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Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa

Ironside  51 | 13083
2 Jun 2023   #152
Good day to you,
mafketis  38 | 11260
2 Jun 2023   #153

Welcome back! Long time no post!
Ironside  51 | 13083
3 Jun 2023   #154
Thank you, I appreciate your kind gesture.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
4 Jun 2023   #155
It is not about views or interpersonal relations

Huh? Can't seem to trace what you're reacting to.
Paulina  19 | 4556
11 Jun 2023   #156
He's been very careful to disassociate himself from United Russia.

And it works? How is that possible? I imagine you'd have to be really stupid in order not to realise that Putin is a de facto leader of United RuSSia...

I'm guessing that this is the "good tsar/Stalin" syndrome - ordinary RuSSians believing that the leader is good and wants all the best for the country, it's just his henchmen and lower level politicians are lying and keeeping things from the "Great Leader"?

And here's a bluntly honest interview about RuSSia/RuSSian society with a journalist and a former member of the RuSSian State Duma, Alexander Nevzorov (he was sentenced in RuSSia in absentia for 8 years in prison for publishing information that RuSSian forces had shelled a maternity hospital in Mariupol):

I'm afraid that he may be right that RuSSia is "unreformable"... I hope we're both wrong, but I don't see much of a light at the end of the tunnel... 😔
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Jun 2023   #157
From Politico:

Czech President Petr Pavel says Russian citizens living abroad should be put under "strict surveillance" by intelligence services in their host countries.

Wow! So much for Western values. How does he justify this action? Why, by referring to the internment of Japanese Americans. Something the last 4 presidents of the United States have been routinely apologizing for:

"I can be sorry for these people, but at the same time when we look back, when the Second World War started, all the Japanese population living in the United States were under a strict monitoring regime as well"

I look forward to Western surveillance. PolAmKow warned me they would come for me one day) I am ready.

# of Russians living abroad (a lot of work for Petr Pavel):

  • 020AA7F6D6004CC89.jpeg
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2023   #158
Russian citizens living abroad should be put under "strict surveillance" by intelligence services in their host countries.

Very reasonable given past and current events.
Alien  26 | 6527
15 Jun 2023   #159
Russians living abroad (

Those 7.5 million Russians in Germany are a joke, huh.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Jun 2023   #160

It includes our Volga Germans that "repatriated", despite living in Russia for 300+ years. It includes others too, not just the Volga folk. The German term for them is literally Russlanddeutsche, or Russia Germans.
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2023   #161
I wonder why they wanted to get out of r*SSia...

Is it perhaps because of:

" The deportation of the Volga Germans was the Soviet forced transfer of the whole of the Volga German population from the Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to Gulag concentration camps of forced labor located in Siberia, Kazakhstan and even in arctic locations"
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Jun 2023   #162
I wonder why they wanted to get out of r*SSia...

I mean, Russia was no picnic in the 1990s. I don't really blame them, for using the option that was available to them to better their lives and that of their families.

Does leave a bit of a bad taste in the mouth. Fair weather friends, and all that. Nowhere near as bad as the Jews, who nearly all left - must be said.

The most loyal turned out to be the Koreans. Whose population is actually growing in Russia and CIS. Some of them tell me that Koreans don't really accept them as Koreans, with names like Roman Lee and Vladimir Kim.
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2023   #163
I mean, ****** was no picnic in the 1990s

Or for any point in living memory, apart for the urban privileged.

It isn't an accident that people leave r*SSia (where was it that you live again?) and its neighbours join defensive alliances to protect themselves from it.

Fair weather friends

With 'friends' who deport people to the east and throw them in the Gulag, who needs enemies.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Jun 2023   #164
apart for the urban privileged.

You do realize that Russia is quite a bit more urbanized than Poland? Those "urban privileged" constitute a large majority of the population.

Now allow me to ask you a question, for a change. What is it that Russia ever did to Britain to deserve such hate, except sending thousands of our kids there and investing hundreds of billions into your country?

We didn't come like the Poles, faceless hordes with plunger and mop in hand, to steal jobs from your people. We sent you our best, and stuffed their pockets full of money before sending them.

I notice on this forum that it's almost always the Brits that are fire-breathing Russophobes. More so than the Poles, who one could argue have enough reasons to be butthurt. What gives?

We fought alongside you in the Napoleonic and World Wars. We never invaded you. The last piece of land we couldn't seem to find accommodation around was Afghanistan - in the 1800s. Is it the fact that we spearheaded the anti-colonialist movement which wrecked your precious empire?

Honestly, left scratching my head at the level of vitriol Brits have reserved for Russians. Doesn't seem to have any historic basis under it, other than the sour grapes of having lost your empire and seeing others still cling to theirs.
Alien  26 | 6527
15 Jun 2023   #165
The most loyal turned out to be the Koreans.

I understand they are from the North Korea.
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2023   #166
You do realize that Russia is quite a bit more urbanised than Poland

That's an irrelevance.

Now why do you think the Volga Germans left as soon as they no longer needed 'permission, to do so?

