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Time to clean the swamp - dePiSification of Poland

Torq  8 | 954
28 Dec 2023   #181
Now Kaczyński and his base are getting too old.


Every year PiS's voter base decreases and democratic parties' voter base increases. Kaczynski and his thugs are already in the dump of history, they just haven't realised it yet.

once Kaczyński is gone...the party will explode

And will get fragmented into many smaller bolshevik/menshevik parties, with tens of little kaczynskis fighting for limited power in their tiny coach party, bitter in defeat, antagonized against one another and completely and utterly unable to unite again. That's what you get when you put partia ahead of patria.

Happy days for Poland. Happy days for the White Eagle. Happy days for all patriotic Poles.
amiga500  5 | 1505
28 Dec 2023   #182
And once Kaczyński is gone

he's a lot smarter than you, home alone with your twenty cats and dildo, you ignored my response about the president and the constitution because you are dumb and stupid and have nothing to say except what you watched on tvn24.

get this Kaczyński has a succession plan and PiS will survive and thrive.
Lenka  5 | 3531
28 Dec 2023   #183
you ignored my response about the president and the constitution

You are generally best ignored and I used that rule to your ridiculous comments about Duda putting army on the streets (facepalm)

get this Kaczyński has a succession plan and PiS will survive and thrive.

Good one. Didn't hear such a good joke in a long while
Torq  8 | 954
28 Dec 2023   #184
home alone with your twenty cats and dildo

Living alone with cats, no spouse or children, and most likely a dildo -- this description fits perfectly with your Żoliborz idol. :)))
Lenka  5 | 3531
28 Dec 2023   #185
this description fits perfectly with your Żoliborz idol. :)))


But don't bother. He is one of those old farts (even if young in age) who think being single still is some big problem not realising that even Dżuma is better than being near them.

Not that he has any clue about my life
OP pawian  224 | 27236
28 Dec 2023   #186
The correct term is to "Drain the swamp", not clean the swamp

No, I skipped that drain on purpose. I used the Polish phrase - oczyscic bagno.
Torq  8 | 954
28 Dec 2023   #187
Not that he has any clue about my life

I don't know if there is anything he has a clue about.

As for being single and living alone abroad, I admit that it's not the most desirable state for a woman to be in. If you would be willing to come back to Poland, I know a guy in Gdynia - and old pal of mine; single, a good Catholic with a decent stable job in insurance, university-level education, 35 years old, no long love life history, he had one, unrequited love - a sad story - and that's pretty much it. What else... moderately handsome, not a master conversationalist but a good guy at heart. PM me for details if you're interested.
Lenka  5 | 3531
28 Dec 2023   #188
I admit that it's not the most desirable state for a woman to be in

I would say that it's to be decided by every women by herself.

As to me, you really don't have to worry about my love life, I manage perfectly well on my own.

single, a good Catholic with a decent stable job in insurance, university-level education, 35 years old, no long love life history, he had one, unrequited love - a sad story - and that's pretty much it.

He sounds lovely but despite the fact I'm not interested would you really wish me on a 'good Catholic'? :)
Torq  8 | 954
28 Dec 2023   #189
I manage perfectly well on my own.

*thumbs up*

would you really wish me on a 'good Catholic'? :)

Hmm... you've got a point there.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
28 Dec 2023   #190
Today it became known why those PIS media swine refuse to let go of their positions and are still occupying the buildings. They have been earning millions! Much more than they should.

Ahhh... how I love the loud squeal of pigs. Squeal, piggy - squeeeee, eeeeeee, squeeee, squeeee... HA HA HA :))))

Yes, I love this squeal too. :):):) They fully deserve what is happening now. Fekk them all!
cms neuf  1 | 1846
28 Dec 2023   #191
They are not defending free speech but these horrible fat cats want to keep their snouts in the trough and Hoover up more taxpayers money.

But with the release of their salary details I think this will come to a swift end - Duda now looks foolish for defending these greedy PiStards
amiga500  5 | 1505
28 Dec 2023   #192
this description fits perfectly with your Żoliborz idol. :)))

hahaha, i'll pay that one. you got me there :) touche.
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Dec 2023   #193
I'm glad that finally that old commie habbitat comes to an end. After 1989 till todays so called Polish Republic had been ruled by a clique. They split and Tusk and his thugs took the final step to offcially change it into Banana Republic where pawian feels at home.

Fortunally I see it as a new oppening to dispence with legalities and nice talk and start doing things that needs to be done to bulid from scrach a real Polish state. This time for good!

In meantime we for are German colony (with Biden stamp) and we are paying and will be paying a heavy price for it as Gwerm,ans are dumb and not fit to run anything thing bigger than a city.

To make it clear for dumb posters - Tusk action are crminal and illigal there is no doubt about it.
amiga500  5 | 1505
29 Dec 2023   #194
Welcome back ironside my bratok :)
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Dec 2023   #195
To make it clear I don't support PiS, and I think very badly about J Kaczynski/

They got one thing right. Infrastructure, all the rest are lame at best.
Torq  8 | 954
29 Dec 2023   #196
To make it clear I don't support PiS, and I think very badly about J Kaczynski

Welcome to the club :) Nice to see you back, Iron.

