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Polish Music.

OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
17 Oct 2022   #61
Chopin didnt have any problems

Yeah, but he was based in France.

Post some Polish Rock, you know more than I do.

TBH, I have forgotten how to do it on here!
If anyone can remind me, please PM me.
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Oct 2022   #62
TBH, I have forgotten how to do it on here!

Just click on the YT symbol above the text box then copy and paste
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
17 Oct 2022   #63

I will.try it,but not tonight as it is nearly midnight here and I have to go!
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Oct 2022   #64
Dobranoc..... Its getting to be dinner time here:)

Ill look for some Polish bands later.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
18 Oct 2022   #65
I haven't done this in a while,so I am not sure if it will work.Here goes...

TSA were a proper Polish Rock band.

Budka Suflera are still one of Poland's greatest Rock Bands.
Here is an old one from them.

In more recent years,Wilki have tried to steal Budka Suflera's crown as the best Polish Rock band.
But,although they are very good,they have not taken that crown.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
18 Oct 2022   #66
This is just so classy.....

Nice Blues....Polish style..

My last post is from who I regard as the greatest Polish musician.
Tadeusz Nalepa.
Thanks to Joker for reminding me how to post videos on here.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
19 Oct 2022   #67
This is early Breakout and is pure class.....

Ok,enough of the really old stuff.
Not new, but a bit more up to date.
I really rate Coma as a great Polish band who are actually not that popular or well known in Poland.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
19 Oct 2022   #68
I have probably posted this song on here before, but it was a long time ago.
It's not just that it is a Polish Rock song, there is something else, not sure what it is, but it is different from standard Anglo American Rock.

It may well be the obvious fact staring me in the face.....this is a Polish Rock band!

I will end my posts tonight with a bit of "Polish Folk Metal", which I am sure will not be to everyone's taste.
But I like it!
Joker  2 | 2447
20 Oct 2022   #69
f "Polish Folk Metal"

Yeah, its heavy. Just in time for Halloween! lol
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
30 Oct 2022   #70
There has been a huge increase in cover bands over the last few years.
Some just do covers of just one band, others do covers of a huge range of bands and many of them are commercially successful.
This Poish band are very good, but they only do Metal.
They are called The Polish Metal Alliance.

One more from The Polish Metal alliance.

Ok, I have been censored now, you have to copy the link.

Why do you guys have to spoil the posts in this forum?

You won't get prosecuted!

Stop being such pathetic wimps!
Joker  2 | 2447
2 Nov 2022   #71
They are called The Polish Metal Alliance.

Ya, they sound good!

You won't get prosecuted!

You can post any YT video on FB and they dont care at all.

Stop being such pathetic wim

Its very strange thats for sure.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Nov 2022   #72
You can post any YT video on FB and they dont care at all.

Nobody does!

This forum needs to wake up!
To improve its ratings it needs to allow embedded posts and not just music.

Here is another nice Polish song.

The strict rules on this forum make it quite difficult to post, especially music and other videos.
People that run PF, you really need to lighten up to broaden your apeal.

One last music post from me tonight, very nice and very Polish.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Nov 2022   #73
Are you really that scared of embedded videos?

How come it's OK on FB and some other forums just like this one?

What are they doing that you cant?
Vincent  8 | 800
3 Nov 2022   #74
How come it's OK on FB and some other forums just like this one?

FB are part of "Big Tech" and can do whatever they want, as money is no problem to them. To others, it is illegal to share anything that you didn't create without the permission of the owner.

Don't take my word for it, google it yourself.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
3 Nov 2022   #75

Ok Vincent.
But other forums allow embedded videos.
Maybe you should talk to them.
Vincent  8 | 800
3 Nov 2022   #76
But other forums allow embedded videos.

Other forums could be playing a form of Russian roulette, and like to gamble. They might not get a complaint about the videos for years, and then one day someone takes offence, and drags them through the courtrooms. They could stand to lose a lot of money.

Besides, the videos on here are not deleted. It should not be a big issue to add www. to the link, open a new page and paste it into the address bar. It may also be a good idea to give a short description of the video when you post one, then other posters will know if it will be of interest to them.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
3 Nov 2022   #77

I understand your point of view, but I just think that it spoils the forum.
Especially when posters see that other forums are getting away with it.
I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.....
Joker  2 | 2447
4 Nov 2022   #78
Especially when posters see that other forums are getting away with it.

They used to do it on PF. It was over 10 yeas ago and was very popular.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5208
4 Nov 2022   #79
My point exactly,PF are missing out here.
Big time!
Joker  2 | 2447
5 Nov 2022   #80
Remember when they temporarily booted me from FB and now they leave me alone. I guess, it depends on which prick is working that day.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Nov 2022   #81
Well we know that Pawian works the week ends here.
We have know that for some time now.
Vincent has always been fair and has common sense.
He even answers PM's of why you got a warning.
Pawian is just a pompous smart ass clown when he is moderating.
Thats why no one likes him.
Maybe we should get back On-Topic before we all get warnings. Hoot !
Novichok  4 | 8682
6 Nov 2022   #82
Maybe we should get back On-Topic before we all get warnings. Hoot !

Step 1. Ignore the idiot,
Step 2. Post only in Random or the US. Even if it is about covid or Russia.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Nov 2022   #83
Step 2. Post only in Random or the US.

You didn`t stick even one day to your infantile resolution. :):):)

Pawian is just a pompous smart ass clown

I only do my job. You can`t critisize me for that. Ha!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Nov 2022   #84
ou didn`t stick even one day to your infantile resolution

Another of YOUR Off-Topic posts to Troll & Bait with.

Stop talking about members coz that`s off topic again - focus on the topic of the thread instead. Ha!

Practice what you preach, Goofy !


Step 1. Ignore the idiot,
Step 2. Post only in Random or the US. Even if it is about covid or Russia.

That is basically what I have been doing.
When a guy puts time into researching the facts, that can't be challenged by the Leftard, on the front page and it just gets shlt canned into the back page Random Chat, why waste your time and energy to post anything credible that a literate person would want to read.

You would be better off just posting an immature ha ha ha post with a 15 year olds mentality for him.
Joker  2 | 2447
7 Nov 2022   #85
How about some Dzem:)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Nov 2022   #86
That should be the theme song for the Polish Forums.
Alien  26 | 6528
7 Nov 2022   #87
How about some Dzem:)

It is always good to listen to the Dzem. Here is the right music and text.
Vincent  8 | 800
7 Nov 2022   #88
Don't mistake canned/censored with off topic posts. On the main threads, posts have to be on topic with the subject of the thread. Posts that are off topic will be removed to random chat, and furthermore, posts that reply to off topic posts (or quote off topic posts) will also be removed. If members don't want to see their posts removed, it is up to them to follow the forums rules.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Nov 2022   #89
To bad that rule doesn't apply to everyone, Vincent.
Seems it is only the Americans with all the OOOO warnings.
Checkout Novi, Cargo, and Me
Then checkout the biggest offender of all Pawian
More bias B.S. Vincent
Vincent  8 | 800
7 Nov 2022   #90
The rules apply to everyone. It is our American members that are posting most of the off topic posts on the main threads, hence they receive the most warnings. Simple maths!

Edited.. Please try to keep this thread for Polish music, thanks.

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