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Rape and sexual abuse in Poland

Paulina  17 | 4488
3 Aug 2021   #1
A 14-year-old boy brutally raped a 5-year-old girl in the woods:

The rapist left her naked in the forest. Crying, shaking and bleeding, the girl came back home on her own with no clothes on. She had injuries in the crotch area and intimate parts. She had to be taken immediately to the hospital, because she was in such a bad condition that she could bleed to death. The head of the medical emergency services said that in his 45-year-long career he had never seen anything like this.

The boy was apprehended a few hours later by one of the inhabitants.
Lenka  5 | 3514
3 Aug 2021   #2
I'm lost for words...
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
3 Aug 2021   #3
I am shocked, honestly don't know what to write
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
3 Aug 2021   #4
Are you really surprised? Those kind of people are walking monsters... blaming the victim, don't mind evildoers performing obscene sacrifices, partakes in anything that can be described as unholy.

They think there is a war between the sexes and are blind to what their doing to people, I only imagine what world I want for my future son&daughter. Those kind of people to not want a good environment for them as most of them don't even want children and prefer to use people without thinking of the consequences.
Ironside  50 | 12816
3 Aug 2021   #5
A 14-year-old boy

I wonder about his family and if his father is in the picture,,,
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Aug 2021   #6
He either learned it from his dad, or his dad was missing in this picture. Otherwise I have a difficult time understanding it at all

Fatherless sons are a danger to any society, even more so then those that are wrongly raised by an idiot. Cause the fatherless ones tend to group up together, then it only needs one bad apple to lead them cause of their lack of a masculine role model.

Society thinking it's smart to downplay the fathers role... I don't know what to write
Lenka  5 | 3514
4 Aug 2021   #7
Society thinking it's smart to downplay the fathers role...

Really? Because it seems to me there is actually more pressure now for the fathers to be more involved

But talking about parents I wonder how that girl ended up with that boy...was he in the family circle, like friend's son etc....
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Aug 2021   #8

Yes, there are more single mothers growing by the numbers, divorces and and state marriages (who are easily diveorceable).

Not to mention questioning the role of how society should be run, paternal or maternal. Which also plays into the perception of men's mentality. Until men (18+ males) become a father figure for a real son/daughter. Many still remain with a son like mentality, looking for guidance and doing what is expected of him. Only changing who is legitimate to guide him when his biological father seems to be outdated or not knowing enough about his life around him and his situation and his challenges.

Which is why for a man having God as father is paramount, as to not be lead astray by wicked people abusing the situation or for the men to feel isolated. A women being a lot faster sensitive is able to remedy the situation faster (which is learned of said dangers as teenager by being excluded/included/excluded repeatedly)

While a man reacts far slower and isn't conscious about that process at all, blaming his surroundings only and not taking steps to improve his situation.

Such group mechanics are in place biologically (the beast factor). It's important not to give in to it, while many do cause they aren't able to look at it objectively as there are a lot of unstable emotions being run through ones perception about it.

This boy clearly didn't learn social rules, or followed social rules of a fringe group which saw such behaviour or emotions and steps like hate/revenge/sadism/banditry as okey

Which has to be countered. How? I don't know
amiga500  5 | 1485
4 Aug 2021   #9
Or the pedo rapist teenager was just a sadistic sociopath, some people are born that way, and no manner of fatherly attention will help.
Ironside  50 | 12816
4 Aug 2021   #10
Otherwise I have a difficult time understanding it at all

Look, there are same people with issues, all kind of issues, like small IQ, no empathy, mental illness, maybe they have been exposed to some substances like drugs or alcohol at an early age, then there is family issue like no father or abnormal parents, 14 years of age is a very fragile time, a child mind in an adult body dealing with all those changes, learning to control those hormones, urges and all that new stuff, if someone has some additional issues that a recipe for a disaster....

Given that our society is bad at socialising, channeling and guiding those boys. the question is why occurrences like those do not happen much more often?

