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Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

Novichok  4 | 8485
12 Oct 2023   #121
I read the post and there is a degree of truth in it.

Hey, Mr. Comprehension, I asked:

what's not true in it?

Lyzko  44 | 9713
12 Oct 2023   #122
In fact, migrants too are human beings and entitled to certain protection as well as daily standards of living.
The problem remains as to why this necessarily must all be done on the backs of the native born US citizen.
Novichok  4 | 8485
12 Oct 2023   #123
Are you going to answer my question or not?
OP Joker  2 | 2374
12 Oct 2023   #124
entitled to certain protection

Since when are illegal aliens "entitled" to anything? Biden is not upholding the current laws on the books. He is in direct dereliction of his oath of duty.

he problem remains as to why this necessarily must all be done on the backs of the native born US citizen.

Yeah! Thank you! Its the first time I agree with you:)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
12 Oct 2023   #125
In fact, migrants too are human beings and entitled to certain protection as well as daily standards of living

How about I come to your house,open your refrigerator and help myself,sleep on your bed while you can on your living room couch lol and you pay me for my daily expense?after all I am a human also.

Since when are illegal aliens "entitled" to anything?

Since demo cu.nts came to power.
OP Joker  2 | 2374
12 Oct 2023   #126
Since demo cu.nts came to power.

Leftist`s destroy everything they touch... The world is falling apart and descending into chaos because of Bidens failed policies and Euro leftards as well.
pawian  226 | 27474
12 Oct 2023   #127
Leftist`s destroy everything they touch...

You are lying as usual. If it was true, they would have the power to destroy rightists. It isn`t happening. What is wrong with leftists??????
Novichok  4 | 8485
12 Oct 2023   #128
How about I come to your house,open your refrigerator

after all I am a human also.

Cargo, that was pure genius...Because of that, you are welcome to my fridge but not at 2 a.m. and unannounced.

Leftist`s destroy everything they touch...

...becuase that is their master plan.

Destroy and build a more leftist society under their exclusive control. This is why they want to disconnect us from the truth and replace it with their own.

See "men can be pregnant" and "women can have penises". Those lies are parts of the master plan as well. Their idol: Orwell.
Novichok  4 | 8485
12 Oct 2023   #129
Hey, Lyzko, if you are planning to break into my house to help yourself to my fridge and cash, write your last will first. They will remove you cold and stiff.

Our border should be a shooting gallery.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
13 Oct 2023   #130
my fridge but not at 2 a.m. and unannounced

FU.CK never after those lil toys you have lol if I ever do I will bring a body bag of my size in my backsack lol,I prefer Lyzkos fridge at least I know I can walk out showing him a finger and cpl of curses lol probably take his wife with me too:))
Alien  25 | 6397
13 Oct 2023   #131
One hard-won day of vacation, And I owe all this to one Indian woman, one Somalian and one Kurdish man, the latter of whom is not an emigrant but born in Germany. I can't imagine a world without emigrants (which I am too). 😇
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
13 Oct 2023   #132
whom is not an emigrant but born in Germany

In America they will be referred as "Americans"
Novichok  4 | 8485
13 Oct 2023   #133
I can't imagine a world without emigrants

How many would be too many in Germany?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
13 Oct 2023   #134
@Cargo pants,
The crucial difference between the US and Germany is that here in the States, even if one's parents are/were from elsewhere in the world, one is nonetheless considered "American" so long as they were born on US soil!

In Germany, I've known many German-born persons, who spoke only German as well or as native as any "ethnic" German, felt themselves in spirit and nationality as German, yet who were not considered "German " because their parents were born in another country and perhaps never naturalized or became naturalized German citizens.
Novichok  4 | 8485
13 Oct 2023   #135
one is nonetheless considered "American" so long as they were born on US soil!

The stupidest rule that destroys the country. See illegals and "anchor babies". Also "birth tourism".
Alien  25 | 6397
13 Oct 2023   #136
How many would be too many

The Germans believe that there are already too many of them.
Novichok  4 | 8485
13 Oct 2023   #137
That was not my question.

