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Polish Music.

johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Nov 2022   #91
The rules apply to everyone. I

Except for the fact they are not enforced equally but BIASLY.
Now let's get back to talking about Polish music, thanks.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Nov 2022   #92
Except for the fact they are not enforced equally but BIASLY

Cut down on off topic remarks. Ha!

Now let's get back to talking about Polish music

Yes, darling, high time. Try to conform.

Listen and cool down at last:
Binge party at Gypsy`s by black Poles:
Alien  26 | 6528
8 Nov 2022   #93
Hard to digest.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Nov 2022   #94
No, it is an excellent song and my kids love it too.
Novichok  4 | 8682
8 Nov 2022   #95
I have better one...
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Nov 2022   #96
better one..

You cheater! :):):)
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
9 Nov 2022   #97
Here is a Polish tune for you!
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
10 Nov 2022   #98
Another good Polish tune;

One more tune.
I love Wilki and this was one of their biggest songs.

Just remembered another Classic Wilki song.....
Joker  2 | 2447
24 Nov 2022   #99

This one is funny...

HAZEL..... I love Poland..K_urwa masz!
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
27 Nov 2022   #100
Krzesimir Debski is a name well known to the Polish posters on here but virtually unknown outside of Poland.
He is a huge talent.
A composer of classical and Jazz music,a great violinist and a founding member of one of Poland's greatest Jazz bands.

This is the kind of "Smooth Jazz" Debski can be more associated with.

My last post from Debski is a light hearted one.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
30 Apr 2023   #101
This thread has been too quiet for too long.
Time to revive it!
This is Krzysztof Lepiarczyk.....a bit of a mouthful for non Poles but a true talent!
Alien  26 | 6528
1 May 2023   #102
true talent!

153 views in 1 year?
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
1 May 2023   #103
Polish Music is incredibly underated.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
2 May 2023   #104
Along with many areas of culture, including world cinema until not too recently, perhaps the last twenty to thirty years.

In books on film, often directors such as Wajda, Andrzejewski along with many others would get perhaps a few pages, if they were lucky. Even Polanski's sometimes not credited for his early Polish work. French, German, and Italian directors would have entire chapters devoted to them.

Theater's another matter though. In stage design and direction, for a while, names like Jerzy Grotowski and Tadeusz Kantor loomed large, as did Krzysztof Penderecki in the area of experimental music.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 May 2023   #105

For once Lyzko, we agree.
Polish culture is largely ignored in the rest of the world.
But I don't know why.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
3 May 2023   #106
The answer's fairly self evident!
No thanks to Poland's historically richer and traditionally more acknowledged neighbors such as Russia and Germany, Poland as well as Polish culture, sadly, became viewed until not too long ago, as a mere backwater, inferior (if you can believe it!!) to fellow European societies.

Need I list the names and accomplishments of Poland but once again??

King Jan Sobieski - helped drive out and keep out the Turks from Europe Nikolas Kopernikus - proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun Adam Mickiewicz - penned one of the greatest epic poems in any European language Frederic Chopin - made the piano sing as none other before or since Mme. Marie Curie (nee Manya Sklodowska) - pioneered uses of radium Dr. Kazimierz Funk - discovered uses of the vitamin supplement ...etc. etc. etc.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
3 May 2023   #107
The answer's fairly self evident!

I don't think that you have answered my question.

Polish culture is largely ignored in the rest of the world.
But I don't know why

johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 May 2023   #108
I don't think

Clap your hands, stomp your feet, Polish music can't be beat !
Lyzko  44 | 9723
4 May 2023   #109
If you include the toe-tappin' music of the goral in Zakopane, you're probably right, at least in Europe.

@Miloslaw, I think my post answers at least part of your question, to be honest.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Aug 2023   #110

Polish Music.

Time for more great Polish Music......There is not enough of it in this forum.....

OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Aug 2023   #111
It seems that very few Polams appreciate good Polish music, apart from one I can think of.But you true Poles need to celebrate the enormous amount of great Polish Music out there!Please post some of it on here!

OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Aug 2023   #112
The deepest irony is that I think Polish music sounds best sung in Polish.Yet singing in Polish will only expose you to a very limited Polish audience.If some of these artists could sing in English it would give them a much broader audience.The Scandinavians discovered this ages ago.

Lyzko  44 | 9723
3 Aug 2023   #113
Since rock songs especially are usually sung at louder decibels than normal, it really makes little difference in which language someone sings them, they're difficult to understand as it is.

Was at a Nina Hagen concert in New York in the late '80's and she decided to sing s favorite of hers in English called "Dirty Deutschland". She might as well have been singing in Kiswahili for all I could make out LOL
Alien  26 | 6528
3 Aug 2023   #114
I like to listen to Polish music, for example, on vacation if I have access to Polish radio, but I am aware that Polish music in terms of technique and voices of performers is very far from world standards. Sometimes, listening to some old and new songs, I wonder how it was possible to record and release something like this.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
4 Aug 2023   #115
Far, yes. And yet in the world of opera, messrs. Jan Beczala and, "The Polish Thrush", "The Caruso of the Vistula", tenor Jan Kiepura, were none too shabby:-) Marcella Sembrich was also a Pole, I believe. There were many others as well.

They too sang in multiple languages, by the way.
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jun 2024   #116
Time for more great Polish Music.

Don`t forget about this thread where you posted once.

However, you should know that it will be also closed one day when the number of posts with embedded videos will make it unbearable for the forum engine to handle it properly. It happened to the previous thread a few days ago after it had grown too big.
Feniks  2 | 858
10 Jun 2024   #117
It happened to the previous thread a few days ago after it had grown too big.

I get what you're saying but if that's the case I'm surprised the music thread wasn't moved either.

Anyway, I'll post a couple of tunes:

Beata Kozidrak x Kamil Bednarek - Biegiem

Haven't heard this for a few years now:

Tyle chciałem Ci dać - Universe & Beata Kozidrak

OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
12 Jun 2024   #118
Why not improve the British health care service within a day or two max?????

What a pointless off topic and racist post!

Let's ignore your senseless post and listen to some more nice Polish Music, which is what this thread is about, not making limp wristed political comments.......

OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
12 Jun 2024   #119

This is part of Polish culture that you like to sweep under the carpet.
But it cannot be ignored because it has been real for decades!

OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
12 Jun 2024   #120
I have one last post on here tonight from Akurat.

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