I wonder why they call him that,
Maybe because he incapable, inept and generally a very bad mayor. He failed in so many thing to sort out in Warsaw. Yet, he tolerate mafia, and he makes 'green' decisions which are making Warsaw harder to go to be a car. During his time the greatest ecological disaster happened in Warsaw due to corruption.
He is doing everything but his job, uses Warsaw money to promot LGBT BS and himself.
I think that is enough.
Rafał Trzaskowski, declared that "today Poland is a battlefield between freedom and authoritarianism."
Sure that point is he on the side that want to introdice authoritarism of todays liberals. That is what they are all about. On the top he want Poland to be German colony and he is openly happy about it. Sure he used different words but not that differnat to not get his intention.
Trzaskowski 'lecher' (self description) is not a nice or profesional person, he is a profesionarl liar and that makes him be firmly in the radical left camp.
What is the stance of Trzaskowski on immigration ?
Typical euro-liberal facist. All in more differnt to Poles its better. Costs, crime who cares - he won't be affeected by any of it in his places and bodyquards paid by the taxpayer he sh'ts on!
Typcial slime that are too many in the public life.