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Are Polish Christians here?

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
24 Oct 2020   #91
1. Coins that stated that Ceasers were divine were definatly not from the almighty father, so seek what is of the father, not what is of Ceasers! Forcing anyone to pay through taxes on the threat of jail or worse through violence? One is supposed to give it up willingly on an individual level to those in need, not giving up 35% or more of your work to brutes threatening you.
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Oct 2020   #92
Coins that stated that Ceasers were divine were definatly not from the almighty father,

Can you be sure of that?

Forcing anyone to pay through taxes on the threat of jail

That's perfectly normal. Otherwise roads don't get built/repaired, armies/police don't get paid, museums, drainage, stations etc don't get built.

One is supposed to give it up willingly on an individual level to those in need,

Rather like the Islamic concept of Zakat?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
24 Oct 2020   #93
Don't tell you me didn't know that Romans regarded their emperors as Gods? It was the reason Israelites couldn't tolerate Romans or why Christians didn't bow to Roman authorities

And yes, coins from that time clearly states it

Do you know the history of taxation? It wasn't standard to tax income monthly until very recently in a modern age (to the state) it was used during wartime or to prepare for war. Check up history of taxation in the U.S, plenty of roads in major American cities and railroad being built across America.

I don't know anything about Zakat, I am simply confident that Jesus did not intend people to point guns at others to help the poor
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Oct 2020   #94
Romans regarded their emperors as Gods?

Yes, for the people of the empire, they were Gods.

it was used during wartime or to prepare for war

In the UK it was introduced at the beginning of the 19th century. Without it, we would be living in a far worse environment.

Taxation is the entry fee to a civilised society.

I am simply confident that Jesus did not intend people to point guns at others to help the poor

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword."
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
24 Oct 2020   #95
I regard the higher the taxation there is in a society, the less trust it has in it's own society to solve problems, meaning less civilized and more barbaric.

Not being afraid to seek conflict (verbally) is not the same as threatening somebody.

Do you regard it to be peaceful on this forum? :)
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Oct 2020   #96
I regard the higher the taxation there is in a society, the less trust it has in it's own society to solve problems,

Or perhaps the more trust it has in creating a cohesive society.

Not being afraid to seek conflict (verbally) is not the same as threatening somebody.

The driving out of the moneychangers shows He certainly wasn't afraid of violence.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
24 Oct 2020   #97
It's not about being afraid to use violence, it's about not using it. Or you saying that the milicja during PRL was justified in using violence? The state is not supposed to use violence against her own citizens, simple
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Oct 2020   #98
It's not about being afraid to use violence, it's about not using it.

Taxation however is nothing to do with violence.

The state is not supposed to use violence against her own citizens, simple

Yet most if not all states do just that, including today's Poland.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
24 Oct 2020   #99
Your saying there are no consequences to refusal of paying taxes? How wonderful

I did not state about any state not using taxes
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Oct 2020   #100
Your saying there are no consequences to refusal of paying taxes?

Even today, you mentioned:


Twice even. Have you ever been threatened with violence by the tax office? All I've had is the occasional letter.

I did not state about any state not using taxes

Good, since taxes are an essential part of a cohesive society. Christianity (in Poland or elsewhere) does not oppose them.
Crow  155 | 9708
25 Oct 2020   #101
Familial ancestors are included in that too.

And those from before Christianity. Those first speakers of that Polish language you speak and Slavic language before that shared with other Slavs who we aware of belonging to the same civilization, to be kin with each others.

That is why we Serbs preserved SLAVA custom within Christianity. We didn`t walk on all four before Rome and Constantinople. On the contrary. We were advanced part of world, for those times, before God even had plan for Rome or Constantinople.
Ironside  51 | 13098
25 Oct 2020   #102
And those from before Christianity.

