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Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River

gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Aug 2022   #31
@pawian I told you I heard about the situation a couple of days ago on the state-owned media
Bobko  27 | 2074
13 Aug 2022   #32
As a lifelong amateur fisherman (I just came back a few hours ago from a day trip fishing), it is absolutely depressing to look at that dead catfish.

We have regular issues like this in Russia, and even had a paper and pulp mill located on Lake Baikal (25% of world's freshwater reserves in just this one lake) that dumped toxic chemicals into the lake for 50 years until it was finally shutdown in 2013. You folks might not like Putin, but he's the first Russian leader in forever to take environmental issues seriously. Perhaps it's because he's also an avid fisherman.

Fisherman for President!
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Aug 2022   #33
the state-owned media

on top of what I read in the internet

btw in current tests the Germans haven't detected mercury instead they detected high general salinity -
Tacitus  2 | 1255
13 Aug 2022   #34
This might become a case for the police if something was illegally dumped into the Oder and öater covered up by the authorities.
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Aug 2022   #35
öater covered up by the authorities

the point is there was no cover up - even the state controlled media reported about the situation (even if in somewhat belated manner)
OP pawian  226 | 27364
13 Aug 2022   #36
even the state controlled media reported about the situation

When? Two weeks after the event. Besides, I didn`t say: covered up, I said : tried to cover up. When the shyt hit the fan and media went crazy about it, PIS gangsters weren`t able to deny obvious facts.

I heard about the situation a couple of days ago on the state-owned media

Impossible. You thought it was state but it was independent.
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Aug 2022   #37
oh, so now you know better what I watch and what I heard - interesting
johnny reb  49 | 7888
13 Aug 2022   #38
and öater covered up by the authorities.

It's almost impossible to cover up anything like this in this day and age.
If the authorities are onto a cover up you can bet the guilty parties will be caught.
Today Maciej Wąsik, deputy minister of internal affairs and administration, told the press conference that the police chief commander had set up a PLN 1 million (EUR 215,000) reward for information that leads to finding the perpetrators of the environmental disaster.

Somebody is going to be talking.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
13 Aug 2022   #39
It's almost impossible to cover up anything like this in this day and age.

Exactly. However, some morons still try.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
13 Aug 2022   #40
Your denials won`t

Are you stupid? Where I denial anything? I question your wild cliams. Anybody can have some conspiracy theories, that you whish to be true or you really belive to be true deosn't make it to be true in the real world.

So stop acting like a pitful fool.
Anything that happens is in your opnion PiS fault or conspiracy or some sinister PiS plot. You are an obssesed hatful morona and people are sick of your BS. That is the only fact that can be verfied in this threat.

Half baked guesses are still only guesses.
There is no evidence to support it!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
13 Aug 2022   #41
"Environmental catastrophe of unprecedented proportions"

Fish kills could spread to the Baltic Sea

It is still unclear why masses of fish are dying in the Oder. However, the burdens are apparently spreading further: they could reach the Szczecin Lagoon as early as Saturday evening.

Oh boy..... :(
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
13 Aug 2022   #42
Environmental catastrophe of unprecedented proportions"

I wonder what had happened.
By the way the Baltic is done for anyway with the large gas and chemical weapons that were left there during the WWII.
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Aug 2022   #43

Germans have changed mind about the mercury in the Odra
johnny reb  49 | 7888
13 Aug 2022   #44
Where I denial anything?

He has the Odra river mixed up with DeNial river in Africa.

You are an obssesed hatful morona and people are sick of your BS.

Very well put

Half baked guesses are still only guesses.

But they sell newspapers and keep people chattering and pointing fingers with the blame game.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
13 Aug 2022   #45
Massive deaths of fish in the Oder

Poland is offering a reward for information about the perpetrator

Because of the fish in the Oder , Poland has offered a high reward for information leading to the arrest of a perpetrator. The police have offered a sum of the equivalent of 210,000 euros, said Deputy Interior Minister Marcin Wasik on Saturday in Gorzow Wielkopolski. ....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
13 Aug 2022   #47
By the way the Baltic is done for

....seems like it! :(

Fish kills in the Oder could affect the Baltic Sea

The investigations into fish kills in the Oder are ongoing. Authorities have found a high amount of salts dissolved in the water and warn of the impact on the Baltic Sea. ....
johnny reb  49 | 7888
13 Aug 2022   #48
Authorities have found a high amount of salts dissolved in the water

In the U.S. we have found that over use and misuse of fertilizers salt the water in run offs to a dangerous level.
(From the run off of farmers field to drain ditches to creeks to rivers to the lake to the ocean.)
Golf course were the number one culprit.
Do the farms in Poland have strict restrictions on the use of fertilizers which contain these salts ?
Just saying.......
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
13 Aug 2022   #49 seems Germany installed restrictions as recently as 2020....

