smiling.In fact India and Pakistan are like Palestine and Israel with almost same food and culture but hate each other.I love to Play with Indians and tell them that I am a Pakistani and ask them if they serve Beef curry or at a Pakistani restaurant ask if they have Pork kebabs lol really fun watching there reactions as they cant decide what to tell a person who looks like them.

@Joker: but want to hear it from a real Indian instead of some "know it all" Eurp
lol go to any 7/11 or Dunkin Donuts and check it out yourself:)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jul 2020   #9
But you mean American Indians, not the one from Asian India.

Was that a trick question ?
No, I don't mean that at all but since you think you know what I mean I will let you tell the story for me.

The floor is yours !
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Jul 2020   #10
Beef curry

BTW if any one likes the dish its served at GURU restaurant in Warsaw only.I love it so go get it.
Joker  2 | 2458
20 Jul 2020   #11
lol ask an Indian if he is a Pakistani and watch his reaction

It happened to me in a Chicago taxi, he got pissed!

There are plenty of Indians in Chicago and they seem like nice mellow ppl. They have a beautiful temple in the burbs , I visited before.

They are much friendlier than muzzie Paki, educated and have better hygiene as well. Im glad Pakis emigrated to Londionstan instead of USA
OP okay_04x  2 | 6
20 Jul 2020   #12
@Joker Who said we hate Pakistan?
I mean there are some very traditional or religious persons who hate them but all educated people like Pakistan. It's like a good neighbor.

(Exception: In cricket matches between both countries, things can get somewhat different)
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jul 2020   #13
but all educated people like Pakistan

yes, and Poland certainly needs such Indians - educated, tolerant, open-minded.

In cricket matches between both countries, things can get somewhat different)

Yes, at football matches here Polish fans are at war with everybody, too.
Joker  2 | 2458
21 Jul 2020   #14

Thats a lefty code word for "gays"

I see you're still suffering from the election defeat..haha

@Joker Who said we hate Pakistan?

You've been fighting with the Pakis for a long time.... Hindus are much nicer than muzzies, good luck!

SRINAGAR, India - Firing between Indian and Pakistani soldiers along the highly militarized frontier in the disputed region of Kashmir has left three members of an Indian family dead and two Pakistani civilians wounded,
OP okay_04x  2 | 6
21 Jul 2020   #15
This is NUTS..

@Joker - SRINAGAR, India - Firing between Indian and Pakistani soldiers

Only politics. Nothing else.

The political party named BJP (who is running government since last 10 years) just want to create conflict between both religions.
Reason: Hindus are in majority and Muslims are minority. That Party create misunderstanding between both religions and make them fight with each other. then, the it supports The Hindus (in majority) to get more votes in elections.

Also, before the British Rule in India, Hindus and Muslims lived peacefully with each other. But the Britishers tried to break their unity because they wanted to colonize India. But they were unable to do so. So, finally India became independent by efforts of both Hindus and Muslims. But Muslims wanted a different country, so India was divided into Pakistan and Present-Day India. Both of them were never enemies :)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
21 Jul 2020   #16
I think India is great.

My experience of Indian people has always been very good, they are very hardworking self starters ,Poland would do well to prioritise Indian over British job candidates post Brexit.

It is funny when you think about how far the British Imperialist nation has fallen, post Brexit they will be treated the same as the nation they invaded, enslaved and stole billions from, at last an Indian will be treated on the same basis as his ex slave master.
Joker  2 | 2458
21 Jul 2020   #17
prioritise Indian over British job candidates post Brexit.

Spot on Dolno!

Im sure there wouldn't be a mass of drunken Indians puking all over the streets or them trying to change all the laws to become more like PC England.

They bring more to the table than Brits have to offer and much less baggage.

Witamy India:)

The Hindus (in majority) to get more votes in elections.

I like the Hindus they are hard workers and friendly.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Jul 2020   #18
What comes around goes around and America is not far behind Britain.
I could see India being a world power in the near future just because they are such hard workers.
The huge amount of poverty is the only thing slowing India's progress.
I just saw that they had a huge flood and there are a lot of people suffering from it by being homeless.
Not only Poland but any country would excel to have a good relationship with India.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
21 Jul 2020   #19
Lets hope Poland seizes this opportunity and brings in these highly skilled individuals.

Witamy z Polska. (welcome to Poland)
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jul 2020   #20
Lets hope Poland seizes this opportunity

Let`s. I can`t wait.

Witamy z Polska.

Witamy w Polsce.
21 Jul 2020   #21
As a non Pole interested in/liking both Poland and India, I think Poland can benefit from Indian restaurants. I mean not only in the largest cities there. I used to work near an Indian restaurant and it's now closed! I prefer Indian food, even the European version of Indian food better than most other exotic kitchens (kebabs and greasy turkish "pizza" :/). All those flavors and colors. A Polish/Indian fusion restaurant would be good.

Home / Polonia / India - review this country (as a Pole)

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