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Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal

jon357  72 | 23492
18 Feb 2024   #301
And as soon as the borders changed

Indeed, and the borders had not yet changed during the period that Czerniachowski was terrorising the AK so yes, they were Poles in Poland.

As I say, do try to stick to things you know about.

At least that will keep your posts brief.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Feb 2024   #302
the borders had not yet changed during the period that Czerniachowski [sic] was terrorising the AK so yes

Wrong as usual and once again showing everyone you don't know what you are talking about because you can't back anything up with actual facts.

When did your Soviet/Ukrainian/PRL/Anglo hero Ivan Chernyakhovsky carry out his arrests of Polish anti-Nazi resistance in Vilnius? 17 July 1944.

In which country was the Lithuanian city of Vilnius located in 1944? Lithuania!

  • territorialchanges.jpeg
jon357  72 | 23492
18 Feb 2024   #303
Wrong as usual

Or in fact right.

His crimes took place in illegally occupied Poland. Did you think Poland was anywhere other than Poland in 1944 or that the occupiers were legitimate?


As I say, stick to things you know about. Frantic googling is not always your friend.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Feb 2024   #304
Did you think Poland was anywhere other than Poland in 1944 or that the occupiers were legitimate?

The Lithuanians were illegitimate occupiers of a Lithuanian city?

What can you tell the forum about the Vilnius dispute?

How long did it last, who were the participants, and why Vilnius has remained in Lithuania ever since 1939?
jon357  72 | 23492
18 Feb 2024   #305
The Lithuanians were illegitimate occupiers of a Lithuanian city?

Don't try to be obtuse. It makes you look even foolish than you are already, if that's even possible.

As you know, Poland, including Wilno, were occupied by Germany and the Soviet Union.

Perhaps you should have paid more attention in history lessons instead of playing with yourself under the desk.

the Vilnius dispute

Which you'd never heard of until you just googled it...
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Feb 2024   #306
Don't try to be obtuse.

You need to simply answer each of my questions rather than being rattled by them.

Which you'd never heard of until you just googled it...

Quit projecting. You never heard about the Vilnius dispute until you frantically googled it.

That's why you wrongly claimed earlier that Vilnius was always inside Poland in 1944 when that simply isn't historically correct.
jon357  72 | 23492
18 Feb 2024   #307

I'm sitting back grinning here!

As is anyone reading this...

This is fun

You never heard about the Vilnius dispute

Feel free to pretend that. Everyone else knows you lost face badly.

So badly that you have to pretend that the occupation of Poland was legitimate!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Feb 2024   #308
Everyone else knows you lost face badly.

Wrong, wrong, wrong and still projecting.

You not only stepped in your own muck but slipped and fell down face first in it.

pretend that the occupation of Poland was legitimate!

If Lithuania knew Vilnius being returned to them was illegitimate then why didn't they settle their long running dispute with Poland and let Poland have it?

Why hasn't Poland ever demanded and gotten it back if Lithuania had no legitimate claim to it?

Feel free to look-up the answers online because you don't have a clue about what you are talking about.
jon357  72 | 23492
18 Feb 2024   #309
Dig deeper, bieggers.

This is getting funnier and funnier every time you get it wrong and flounder in an even more Billy Bunterish way.... You naughty boy, you...

People are laughing as you misunderstand it even further.

Since you've admitted that you support the position of the Soviet occupiers, perhaps we can assume that you support the German position too...
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Feb 2024   #310
People are laughing as you misunderstand it even further.

Well since you pretend to know everything about Poland then by all means explain yourself.
jon357  72 | 23492
18 Feb 2024   #311
Well since you


The boy who thought Poles in 1949 Wilno were 'polonia' and not Poles at home in Poland.

What next, Cherry, are you going to pretend that Gdynia was in Germany?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Feb 2024   #312

Nervous laughter from you can only be expected.

