and will take it upon itself to return the EU monies it has received
Has any country EVER returned the EU funds it received? Why should Poland do it then? But, yes, I think farming subsidies and structural funds are doing more harm than good, and they should be given up.
to develop a cohesive economy without being vulnerable (...) and with a standard of living in each member state that is as equal as possible
If that was the case, the subsidies for Polish farmers would be the same as the subsidies for French farmers. They aren't. Without farming subsidies Polish farming, being more efficient and cost-effective, would be able to sell more of their products to European markets. As for structural funds, I already said it on numerous occasions -- all they do is causing the local governments all over Poland to take more loans and grow even deeper in debt, because they don't want to miss the opportuinity of having an idiotic aquapark, for example, "at half-price". It's only feeding German and French usurers (aka banks) with Polish sweat and blood.
As I said, return to common sense, thrift and work ethics is needed, as well as a complete ban on budget deficits -- corrupt politicians shouldn't be allowed to buy votes with money that even our grandchildren will still be paying off. If a country has been living beyond their means for decades, and now has to pay for their corruption, greed and excessive borrowing, then so be it. Welcome to the real world -- a world in which money comes from saving and hard work, not from another credit.