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Polish prosecutor 'shoots self after news conference'

gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jan 2012   #61
this one is a bit vague but read it through anyway

Harry, just admit it, you are not very proficient in Polish :) it's not a sin you know

The immediate cause of the initiation of the investigation was the fact that the after Sl. 54/10 concerning the Smolensk disaster conducted by the Military District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw has witnessed continuous leak of information and data as implicit appeared in the press or web portals.

this is the whole text of the Col. Przybył statement that was made during the famous press conference - in the final part it states about no less than a mafia draining money from the Polish army budget
10 Jan 2012   #62
Harry, just admit it, you are not very proficient in Polish :) it's not a sin you know

I'm not, but my reading is a lot better than my speaking. I'm talking about the statement from Magdalena Mazur-Prus: his bike went missing and his hubcaps were loosened, right?
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jan 2012   #63
there is a statement from Przybył further on in the article too - he says his dog has been killed, and the screws in the wheels have been deliberately loosened, he even says there was a reward on his head for 1 million zloty
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
10 Jan 2012   #64
Polish prosecutor 'shoots self after news conference'

In my opinion it's been faked... guy has a small hole in his cheek and will be out of hospital in a few days...
OP Barney  19 | 1763
10 Jan 2012   #65
Obviously the shooting wasn’t faked, the question is why did he do it. He said that the civil authorities were going to take over the investigations that had been carried out by the military. If there was/is corruption the civil authorities would be better placed to investigate, that would be normal. Questions about any illegal methods used in the Smolensk investigation would quite rightly be part of any outside review.
irishguy11  6 | 157
10 Jan 2012   #66
Its on that his he has a bounty on his head of 1 million zl, would this not bring about stress. However seeing the size of the guy, you would need to be either brave to do it up close or else you need to do something from a distance. There is a sniper rifle that the germans have that can hit a target from 2km away
OP Barney  19 | 1763
10 Jan 2012   #67
There is a sniper rifle that the germans have that can hit a target from 2km away

You need someone to pull the trigger and there are not many about.
irishguy11  6 | 157
10 Jan 2012   #68
I only said the weapon was available, i did not say that any guy on the street could use it.

I feel sorry for the guy, he has great pride in his work. Everyone knows that there is a degree of criminal in the armed forces, look at the amount of stuff that the USA army lose's.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
10 Jan 2012   #69
Obviously the shooting wasn't faked

Yes... what I mean is that he just wanted to make a show and not really kill himself...
irishguy11  6 | 157
10 Jan 2012   #70
So he just shoots himself in the face and has to undergo jaw reconstruction? Seems a bit much for a show.
OP Barney  19 | 1763
10 Jan 2012   #71
I only said the weapon was available, i did not say that any guy on the street could use it.

Yes of course.

Everyone knows that there is a degree of criminal in the armed forces, look at the amount of stuff that the USA army lose's.

Not just loosing stuff the corruption in arms sales is worldwide look at Britain and Tony Blair stepping in to stop a major investigation into corruption with BAE systems. It seems that any dealings with arms companies, which by their nature must be secretive, are prone to corrupt practices.


what I mean is that he just wanted to make a show and not really kill himself...

Strange thing to do, why do you think he would do that?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
10 Jan 2012   #72
and has to undergo jaw reconstruction

Does he ? I only heard that he will be out of hospital very soon, so I don't think his jaw, any other bones or (that's for sure) brain was damaged... so the only idea, which comes to my mind right now about the way it happened is that he put a barrel into his mouth, then turned it almost 90 degrees left or right and pulled the trigger... it's hard to do that unintentionally... but of couse it's just my impression, I've got no any secret knowledge about this case.

Strange thing to do, why do you think he would do that?

Hmm I don't know but there are many possibilities... perhaps he is not a good guy, corruption cases were a matter of competitors bribing prosecutors to start an investigation and cancel the contracts... he knows that soon the truth will come out and decided that it's better to play a psycho... or he is a good guy but his superiors aren't... and they want to stop the investigations... so he decided to make it a front page news that way, so now it will be more difficult to stop them... I don't now, there's a hundred potential reasons... what i know is that it's not really difficult to kill yourself If you have a gun and really want to do it...
OP Barney  19 | 1763
10 Jan 2012   #73
This is being reported today

The shooting exposed a long-simmering conflict between the country's civilian prosecutor general, Andrzej Seremet, and Poland's chief military prosecutor, General Krzysztof Parulski. Seremet plans to bring military prosecutors under civilian authority, but has not publicly explained his reasoning

He said:

PAP quoted Przybyl as saying he objects to the planned reforms and that he tried to commit suicide "in defence of the honour" of military prosecutors. "I wanted the [military] prosecutor's office to continue as it is, and under the leadership of General Parulski," he said. Przybyl said under Parulski all investigations would be carried out "honestly" and under no pressure.

rybnik  18 | 1444
11 Jan 2012   #74
I just heard the telephone statement he made to reporters from his hospital bed. He sounds way too coherent, way too in control; his thoughts very cogent for somebody who had ostensibly nothing to live for. Most survivors of a true suicide attempt are angry that they failed. He sounded as if he was very relaxed and content with himself.........That's just me.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
11 Jan 2012   #75
He sounded as if he was very relaxed and content with himself.........

