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Rape and sexual abuse in Poland

Miloslaw  21 | 5027
1 Jul 2024   #91
If you attack me ad hominem, does it mean you conceded defeat and admitted to being a plank?

The moron needs to do both!

As usual, you are shallow and boring and present no challenge

That sums up Jerzy(Pawian) perfectly!
Ironside  50 | 12333
2 Jul 2024   #92
And it's very fruitful to enshrine consent in law.

In the context of what we are talking about that is not true. We are talking about excesses of radical feminism trying to use the law to demonize men. It could be seen as an instrument to discriminate against men.
So please do not pretend it is about consent after all consensual sex and rape had been defined and enshrined in law a long time ago.
It is a feminist addition aimed at discriminating against men, one that doesn't add anything new and valuable but is a rather ridiculous requirement from a practical point of view.
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Jul 2024   #93
to use the law to demonize men.

Stupid broads went too far here and now are begging men to date them and marry them. To which men say fine ... 50/50...and a prenup...

This is when the broads hit the ceiling...What??? A prenup??? Don't you trust me?

No, because women initiate 80% of divorces for bullshit reasons.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
2 Jul 2024   #94
Stupid broads went too far here and now are begging men to date them

They have each other to date now.
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Jul 2024   #95
...or two their "babies"...
OP Paulina  16 | 4403
2 Jul 2024   #96
And its very fruitful to enshrine consent in law.

And consent wasn't included in the previous definition of rape in Polish law, which is... messed up. So, when I think about it now I have to go back on my statement here that I made in another thread:

the problem wasn't the law

Actually - it was.
After all - this is what rape boils down to - lack of consent. So that should be included in the definition in the first place and not last.

I've just realised that based on the previous definition of rape you would be allowed to rape an unconscious person or someone who is too drunk to resist o_O Because an unconscious or a completely wasted person can't fight back/resist, so the rapist wouldn't have to:

1. Use violance.
2. Use unlawful threats.
3. Use deception.

So, based on the previous definition - if you rape an unconscious or a completely drunk person and you didn't make this person unconscious or drunk yourself by the use of deception then... it's not rape o_O

So, yeah, that definition definitely wasn't complete, to put it mildly.

So now you will tell me : "What does it matter? Every moron knows what rape is!"

Do they though? Clearly not - there are morons who don't know and some of those morons are Polish judges. And Polish judges are not unique in this.

This discussion reminded me of the pretty famous case in the US when a successful student of some prestigious university raped an unconscious girl at a parking lot and was caught during the act by passers-by. He got only 6 months in prison.

So why am I writing about this and why the change in the definition of rape was important and needed? Here is why:

"Oklahoma State University professor John Foubert, who designed his school's rape prevention program, asked a group of first-year fraternity brothers in a 2007 study whether they'd ever raped someone. They all said no. Foubert changed the phrasing, however, and 10 percent of first-year brothers reported they'd penetrated a woman against her permission.

"They don't see this behavior as rape, perhaps as a way to protect themselves, to not be responsible for their behavior if that happens," Foubert said. "It's not just college students. You hear these beliefs in broader society.""
OP Paulina  16 | 4403
2 Jul 2024   #97
And more from the article:

"University of Arizona professor Mary Koss, who coined the term "date rape" in the 1980s, found in a 1987 study that 7.7 percent of male students reported anonymously they had forced or tried to force someone to have sex with them. Almost none of them considered that to be rape.

Koss said she still hears these sentiments from her students. She said some young men think that, if they're as intoxicated as a female partner, whatever happens can be blamed on the alcohol. She adds that others think young women secretly want to be pushed into a sexual encounter."
OP Paulina  16 | 4403
2 Jul 2024   #98
And if you needed even more:

"A 1994 study found that between 25 and 35 percent of men lack knowledge about what constitutes rape, and a 2010 report noted men are more likely than women to have these attitudes."

Now that's freaking scary.

And this:

"She said Turner committed rape but that he does not think he did so. He did not apologize for sexual assault in a court statement to the judge. He apologized for drinking too much."
Bobko  27 | 2167
2 Jul 2024   #99
Lighten up, Paulina.

In Holy Russia, our President makes frequent jokes about rape.

Back in the early 2000s, our Great Leader was meeting with Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel, in the aftermath of the President of Israel getting convicted on rape charges.

Here's what Putin said then:

"He turned out to be a strong man, raped 10 women," the Russian president was quoted by Russian media as saying at a meeting in Moscow with Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert. "I never would have expected it of him. He has surprised us all, we all envy him!"

You see, in Russia, rape is evidence of sexual prowess and virility.

Not just any man can rape a woman, but only one who is determined and quite physically fit!

OP Paulina  16 | 4403
2 Jul 2024   #100
Jesus... I had to google it to check if it's true...

From the article:

"Andrei Kolesnikov, a Kremlin pool veteran, heard the rest. "It was one of those moments when you couldn't believe your ears," he said. Another reporter said officials had burst into laughter."

I wonder if they'd be laughing if their wife or daughter was raped... Stupid a$$holes.

Lighten up, Paulina.

How is that supposed to lighten me up... 🙁
Bobko  27 | 2167
2 Jul 2024   #101
wonder if they'd be laughing if their wife or daughter was raped

For some people it is hard to understand our Leader's sophisticated sense of humor.

It was just a joke.

Even you, Paulina, must admit that it's very impressive that the President of Israel managed to rape 10+ women.

What a man!
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Jul 2024   #102
And if you needed even more...

...35% of men who were asked if they would rape if assured of no legal consequences said yes.