You are evading rather than answering and making more and more blunders as you do so.

who thought Poles in 1949 Wilno were 'polonia'

1949? What are you talking about? Vilnius was in Lithuania in 1949 but we are discussing 1944 when Vilnius was still in Lithuania.

Chernyakhovsky (your hero and the topic of this conversation) began arresting the Polish resistance in 1944 in Vilnius, Lithuania. He was killed in 1945.

Were the Poles in Vilnius, Lithuania in 1944 Polish? Of course they were.

But as already mentioned you and your limey cohorts, other disgruntled Anglo expat loners and the PRL misfits have always maintained on PF that Poles residing outside of Poland are Polonia and Polonia are not Polish.

You and your ilk have done ill will towards Polonia in the 21st century and your Soviet hero Chernyakhovsky did so in the 20th century.

So how are you going to get out of this one?

Don't bother, you can't and it is actually a delight knowing that you can't.

Some Shakespeare comes to mind: ''tis the sport to have the enginer / Hoist with his own petard!"
Novichok  4 | 8550
18 Feb 2024   #313
So how are you going to get out of this one?

With a perosnal insult and hahahahaha...
jon357  72 | 23492
18 Feb 2024   #314
Nervous laughter


Chernyakhovsky (your

Where did you pull that one from? The same dark place that made you think that Poles in wartime Wilno weren't in their own country?

Dig deeper, it just gets funnier!

It would be funnier yet if the subject weren't so tragically serious however you evidently don't care.

And the 9 was a typo. Unlike your trumpesque gaffe showing that all you know about Poland is what you Google 39 seconds before posting.

One day you may get a chance to visit, if they let you in.
Ironside  50 | 12954
18 Feb 2024   #315

Geez P I always gave you a lot of leeway.
Seems you have no clue what you are talking about. In 1944 Wilno was on the frontline of the Soviet-German war, Lithuania had been annexed together with the Baltic states by the Soviet Union in June 1940. In 1941 Germany attacked the Soviets and moved the front line to the gates of Moscow, and then the tide turned again.
pawian  226 | 27558
18 Feb 2024   #316
keep rereading what I wrote

I refuse to read that mess, sorry, darling. Life is too short. Either improve your posts or I will only read the first and last sentence again.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Feb 2024   #317
With a perosnal insult and hahahahaha...

Indeed, it's often like trying to hold an intelligent conversation with infantile autists.

1944 Wilno was on the frontline of the Soviet-German war, Lithuania had been annexed by the Soviet Union in June 1940. In 1941 Germany attacked the Soviets and moved the front line

Sure and Vilnius had been transferred to Lithuania back in 1939. Certainly you can say that Vilnius was at times in Soviet-occupied Lithuania (Lithuanian SSR) and Nazi-occupied Lithuania (like one would say with Nazi-occupied Poland) during World War II.

But Vilnius never went back to Poland after 1939.

I refuse to read that mess

That's what "Emergent Users" of English always say when they start their journey!

However, most advance very quickly but there are always those like you who refuse and then still complain and blame others when they don't understand English in real world situations.

  • Understandingyoure.jpg
pawian  226 | 27558
18 Feb 2024   #318
like you who refuse

I refuse coz I am assertive. Ha! Besides, I am old and know that life is too short to waste it on dealing with the mess by homo sovieticuses, plastic Poles, ritards, mongrels, losers and azholes.
jon357  72 | 23492
18 Feb 2024   #319
Certainly you can say that Vilnius was at times in Soviet-occupied

In Soviet occupied Poland.

As you know, Poland was the lawful government of all its illegally occupied territory regardless of whatever your heroes, the Soviets and Nazis claimed.

They were Poles in Poland. Are you still pretending to deny that?

Go on, keep digging; it's fun to see.

dealing with the mess by homo sovieticuses, plastic Poles, ritards, mongrels, losers and azholes.

That's half the fun of it!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
20 Feb 2024   #320
Poland was the lawful government of all its illegally occupied territory

Vilnius was restored to Lithuania on October 10, 1939 and in 1944 Vilnius was still lawfully part of Lithuania. Vilnius was never returned to Poland after 1939.

