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jon357  72 | 23654
18 Feb 2018   #91
well on the loss and blame the referees, the opposing team and everybody but yoursel

Pretty well what people do.
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
10 Jun 2018   #92

Poland Squad for World Cup Announced


What are the expectations of Poles for the upcoming World Cup in Russia?

Do you think Poland has a team that can go far in the tournament and match or even surpass the achievements of the generation led by the legendary Zbigniew Boniek in the 80's?

Which other team will you support and expect to do well?

Welcome Address by President Vladimir Putin to the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia
Crow  155 | 9695
19 Jun 2018   #93

Poland soccer team performance in Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup

Just to tell you people. Streets are empty in Serbia, while Serbians harry to take their positions in front of TV, at cafe-bars or at their houses, to watch Poland vs. Senegal football match of FIFA World Cup in Russia 2018.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
19 Jun 2018   #94
while Serbians harry to take their positions in front of TV, at cafe-bars or at their houses, to watch Poland

No they are not Crow.
Normal Serbians don't give a monkeys' about what is happening in Poland. Just as normal Poles couldn't give a rat's arse about what is happening in Belgrade.

Stop with your tiresome nationalistic postings or we'll send NATO back to teach you another lesson.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Jun 2018   #95
[Moved from another thread]

Who's watching it? For us based people it's on telemundo
cms neuf  2 | 1938
19 Jun 2018   #96
Yes - this group is wide open after Japan beating Colombia - get a good start and try to win the group !
Crow  155 | 9695
19 Jun 2018   #97
Who's watching it?

I`m going to watch this in neighboring cafe bar with friends, rivers of bier and peanuts. We`ll see how Poles doing football.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
19 Jun 2018   #98
I would rather have my teeth drilled without the benefit of novocain than watch a 1-0, or, god forbid, 0-0 soccer game.
cms neuf  2 | 1938
19 Jun 2018   #99
Thought you would have been happy with Russias 5-0 win
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
19 Jun 2018   #100
A 10-0 wipeout would make me ecstatic.

My problem is that I don't drink, so celebrating such victory would be hard. So, maybe a 0-10 loss would be better for me?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
19 Jun 2018   #101
This is about sport.

performance of kin Slavic

It is you who brings politics, or rather race, into football. Disgusting. Enjoy your evening with your nationalist pals dreaming of past "glories." Congartulations to Senegal by the way. A deserved win because Poland failed to turn up.

Being English, I know how Poles feel today in losing in such an embarrassing way. But you have NO link to Poland, other than a misconception that Poles to any degree are as racist and overtly nationalistic as you are.
Crow  155 | 9695
19 Jun 2018   #102
By the God. This with Senegal didn`t happen. That second gol was kurva. Man came from outside, from reserve. Was that even regular?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
19 Jun 2018   #103
Man came from outside, from reserve.

Yes, the oppositions' responsibility to spot him coming back onto the pitch. Poor captaincy.
Crow  155 | 9695
19 Jun 2018   #104
Still, it was kurva gol. But you as English, of course, have every understanding for it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
19 Jun 2018   #105
At least Germans and Poles can now hang their heads in shame and desperation together....should be good for european
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
19 Jun 2018   #106
Still, it was kurva gol.

Watch the replay. If Poland had thought that quickly, you would have said "Well done". Poor defending - pure and simple.
Crow  155 | 9695
19 Jun 2018   #107
Defending was poor, indeed.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Jun 2018   #108
Garbage game I hope poland does better against Columbia. Man they sucked today I knew it was over by halftime
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Jun 2018   #109
Well, they have done as good as could have been expected.
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Jun 2018   #110
At least Germans and Poles can now

Can talk business. I dare say that if you and I would sit and talk about what is what ...we would make a better deal than those in charge in our respective countries.

Poland could be interested in some German made armored vehicles and tanks for exmaple ... Germany can have their north stream two that pulled their beaches lately IF


and so on...

Poland and Germany CAN BE a good partners.
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Jun 2018   #112
north stream two that pulled their beaches

damn should be polluted...

At least we wouldn't make it worse...;)

well, I assume that willingness to talk shop is better than what we can witness now.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
19 Jun 2018   #113
Heads up Iron, as the things go neither one of our leaders will be forced to sit beside Putin in the final in Moscow! :)

That has to count for something in these times..
gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jun 2018   #114
Garbage game I hope poland does better against Columbia. Man they sucked today I knew it was over by halftime

I stopped watching at this point - I just got too disillusioned and strangely angry - prayer helped mi with the anger thing later on
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
20 Jun 2018   #115
Heads up Iron, as the things go neither one of our leaders will be forced to sit beside Putin in the final in Moscow! :)

President Duda already gave in to the English government's threats & blackmails and announced even before the ball kicked off that Polish state officials will not attend Poland's World Cup matches. Despite the English providing no any viable evidence of Russian involvement in the Skripal poisoning case.

Without the support of President Duda in the stadium, Polish players allowed themselves to become demoralized and no country can expect to create a good result in the World Cup without the united and full support of the entire nation standing behind the team.

We can see by the example of how the presence of President Putin in the VIP stand galvanized and mobilized the Russian team into action as they tore the opposition to shreds.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
20 Jun 2018   #116
Without the support of President Duda in the stadium, Polish players allowed themselves to become demoralized

Very funny. Quite pathetic too. Poland were beaten by a stronger team, and they didn't need daddy there to hold their hands and wipe their bottoms. All that ridiculous sideways short passing at 0-2, with 20 minutes to go. They learnt such passivity from the masters.

Vesko Vukovic  1 | 256
20 Jun 2018   #117

The members of English government are pathological Russophobes. They will stop at nothing in their attempts to discredit President Putin and Russia as a successful World Cup host nation.


Perhaps you were not awared that unfortunately Poles again have to prove themselves to be "bigger Catholics then the Pope" and they succumbed to English demands and joined the few nations in the English led World Cup boycott.

How nice it was of Vladimir Putin to welcome personally all the World Cup 2018 participants. In fact it's the first time I ever saw him speaking in English.

Which group are the Americans in again? ;)
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
20 Jun 2018   #118

Ameri are in Group F (as in FAILED to qualify) together with Italy, Holland, Ireland...etc. ;)

On the other hand, in Mexico there was a big sex scandal as 9 Mexican players were caught partying with 30 prostitutes on the last day of World Cup preparations before traveling to Russia.
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 256
20 Jun 2018   #119
9 Mexican players were caught partying with 30 prostitutes

Teambuilding :)
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
20 Jun 2018   #120
No wonder the "Sombreros" tore Germany apart... ;)

I feel sorry for the poor Moscow prostitutes who must have been "heavily harmed" that night after Mexico's win against Germany.

Perhaps Adam Nawalka can introduce similar "teambuilding exercises" in order to improve the motivation and raise the morale of the Polish squad :)

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