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Has Palestine ever existed?

Novichok  4 | 8677
11 Jan 2024   #61
To save time and your nerves go to the 6:45 minute mark to start watching.

My nerves were abused by their English. Other than that, I am 100% with Israel and for the kind of revenge that would forever remove any temptation to repeat 10/7. See WW2, Japan, and Germany. It worked very well, didn't it?

Once this box is checked, Israelis and the nice Palestinians can talk.

The very first question to the Palestinian delegation should be: Does Israel have a right to exist? That's where it ends if the answer is no, maybe, it depends, or any Lyzko-class crap.

Now, if the answer is: Yes! Of course...the second question must be: Who and how will guarantee no more rockets and no 10/7 2.0?

There are 1 billion Arabs out there...What a perfect job for them to manage a free Palestine or just grab it. Israel probably wouldn't mind if Gaza and WB were annexed by one of them Crimea-style.
Alien  26 | 6527
11 Jan 2024   #62
There are 1 billion Arabs out there

Therefore, Palestine is likely to survive.
Novichok  4 | 8677
11 Jan 2024   #63
It's a pity that those raped Israeli women and girls didn't on 10/7.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
12 Jan 2024   #64
....what I always found interesting is the fact that Jordan has quite amiable relationships with Israel....they have even treaties and such, maybe not friends but for sure not enemies!

A sure sign that "Palestinians" in Jordan have no problem with the Jews...can live with them peacefully....with the right leadership!
Novichok  4 | 8677
12 Jan 2024   #65
with the right leadership!

...let's call it adult supervision with a big fist...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
12 Jan 2024   #66
....and it works! Jordan is a peaceful, well working country....neither a religious nutcase nor an economic/violent mess, quite moderately successful...

The same pali arabs...but the difference to the Hamas ruled strips just across the border couldn't be more extreme...astounding!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
12 Jan 2024   #67
I am 100% with Israel

It's generational.

But some are trying their best to indoctrinate the young and make the next generation of loyal Zionists to ensure the unceasing worship of Israel until the end of time.

and for the kind of revenge that would forever remove any temptation to repeat 10/7.

Before October 7th here is where the death toll stood going back to 2008:

Looks like October 7th was a case of causality.

I'm sure many will disagree but that's okay because some people out there actually debate that the Warsaw Uprising in 1944 was mistake and shouldn't have been undertaken.

Who and how will guarantee no more rockets and no 10/7 2.0?

Good question.

It shouldn't be the United States. After all, America for decades has sent billions and billions of dollars in fealty over to Israel to "guarantee" their safety and security with bullets, bombs, barricades and border walls.

And yet October 7th still happened.

American taxpayers deserve a serious refund.

Indeed, what does Israel provide in return to the United States?

This is never talked about just like how Israel's deliberate attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 killing 34 and wounding 174 American servicemen is never talked about.

For many of you who are most likely never to have heard about this crime here is a good documentary (made in Britain not the US for obvious reasons) about this unforgivable act of state-sponsored terrorism:

See WW2, Japan, and Germany. It worked very well, didn't it?

Yes and no.

Both countries received aid and foreign investment to rebuild their infrastructures and economies.

Today they are modern and prosperous.

Demographics though tell a very different story.

Even if you put aside the devastating and intertwined policies of feminism and abortion, both countries genetically lost the strongest of their men to war.

For those who survived and the subsequent generations in both countries never again felt pride in themselves or their respective countries and this too contributed to the collapse in birthrates.

But that's okay because, at least in Germany's case, "gawd's chosen" already have plans and (US taxpayer) funds to help.

In Germany, Jewish funds help keep Mediterranean migrant rescue missions afloat

One of them publicly announced this "need" over a decade ago to "help" Sweden.

Sometimes things don't go they way they hope though but at least they are "trying" to help.

Israel scraps plan to send African migrants to West

"Under the five-year plan, some 16,250 African migrants who entered [Israel] illegally, many of them seeking asylum, would be resettled in Western nations, which Mr Netanyahu had said included Germany, Italy and Canada."
Novichok  4 | 8677
12 Jan 2024   #68
I see things a little differently.

If Israel is doing evil things to the US and Western Europe, and the US as well as Western Europe continues to support Israel, it is clear who is a moron. Habitually, I hate stupidity more than evil.

As far as those 6407 dead Palestinians...How many of them were dancing in the streets and screaming "Death to America" on 9/11? How about all of them...Then, die a-holes...

I know it's simplistic. As I already said today, I have no patience and time to investigate who lived where and when. All I know is that if one of my daughters was a Hamas victim, I would kill all of them and let God sort them out.

I knew about the USS Liberty from Spotlight I used to subscribe to way back. My reaction then was what the fvck was a US spy ship doing 5000 miles away from the country it was commissioned to protect.

In 1967, Israel was facing extinction. Most likely, they decided that the risk of the US snooping on them and reporting to the Arabs to appear neutral was too high.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5206
8 Feb 2025   #69

Has Palestine ever existed?

No it has never existed as an autonomous state.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5206
9 Feb 2025   #70
This is great!

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