They got one thing right. Infrastructure, all the rest are lame at best.

Well, if we are to be fair, they also got the army reinforcements (equipment purchases, territorial defense etc.) more or less right. Social programs were also not the worst idea. Oh, and NBP bought sh*tloads of gold, which is not bad. Also, unemployment is at historical low and wages are rising consistently (inflation eats them up, but it's getting better).

If only they weren't such bolshevik arseholes, treating Poland like their private folwark (did you see how much their propagandist kurwas from TVP made?), and entering Ukrainian anuses with extraordinary zeal, they wouldn't be that bad. Unfortunately, they couldn't rise above their petty political/financial interests and their phobias, so they lost (there was also their idiotic war with teachers - I mentioned it in the Polish Wybory 2023 thread). Good riddance.

Hopefully, Tusk will be less susceptible to outward influence this time and will honour the military contracts with the USA and South Korea. If not, f*ck him too.
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Dec 2023   #197
Tusks will be less susceptible to outward influence this time

CPL - off
Big investment in Szczecin harbour - off
Korean weapons - off
Buying some 'green' junk from Germany - on
Agreeing on European relocation of all illegal immigrants to Poland - on
500M from taxpayers to fuel some shady 'baby from a tube' businesses - on

Meantime Polish transport firms are left on their own against the Ukrianian and Brussels attacks.

tell me about Tusk lol!
amiga500  5 | 1505
29 Dec 2023   #198
To make it clear I don't support PiS, a

Yes Yes, we all know you are a konfederacja man, btw did you ever see the IPA advertisement by Mentzen? Was hilarious and really pissed off the woke too! :) !!!

OP pawian  224 | 27236
29 Dec 2023   #199
tell me about Tusk

No, we won`t coz we see you are already in a winter depressive mood, so we are not going to make it worse. hahahaha
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Dec 2023   #200
are already in a winter depressive mood

I'm in a great mood winter or not but don't be afeared I won't stay long for a day or two this time..
johnny reb  49 | 7974
29 Dec 2023   #201
No, we won`t coz we see you are already in a winter depressive mood, so we are not going to make it worse

At least Pawndog admits that Tusk is a depressing subject.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
29 Dec 2023   #202
At least Pawndog admits

Wrong logic! Telling him about Tusk would involve bragging of the Saviour`s successes in tossing PIS gangsters like rag dolls around. Iron, hearing about it, would break down completely. I want to spare it for him.
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Dec 2023   #203
Giving up on the planned nuclear plant.
Rising price of fuel in the first stage at least for 5 G per L.
ZUS goes up by 200ZL.
Are you still happy Torq. ?
Torq  8 | 954
29 Dec 2023   #204
Are you still happy Torq. ?

From all the things you mentioned I am only concerned about the Korean weapons contract. You may be onto something there. But Tusk knows he will take a nose dive in the polls if he f*cks with Wojsko Polskie. He won't dare.

As for the huge infrastructural investments I don't think they will be abandoned (it wouldn't make sense). I haven't heard about any definite plans of abandoning them. As for migrants - even if they are all relocated to Poland, they will be back to Germany, France etc. with light speed. Remember what happened in the last wave, with those who were taken in by Polish parishes? They were given apartments, health-care, education, benefit money, help with finding jobs etc. and after two weeks they were all in Germany. :)
cms neuf  1 | 1846
29 Dec 2023   #205
The ZUS increase is the same as the one in Morawiecki budget - but I'm unhappy with it whoever's idea it was. Taxes for small businesses got way out of control since covid finished
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Dec 2023   #206
they will be back to Germany, France etc. with light speed.

They will be stopped on the Geemrna border or sent back to Poland later or Poland will have to pay for their upkeep - those are the new rules.
Torq  8 | 954
29 Dec 2023   #207
They will be stopped on the Geemrna border

Yes. Because German border guards are absolutely amazing and legendary at stopping migrants. Migrant-stopping Weltmeisters one might say. *rolls eyes*

sent back to Poland later

...and back in Germany with light speed again.

Poland will have to pay for their upkeep - those are the new rules.

Not gonna happen, Iron. We can come back to this thread next year, and in two years time, and in five years time, and it still won't happen.
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Dec 2023   #208
Not gonna happen, Iron.

What if it does? Let's wait and see...
OP pawian  224 | 27236
29 Dec 2023   #209
Not gonna happen, Iron.

Actually, Iron is right now. Sorry, Torq! :):):):) It is alread happening - Germans are returning our illegals to Poland. The first batch is said to amount to about 3000. I told you about it a few months ago but you scorned and laughed.
Torq  8 | 954
29 Dec 2023   #210
Iron is right now

He very often is. More often than many people here, but not on this one.

Germans are returning our illegals to Poland. The first batch is said to amount to about 3000.

They will be back in Germany faster than you can say entschuldigungaberwoistmeinsozialhilfegeld.

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