At least the european commission has been brought to heal and is singing Poland and Hungary tune about securing sovereign borders, finally. Not that you will hear about on PRLN24.
The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air
Did Frasyniuk have the right to say that? Yes.
No, he has no such a right. If he does I have the right to call him a dirty scum but watch it if I do he will sue or try to punch me....that scum ...
Someone actually lost their job there.
Producers are self - employed as far as I know, he or she might have lost a gig and contract with that station but that on her....playing politicks or making money.. choices
someone talking to your wife like that .... freedom of expression principles be dammed
You and your wife are walking down the street and pass a wretched homeless person hacking up blood and staring at the ground while mumbling about the Queen of England being a reptilian who eats babies... then he looks up and calls your wife a slut (and worse)...
Do you physically attack him (exposing yourself to whatever possibly contagious illness he has)?
Or do you shake your head sadly and think "there but for fortune...."
Same principle. Someone who doesn't know someone and calls them "a nasty slut who f*cks dogs and worse" on first meeting is clearly mentally unwell and can't be taken seriously. Preventing them from acting out their illness physically is another question, but as long as it remains in the crazed ranting department.... pity and Christian charity is called for, not violence.
If he does I have the right to call him a dirty scum
He does and you do...
european commission has been brought to heal and is singing Poland and Hungary tune
If you follow European politics at all instead of larping and fantasizing about a single country, you would have sussed long ago (at least two years, maybe more) that despite what they may say, no European leader wants anything like a repeat of 2015 and Merkel's ghastly failure and they've been quietly taking steps to make sure it doesn't happen.
But if it makes you feel good then fantasize about PiS knocking EC heads together all you want. I'm in favor of increasing human happiness and if that kind of daydream does it for you, then knock yourself out....
pity and Christian charity is called for, not violence.
In between, there is that "let them be" fake tolerance or real indifference. The problem is that it's doable with just one so nobody does anything. Before you blink, you have LA and the fear of letting your kids out to walk to school, go to a corner store or just play - and a battalion of civil rights lawyers to make sure the bums are not inconvenienced in any way. Like when the city wants to wash the sh*it off the sidewalk.
PolAmKrakow 3 | 887
27 Aug 2021 #395
And now Duda, who has nothing to gain by working with PiS as a lame duck president has come out and publicly said that this is a stupid attempt to change the law. All but saying he will veto the bill if it gets to him and most think it wont get to him now. JK loosing grip on people, not just the public.
He does and you do...
Not in Poland. In Poland he does and I don't..
And once more a PiS institution fails to follow the law.... quelle surprise!
As the KRRiT once more fails to vote on a concession for tvn (10 days before the current concession ends).
They sent out some poor dope to try to justify this, and all she could stammer out was: "the situation is on hold in terms of legislation, on reform of the law governing tv and radio. We're waiting to see if something might happen in the Sejm" (Sytuacja jest zawieszona, jeśli chodzi o legislację, nowelizację ustawy o radiofonii i telewizji. Czekamy, czy coś jeszcze może się wydarzy w Sejmie w tej sprawie)
OF course it is not the job of KRRiT to consider what legislation may be passed but whether tvn meets the current legal requirements (no one has once pointed to any legal impediment beyond the displeasure of party leader J Kaczyński)
If I were a foreign investor in anything I'd take a long look at that... and take my money elsewhere. Who needs the aggravation of trying to please a fussy old politician on top of the normal pressures of doing business. Poland's internaitonal brand takes another hit.
As the KRRiT once more fails to vote on a concession for tvn (10 days before the current concession ends).
They sent out some poor dope to try to justify this, and all she could stammer out was: "the situation is on hold in terms of legislation, on reform of the law governing tv and radio. We're waiting to see if something might happen in the Sejm" (Sytuacja jest zawieszona, jeśli chodzi o legislację, nowelizację ustawy o radiofonii i telewizji. Czekamy, czy coś jeszcze może się wydarzy w Sejmie w tej sprawie)
OF course it is not the job of KRRiT to consider what legislation may be passed but whether tvn meets the current legal requirements (no one has once pointed to any legal impediment beyond the displeasure of party leader J Kaczyński)
If I were a foreign investor in anything I'd take a long look at that... and take my money elsewhere. Who needs the aggravation of trying to please a fussy old politician on top of the normal pressures of doing business. Poland's internaitonal brand takes another hit.
the law..
what law? You are under some confusion here, That firm was avoiding taxation. So don't tell me about law-abiding people.