Why that five years old girl was there without supervision? I wonder..

Society thinking it's smart to downplay the fathers role.

Nope is -ism those people in politics love so much because they don't have to deliver results but appear to be very busy..
All those feminism and stuff trying artificially to change society - they don't know what they are doing half of the time. Who gained? Some crappy books writers and activists? ah and corporations ...

Its all high noble aims ended in the men blaming exercise as if that was something new. I mean on a law making end discriminatory laws against men and meddling with family matters by the state. On a street level good old men blaming BS.

Now they are going after women undermining the very concept what constitute a woman.
It is all going to unravel itself and all that left will be ruins...
Toxic males, no females, progressive BS and stupid people that don't get it and won't listen.

more pressure now for the fathers to be more involved

Where? You mean a pressure to change a man into something women imagine they should be but only theoretically because in practice they wouldn't respect such a 'perfect man' themselves.

Beside in the wider context you are wrong. It encourages both in a propaganda and financial support by a state to have children out of wedlock or be a single parent.

Most people see it a new normal. No long ago it was considered a disaster both for children as well as a single parent...or a widow..
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Aug 2021   #11
You mean a pressure

It's a way to test a man, his masculinity. A women can only lead a man to his downfall, only for the purpose of checking what type of man he is. It happens on a subconscious level which they themselves rarely understand.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Aug 2021   #12
moved from:

Poland is one of the safest places in that regards in terms of both total rapes, and rapes per capita. Unlike our neighbor next door which has a per capita rape double Poland's. Or even Sweden which now lands number 6 in the top 10 countries with the highest rapes per capita. It wasn't like that just 10 years ago before they let in all this turd world in...

Well, it's not Swedes and Germans that are driving those numbers that's for sure... That's why Poland has such low rape stats both in terms of total and per capita - it has a homogenous Polish population and there aren't hordes of third world migrants committing sexual assaults daily like in western europe.
jon357  72 | 23400
6 Aug 2021   #13
He either learned it from his dad, or his dad was missing in this picture

Plenty of people from ordinary loving homes commit sexual crimes.
Novichok  5 | 8631
6 Aug 2021   #14
ordinary loving homes

If they were from ordinary loving homes they would not commit sexual crimes.
To me as a juror, "I was molested when I was a kid" would be an aggravating, not a mitigating fact.

like small IQ,

I agree. People with small IQ should congregate separately from those with big IQ.
jon357  72 | 23400
7 Aug 2021   #15
If they were from ordinary loving homes they would not commit sexual crimes.

Sadly, it doesn't seem to make a difference.

To me as a juror, "I was molested when I was a kid" would be an aggravating, not a mitigating fact.

mafketis  38 | 11081
7 Aug 2021   #16
it doesn't seem to make a difference.

It's not guaranteed but the odds are stacked against kids from broken homes....

"Step- and single-parent families accounted for only one-third (33%) of all children in the United States but accounted for more than two-thirds (66.8%) of all children who were sexually abused"

from: "The New SilenceFamily Breakdown and Child Sexual Abuse"
OP Paulina  17 | 4488
7 Aug 2021   #17
Or the pedo rapist teenager was just a sadistic sociopath, some people are born that way

Yes, most likely. First of all, he probably is a peadophile. Their sexual interest in kids comes to the surface during puberty. But not every peadophile becomes a rapist. So, it looks like that he may be a psychopath. However, even though some percentage of people are born with genes of a sociopath or a psychopath it doesn't necessarily mean they will turn into a serial killer, a murderer, a rapist or simply a criminal. It apparently depends on their upbringing - whether they had a good childhood or a bad one.

Watching some hardcore, violent p0rn on the internet could be a factor too to some extent (I'm writing this based on a documentary about the impact the present day pornography has on young people).

Fatherless sons are a danger to any society

Oh, come on, this is ridiculous and simply unfair to men who grew up without fathers, imho. There would be far more peado psychos brutally raping little kids if that was the case, since majority of single parents in Poland always were and are - mothers.

