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Why do people here fight so much?

RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
8 Jun 2022   #1
And so aggressively? It's an internet forum, not a war site! And why do people here just attack people who are doing nothing wrong, just because they dislike them? Can't they save that for real life? Or maybe do what I do and sit in a corner staring into the distance in real life and at least have a tiny bit of extremely basic manners online. (I know, not ALL posters are like that.)
pawian  226 | 27364
8 Jun 2022   #2
And so aggressively?

Do not confuse bickering with aggression. :):) You are too young to know how this forum works. We bicker with each other but when sb takes a longer break, we miss him or her and look forward to their return. Because we are like a family. Family members also bicker but ultimately they need each other. .
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
8 Jun 2022   #3
Why do people here fight so much?

Do they really?
Have you tried Twitter?

And so aggressively?

Again, have you tried Twitter?

Poles are passionate people, despite what Adam Zamoyski says in one of his books.

They might be a bit illogical at times but their hearts rule their heads.

Russians could learn some humanity from Poles.
Novichok  4 | 8414
8 Jun 2022   #4
Can't they save that for real life?

Are you serious or just didn't think things through? "Real life" is my family. They actually love me dearly because I unload all my mental crap here.

To them, I am the most patient, generous, and agreeable person ever. In that sense, this forum is better than a couch in a shrink's office.

BTW, after that post of yours, I have no doubt that you are indeed a woman. I am not sure about the age but that is less important...
jon357  72 | 23482
9 Jun 2022   #5
Remember that in Poland, the national sport is arguing.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
9 Jun 2022   #6
I think this thread should be closed now as joun just answered the question perfectly. :-)
Paulina  19 | 4451
9 Jun 2022   #7
Remember that in Poland, the national sport is arguing.

Don't blame it on Poles. Poles (especially those born and living in Poland) aren't the majority of active users of this forum.
Alien  25 | 6359
9 Jun 2022   #8
Survey 2012 - the most rude nation of the world
1. France, 2. russia, 3. Great Britain, 4.Germany, ......9. Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8414
9 Jun 2022   #9
Remember that in Poland, the national sport is arguing.

...aka debating - a skill more useful in modern society than running, hitting, or throwing objects.
Here, you learn quickly how to make your point without giving the enemy an opening.

Like: I don't get it. Never, ever say that...or you will receive: You never get anything.

Instead: Your post sucks. Try in English.
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
9 Jun 2022   #10
Miloslaw-Have you tried Twitter

No. I don't use much social media, nothing other than Vkontake and Facebook, and I tried to make an Instagram account but I couldn't because I'm too stupid.

Alien-2. russia

Really?! I didn't know that. I thought that was a stereotype outside of Russia and that other countries are worse in the people.
jon357  72 | 23482
9 Jun 2022   #11
active users

Some of us are fairly well assimilated though...


It's not a debating club.


I use that (nice for uploading pictures, easy to set up on the app) and twitter. Nothing else.
Novichok  4 | 8414
9 Jun 2022   #12
It's not a debating club.

But you have no idea what it is or you would have already said it the way normal people would.
Like this: It's not a debating club. It's xyz. Tersness is a virtue in a police interrogation room. Here, it's between bloody annoying and mildly irritating.

I tried to make an Instagram account but I couldn't because I'm too stupid.

Do you realize that this self-deprecating sentence is an insult to PF posters? I am not saying that that would be wrong, though. Just saying...
Bobko  27 | 2074
9 Jun 2022   #14

It has been clear to me for some time, that an ethnicity's propensity to poke fun at itself, is inversely proportional to the degree of success they achieved in history.

This is why Russians, Americans, Jews, Brits (I have to admit) - have well developed rubrics of humor which are dedicated to making fun of themselves.

Now, on the other hand - you have countries which are very sensitive to any implication that they are a joke. Poland is the number one example in the world - it will sue you for implying in a newspaper article that the death camps in Poland were Polish, or it will write long letters to Hollywood complaining about insulting representations of Polish culture.

Another country that takes itself incredibly seriously is Ukraine. They'll fight you over authors, composers, military leaders, inventors, etc. A word said sideways about their shallow culture and funny language, and they will launch into monologue about Great Russian chauvinism and reach for all the family jewels.

A third example, of a very unhumorous people - are Belgians. To some extent, it's an understandable defense mechanism against constant French ribbing, but it does make them less than satisfactory drinking companions.
pawian  226 | 27364
9 Jun 2022   #15
that the death camps in Poland were Polish

It has nothing to do with a sense of humor - death camps are not a comical subject you can laugh at . It is fighting for historic accuracy which is purposefully twisted by certain groups. Sorry, but this example is worthless. Try another one.
Bobko  27 | 2074
9 Jun 2022   #16

Most people with a non-idiot's understanding of history, know that these camps were merely located in Poland and hence Polish only through geography. This is in contrast to an Austrian (Mauthausen) or German camp (Dachau).
Novichok  4 | 8414
9 Jun 2022   #17
it will sue you for implying in a newspaper article that the death camps in Poland were Polish,

When I came to "America", I heard enough "dumb Polack" jokes to make me really angry and for a very simple reason: Who wants to hire a "dumb Polack"?

"Polish death camps" and "dumb Polack" are in the same category of insults that should be fought tooth and nail and just as much as "gun-obsessed Americans".

Most people with a non-idiot's understanding of history,

40% of Americans don't know who the veepee is now. To those morons, "Polish death camps" were designed, constructed, and operated by Poles and the inmates were German SS and Gestapo. If I am stretching it, it's not by much.
Bobko  27 | 2074
9 Jun 2022   #18

If a Russian was to react every time to any perceived slight, we would have no time to do anything else. At least Poles are just "Dumb Pollacks". We replaced the Nazi's wholesale as America's bad guys, pretty much since 1945. Also, we're alcoholics, hookers, slaves, orcs, mongols, etc. Then, there is the beloved argument of Cojest and Pawian - Russians don't even exist!

