he government are trying to further restrict the abortion law
The government is not doing such a thing. Its Parliament that goes through the motions not to offend powerful fraction within the party.
By the way it was not a notion of that fraction to start the whole thing but as I say again and again (you seem to not believe me on this) an independent movement pro-life that gathered over a million signatures of Poles who support the change in the law.
If you know something about Poland you realize that it is not an easy task to find such a support for anything. It means that the change is backed by a large chunk of the Polish population.
It means that your perception of what is actually transpiring in this case doesn't reflect the reality. It is not the gov that wants to introduce that law. It clearly doesn't for some mundane political reasons, like the issue is ideologically and politically controversial, can bring a lot of bad publicity abroad and so on.
They don't need it and they don't want it. PiS's bosses are clearly against that bill but as I have said they cannot state it clearly due to others factors. Few of them I have already mentioned.
Your narrative about a patriarchal conservative gov that wants to force unpopular law on the people is basically out of synch with reality.
We can also debate if you whish whether or not such a law would curtain so called freedom of choice but on a philosophical plane. I the realm of politics what I said above should suffice.
I hope this time I made myself understandable.
end of part one
Freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, but not when it comes to the reproductive rights of women.
I don't think the issue has anything to do with freedom of choice.
Look, progress in science, in scientific tools and medical knowledge has extended our understanding of a human body including DNA. Consequences of that knowledge hasn't been fully comprehended as yet.
I mean DNA suggest that there is a living human being there right out from the movement of conception. It hasn't fully developed as yet but that doesn't mean that all DNA information is not there. All the data all the material that makes you and me are already there, just not fully developed.
For anyone who is not ideologically biased ( and can comprehend it) it is clear that we have a human being there.
If so, it has its consequences. We cannot discriminate against human being due to some details or technicalities. I 'am sure you wouldn't want to discriminate against people basing it on their skin color, their low IQ, their mental or physical deficiencies, their status and so on.
Why discriminate against a human being just because he or she wasn't born yet?
(Also it is not so safe and painless to have an 'abortion' as they paint it. It is an invasive medical procedure that can have a very adverse consequences to a woman health.)
To sum it up.
Women have a freedom of choice as I see it. They can prevent conception and have plenty of means to do so. If they fail - well they don't get to terminate a human being just because it might suit them to do so.
It might suit me to terminate some or other human but if I was to carry it through it would be called a murder.