Go on, keep digging

I did and once again you are exposed for being nothing more than an incessant troll.

Here we are in 2024 and you are arguing for the sake of arguing that Vilnius (formerly within Kresy up until 1939) was still part of Poland in 1944.

Yet in 2013 (11 years ago) you were gleefully crowing over what you called an "excellent article" in the leftist rag The Economist which dismissively characterized Polish sentiment about Kresy as "idealistic."

This article focused on Volyn (another area of Kresy) and trashed this time period and area of the Second Republic of Poland as:

"Reality was more complex. Throughout the interwar period, Poland practiced a harsh policy of assimilation of its national minorities, particularly Belarusian and Ukrainians, fearing they would become a fifth column. In addition to trampling cultural and religious rights, land was seized and redistributed to Polish military veterans, in hopes of reigning in the east."

Your fellow Polonia-hater pawian surprisingly questioned you about the article's claim that Poland had seized lands.

And in typical fashion you couldn't provide any answers. You just continued with your trolling saying The Economist article was in your words "written by someone without the baggage of being on either side and far more neutral than you'll find on here" and that "I'd certainly trust their article to be neutral and well-researched."

it's fun to see.

You're the one who made a complete fool out of yourself and are so out of touch with reality that you actually believe that no one notices.

Your trolling posts are proof that social isolation and mental health have a bidirectional relationship.
jon357  72 | 23492
20 Feb 2024   #321

Was part of Poland, illegally occupied.

Evidently you side with the occupiers.

I only read the first sentence; the rest of your drivel is irrelevant.

Keep digging though; it's funny to see.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
25 Feb 2024   #322
Was part of Poland, illegally occupied.

So what was the date when it legally became part of Lithuania?

the rest of your drivel is irrelevant.

All I did was literally reference your own post from 11 years ago and how wildly inconsistent you are between then and now. Drivel indeed and good to see you finally coming to your senses.
jon357  72 | 23492
25 Feb 2024   #323
legally became part of Lithuania?

Dig deeper...
Alien  25 | 6430
26 Feb 2024   #325
having sex?

Is it allowed to ask this in prudish America?
pawian  226 | 27558
29 Jan 2025   #326
An amasing anti Soviet song which lashes at the memorials to Soviet/ Polish communists which still remained in Poland after the collapse of the system:

No lyrics coz English subs are available:

OK, only one stanza.

Ok, 2 stanzas and chorus, I can`t resist:

They say that this is a common history, no matter which way the wind blows,
But I will not stain my honour with Moscovite scumbags.

It is an obvious principle, not to give in to the communists,
Their successors of all kinds must be pushed into the abyss.


Hey! Hey! Hey, pedestals!
On them, traitors, scoundrels and morons!
Chase! Chase! Chase the hideous Bolshevik away from the monument !

Alien  25 | 6430
29 Jan 2025   #327

When I think about it, we also have Bolsheviks on pedestals on this forum.
pawian  226 | 27558
29 Jan 2025   #328
on pedestals on this forum

Fortunately, no. Our forum bolsheviks are treated z buta/off boot by decent posters.
Novichok  4 | 8550
29 Jan 2025   #329
To the Red Army:

Thank you, my friends, for liberating Poland in 1945 and for keeping Western azholes from bringing "freedom and democracy" to Poland the Vietnam style...

Red is a thousand times better than dead. Thanks, again.

From America to Russia with love...Ignore Polaks.


pawian  226 | 27558
29 Jan 2025   #330
To the Red Army: Thank you, my friends

Novi, one more time I read this sick glorification from you, I promise to notify your family and neighbours about your Soviet fascination. I am dead serious now coz I have had enough. The same applies to your glorification of Nazi Germans who saved you in 1944. And to your glorification of Katyn Massacre.

Remember, just one more time and you are done.

Home / News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal

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