Morphine will do that to you :)
Poor bloke,no one gives their side arm a blow job for a bit of attention.
f stop  24 | 2493
11 Jan 2012   #76
holy sht, the video at the end of the article!
rybnik  18 | 1444
11 Jan 2012   #77
crazy right?!
f stop  24 | 2493
11 Jan 2012   #78
He gives absolutely no clue as to what was he thinking. But then military does try to discourage thinking.
rybnik  18 | 1444
11 Jan 2012   #79
But then military does try to discourage thinking.

Exactly! This was his way of falling on a live grenade to save his buddies. in his mind he's saving the military prosecutor's office from the civilians.
hythorn  3 | 580
12 Jan 2012   #80
the irony was that he was a bit of a marksman

I was speaking to a lawyer friend who told me that the prosecutor used to practice almost daily on the range

I pointed out that he was used to shooting at targets in the distance and not sticking the barrel in his gob

the more I think about it, the more this looks like a cry for help
f stop  24 | 2493
12 Jan 2012   #81
in his mind he's saving the military prosecutor's office from the civilians

That is my question: does he think that the military has been treated unfairly by the civilians, or does he think military is at fault and he can't bear the disgrace?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
12 Jan 2012   #82
Exactly! This was his way of falling on a live grenade to save his buddies. in his mind he's saving the military prosecutor's office from the civilians.

You have no way of knowing what he was thinking beyond the literal meaning of his words nor can you be sure of his motives, you've jumped to conclusions and stated them as fact.
rybnik  18 | 1444
12 Jan 2012   #83
you've jumped to conclusions and stated them as fact.

I've given my opinion.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
12 Jan 2012   #84
You didn't state it as such:

Exactly! This was his way of falling on a live grenade to save his buddies. in his mind he's saving the military prosecutor's office from the civilians.

The worrisome aspect of this is that there's a good chance you've decided your opinions are the facts instead of largely baseless speculation.
f stop  24 | 2493
12 Jan 2012   #85
o, c'mon, we're speculating!
What is your opinion, foreigner, did he think that the military has been treated unfairly by the civilians, or did he think military is at fault and he can't bear the disgrace?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
13 Jan 2012   #86
What is your opinion, foreigner, did he think that the military has been treated unfairly by the civilians, or did he think military is at fault and he can't bear the disgrace?

I am not sure it has to be an either/or scenario nor am I sure that other factors should be precluded based on what I know, which in this case is scant.

Having said that I can't fathom why a military prosecutor would feel the need to bear any proposed disgrace. It simply doesn't stand to reason. Military lawyers are not in the same league as the brass who go about doing disgraceful things or covering up disgraceful actions. In this case we don't know if such actions exist or if they do, to what extent.

My guess is that something much more serious than what we suspect is what lead him to do this. I have not ruled out that his life was already threatened by others wanting to keep something from seeing the light of day. That's my guess but I've nothing really to base this on other than the facts: he was a prosecutor; was privy to information we wouldn't be; stuck a loaded pistol to his head and pulled the trigger; hasn't a known history of this kind of sh*t.

I pointed out that he was used to shooting at targets in the distance and not sticking the barrel in his gobthe more I think about it, the more this looks like a cry for help

I was wondering about that too but sticking a loaded pistol to your head may make you waver a bit and become weak in the wrists, the recoil could account for the glancing nature of the shot but without knowing what he was thinking, it becomes difficult to say.
winners  - | 3
30 Jul 2015   #87
suicide on the increase with issues like this rising every day ,every week and every month
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Dec 2020   #88
Prosecutors are living in hard times under PiS today. They are used by rightards as a tool against political opponents. If they run into a law expert, they make utter fools of themselves. The case of a famous lawyer, Giertych, shows it well.

If prosecutors want to be fair and objective, they are degraded to lower positions by PIS Minister of Justice.

Thank you, rightards.

On Thursday, the lawyer wrote in social media that "the District Courtroom in Poznań repealed the choice of the prosecutor's workplace on preventive measures" imposed on him. "The prosecutor's workplace has neither substantiated the fees nor introduced them to me. The choice is legally binding," Giertych added on Twitter.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Dec 2020   #89
If prosecutors want to be fair and objective

PiS have no interest in fair and objective. For them, just as it was in the PRL, prosecution services are there for the benefit of the Party.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Dec 2020   #90
Yes, exactly. Why do rightards do such things which weren`t done in democratic Poland either by post communists or liberal parties? I still remember how a PO Justice Minister resigned when an infamous criminal, an important witness at the same time, killed himself in his cell.

Oh, my God. Those standards are like light years away from today`s PiS` actions.

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