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Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
22 May 2021   #181
You are too lazy... :):):)

*cries harder*
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
12 Jun 2021   #182

UEFA Euro 2020 being played now due to Covid. Can Poland win?

I don't think there are many football (Soccer) fans on PF but there must be a few.
I am interested in the points of view of all nationalities, so please post your opinions.
But I will start with The Polish squad.
Obviously Lewandowski is highly regarded across the globe, but does the Polish squad have other players worthy of note?
Spain will win their group, but can Poland beat Slowakia and Sweden to get through to the last 16?
And if they do,they will probably meet either England or Croatia.
Which would you prefer?
Several teams are playing all their opening games at home, England, Spain, Italy,Germany and Holland.Does this give them an unfair advantage?
England and France seem to be the favourites to win it but France play none of their games at home.
Who do you think will win the tournament?
pawian  219 | 24792
12 Jun 2021   #183
so please post your opinions.

I can`t say much, I am sorry. I am interested in EURO only when Poland organizes it, like in 2012. :):)
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
12 Jun 2021   #184

Fair enough, but how do you think Poland will do?
And, besides Lewandowski, what other good players do they have?
Lenka  5 | 3484
12 Jun 2021   #185
Sorry, I prefer volleyball
pawian  219 | 24792
12 Jun 2021   #186
how do you think Poland will do?

Milo, I am disinterested to such an extent that I can`t answer even such a basic question. And I have no idea what other good players are beside Lewy.

I simply changed my priorities over the years - football stopped being one long ago.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
12 Jun 2021   #187
Sorry, I prefer volleyball

Yes, a very popular sport in Poland.We used to play it at Polish picnics when I was a kid.
But I think that football is more popular in Poland.
pawian  219 | 24792
12 Jun 2021   #188
Yes, a very popular sport in Poland

Yes, listen to this song about Little Knight, the anthem of Polish volleyball fans
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
12 Jun 2021   #189

Very nice.
I know how volleyball, ice hockey,basketball and speedway are big in Poland but I still think football is bigger.
pawian  219 | 24792
12 Jun 2021   #190
but I still think football is bigger.

Yes, of course.
Joker  2 | 2211
13 Jun 2021   #191
So, is Poland winning???

They dont show soccer over here...
johnny reb  46 | 7613
13 Jun 2021   #192
I think they do but it will be delayed until this afternoon because of all the Christian people that watch church on t.v. on Sunday mornings here in the U.S.A.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
13 Jun 2021   #193
Their first game is tomorrow against Slowakia in St.Petersburg, they are expected to win that one.
But up next is Spain! Which they have no chance of winning, next Saturday, but this is it, it is not in Madrid or Barcelona but in Seville!

Where it is so hot they are famous for their oranges!
Poland will struggle and will be lucky if they are not thrashed.
Last game in the first stage is against Sweden on Wednesday the 23rd of June.
Sweden are a pretty good team.
Poland need to beat Slowakia, not lose by too much to Spain and and least draw with or preferably beat Sweden to get through to the last 16.

Who thinks they can do it?
Joker  2 | 2211
13 Jun 2021   #194
But up next is Spain! Which they have no chance of winning,

I found out its on ESPN and I can watch it:)

Also, there a plenty of European style pubs around and they all have the games playing.

Hey, ever play Foosball?
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
13 Jun 2021   #195
Hey, ever play Foosball?

No.What is foosball?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
13 Jun 2021   #196
Sounds like "Fußball" and is totally correct! :)
Joker  2 | 2211
13 Jun 2021   #197

Its a soccer table game.. I used to be good at it:)

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Miloslaw  21 | 5027
13 Jun 2021   #198

Generally called "Flipper" in Europe...... yeah, I wasted many hours playing it, mainly against much better players than me in France.
gumishu  16 | 6182
13 Jun 2021   #199

I watched most of the matches so far in the Euro 2020 - if Poland are gonna play like they did in Russia in 2018 they don't stand a chance of going past group phase (I haven't seen any of the matches with the new coach Sousa but he really had a short time to do anything about the team)
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
14 Jun 2021   #200
they don't stand a chance of going past group phase

I haven't seen them play recently either but I was thinking the same.
mafketis  38 | 10911
14 Jun 2021   #201
Polish players won't 'take a knee' during anthem.

Some teams (notably England?) have decided to follow the American trend of athletes kneeling rather than standing during the national anthem. Polish players have decided not to follow suit.

Personally I think that European players kneeling in imitation of American Football players is in poor taste at best and very irrelevant in Europe where different social tensions prevail...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
14 Jun 2021   #202
Well as a Catholic, one is supposed to only kneel before God as I have understood. Submitting only to God
Vincent  8 | 793
14 Jun 2021   #203
Some teams (notably England?) have decided to follow the American trend of athletes kneeling rather than standing during the national anthem.

The UK teams still stand for the national anthem, and take the knee just before KO. They have been greeted with boos by a section of the crowd, while some other sections applaud them. You are correct it is in bad taste and is causing a division across the country. Politics should be kept out of sports.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
14 Jun 2021   #204
The self centered dimwits that kneel don't get that the National Anthem is not being sung for them but for the patriots of the country.
Novichok  4 | 7809
14 Jun 2021   #205
The UK teams still stand for the national anthem, and take the knee just before KO

Let me guess...The same a-holes wouldn't dare protest anything Xi is for while visiting China.

Being edgy and brave is for the places where bravery is not necessary.
gumishu  16 | 6182
14 Jun 2021   #206
I knew it - they (Polish footballers) haven't learned anything since Russia 2018 - they display the worst football I have seen in this tournament - and surprise,surprise.. they are down 1-0 to Slovakia
Crnogorac3  3 | 658
14 Jun 2021   #207
The Slovaks are defending well and are trying on the counter-attack. The Poles have possession but cannot do anything concrete. Lewa so far with no real chance.

they are down 1-0 to Slovakia

A better start to the second half the Poles could not have imagined. 1-1
gumishu  16 | 6182
14 Jun 2021   #208
it's a sad thing to state but this generation of Polish football players can hardly play football - Poland is now semi-officially out of the tournament
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
15 Jun 2021   #209
Poland is now semi-officially out of the tournament

For the first 15 minutes or so, I thought Poland looked pretty good, in control and keeping possession.
Player for player, they were better than Slowakia.But they were trying too hard to get the ball to Lewandowski and without much success.
Then the truth began to dawn on me.Slowakia may have inferior players but they were working hard as a TEAM and had a gameplan.

They defended in numbers to ensure Lewandowski could hardly get the ball and when they got their chance they counter attacked at speed.
It paid off.
Slowakia deserved the win because they knew what they were doing and worked very hard.
Sad to say, as gumishu said, Poland are virtually out already.
They won't beat Spain and on this performance, will struggle against Sweden too.
A sad day for the Bialo Czerwoni.
gumishu  16 | 6182
15 Jun 2021   #210
Slowakia may have inferior players

somehow I doubt even that: Polish players just looked amateurish compared to other team players - it's depressing to me

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