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R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland

Kashub1410  6 | 580
25 Feb 2023   #181
If I created a thread with topic named: "Future mayor and future president: Bosak!" You would behave the same or even worse.
Either way his English is commendable and in interview he seems calm and restrained.

Not sure what his goals are though yet, if he really is Libertarian I could warm myself up to him. My problem is most Libertarians are against all forms of authority (or authoritarianism) which easily puts them against the church. So I guess my beef with him would be on moral/religious grounds. Not on political/economical/diplomatical platforms.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
25 Feb 2023   #182
You would behave the same or even worse.

Of course I wouldn`t. There would be no point in discussing the issue at all. hahahaha I would say it in one post and leave for good to more interesting threads. Life is too short..........
OP pawian  224 | 27236
25 Feb 2023   #183
puts them against the church

One can be against the Church while still revere Goddess.

moral/religious grounds.

Anybody who relies on the corrupt pedophiliac Church is an idiot.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
26 Feb 2023   #184
The church is a gift from God and Gods mission on earth. Being against the church is being against God!

Your continued attacks on the church is noted @pawian

What Godess you speaking of @pawian? Freya?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
26 Feb 2023   #185
Being against the church is being against God!

That`s what corrupt pedo clergy want to instill in morons` minds. However, their efforts are more and more futile.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
26 Feb 2023   #186
You are a lost case, that much is certain
johnny reb  49 | 7974
26 Feb 2023   #187
We will all be there the day he is judged by God for his Satanic ilk.
jon357  72 | 23361
26 Feb 2023   #188

There are many to choose from, however this isn't much to do with the President of Warsaw who will soon be the President of Poland.

He's a good man, albeit right-wing
OP pawian  224 | 27236
26 Feb 2023   #189
He's a good man, albeit right-wing

Nope, centrist. Like me. That`s why I like him so much.

Your continued attacks on the church is noted @pawian

Yes, I know. You remind me of Raymond Babitt with his injury notebook. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23361
26 Feb 2023   #190
I'd call him (and Platforma as a whole) centre-right, rather like the wetter Tories in the UK. Sadly, Poland doesn't have much of a functioning centre or left except for Razem. the Overton Window is quite a way to the right in PL.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
4 Mar 2023   #191
The latest ranking of most trusted politicians - as usual, Mr Future President of Poland Trzaskowski is first with over 50%.

I'd call him (and Platforma as a whole) centre-right,

No more. They are leaning to centre left more and more. E.g., Tusk demands his team to support the right to abortion or wypierdalać.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
4 Mar 2023   #192
Well if Tusk wins any office on that premise I would have to start working on building or joining an underground movement. Won't accept people making laws about murder licenses, he might have demanded five finger hand salutes in membership. Didn't switch from one looniebin for another to turn the same

I tolerate much, but I draw the line with abortion
OP pawian  224 | 27236
4 Mar 2023   #193
I tolerate much, but I draw the line with abortion

We understand and accept your views. If you are against abortion, don`t have it in your family. Simple.

However, after centuries or even milenia of living in patriarchal societies which trampled on women`s rights, women finally should be able to decide about their lives disregarding males` opinion.

I would have to start working on building or joining an underground movement.

No. Just take care of your own life and stop meddling into other people`s affairs. It is their business what they do in life. You should run your life in a decent way, that`s all. Why are you so obsessed with others????
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Mar 2023   #194
I draw the line with abortion

So don't have one. Nobody is forcing you. Your womb is your own to do with as you please.

I would have to start working on building or joining an underground movement

I doubt that.

Do you always 'build underground movements' during the term of office of politicians you didn't vote for?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
5 Mar 2023   #195
I am not obsessed with others, but part of being an upright citizen is to take care of one's own country, no matter what you tell me I wouldn't sit idle if I saw my fellow countrymen killing each other on the streets. Especially even so if kids were involved or event as fu***d up as infants.

What you are propagating is killing of something that is even less defenceless then infants, yet you attack me for "allegedly" defending pedoes, while you yourself advocate for murdering more innocent lives then victims of pedophiles! Don't you understand why I simply cannot take you seriously?

@jon that's like saying to me I should respect the private ownership of a murders car after driving over my entire family. It just does not make any sense to me
Lenka  5 | 3531
5 Mar 2023   #196
should respect the private ownership of a murders car after driving over my entire family

No, that 'car' has nothing to do with your family. Think about better analogy because that one sucks.

no matter what you tell me I wouldn't sit idle if I saw my fellow countrymen killing

??? We are talking about politiciqn going into power and changing laws nit some bloody what would you do if the law was simply changed as it was changed recently?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
5 Mar 2023   #197
So if laws were changed and women who go to hairdressers were to be hanged and men who tried to play tennis were to be cast rated and put in prisons. You would simply accept that?
Lenka  5 | 3531
5 Mar 2023   #198
I would oppose but the talk about underground? What **** is that? You can opppose the laws without that romantic perception. There are normal, open organizations that work on both opposing ends of it.