Germany: amendment to the Fertilizer Regulation approved

...Among the new restrictions on fertilizing in zones declared nitrate vulnerable, (the entry into force of which is postponed until January 1, 2021) are a 20% reduction in the average amount of fertilizer required --> [allowed?] per farm, a limit of 170 kg/hectare and per plot for applying nitrogen from organic fertilizers, the extension of rest periods, as well as a ban on autumn fertilization.....

I don't know about Poland.....but it seems to late for the Oder now anyhow....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
13 Aug 2022   #50
Poor fishies...I don't wanna know what they had to go through in their last moments! 😔

I really hope they get the culprits! 😠

Poland is offering high rewards for clarifying the fish deaths

The Polish government promises more than 200,000 euros for information on the perpetrators. German authorities warn that polluted water is reaching the Baltic Sea. ....
13 Aug 2022   #51
go to agree with Pawian on this one, Pis screwed up, what a disaster!
Novichok  4 | 8410
13 Aug 2022   #52
Pis screwed up, what a disaster!

When is the next election day?
johnny reb  49 | 7888
13 Aug 2022   #53
It's all Crow's fault as Serbia is dredging the Danube.
A snippet from the Guardian:
Across Europe, drought is reducing once-mighty rivers to trickles.
In places, the Loire can now be crossed on foot; France's longest river has never flowed so slowly.
The Rhine is fast becoming impassable to barge traffic.
In Italy, the Po is 2 metres lower than normal, crippling crops.
Across Europe, drought is reducing once-mighty rivers to trickles.

With no significant rainfall recorded for almost two months across western, central and southern Europe and none forecast in the near future, meteorologists say the drought could become the continent's worst in more than 500 years.

My gut tells me that the Odra is a combination of problems from heat wave in Europe this summer that rose water temperatures, to dredging up toxic silt, to extremely low water flow all added to the problem.

It wouldn't take much for some dirty culprits to dumb toxic waste in it to finish it off.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
13 Aug 2022   #54
people are sick

Not people but you and a few other rightards. You are not people yet. hahahaha
Are you sick? Really?? Then I am proud of myself - I am doing my best to make you sick. And I am successful, I see. hahahaha

When is the next election day?

Autumn 2023.

go to agree on this one, Pis screwed up

Thank you. All decent people agree with it.
Novichok  4 | 8410
13 Aug 2022   #55
Pis screwed up, what a disaster!

PiS did what the voters wanted. That's how democracies work. If the voters don't agree, they take it to the streets and protest. Or wait till the next elections.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
13 Aug 2022   #56
PiS did what the voters wanted.

Not exactly. I think PiS has just lost a few voters among residents of river areas.

That's how democracies work

Yes, that is why we are waiting for elections.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
14 Aug 2022   #57
Poland rules out heavy metals as cause of fish kills

....However, the analyzes indicated increased salt levels in the water and thus agreed with the findings of the German authorities, Moskwa told the PAP news agency. »The high salinity of the Oder may have activated other toxic substances in the water or in the bottom sediment. The toxicological analysis of the fish will help identify any contaminants that may have contributed to the deaths of the animals." .....
OP pawian  226 | 27364
14 Aug 2022   #58
The Polish government promises more than 200,000 euros for information on the perpetrators.

That only proves how helpless are those PiS gangsters when it comes to dealing with such problems. Like kids in the foggy forest. They are only able to give away our money in benefits.
Alien  25 | 6359
16 Aug 2022   #59
And what if it was russian saboteurs who poisoned these fish in Odra river with novichok?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
16 Aug 2022   #60
...what have our fishies ever done to them!!!!

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