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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Korvinus  2 | 581
15 Oct 2021   #781
Yeah....that's great.

(Repeated) sacking of Rome? Check.
Sacking the other Rome a thousand years later? Check.
Reformation obliterating European unity forever? Check.

There are no greater vermin on the face of God's green earth than g*rmans.
OP jon357  72 | 23298
15 Oct 2021   #782
(Repeated) sacking of Rome? Check.

Germany didn't exist then, and the Huns and Visigoths had more to do with other places than Germany. Not that the events of 1500 years ago have much relevance to human behaviour today. A bit like pretending that today's Poles have anything to do with Mieszko I.

Sacking the other Rome a thousand years later? Check.

What 'other Rome'?

Reformation obliterating European unity forever? Check.

Or improving it...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11810
15 Oct 2021   #783
There are no greater vermin on the face of God's green earth than g*rmans. are doing great! :)

I always loved the stories about the sacking of Rome! My barbarians....*polishes helmet* :)

Hach ja....the good 'ol times...
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
15 Oct 2021   #784
Polish identity is based upon the kingdom of Poland, which again came about thanks to Mieszko I decision to marry Dobrawa... Which lead to Bolesław Chrobry! Read a history book would you?

"What 'other Rome'?"
The one a certain Tudor left with his whole kingdom cause he wasn't able to bring about an male heir

And most definitively the reformation worsened christianity, it's divided in Germany to this very day and even leading to prophanations
OP jon357  72 | 23298
15 Oct 2021   #785
Read a history book would you?

Even many. The warlords of those days have nothing to do with modern Poland though.

The one a certain Tudor l

I doubt he means London, even with or without Henry the Great's wise decision.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
15 Oct 2021   #786
It certainly has, it's Poland. Not France, nor Russia or Germany! You can take your colloqual behind and shove it where pepper grows! And no! It ain't advice from me for you start hedonistic activities with your delusional mind

It's funny how you admire his decision yet berrate about U.K leaving EU tho! Inconsistency!
OP jon357  72 | 23298
15 Oct 2021   #787
it's Poland. Not France, nor Russia or Germany!

All of whom have differing histories yet much in common. Poland isn't some sort of mystic Shangri-La or Camelot, y'know.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
15 Oct 2021   #788
None of those two no! Far better and better looking then what the entire island of britain could even possibly imagine!

History of U.K can at best be summed up as classwarfare between factions about who gets to sit on the throne, while in Polish history gets to read about the triumphant social sucess which is the Polish republic which have agreed about rules of engagment regarding governing in Poland.

While in the U.K ever since Cromwell, the islanders have accepted their failed attempt and think monarchy is the best solution cause of their own failure. Thinking it impossible for others to not only suceed but overcome it as well! Which is why Norway has a monarchy this day instead of a republic for instance! Cause of english fragileness
OP jon357  72 | 23298
15 Oct 2021   #789
the entire island of britain


the triumphant social sucess which is the Polish republic


And no surprise that you're attempting to deflect by posting irrelevant and inaccurate information about other countries. It doesn't work when Sergei Lavrov tries it, and it ain't working for you now.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
15 Oct 2021   #790
I would be more then happy for you to begin describing historical events accurately
OP jon357  72 | 23298
15 Oct 2021   #791

Accurately, or according to your romantic perception of accuracy.

Anyway, you're going off topic, and Poland still has majority support for EU membership.

Even Morawiecki said today that there will be no 'Polexit'.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2125
15 Oct 2021   #792
It's quite on topic, one moment you cherish the reformation as something positive while the other second you cheer about Poles wanting to stay in the EU. It shows again lack of consistence on your part! The reformation created dissunity in europe and divided german lands to this day! With that kind of statement don't be surprised that I won't trust a word your writing about the topic at hand. Cause evidently you don't care for unity in europe truly, but for the fall of support to any non-leftist extremist government.

Why don't you make a three big hurreys or yes for north Korea? Since by your point of view they united the Korean penninsula! Which is also utter nonsense!
OP jon357  72 | 23298
15 Oct 2021   #793
. It shows again lack of consistence on your part!

Hardly, since the first wasn't a break and the second won't be.

north Korea?

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2125
15 Oct 2021   #794
The reformation was a break off, which also lead to calamity and massive dreadful wars. Putting heads of state as decision makers which they had no right to! It's like claiming that the President of Germany is the one to decide who is to become priests and where! Absurd!

I prefer to live in jasnogród thank you very much, while you can remain in darkness as long as you want. Your choice
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11810
15 Oct 2021   #795
The reformation was a break off, which also lead to calamity and massive dreadful wars.

