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Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians?

Vlad123  7 | 204
29 Nov 2012   #61
What is concerning ``estimates`` provided by Richard Lynn in particular, I cannot take it seriously.
They changed their previous ``estimates`` and ``downgraded`` average Polish IQ from 102 to 99,
Ukrainian from 99 to 96.In the same time time they ``upgraded`` average Americn IQ from 96 to 98
average British from 99 to 100! Even poor New Zelanders according to them have IQ = 100 which
is not lower than British! So now they practically have no Germanic or English speaking country which
would have IQ lower than any Slavic country.With notable exception of Irish!
To avoid accusations in racism he made move with making Asians ``smarter`` than Whites.I`m glad
if it`s true but Mongols been vastly smarter than Irish seems to be beyond science...
And the three major nations with highest IQ according to him are Japanese, Germans and Italians.
The former ``axis powers`` in WWII.

I found another IQ estimates of Richard Lynn.Those are newer and dated something like 2006 year.
Now he estimates average German IQ only at 99 and Russian at 97.Also he believes for some unknown
reason that average Belorussian and Ukrainian IQ should be exactly the same as Russian (without any tests taken)
even though those countries have much more homogenous Slavic population than Russia...
kondzior  11 | 1026
1 Dec 2012   #62
They are just trying to hide how average Western IQ plummeted due to multikult race mixing.

Look at the change in distribution on the Bell Curve.

People close to 130+ used to be common. Now they are a tiny minority. As for people higher, they are as rare as albino squirrels and spread out so thinly there is no possible way they could have much affect on general discourse. There will never again be a critical mass of people who can walk and chew gum at the same time.

The West keeps pushing multikult on central and estern europe because they desperately need to drag our IQ down to their miserable level.

The West only peaked in 1963, when they shot Kennedy and today 80% of the population reads and writes at a second or third grade level, speaks in grunts and texts abbreviated gibberish to one another that sounds like a negro who has taken a blow to the head in some kind of industrial accident. A blink of time in history, a mere forty years and most of the inhabitants are a new form of barbarism and that's still stuffed with milk shakes and hamburgers.

Sometimes at some of the places I have worked, I have gotten emails from coworkers that made me feel like weeping for their sake. The pathos of their spelling and grammar was like Charlie's return to retardation in FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON. These are the executives, mind you.
Ktos  15 | 432
28 Dec 2017   #63

Poland should welcome Ukrainians with more enthusiasm

Global immigration is difficult to stop, we can only learn to manage it somehow or close ourselves off like North Korea. The latter is not possible in our situation, we are too close to global military and economic powers. We have to manage smartly and allowing Ukrainians in is one of the best things to do. Ukrainians are often educated, they learn Polish quickly, they are Christians and they are Slavic like us. Let's welcome them, this is good immigration. We should just be wary of big businessmen from Ukraine, especially Jews, trying to buy out businesses, and pushing out Polish entrepreneurs. Otherwise, we should welcome ordinary Ukrainians, they are willing to work and posses many great skills. Criticism of Ukrainians in the media should stop.
Joker  2 | 2390
28 Dec 2017   #64
Jews, trying to buy out businesses, and pushing out Polish entrepreneurs.

Is this why you moved and live in the UK now? Why are you pretending to still live in Poland??

Why are you constantly blaming the Jews for your own shortcomings, it makes you look really silly btw:)

Otherwise, we should welcome ordinary Ukrainians, they are willing to work and posses many great skills.

Sure, but you don`t even live in Poland, so whats all this "WE" talk about?
Ktos  15 | 432
30 Dec 2017   #65
I apologise for the welcoming of Ukrainians, I just love them so much, the Ukrainian construction men have the sexiest bums in the world. When they sweat they use deodorants unlike Americans who delight in the scent of their own sweat glands. Just thinking about it makes bad and good at the same time.
Joker  2 | 2390
30 Dec 2017   #66
I just love them so much, the Ukrainian construction men have the sexiest bums in the world.

No wonder you dont live in Poland anymore. They dont want gays there, just ask Notty...LOL

When they sweat they use deodorants unlike Americans who delight in the scent of their own sweat glands.

Id rather smell than do despicable homo acts, which is an abomination against God.
Alien  25 | 6353
18 Jul 2023   #67
Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians?

Well, here you go, an old thread and how topical in the current situation, maybe even more relevant today than ever.

Home / News / Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians?

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