Also, another thing - that rape on the little girl took place in the countryside. So, it's pretty unlikely that the boy was raised by a single mother. And even if he was, there would be usually his grandfather or uncle in the picture, because in Polish villages families usually live close to each other or in the same house with older generations - so he would have a male role model.

Women in the Polish countryside rarely get a divorce. The husband would have to be a really violent, abusive drunk for a village woman to do that and she would probably divorce him only after 10 years or so of domestic violence (yeah, I know about such examples from real life).

So, I think that in Polish countryside it would be more likely for a boy like that to have an alcoholic (alcoholism is an even bigger problem in villages than in the cities, especially in poorer regions) and abusive father than being raised by a single mother.

Btw, what about motherless daughters raised by fathers only? Are they a danger to the society too? lol

Sadly, it doesn't seem to make a difference.

Based on what I know, it seems that it usually makes a big difference. I've watched a documentary about psychopathy from a scientific point of view and another one about why some men are more prone to violence (including rape, it was mainly about rapists, I think) than others. Rapists have some faulty chromosome as far as I remember, but it gets triggered due to bad childhood. The same with people with genes of a psychopath - their brains look different in MRI than of majority of people, but not all of them end up as serial killers, etc. I think that there may be cases when a kid has a normal home and ends up as a murderer, but I guess it may be due to the fact that the psychopath genes are too strong to overcome it by good childhood. I remember such case of a girl in the US who seemed to have a normal family (but you never really know) and yet she wanted to kill her little sister, I think, to check... what it's like to kill someone...

That's why Poland has such low rape stats both in terms of total and per capita

Considering that the more traditional the society is, the more unreported rape, sexual abuse and sexual harassment are, my guess is that it is also the case in case of Poland vs Germany and Sweden. I'm not saying that immigration from more traditional societies isn't a factor, but there's been a real problem in Poland for years with low sentences for rapists, rapists getting suspended sentences and walking the streets freely, the way the police and society reacts to rape victims or even kids being sexually abused (especially by priests, since often the clergy are "holy cows" here). Due to all of this I think that it may be harder for both adults and kids to report rape, sexual abuse and sexual harassment. I don't know about Germany, but I remember reading that in Sweden the likelihood of reporting rape increased over the years.

@Lenka, I was wondering about where were the girl's parents during all this time too and how this boy ended up with their daughter...
jon357  72 | 23400
7 Aug 2021   #18
the odds are stacked against kids from broken homes....

That's true, however there is no shortage of sexual abusers from stable backgrounds.

psychopath - their brains look different in MRI than of majority of people, but not all of them end up as serial killers, etc.

Most don't. Psychopathy is a sliding scale, a long continuum. Most are entirely normal. Just with a high opinion of themselves, weaker emotions than most and very often, a sort of 'Ayn Rand' perspective on life and their own happiness in relation to that of others. Psychopathy is a sliding scale, a long continuum.

the way the police and society reacts to rape victims or even kids being sexually abused (especially by priests,

As far as I know, it's traumatic enough to report a serious sexual crime that has happened to someone, and I doubt that it's at all easy in Poland. That and the issues that you mention about low sentences and the societal view doubtless lead to lower reporting.

Incidentally, when Germany stopped paying out compensation to people who'd reported HSA (historical sexual abuse) on the basis that it was hard to establish facts after the event, the number of complainants dropped to almost zero.
johnny reb  49 | 7943
7 Aug 2021   #19
How about single mothers that dress like suggestive tramps that are out looking for a man.
Their teen daughters see their mothers carousing life style and become engrained with it thinking it is acceptable and normal.
She see her mom getting presents and dinners and flowers from some guy and realizes that she is sitting on a gold mine.
SO the little girls put the bait out their and when the little boys go after the suggestive look it is the boys fault.
The little girl ends up p.g. and the embarrassed mother starts crying rape.
I have seen it happen time and again.
If anything the little boys should be taught how manipulative and creative females are to prevent them from being charged with assault with a friendly weapon.
Ironside  50 | 12816
7 Aug 2021   #20
there would be usually his grandfather or uncle in the picture,

So what??

in Polish countryside

I think you hold an idealistic view of the Polish countryside..

this is ridiculous and simply unfair t

look it is a fact that people who came from a single partes family have a significant chance to become a criminal or suffer from many disfunctions....