Yeah well....if you want to put the death count as an decisive factor if something is good or bad then already the import of Christianity was an error....since then mass killings in the name of god became part of Europe's history for nearly 2 millennia....for centuries it was like "conversion or death"! Followed closely by "death to the unbelievers"....
OP jon357  72 | 23298
15 Oct 2021   #796
which also lead

Printing, education, the road to rights for women and democracy.

Putting heads of state as decision makers

Who would you rather have making those decisions? The Borgias, Bourbons, Hapsburgs and Médicis?
15 Oct 2021   #797
Poland isn't some sort of mystic Shangri-La or Camelot, y'know.

Well, those countries could learn a lot from Poland.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2125
15 Oct 2021   #798
@Bratwurst Boy
That only counts if every war in europe could be described as a crusade! George W. Bush saw invasion of Iraq as a modern crusade, while it certainly wasn't. Presidents of the U.S.A don't have that kind of authority

So if you want to talk about religious warfare, feel free to mention crusades. War of reformation was about princes and kings wanting power and decide about who marries who and who appoints bishops while people who take things literally were able to read the bible out of context in German instead of latin

The reformation spread faster as a result of printing press, not the other way around!

Education didn't improve demographically until 19th century! Mostly it was heretical teachings spreading faster if anything

And mind I remind you that any forms of democracy were violently supressed by Protestant Prussia, Orthodox Russia and Anglican England?

Republican, democratic or free in any sense. It's a double standard coming from anyone writing like that. Glorifying the worst states in history with regards towards freedom, democracy or republicanism. Utter nonsense and political babbling

The church's inner decisions about administrative posts belong to the Pope. Not any form of Caesars or megalomaniacs.

So yeah, no and no.

It's not a matter of what I prefer, it's about how it should be regardless about my personal opinion!
OP jon357  72 | 23298
15 Oct 2021   #799
The reformation spread faster as a result of printing press


Education didn't improve demographically until 19th century!

And where?

And mind I remind you that any forms of democracy were violently supressed by England?

You might, however you'd find better examples in Italy and Spain.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
15 Oct 2021   #800
however you'd find better examples in Italy and Spain.

For example?

It seems highly unlikely as most Poles are pro-eu,

Let me translate those polls for you.
47% and thus majority of the Polish people think that so far the EU membership is advantageous for them, at the same time they think - it won't be in the future.

It means - let's stay just a little bit longer.
pro or contra are political terms, most people don't think that way.
pawian  222 | 26670
15 Oct 2021   #801
Let me translate those polls for you.

It is a good and long cherished custom in the forum to provide proofs for such highly controvercial claims. Instead of using bare words, give us a link so that we can check on our own.

Be a good and reliable poster, not a liar like others here, whose nicks I will withhold for a while.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
15 Oct 2021   #802
Instead of using bare words

Logos without Ethos = lies.
Polls are there Eurostat is not Polish or pro-Polish. If you don't like it, it doesn't mean it is a lie.
Rather than look for exuses - deal with it.
Miloslaw  20 | 5096
15 Oct 2021   #803
so far the EU membership is advantageous for them, at the same time they think - it won't be in the future

I think that is an accurate description of current Polish attitudes.
But there will not be a Polexit any time soon and later may be too late.
pawian  222 | 26670
16 Oct 2021   #804
deal with it.

Darling, I only asked you for simple proofs like a link to their website with poll results or any article which mentioned it. And you are giving me some pseudo Hamlet-like philosophy. Sorry, but it`s not what is expected from you - cut the to be in the EU or not to be crap and provide a simple link.
Crow  154 | 9482
16 Oct 2021   #805

I see dobri brate you talk again here. Good. Gooood. Talk is cure for non-morons.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
19 Oct 2021   #806
There are no greater vermin on the face of God's green earth than g*rmans

They are not that bad. If they are ruled by the enlighten Polish rule they are doing great. If they are ruled by Die Prussian Regierung they start develop ideas, bad ideas.


Are you homo?
OP jon357  72 | 23298
19 Oct 2021   #807
Eurostat is not Polish or pro-Polish

Should it be either or should it be neutral.

Polling organisations aren't there to be pro anything.
OP jon357  72 | 23298
19 Oct 2021   #808
Well, well, well. A very interesting document here. Does anyone know what this is?

  • Screenshot2021101.jpg
amiga500  5 | 1481
19 Oct 2021   #809
Is this what morawiecki wrote for his european law textbook? , it says certain of their provisions and if applicable. it also mentions the treaties in the preceding pragraph, therefore if there is a european judgement that is outside of the treaties it is not applicable. no one back then could have foreseen that a european court would be so politicized and so brazenly try and usurp the power of the nation state. nice try tho, back to the drawing board i guess?
PolAmKrakow  3 | 887
19 Oct 2021   #810
Have to agree. That is pretty clear. I am a federalist when it comes to the law, and black and white with plain meaning is easy to understand. This actually support PiS argument and the EU could be forced to just accept things.

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