When was that limit reached?

Why did Germany admit more than the limit?

Did Germans vote directly to invite them?

You don't have to answer any of them since we already know the answers. White guilt for being a superior race is a terrible thing to feel.
Alien  25 | 6397
13 Oct 2023   #138
not my question

13.5 million foreigners live in Germany. Moreover, almost 24 million Germans were not born German or at least one of their parents was not German. In short, a country full of Aliens.
Novichok  4 | 8485
13 Oct 2023   #139
Let me try again...How many is too many in Germany?
OP Joker  2 | 2374
13 Oct 2023   #140

I wonder which Euro country will be the first to bring in the Palestinian refugees? Ive noticed their Arab brethren are not offering to let come and stay in Egypt or Saudi. There must be a reason they dont want these savages either?

Well, we both know Poland isnt going to take them.
Novichok  4 | 8485
13 Oct 2023   #141
I wonder which Euro country

Sweden. I have a plan...
Bring Palestinians in and tell Somalis that Palestinians want to kill them. Tell Palestinians that Somalis want to kill them. Buy popcorn...
mafketis  38 | 11142
13 Oct 2023   #142
their Arab brethren

Palestinians are widely loathed in the arab world. They're useful as pawns and distractions but no Arab country actually wants any and treats them like crap if they live there.

I thought everybody knew that?

I've known that for about 30 years....
Paulina  19 | 4458
13 Oct 2023   #143
I thought everybody knew that?

I've heard about that, but why is it the case? Is it because of the refugee problem?
Alien  25 | 6397
13 Oct 2023   #144
but why is it the case?

The Palestinians are simply poor, they do not have their own country, their elites live in exile. They are pariahs of the Arab world.
Novichok  4 | 8485
13 Oct 2023   #145
They are pariahs of the Arab world.

They could be citizens of Israel if they decided way back not to blow up Israeli school buses and do other unpleasant things. Like screaming "kill Jews" and having their kids write essays on how to do it.
Alien  25 | 6397
13 Oct 2023   #146
They could

You probably don't know much about them. Their purpose in life is their holy war, the intifada. Only a Pole who survived the Warsaw Uprising can understand this.
mafketis  38 | 11142
13 Oct 2023   #147
why is it the case?

The whole "Palestinian" sub-group of Arabs is highly artificial... it's a combination of locals who have roots in the area before 1947 and newer arrivals attracted by employment opportunities created by Israel (IIRC Yassir Arafat was actually from Egypt). The different factions don't get along by themselves and are only united by hatred of Israel.

It's also divided in terms of religion (the Christian element used to be more prominent, I remember when Hanan Ashrawi was one of the most articulate voices of Palestine) but they've been pushed out by the Islamic revival that started in the 1990s.

Within the group "Palestinians" you have some of the more educated Arabs (working in other countries and office environements that locals often coulnd't do0 and some of the least educated and least adapted to the modern world.

Other Arabs look on them as losers (vis a vis Israel) and a threat in terms of some of them being better educated and understanding concepts like political opposition that most Arab countries don't get.

There's also the land question... Islam (more than other religions) claims land and the idea is that once a place is muslim majority it 'belongs' to the islamic world... they're still not over Spain and Israel is a very fresh wound that dishonors (in muslim minds) the entire muslim world.

There's more, but that will do for starters.
Novichok  4 | 8485
13 Oct 2023   #148
You probably don't know much about them. Their purpose in life is their holy war, the intifada.

I know that. Without it, Hamas is unemployed and useless. Just like NATO without Russia.
Alien  25 | 6397
14 Oct 2023   #149
unemployed and useless.

Just like the Home Army after the war, after they started an uprising in Gaza... oh sorry, in Warsaw... forgive me but I just continue your way of thinking.
mafketis  38 | 11142
14 Oct 2023   #150
In case Palestinians end up in a western European country.... Denmark's done that already and so you have a good idea of what to expect

short answer: nothing very good, 60 % or so will be involved in crime as will about a third of their children (amidst other bad results)

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