Men are predatory pigs. That's why I wrote a book with "Don't Trust Anybody" as the first chapter. Quoting:

Men do such things because it is in their genes, DNA, instinct, or the way their brains are wired. Wherever it comes from, in the end, it works like this: if it has a pulse, he will kill it; if it has a pulse and a vagina, he will rape it - even if the vagina belongs to a farm animal or a 9-month-old baby.

Unfortunately for women, most of them are trusting naive idiots because they were raised by equally trusting and naive parents.
Bobko  27 | 2167
2 Jul 2024   #103
Men are pigs. That's why I wrote a book with "Don't Trust Anybody" as the first chapter.

Is this book available on Amazon? I would read it.
OP Paulina  16 | 4403
2 Jul 2024   #104
It was just a joke.

He shouldn't be joking about that. Rape isn't funny. Especially made by a public person and in such a context - Putin is a president himself. Jokes often tell you something about people's attitude's from what I've noticed. Did you notice that women don't joke about rape? Why is it always men? I think you know why.

Even you, Paulina, must admit that it's very impressive that the President of Israel managed to rape 10+ women.

No, I don't find anything "impressive" about it.

Unfortunately for women, most of them are trusting naive idiots because they were raised by equally trusting and naive parents.

Then educate them. My parents never talked to me about such stuff.

But don't end there. Educate your sons about what rape is and how important consent is.
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Jul 2024   #105
Is this book available on Amazon? I would read it.

It was on Amazon for a while. Before I took it down, I gave away a couple thousand copies as promos.
If you send me your email address I will send you the file. My email is:
Bobko  27 | 2167
2 Jul 2024   #106
Then educate them

Even boys from very good families can get embroiled in rape trouble.

The only solution, is to rape them first. Only having experienced rape yourself, can you appreciate why you must not do it to another person.

If you send me your email address

Incoming to your personal inbox.
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Jul 2024   #107
The only solution, is to rape them first.

...or drive the point home the Singapore way. No repeaters there...
Bobko  27 | 2167
2 Jul 2024   #108
No repeaters there...

Growing up, one of my acquaintance's sisters was raped.

The guy was found in his apartment, had his penis cut off and stuffed in his own mouth, before being thrown out of a 5th floor balcony.

You can still see the guy rolling around the neighborhood in his wheelchair with a vacant look in his eyes.

This method, it works.
Alien  23 | 5540
2 Jul 2024   #109
The guy was found in his apartment, had his penis cut off and stuffed in his own mouth, before being thrown out of a 5th floor balcony.

Is this what awaits every russian soldier who raped women and children in Ukraine?
Bobko  27 | 2167
2 Jul 2024   #110
Is this what awaits every russian soldier who raped women

Yeah no problem for me.
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Jul 2024   #111
This method, it works.

Bobko for the head of the Department of Swift Justice.
Yeah no problem for me.

I would give them a break in 1945 in Berlin.
Bobko  27 | 2167
2 Jul 2024   #112
Bobko for the head of the Department of Swift Justice.

I'm sure discovering that guy was a curious experience for the ambulance workers, haha!
OP Paulina  16 | 4403
2 Jul 2024   #113
Yeah no problem for me.

That's clearly a problem for the RuSSian government though and that "funny guy" Putin.

I would give them a break in 1945 in Berlin.

I wonder if you'd say the same thing if you lived in Germany back then and your granddaughters were gang-raped to death by Soviet soldiers.
Ironside  50 | 12333
2 Jul 2024   #114
Is this book available on Amazon? I would read it.

It is on the sheal with psychology books, Look for 'The first step to paranoia'.
Educate your sons

Educate women about responsibility and accountability. keying drunk on the street is not something that should be done.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
2 Jul 2024   #115
and your granddaughters were gang-raped

You bang on about rape like Novi bangs on about faggots.
Tell me Paulina, have you ever been raped by any chance ?
Bobko  27 | 2167
2 Jul 2024   #116
have you ever been raped by any chance ?

How about you? Ever been made to feel as an adolescent donkey before a pious mujahed?

If not, it would be my pleasure to arrange for this. We have certain types of troops from the North Caucasus on R&R rotation currently.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
2 Jul 2024   #117
Ever been made to feel as an adolescent donkey before a pious mujahed?

Nope but you can tell us of your personal experiences.
Now go mind your own business bonehead because no one was talking to you.
We have certain types of troops

So do we and they are the most elite in the world which you may soon find out the hard way.
They will be banging your women and leave the young donkeys for your "troops".
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
2 Jul 2024   #118
Tell me Paulina, have you ever been raped by any chance ?

What an absolutely disgusting question to ask anyone?
Have you no shame at all?

How about you? Ever been made to feel as an adolescent donkey before a pious mujahed?

I think that is exactly what this disgusting individual deserves......
johnny reb  46 | 7613
2 Jul 2024   #119
Ope, 10 p.m. in London and Wi-Fi rates drop so here comes the little British Yorkshire Yapper known as Mr. Angry.
Have you no shame at all?

Not having any shame has it's advantages sometimes.
I think

Thats your first mistake as nobody cares what you think.
Now either stay on topic or take your trolling and hate elsewhere.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
2 Jul 2024   #120
10 p.m. in London and Wi-Fi rates drop

Two lies.WIFI rates do not drop in London after 10pm and even if they did it would not bother me as,unlike you, I don't have to be careful about money!

nobody cares what you think

Wrong again!Though my opinion may not hold that much weight on this forum,I am certain it holds a lot more weight than yours...... the weight you hold is in your obese physique......

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