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The "Anglicization" of Europe

OP Lyzko  44 | 9745
2 Sep 2019   #91
You want to believe in American English, since you know no other language but English,
and are therefore ignorant.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Sep 2019   #92
The correct spelling is color, honor, and program

I don't have a problem with English adopting more simplified spellings as it will make it even easier for foreigners to learn.
The point that you seem to be missing is that the language is called English, not American.

I will trust RT TV before I will trust the following

More fool you.
RT is at least as bad as all those you listed.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
2 Sep 2019   #93
No, it's not. The who*res at CNN and MSNBC serve their leftist masters - the American subversives aka Democrats. RT serves Russia and has no reason to take sides in the US. That is why I trust them more when the subjects are the US and don't when the subjects are Russia. Russia and RT have no reason to who*re for either party in the US. What RT says about any other country is of zero interest to me.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Sep 2019   #94
No, it's not. The who*res at CNN and MSNBC serve their leftist masters

Just as the who*res at RT do!
Many of them American!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
2 Sep 2019   #95
We could debate who is more of a who*re forever. Let me conclude that RT, Russia and the Russian trolls were better as the American patriots than the Democrat subversives by trying to help Trump. Brits, on the other hand, tried to help Hillary. I know which of the two I like more.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Sep 2019   #96
Brits, on the other hand, tried to help Hillary

That is a sweeping statement.
Which Brits?
And which Brits didn't try to help her?
Back to RT, you see, I can listen to or watch The BBC in full knowledge of their bias and decode the real news.
Just as you can with The American news outlets.
What neither of us can do is know or predict or decode what RT are trying to do.
They are much more sophisticated than the old days of Radio Moscow, where farm quotas and tractor production levels would send you to sleep......and even those were lies.

This is why they are untrustworthy and dangerous.
kaprys  3 | 2076
3 Sep 2019   #97
I prefer British to American English. It just sounds nicer.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
3 Sep 2019   #98
Firstly, I think you meant prOscriptive,

I'm fairly confident I mean 'prescriptive'. Like in prescriptive vs descriptive grammar.

(..)in addition to the attraction of rock music, namely Elvis and the Beatles and the rest is history, no mystery!

There are more reason English has become de facto standard in international communities (especially the scientific one). While what you wrote is one of the reason for its popularity, it's not only because that.

(..)would you keep your passport in as orderly, clean and presentable condition as possible, or rather all dog-eared and dirty?

Language isn't a physical thing. Also, language evolves constantly. The day Brits (or Americans, but I somehow doubt they would try to do it) would create something similar to RJP would be a sad day for the English language.

Only you can answer that...yet somehow, I already know unfortunately what the answer will be.

I bet your ass you know it.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
3 Sep 2019   #99
That is a sweeping statement.
Which Brits?

During the Mueller's investigation, two countries were mentioned more than any other - Russia helping Trump and the UK helping Hillary. Good guys, bad guys.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
3 Sep 2019   #100
and the UK helping Hillary

I didn't see that in The Mueller Report.
Who in The UK?

As for intervention in elections the worst offender is The USA, closely followed by Russia.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
3 Sep 2019   #101
That sentence defames Russia.
I didn't say "the Mueller Report". I meant during the investigation, the buzz among the TV talking heads - CNN and Fox - was about the Brits who helped smear Trump with the dossier.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
3 Sep 2019   #102
If you are talking about Christopher Steele and Orbis Business Intelligence, this is a private, money making intelligence agency that happens to be British.
Nothing to do with MI6(Although he was an MI6 officer, he retired 10 years ago) and nothing to do with the British Government.
That is not the same thing as saying.

the UK helping Hillary

OP Lyzko  44 | 9745
3 Sep 2019   #103
Rubaszny Rumcajs,

Yes, it IS in fact "pre"-scriptive, since I was recommending aka "prescribing" rather than prohibiting" or "proscribing", quite right, my hat's off to you! In addition, kudos to someone whose first language isn't English catching a native English speaker on a point of use. Good show indeed, old chap.

Language though very much is a thing, a living organism with a life all its own, I constantly tell my students:-) As you wouldn't consciously or with malice of forethought, presumably, damage a flower, willfully harm a blossom, kick a sick puppy or take the life of an animal (save for shooing away bugs and the like), except for a disease-carrying rodent, or in self-defense etc., why should you apply a double standard to the life of a word??

In the beginning was the Word, according to the Bible, and about that, there can be no dispute! Verbal language is that which separates us from the four-legged species of animal. By using language with the care and precision which it no less deserves, we are all reaffirming our humanity every day of our life. Language is sacred, and so too its users. Devalue language and we devalue one another.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
3 Sep 2019   #104
That is not the same thing as saying.

It is by the same logic why the UK soccer team beat France. Collective credit walks hand in hand with collective moral responsibility. Governments often know what's going on and wink-wink tolerate it with glee.

Plausible deniability - as in: We will deny you are CIA if you get caught. Good luck. You may go now.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Sep 2019   #105
What has that to do with the present topic thread?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Sep 2019   #106
It has to do with the topic as much as this:

In the beginning was the Word, according to the Bible, and about that, there can be no dispute!

OP Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Sep 2019   #107
Come on, quit fooling around!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Sep 2019   #108
Don't be a mod. We already have those positions filled.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Sep 2019   #109
Nonetheless, your prior post has nothing to do with the linguistic Anglicization of Europe, attempting
to weave British superiority in soccer as part of the discussion thread:-)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
4 Sep 2019   #110
It is by the same logic why the UK soccer team beat France. Collective credit walks hand in hand with collective moral responsibility

You obviously have no understanding of this at all.
There is no UK team and never will be.
There is no "collective moral responsibility"..... are you nuts?
Orbis Business Intelligence were paid to do a job on a subject that they were experts on.
Private company, good business, maybe immoral..... but you can't blame The Brits for that one.
Case closed.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Sep 2019   #111
If there was no such thing as collective moral responsibility, you would never hear or read a sentence like: America is a racist country, for example. Or: NAZI's were evil.

I hope you got the idea.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Sep 2019   #112
Back on track, people:-)
Alien  25 | 6353
7 Jul 2022   #113
The "Anglicization" of Europe after Brexit is over.
Novichok  4 | 8748
7 Jul 2022   #114
...but Islamization of the UK continues unabated...These idiots actually help the scum off their rickety boats...with open arms. Literally.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9745
7 Jul 2022   #115
Now that Bojo's history, this will finally cast a new (and sorely needed) light on the future of BREXIT as well as the relationship of the Continent, naturally including Poland, with the UK in the years to come!
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Jul 2022   #116
The "Anglicization" of Europe

Hard to know what you mean by that phrase.

this will finally cast a new (and sorely needed) light on the future of BREXIT

I doubt there will be any sudden changes or even slow ones until after the next election when a different party get in.
Alien  25 | 6353
22 Jul 2022   #117
@jon357 "Anglicization"
I just wrote down the title.
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Jul 2022   #118
I had a look at the original post. It seems a lot of nonsense about a media article from outside Europe complaining that Europe has a lingua Franca.

It's nothing new. From the pre-Celtic substrate through Latin and French, Europe has always had one to some degree. Now it's English, and that will only increase.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9745
22 Jul 2022   #119
Europe does indeed have a lingua franca; as with the rest of the world, it's Globish.
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Jul 2022   #120
world, it's Globish.

No, it's English. The richest and broadest of all the major languages and one that is mutating and developing constantly.

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