Why does Poland want nothing to do with r*SSia?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
15 Jun 2023   #167
It includes our Volga Germans that "repatriated", despite living in Russia for 300+ years.

Na ja.....weren't they forcibly removed from their original settlements for being Germans by the Soviets....despite living in Russia for 300+ years?

I could imagin alot of bonds with the new Heimat had been destroyed during that time....
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Jun 2023   #168
weren't they forcibly removed from their original settlements

One could argue we had a lot more reason to do it, then the Americans had for putting the Japanese in concentration camps.

What? Was Japan going to land a huge invasion force in America?

But then, was Germany close to capturing the Volga region?

Too easy, children.

I'm not saying it is right, and as a Russian - I would want to apologize to all my former compatriots who are Germans now - but the situation was truly difficult.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
15 Jun 2023   #169
but the situation was truly difficult.

True dat.....Hitler was also hell for innocent Germans the world over!
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2023   #170
was Germany close to capturing the Volga region?

Was there any serious suggestion that the Volga Germans (or any other group who were victims of mass deportation, forced starvation and mass executions) were plotting against r*SSia?
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Jun 2023   #171
Was there any serious suggestion that the Volga Germans were plotting against r*SSia?

Is there any reason to think the hundreds of thousands of Russians in the Czech Republic are plotting against their adopted country?

Is there any reason to think that I am plotting against the United States?

The space for "democracy" and "liberalism" seems to shrink rapidly with you Westerners, when shifting from topic to topic.

Back to the meat of the question: what might have been going through our minds?

1) Mass collaboration by Ukrainians and the peoples of the Caucasus with German occupying authorities

2) Insane internal pressure from counter-revolutionaries and "surrender monkeys"

3) Germans represented one of the most highly educated and thus important demographic groups. Their contribution to our war effort was enormous, from holding high government positions, to being crucial contributors to nuclear weapons research. We needed to keep them out of Hitler's reach. Russian and Baltic Germans, in general, are some of the smartest Germans in history.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
15 Jun 2023   #172
Is there any reason to think that I am plotting against the United States?

Would you?

Serious question.....if the KGB would contact you to help him....abit....nothing to difficult....just some posting here....a report back there.....stuff like help "your country" to win this war....would you?
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Jun 2023   #173
Would you?


If I would, I wouldn't say it here - would I - where Vincent will go running to the GCHQ, which will immediately get in contact with the FBI, and then in 5 hrs I have an agent at my door inviting himself in for a conversation.

I have enough drama in my life.

More seriously - of course I would not want to, or be able to, do anything that is harmful to US national security or the welfare of its citizens. I employ many Americans, my home is here - for what it's worth, and principally I do not feel that the USA and Russia are enemies, regardless of what our governments feed us.

I think there are a millions reasons for strong friendship between the United States and Russia. The conditions for this are simply not there, but I hope they will emerge in the future.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
15 Jun 2023   #174
....I did put "your country" into quotation marks with purpose. Your answer really sounds like as when you see the US as your Heimat, I would answer that should the KGB come asking! ;)
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2023   #175
Is there any reason to think the hundreds of thousands of Russians

Given r*SSia,a propensity for subterfuge and spying, as well as having secret teams of Spetznaz in other countries, is there any reason to think that there are not spies or others loyal to Putlerism among them?


What Ukrainians do in Ukraine has zilch to do with r*SSia.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Jun 2023   #176
I would answer that should the KGB come asking!

TBH - to-date - it has been my own Russians that are much more curious about me, than anybody in America.

For example, I was told off by my consul in NYC for "not showing up". When I asked him WTF he meant by my "not showing up", he shocked me by asking a series of further questions, which included questions about my friend group in NYC (and why they were not "showing up"). Pretty surprised about the level to which they were informed re: my social circle in New York, I meekly asked them what it is exactly that they want from me. What they wanted was for me to show up to stupid meetings of local "intellectual leaders", and get other Russians to join us for these little shindigs. Similarly, they wanted me to agitate amongst the locals to vote in Russian elections. Thankfully, they did not instruct me that I'm supposed to bring only those people in that want to vote United Russia.

In general, I got the impression that the low-level people working in the local consulate and the Permanent Mission to the UN were a bunch of idiots.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Jun 2023   #178
Not really. Just very irritating.

I came in for a simple Power of Attorney, and was subjected to their whole Ministry of Foreign Affairs retardation.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
15 Jun 2023   #179
What is it that Russia ever did to Britain to deserve such hate

Hmm... it does sound like a valid question.

Sometimes I too get this impression that Britain is ready to accept many sacrifices to defeat Russia: they would fight until not only the last Ukrainian but also to the last Pole to see Russia humiliated.

To hear the answer to the question 'Why?' would be genuinely interesting.

jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2023   #180
fight until not only the last Ukrainian but also to the last Pole

You sound just like a Glavset troll.

question 'Why?' would be genuinely interesting.

I doubt that.

Are you however in any doubt that r*SSia must not only be defeated but also put in a position where they can never invade a neighbouring country again?

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