We just don't care anymore, and take it in stride - trying to make the most of it.

Same situation for more or less all the other countries with nice humor listed.

Poles invite even more ridicule through their constant outrage.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
9 Jun 2022   #19
"dumb Polack"

This was maybe in the 70s and before, now you don't hear it at all. I've never been called a dumb Polack.

Sometimes people will hear me speaking Polish (outside of Chicago since there everyone knows a Polish person) and ask where I'm originally from. Or they'll ask something stupid like is that French you're speaking? German? Sometimes a sharper person may ask if it's Russian. But French or German... come on... they sound nothing like Polish.

A few times people, mostly the **** kicking redneck dually pick-up driving types who think it's appropriate to wear overalls out in public, will say something to the extent of "This is America, speak English!" To which I usually respond something like do you know any languages besides English, are you bilingual let alone trilingual, to which they reply no, and I'll answer something like I pity your lack of culture and world experience, that's really unfortunate all you've experienced is America, or something similar.

40% of Americans don't know who the veepee is now.

There's a few youtube movies of people being asked simple questions like how many states are in the US, where is Iraq, what's 10 squared, etc. My favorite is "if you're going 80 miles per hour, how long does it take you to travel 80 miles"

Watch two black guys try to figure it out:

Answers include:
"80 miles"
"8 hours"
"10 hours"
"... it could be 6 though"
"I give up"
"80 hours"
"8 hours"
"a minute and a half"
"That'll take like a minute" ("a minute" being slang for a really long time)
"This **** crazy"'
"I need the formula"
"Like right around 80"
"80 hours"
"8 hours"
"or 50"
"I say 2 hours"
"I say 80 hours"

American high school education...
Novichok  4 | 8414
9 Jun 2022   #20
We just don't care anymore, and take it in stride

That's the only fault I find in you and Velund; you are both too nice. But God sent me here to even out the fight and hit back hard enough to help some posters here develop the "don't fu*ck with this one" Pavlovian reflex.

As I already wrote, besides the Americans, the posters I appreciate the most are Russians and Germans. The posters I intensely dislike are my ex-countrymen and no amount of "you are a traitor" crap will ever change that.
Bobko  27 | 2074
9 Jun 2022   #21
40% of Americans don't know who the veepee is now

Yes, but who cares what the lumpenproletariat thinks? They don't pay taxes, rarely vote, and most importantly rarely travel outside of their zip code which limits embarrassment with outsiders.

They believe stranger things than Poland running death camps, and it is their god given right.
Novichok  4 | 8414
9 Jun 2022   #22
but who cares what the lumpenproletariat thinks?

They vote.
jon357  72 | 23482
9 Jun 2022   #23
They believe stranger things than Poland running

A quarter of them believe they've been abducted by aliens.

Don't even bother reading up on the,
"mudflood". So bizarre that I assumed it was a joke at first however some of them absolutely believe it. It makes QAnon and pizza gate look almost plausible.
Bobko  27 | 2074
9 Jun 2022   #24

No comments on my racial theory of humor?
jon357  72 | 23482
9 Jun 2022   #25
You mean cultural/national theory about nations or countries who are confident about who they are and their countries' achievements taking the pıss out of themselves and less confident ones not doing so?

I agree. It's probably related to cultural cringe. I've known Poles who easily take offence and some like it so much that they scour foreign media looking for things to take offence at. Brits just don't care what others think.

It can be like treading on eggs sometimes. If you start a sentence with the words "Filipino food" they get offended before you finish the rest since they assume (usually rightly) that you're going to say how rank most of it is.

And those countries who always want to remind others of their great achievements generally have relatively few. Tesla comes to mind
Bobko  27 | 2074
9 Jun 2022   #26
It can be like treading on eggs sometimes.


I apologize.

But really, it is annoying. They see you getting dumped on constantly, or even do it themselves and extract no small amount of pleasure from it. You humor them, expecting reciprocity. They laugh, and they laugh and laugh. Then you make one comment - it's: "Goddamit I knew that every Russian is a chauvinist aggressor!"
Novichok  4 | 8414
9 Jun 2022   #27
"Goddamit I knew that every Russian is a chauvinist aggressor!"

All roads lead to sex and procreation. All the rest are either the means or shiny objects to distract with.
And so it is with Russians. I mean young Russian women - in a class of their own. Hence, the anti-Russian envy.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
9 Jun 2022   #28
This is why Russians, - of humor which are dedicated to making fun of themselves.

OK! Have you get up off of your knees? As Putin said you would?
Don't forget about your elbows.

Russians don't even exist!

Yes they do as citizens of the Russian Federation. That has Dagestani, Chechens and many others people and republicks, there is no russian land, I only ask where is your historical land, what is your culture? I don't get any aswer. So there is no Russian nation.

Why people fight so much? Becasue if they start talking and they veer off the title of the thread that post in, they are being punshed their post deleted. It is left to a personal opinion of moderators here what is and what is not accaptable.

If you only fight, you are fine.
Novichok  4 | 8414
9 Jun 2022   #29
So there is no Russian nation.

Then they are in a good company since there is no American nation.
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
10 Jun 2022   #30
Cojestdocholery -there is no Russian nation

Fuc*k off. Have you even been to Russia to say such a thing? I'm RUSSIAN, not Chechen etc. I know many Russians who are no such thing. Maybe shut your mouth when you know nothing.

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