Those are you mussing and it wasn't anything that great. Everything looks better in your imagination. Those new born heathens everywhere are making me laugh. Those people are a joke. IF they would encounter a real society run by beliefs and standards they claim to be so great they would run like crazy to get away from it.

everything is great if it only exist in your imagination.
Crow  155 | 9708
25 Oct 2020   #103
And genocide Vatican imposing on Serbs makes things right and prevent us from fall into error? is that it?

That`s what you told me now is same what some priest told to some your far ancestor, centuries ago, before gave signal to some Teutonic knight to put him to the sword. Then your other ancestors started to think and realized truth in those words. Same of them even became that convinced in those words to start killing their other kindred in order to help them they too realize truth.
Ironside  51 | 13098
25 Oct 2020   #104
And genocide Vatican imposing on Serbs

Serbs must be very weak, dumb and decadent people if the Vatican can do it to them.
Crow  155 | 9708
25 Oct 2020   #105
They did it and you are definitely right about Serbs. We underestimated situation. We underestimated their necesity to control us at all costs. We underestimated their savagery.

But they regrets already. Now they losing entire Slavic world.

For example, who could sane in Poland think seriously of Vatican as protector of Poland and Poland's interests, as real center of Christianity? Non.

I remember during EXIT music fest here in Novi Sad.

I sow Italian parents kissing their children in the lips and mouth, to express their warm feelings to them, closeness. I actually sow that many times when I traveled all around the western Europe. But, that time I sow on the street of my city I couldn`t resist and I simple told them not to do that. Man became hostile, insulted me. I then told him to fu** himself, how is that utterly discussing and sick to kiss his own and any child into the lips. I lost nerves and told many things to him. I fu*** his fu*** backward and savage culture and told him that his child needs to be protected from him. Then fortunately, I went on and removed myself from that situation, telling to myself to look for my own business and calm.

Was he right Irone? Did he had right to kiss his child into the mouth?

Its not quite on our topic here but, well, it helping to have complete picture of what is western Europe. Very sick culture. Incest is usual thing there. That is how things begins... by kissing their own children into lips. Where is church to prevent it? Church? No time for things like that. Church planing genocides.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
4 Nov 2020   #106
we started going to the evening mass

How have your priest and fellow parishioners responded to your staunch pro-abortion beliefs?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Nov 2020   #107
responded to your staunch pro-abortion beliefs?

To be honest and from my experience living in Poland teachers and public figures tend to go to church just to be seen as "doing the right thing" within the community .
Poloniusz  5 | 969
4 Nov 2020   #108
I see. So their faith is as small and as wafer thin as a communion host.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Nov 2020   #109
tend to go to church

We don`t go - we are usually driven by the chauffer. hahahaha

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dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Nov 2020   #110
driven by

The fact that the community would look down on you for your lack of attendance to church.

Hey I live here I know how it works, you have to go , otherwise some parents will think less of you.

It is what it is.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Nov 2020   #111
otherwise some parents will think less of you.

I never meet any parents in church. :):):)

Hey I live here I know how it works,

No, you don`t and you are lying as usual. hahaha
Alien  26 | 6543
7 Jul 2022   #112
I liked going to church because I always had an hour for myself for various thoughts and I could "turn off" at that time.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Jul 2022   #113
I liked going to church

And you like when they sing and dance. And you can watch artistic paintings on the walls and colourful stained glass.
Alien  26 | 6543
7 Jul 2022   #114
They sing but not dance.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Jul 2022   #115
Really? That`s bad. You should also dance. Show them how to do it.

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Alien  26 | 6543
8 Jul 2022   #116
They have a dance in their blood, we don't.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Jul 2022   #117
Come on, you don`t need to dance tango or waltzes. You can just rock and roll on the church floor, that is easy.
Alien  26 | 6543
10 Jul 2022   #118
Not in Poland and not now, but in 80's I was to a Rock Holy Mass in Poland. It was really cool.
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jul 2022   #119
I was to a Rock Holy Mass

Yes, I mean what you know - Jesus Christ Superstar.
Alien  26 | 6543
15 Jul 2022   #120
Moreover, the atmosphere and smell in old churches is one-off. Twilight and the smell of incense.

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