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EURO 2024 (Po-Polska)

AntV 5 | 810
21 Jun 2024 #1
Go Italy! If not, Go Germany (wearing proper unis). If not, Go, Austria! If not, uh, anyone but France and England.
gumishu 14 | 6296
21 Jun 2024 #2
anyone but France and England.

Go, Spain?
Torq 8 | 1136
21 Jun 2024 #3
... and not Netherlands. Koeman is a twat of the first order.
OP AntV 5 | 810
21 Jun 2024 #4

I'm good with that. Great style, fine players, awesome uniforms.

Edit: Anyone but France, England, or Portugal.

Edit Edit: ...or Netherlands.
OP AntV 5 | 810
21 Jun 2024 #5

Crno in other Euro thread states:

" Poland is in a very difficult position but it is not out.

If Holland wins against France tonight & Poland beats France in the 3rd game, Poland can still be through."

So, the rest of Europe can thoroughly eff themselves...GO POLSKA! until further notice
Torq 8 | 1136
21 Jun 2024 #6
So, the rest of Europe can thoroughly eff themselves...GO POLSKA! until further notice


OK, let's freeze this thread. At least until 11pm CET.
Tacitus 2 | 1406
21 Jun 2024 #7
Has anyone watched the videos of the crowd of Polish fans chanting "Ruska Kurwa " in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin. Really made my day.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12078
21 Jun 2024 #9 I late?


I am confused...where do post my hidden glee about Mbappes again broken nose?
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
21 Jun 2024 #10
Really made my day.

Did you feel the same way when English hooligans were singing about the WWII bombing of Germany?
OP AntV 5 | 810
21 Jun 2024 #11
I am confused...where do post my hidden glee about Mbappes again broken nose?

Crno has pointed out that Poland isn't -yet-disqualified, hence hope is still alive and the "Poland is Going to Win the Euro 2024" thread is still alive.

Post your hidden glee over in the old Euro thread. :)
jon357 74 | 23022
21 Jun 2024 #12
Polish fans chanting "Ruska Kurwa " in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin

Delightful! It should happen every day.

the WWII bombing

They weren't 'hooligans' and Germany bombed our chip shop.
Novichok 4 | 8224
21 Jun 2024 #13
n front of the Russian embassy in Berlin. Really made my day.

I start my days with this:

Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12078
21 Jun 2024 #14
....and still we are FOURTH TIME WORLD CHAMPION!

OP AntV 5 | 810
21 Jun 2024 #15
Pretty much to the minute of Torqi's prediction: this thread is unfrozen.
Torq 8 | 1136
22 Jun 2024 #16
Fingers crossed for the Czechs. Of course, it's not the same Czech Republic that we remember from the past, with Nedved, Cech, Poborsky, Smicer or Rosicky but still a rather solid team.
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
22 Jun 2024 #17
I find this Caucasian culture interesting, where 10 out of the starting 11 Georgians have long, thick beards.
Torq 8 | 1136
22 Jun 2024 #18
Penalty for Georgia! 0_0

EDIT: goal, 1:0 Georgia... and HT... wow
OP AntV 5 | 810
22 Jun 2024 #20
I just tuned in, what was penalty for?

Crnogorac3 4 | 920
22 Jun 2024 #21

this Hranač has screwed them up for two games already.

Absolute stupidity of the central defender. Why are you leaving your hand like that?

Otherwise, VAR is very effective, as it should be...
Torq 8 | 1136
22 Jun 2024 #22


Absolute stupidity of the central defender.

Yes, amateurish stuff.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12078
22 Jun 2024 #23
First tournament point EVER for Georgien....(could have been two in the end)
OP AntV 5 | 810
22 Jun 2024 #24
That Georgian dude is going to be replaying that missed opportunity in his head for decades to come.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12078
22 Jun 2024 #25
...fear so too! But that's a footballers life...
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12078
22 Jun 2024 #26
....the Turks are abit disappointing, aren't front of their home crowd/wall one could had expect more from them!

At least 'ol Ronaldo got his scorer point...
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
22 Jun 2024 #27

If VAR didn't exist Lukaku would be the top scorer at the Euro with 3 goals and Belgium would have been first in the group.

Torq 8 | 1136
23 Jun 2024 #30
Germans in proper kits today :)

Let's switch Euro posts to this thread - Poland is already out, so no point keeping the other one active.

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