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Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 Jul 2020   #301
Poland stands now without any mayor allies that would support them.

What do you call United States and the V4? France and Germany rule the EU and there's a lot of things they want to push on Poland which a lot of Poles clearly don't want. Regardless, Poland keeps getting its way in the EU and will continue to do so. They really don't give a rats ass if they hurt some leftists' feelings because they don't want to take in turd worlders or legalize gay marriage.

Are in terms of economics, Germany is still the biggest partner and that's not going to change regardless of who is in charge in either country. Politically, Germany constantly antagonizes Poland and tries to influence our political system - hell they even send trucks with German license plates blaring loser fagowski propoganda. It doesn't matter though - the trade is going to continue either way.

Poland isn't some country like North Korea or Cuba where they're facing a bunch of sanctions and are an international pariah. Poland and PiS have many allies and friends all around the world. There's going to be squabbles with the EU like Hungary, Britain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Greece, etc. etc. had with the EU, ultimately each countries' representatives are fighting for what their constituents want. And when you have representatives from cucked countries like Germanistan or the French Emirate and they wnat to turn Poland into some multikulti neo-marxist society we're going to resist it because that's not what the Polish voters want. Even with PO they're not going to be stupid enough to push with the leftist kind of ideologies and alienate a ton of voters.
Crow  154 | 9525
24 Jul 2020   #302
Poland stands now without any mayor allies that would support them.

Poland`s situation wasn`t better in last 700 years. Minimum.

And Slavs (ie Sarmatians), were not this strong in last 2000 years. Minimum.

Only if suicide intent prevail Germany may try something.
Spike31  3 | 1485
24 Jul 2020   #303
what do you think of Merkel standing by these sanctions against Russia even without Trump's backing?

Right now sanctions against Russia are backed by both: the US and the EU. Which doesn't stop Merkel from proceeding with NS2 which will feed the Russian state and the army with European money.

I wish she would let it go too

It will be no easy for Merkel to let it go and to save her face at the same time.

When the whole NS2 project started, Germany has dismissed all the opossition coming from Poland, Baltic states (EU members) and Ukraine. One thing wasn't predicted thought: the fact that the United States will get involved. It was far more easy to ignore the opposition of Poles and Balts than to dismiss the pressure of the upcoming US sanctions.

So right now I'm pretty amused when reading news in which German officials state that this is an inacceptable interference into European matters by the United States.

And Merkel also wants to set the whole of the European Union against the US in order to protect German and Russian economic interests which are against the best interest of some of the EU members in the first place! What a hypocrisy on her side. And it also shows that she treats the EU as her own private farm.

"European energy policy is decided in Europe, not the US," said Heiko Maas, German foreign minister

(small correction by @Spike31: "European energy policy is decided in Europe by Germany and Russia against the will of CEE and other less powerful states who will get directly hit by it")

incredibly short-sighted position in the refugee crisis

It was an incredibly long-sighted policy on Poland's side to refuse them. And also, it was a Germany who has antagonized the whole Central Europe by inviting millions of "refugees" without asking everyone else.
mafketis  38 | 11127
24 Jul 2020   #304
its' incredibly short-sighted position in the refugee crisis

Poland isn't the country that's being short-sighted.

Let's play a game. Imagine Poland accepts 10,000 unemployable "refugees" that Germany doesn't want (I fully expect Germany to hold onto the minority that can be made into economic contributors).

How on Earth will Poland be able to keep them in Poland with open borders between Poland in Germany?

Answer that and we'll discuss the next step
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 Jul 2020   #305
By paying them as much money as Germany to sit on their ass and pop out more kebabs and ninja women. But Poland won't do that because Poles admire and respect hard work and despise idleness and laziness
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
24 Jul 2020   #306
When the whole NS2 project started, Germany has dismissed all the opossition

It was Schröder's baby, not Merkel. That he ended up after his chancellorship at russian Gazprom, calling Putin a "lupenreiner Demokrat" (flawless democrat), says it all, really...

One thing wasn't predicted thought: the fact that the United States will get involved.

It's not the US....Obama never put any pressure on Merkel about's Trump! And he will probably gone soon...

And Merkel also wants to set the whole of the European Union against the US

Frankly, Trump makes it he treats the EU as an enemy....he has less and less friends here!

"European energy policy is decided in Europe, not the US,"

Imagine it wouldn't be so! :)

And also, it was a Germany who has antagonized the whole Central Europe by inviting millions of "refugees" without asking everyone else.

Have to agree with that....

Avoid excessive quoting please
Tacitus  2 | 1255
24 Jul 2020   #307
long-sighted policy on Poland's side to refuse them

Nothing of that was "long-sighted". It was just a cheap trick to whip up a domestic frenzy, which did lasting damage to Poland's diplomatic position in the EU. Thanks to that the countries in Southern Europe have one more reason to e.g. oppose the sanctions against Russia. And all of that because a supposedly "christian" country was unwilling to help people in need.

expect Germany to hold onto the minority

The plan wasnt to take refugees from Germany, but from Southern Europe.

will Poland be able to keep

Just another reason why Poland's opposition was so short-sighted. They could have taken some refugees, and if they had left on their own volition, they had been out of their hand.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
24 Jul 2020   #308
Avoid excessive quoting please

I try so hard...always....I swear...
Spike31  3 | 1485
25 Jul 2020   #309
Nothing of that was "long-sighted"

It is not my business if Germany wants to replace their population with Africans and Middle-Easterners. But Merkel is not going to dictate Poles who we should or shouldn't take in to our country.

Poland, and V4, has made a stand against enforced multikulti. Normal Europeans will appreciate this and leftists can do nothing about it. As simple as that.