If I were a foreign investor in anything I'd take a long look at that.
Which is probably the dodgy intention of the neo-totalitarian PiS flappers.
and despite all this flapping of the gums about totalitarian and dictatorships, you, a gay man is returning to poland, so it can't be all that bad can it?
Foreign investment is at record levels , and you don't have enough money to take elsewhere worth spitting on.
and take my money elsewhere.
Foreign investment is at record levels , and you don't have enough money to take elsewhere worth spitting on.
OF course it is not the job of KRRiT
would you like the KRRiT to deny TVN the concession as per the current law?
I live in Poland and in my interest is to have here, for example, a well functioning health service.
listen to this man if you want to talk about health service reform in Poland (unless you are prejudiced against him or have an attention span of 3 year old):
would you like the KRRiT to deny TVN the concession as per the current law?
Which current law? As far as I know, KRRiT has yet to give any reason for not doing anything...
Faced with a flurry of bad news and bad looks in the media (from Łukasz "Witch doctor" Mejza to official lies regarding the accident involving Beata Szydło) PiS is going back to what it knows - trying to take the main media outlet reporting these shenanigans off the air
Lex TVN is back!
PiS is acting more PRL-ish by the minute!
PiS is once more spitting in the face of a key ally!
Lex TVN is back!
PiS is acting more PRL-ish by the minute!
PiS is once more spitting in the face of a key ally!
No. PiS is neither populist anymore and never was right wing. That party, which branded itself a such before elections in 2015 but from now ''governs'' as socialist and neocon party. Confederation on the other hand has 5-7% and wont get more cause there is no bigger electorate which is socially conservative and economically liberal in Poland.
But yes don't worry they cuck out on Lex TVN, like on Justice Reform and Protection of Polish nation against defamation done by (((certain tribe members))) all PiS can do nowadays are angry sounds, the loss of Trump made them totally isolated and they are to stupid and stubborn to change policy and turn to Moscow and Bejing as alternative.
PolAmKrakow 3 | 887
17 Dec 2021 #406
If Duda is dumb enough to fall in line with JK on this, Poland will suffer swift retaliation from the US. Biden, (captain idiot) has already promised this would happen. Probably the only real promise he can keep and will keep when pressed by all the money in political circles. You will see a withdraw of US troops be threatened, and sales of military equipment canceled. Poland is pissing in the wind on this one and Duda has a chance to actually be a man here as a lame duck president. Lets see if he has the balls to do it.
Lets see if he has the balls to do it
I bet he folds and signs it.... I would prefer that he veto it but every single time he's tried to be his own man JK b1tch slaps him back into line...
PolAmKrakow 3 | 887
17 Dec 2021 #408
@mafketis he will be JK's fall boy as the man who ruined US relations for the next decade. Biden will not hesitate to flex his muscles on pitiful Poland if it happens. Remember US just backed Poland in how they handled Belarus. This will come all the way around if Duda signs it, and will all but end PiS as the public will revolt. The only way for PiS to start a recovery in the poles is through Duda being a man.
PiS is once more spitting in the face of a key ally!
One of their key features is that they are absolutely hopeless where international politics are concerned and don't understand how diplomacy works. They have no idea how to fight their corner and gain their objectives, wring concessions etc. It seems they offend , anger and upset everyone they come into contact to. The EU is still sitting on billions in Covid recovery funds that Poland won't see until PIS starts singing a different tune.
PolAmKrakow 3 | 887
17 Dec 2021 #410
PiS will be the ruin of Poland. Just had a family meeting, and we will likely be leaving if this is signed by Duda. There is too much riding against Poland now, and PiS is not smart enough to recognize they will go down in history as pathetic losers.
PiS is not smart enough to
Them being better then PO. Konfederacja would the right choice, but there is no way for them to get the majority.