Not to mention your analogy sucks agaim - the right for abortion does not apply to certain specific groups but more gives a right to a women to make a decision she deems best. For your analogy to be right the law would have to be e.g. 'all the pregnancy started in March have to be terminated'
Kashub1410  6 | 580
5 Mar 2023   #199
Wether somebody has a choice of murdering by a scalpel or a rope is equally apprehensable, murder is murder.

If over half of the population goes insane there is little room for talk or civility. One does not argue with demons, and murder was, is and will allways be demonic
Lenka  5 | 3531
5 Mar 2023   #200
by a scalpel or a rope is equally apprehensable

Your example aren't good not because of the means. I explained it clearly enough.

If over half of the population goes insane there is little room for talk or civility.One does not argue with demons,

Quite frankly that sounds dangerous and like a case for a paychiatrist
Kashub1410  6 | 580
5 Mar 2023   #201
Same when half the population needs excorscism clearly

We won't agree on this matter that is for sure, this is not a individual decision. You guys clearly think it is.

I'll leave the matter at hand for now
OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Mar 2023   #202
I am not obsessed with others,

Yes, you are, all the time. It is called paranoia.

One does not argue with demons

Paranoia based on religious fanaticism. You should seek professional help.
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Mar 2023   #203

We aren't talking about either murder or your whole family. That was a silly analogy.


We aren't discussing murder.

What are demons?


OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Mar 2023   #204

Such fanatics once waged religious wars and murdered millions in the name of their fanatic beliefs.
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Mar 2023   #205
Such fanatics once waged religious wars

Some still do. ISIS comes to mind.

And they're all convinced that their religion is right and all the others wrong.

It's much better to have a moderate like Trzaskowski, even if he is centre-right rather than centre-left.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Mar 2023   #206
their religion is right and all the others wrong.

Yes, the essential dogma for fanatics.

little room for talk or civility. One does not argue with demons,

When will you start murdering them in the name of your beliefs???
gumishu  15 | 6227
8 Mar 2023   #207
gives a right to a women to make a decision she deems best.

would you agree for men to have a say in abortion - I mean if abortion was on demand of the father?
jon357  72 | 23361
8 Mar 2023   #208
would you agree

Would you agree that it's unreasonable to expect people with a variety of opinions and personal circumstances to live according to the values of the most conservative opinions in society?
Bobko  27 | 2130
8 Mar 2023   #209
Paranoia based on religious fanaticism. You should seek professional help.

Under that criteria, probably a good third of America should be under active supervision of a doctor. I can provide you with a few American websites, with readership in the hundreds of thousands, where "paranoia based on religious fanaticism" can encapsulate 50% of the articles.

Fighting demons, and saving souls is a pretty routine affair in the United States. You have it easy in Europe.

Also, please do not be frightened by people pronouncing a desire to go "underground". In America they have an entire industry dedicated to servicing the whims of these people, so again - they cannot be so unusual, or dangerous if profit-oriented businessmen are able to conduct dealings with them. So they like to live in old ICBM silos. So they dress up a few times a week and march around some forest clearing. So they buy a lot of gas masks and bulletproof vests. Yes, they're sitting on hundred of millions of rounds of ammunition. But is this really a reason to worry? Of course not.

These people are harmless. The real demons no one cares to slay.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
8 Mar 2023   #210
Mr Future President of Poland Trzaskowski is active in many fields. Today in the Parliament he brought up the civic bill to close down the cesspool called PiS TV Info news channel.

He spoke a lot of words of wisdom

We meet at a very special moment. In recent days, we have felt the evil so tangibly, the symbol of which over the last few years has become television , which we used to call public - said Trzaskowski . - Today, TVP Info is not only a place of poor craftsmanship, servility, propaganda and manipulation, but above all a place where there is total cynicism and a lack of any moral brakes. However, new boundaries are being crossed every day. Unfortunately, every day the limits of disinformation, ridiculing authorities, adhering to the lowest possible instincts, deepening social divisions, harassing all those who are not on the way with today's power are crossed every day - he said.

The effects of this party gangrene, which is spreading over the media, which we used to call public, unfortunately lead to tragedy. They permanently destroy democracy, remove the remnants of much-needed trust from our lives, negate the community and, worst of all, try to turn hatred and hate into a virtue. As the last few days have unfortunately shown, the effects of the progressive decay of the media, which we once considered public, lead to tragedy, and those who, unfortunately, are complicit, today are manipulators who are terrified that they may be punished for contributing to another death. Because words have consequences .

In today's TVP , two crises are reflected as in a gloomy mirror . On the one hand, the crisis of Polish democracy, and on the other hand, the overwhelming moral crisis of today's authorities. Unfortunately, what we see today undermines the foundations of the community, and this should be an absolutely superior value for all of us. Today's PiS media contradict the guiding principle of democracy, and the guiding principle of democracy should be that the mission of public media should be to keep an eye on the authorities. The mission of public media should be to control power in the name of society, and above all, the mission of public media should simply be telling the truth, Trzaskowski said.

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