And he will probably gone soon...

Since when German foreign politics is based on hopes? Old Fritz would be dissapointed...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
25 Jul 2020   #310
Hach ja....the Old Fritz....and Bismarck....*get's all nostalgic*
Ironside  50 | 12928
25 Jul 2020   #311
They could have taken some refugees,

There were more cons than pros even if we would assume they would leave anyway. Why decide on something so risky and unpopular in the society?

he Old Fritz.

Zygmunt should have had nip that nonsense in the bud rather than agree for his nephew to create the first protestant country.
Spike31  3 | 1485
25 Jul 2020   #314
The priority is to bring back Poles from former Eastern Borderlands of Poland and also those Poles who were sent to Siberia by Russian/Soviets. Obviously I'm taking only about those with Karta Polaka, that is proven Polish roots.

#1 because they are Poles like us and that's their natural right
#2 they are conservative and nationalist

And then perhaps Poland should open the borders for Boers who are being repressed on base of black racism by a black majority in South Africa. They are capable farmers with high work ethics. Much better than lazy muslim "refugees" with two left hands...
Ironside  50 | 12928
25 Jul 2020   #315
to bring back

they never left - you don't need to bring them back.

And then perhaps Poland should open the borders

Basically every country should have such immigration policy as they find suitable for themselves. Should be no compulsory import of pigmies or Nigerians just to proof to some proegssivies Inquisition that a country is all right.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
25 Jul 2020   #316
When will you officially renounce Christian values, then?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
25 Jul 2020   #317
One has to be responsible for ones self and closest family first and foremost, how can one care for others if one himself is unable to care for himself?

The Republic of Poland is first and foremost a nation state, with responsibilities towards the nation of Poland and it's citizens (who ideally strive to be good working Poles)

I thought it was rather the role of the Catholic Church to care for all humanity and spread the message. I certainly am not advocating for a theocracy in Poland
Ironside  50 | 12928
25 Jul 2020   #318
officially renounce Christian values

Such as?
You are Soviet, you know nothing.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
25 Jul 2020   #319
Such as?

Such as love of your brethren, especially when in need.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
25 Jul 2020   #320
What I would like to know....Christianity became so big through conversions....from a tiny desert cult to a sprawling world religion....why don't they see all these masses of coming immigrants as potential future Christians to fill the empty churches again?

There could be a new wave of power and influence to be had.....not feeling threatened by everybody foreign....dying out slowly but surely as of now (especially in Germany).

Serious thinking here!
Ironside  50 | 12928
25 Jul 2020   #321
Such as love of your brethren, especially when in need.

what it has to do with anything?

Serious thinking here!

eh? what thinking? Sloppy thinking BB, are fueled by a beer?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
25 Jul 2020   #322
....just wanted to keep the conversation going! :)
mafketis  38 | 11127
25 Jul 2020   #323
why don't they see all these masses of coming immigrants as potential future Christians to fill the empty churches again?

Haven't you ever heard about the death sentence for apostasy from Islam? I mean seriously..... did Germany take in hundreds of thousands of people without knowing the first thing about their religion?

Muslims in western countries who try to become non-Muslims face long term campaigns of intimidation and violence....

I though even Tacitus knew that....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
25 Jul 2020   #324
At some time even Islam has to develop....move forwards....I think the westernized muslims will play an important role in that....sooner or later....

A muslima in Berlin founded the first mosque where men and women (unveiled) can pray together side by side...and female preacher are allowed too...gays and lesbians too...of course it doesn't sit well with the most hardcore muslims from the Dark Ages, but's it's in Germany, under western laws and so they have to suck it up! :)
Crow  154 | 9525
25 Jul 2020   #325
wanted to keep the conversation going!

This problem can be easily solved.

but's it's in Germany, under western laws and so they have to suck it up! :)

This is how Hitler, who admired to Islam, sow it and desired. All in EU so remind me of Hitler`s desires.
Ironside  50 | 12928
14 Sep 2020   #326
Ok, watch it. Poland economy was growing faster before become a member of the EU.
Belarus' vs 'Russia' vs 'Ukraine' vs 'Poland' History of Economy - Comparison - GDP PPP Per Capita:
Tacitus  2 | 1255
15 Sep 2020   #327
Poland economy was growing faster before become a member of the EU.

Indeed. The prospect of EU membership already did a lot of good for the country, encouraging its' politicians to implement the necessary reforms and increasing the trust of foreign investors. Particulary Germany agreed alread during the negotiations for reunification that the government would encourage credits to Poland. And the reforms prevented the rise of corrupt Oligarchs like in the Ukraine or Russia.

Just goes to show how invaluable the EU has been for Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
15 Sep 2020   #328
Ok, watch it. Poland economy was growing faster before become a member of the EU.

So what? Poland was a very poor country in 1990s, even poorer than Ukraine and Belarus.

It is true that the collapse of communism released the incredible energy and initiative of people who started setting up their own businesses. But the level they started from was very low so it is obvious they were doomed for prosperity in the course of events .

try to use your reason (coz you haven`t before ) and understand that making up on our own for tragic communist economy wouldn`t last for ever and that the EU gave Poland new incentives and opportunities.

Are you able to?
Crow  154 | 9525
15 Sep 2020   #329
Just goes to show how invaluable the EU has been for Poland.

The historical thief returned something to his historical victim. Just to prepare victim for new stage of looting that coming and yet to come.

Similar to way how butcher, with deep care, preparing the meat.
15 Sep 2020   #330
Britain jioned the Common Market not the EU ,it was just a trading area.The day Britain joined was a day too late.See what has happened to it, destroyed by immigration, that is waht the Eu was designed for, to destroy the White Countries of Europe.

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