And when it is the choice between PiS and PO, there is choice at all. Everything is better then PO- cucks of the EU .
PolAmKrakow 3 | 887
18 Dec 2021 #412
PiS will bow to the EU. The judicial chamber will be disbanded in order to get the recovery money. The country is in deep trouble without it, and every PiS social giveaway program is in trouble without it. The socialists will cave, they always do. PO will be PO, one evil or the other really in Poland, and thats what is the most disappointing.
PiS will bow to the EU. The judicial chamber will be disbanded in order to get the recovery money. The country is in deep trouble without it, and every PiS social giveaway program is in trouble without it. The socialists will cave, they always do. PO will be PO, one evil or the other really in Poland, and thats what is the most disappointing.
PiS is acting more PRL-ish by the minute!
Absolutely rushed through.
And of course they've done it at a time when there are plenty of distractions.
PolAmKrakow 3 | 887
18 Dec 2021 #414
The US isn't distracted, and Poles wont be distracted when the US threatens retaliation, or actually retaliates in the event Duda doesn't veto. This is another example of complete incompetence in Polish politics. The idea of making everything Polish in an open society is never going to happen long term. The idea that Poland could survive as an isolationist country is completely laughable. Russia, with all its people and all its resources is a disaster, and this is where Poland is headed under PiS.
The US isn't distracted, and Poles wont be distracted when the US threatens retaliation, or actually retaliates in the event Duda doesn't veto. This is another example of complete incompetence in Polish politics. The idea of making everything Polish in an open society is never going to happen long term. The idea that Poland could survive as an isolationist country is completely laughable. Russia, with all its people and all its resources is a disaster, and this is where Poland is headed under PiS.
The US isn't distracted,
The world is. Everything winding down for the holiday season, a pandemic and Putin raging. They've chosen a good time to do it. Duda will cave in to any threats though, unless he's playing a longer game.
The idea that Poland could survive as an isolationist country is completely laughable. Russia,
This is true. Without Europe, it is a vulnerable backwater.
PolAmKrakow 3 | 887
18 Dec 2021 #416
Imagine Polands response to being removed from the USA visa waiver program. Imagine troops being moved to another EU country. Imagine weapons purchase agreements being cancelled. Or possible new taxes on Polish goods exported to US. Maybe raising taxes on US business operating in Poland to get them to pull out or reduce in size. Any of these moves is the end of Duda and PiS.
The US business world is not distracted by COVID or Putin in any way that would limit their interest in responding to this action, and the response would likely be over the top to send a message to any other countries who may think about doing the same.
Imagine Polands response to being removed from the USA visa waiver program. Imagine troops being moved to another EU country. Imagine weapons purchase agreements being cancelled. Or possible new taxes on Polish goods exported to US. Maybe raising taxes on US business operating in Poland to get them to pull out or reduce in size. Any of these moves is the end of Duda and PiS.
The US business world is not distracted by COVID or Putin in any way that would limit their interest in responding to this action, and the response would likely be over the top to send a message to any other countries who may think about doing the same.
The real question is why now and what does Poland want as a concession for vetoing it.
The Americans won't impose sanctions, however they will give a sweetener for the veto; at least that's what Morawiecki hopes.
The real question is why now and what does Poland want as a concession for vetoing it.
The Americans won't impose sanctions, however they will give a sweetener for the veto; at least that's what Morawiecki hopes.
The real question is why now
One of the reasons might be taking away notice from the testimony of one of the BOR officers about Szydlo accident?
PolAmKrakow 3 | 887
18 Dec 2021 #419
Biden already said there would be a price to pay. He wont give in to Poland in anyway. Even he is not that dumb. He will take away something Poland wants or needs and that is much more punitive than anything else. The visa waiver is exactly where I would start.
Biden already said there would be a price to pay. He wont give in to Poland in anyway. Even he is not that dumb. He will take away something Poland wants or needs and that is much more punitive than anything else. The visa waiver is exactly where I would start.
He will take away something Poland wants or needs
I doubt there's much that he can 'take away' without being seen as a bully and acting against individuals on behalf of corporate interests.
Most likely they'll give a discreet concession relating to the current geopolitical crisis if/when the act is vetoed.