It is not a good thing...

, the more unreported rape, sexual abuse and sexual harassment are,

That is what some people claim but there is no evidence for that! So i would put it down as a pseudoscience.
Lenka  5 | 3514
7 Aug 2021   #21
Lenka, I was wondering about where were the girl's parents during all this time too and how this boy ended up with their daughter...

I try not to think it in accusation terms as we don't have the data, he might have been well acquainted with family , or he could lure her out of the garden etc. But it is a valid question in such a young victim.
OP Paulina  17 | 4488
7 Aug 2021   #22
SO the little girls put the bait out their and when the little boys go after the suggestive look it is the boys fault.

What on Earth is wrong with you? How little girls can "put the bait out"?? To whom? To peadophilic sexual predators??

If anything the little boys should be taught how control themselves and that girls and women are human beings (who have feelings and can get hurt both physically and emotionally) and not objects for use. I think there's a problem with boys not being taught enough empathy.

The little girl ends up p.g. and the embarrassed mother starts crying rape.

Could you give examples then?

@Ironside, trust me, I don't have an idealistic view of the Polish countryside... Far from it...

So what??

So he would have a male role model. Btw, I've just read that the boy in question apparently had a regular family.

is a fact that people who came from a single partes family have a significant chance to become a criminal or suffer from many disfunctions....

Just like people who come from complete, but dysfunctional families, have a greater chance of that too. Of course it's always better to have a full, loving family than not. But it doesn't mean that if you were raised by a single mother, you're automatically doomed to become a child-raping monster lol

That is what some people claim but there is no evidence for that!

There is - organisations who help and talk to those women and girls who don't report are usually able to give some rough estimates. Sometimes polls are being conducted too. Many people, experts, psychologists, organisations and even the police in many countries say that rape and sexual abuse is a much unreported crime. I also have an idea from my own real life experience how unreported this stuff can be.

"organisations who help and talk to those women and girls who don't report"

...and men and boys who don't report too.
johnny reb  49 | 7943
7 Aug 2021   #23
How little girls can "put the bait out"?

Oh come on Paulina, don't tell me that you have never seen teen girls on the streets dressed like hooker tramps. control themselves and that girls and women

and visa versa that girls should be taught if they are going to have cleavage hanging out and showing that it is like a flower to a bee.

Could you give examples then?

I could but why, you would still be in denial.
You want your thread to focus on males only for rape (to belittle them) and refuse to entertain that there are circumstances where females are just as guilty.

Girls that wear suggestive cloths, talk like sluts, go out after midnight to bars by themselves and get drunk should understand like I do when I play with fire.

But from your point of view rape is always the mans fault which is very closed minded.
You think when she is in the assumed position naked and has activated the heat seeking moisture missile and it has blasted off that she can suddenly say,

"oh, I changed my mind."
Guess what, you can't put a bullet back in a gun after you pulled the trigger.
Lenka  5 | 3514
7 Aug 2021   #24
to control themselves

The idea that man get 'provoked' into rape is something I will never understand. As if the fact of being aroused justified anything.
johnny reb  49 | 7943
7 Aug 2021   #25
Provoked ? lol how creative.

As if the fact of being aroused justified anything.

It's called, "power of the pussy". Lenka.
Men (as well as animals) have died for less.
Novichok  5 | 8631
7 Aug 2021   #26
The idea that man get 'provoked' into rape is something I will never understand

Men are pigs. A survey asked if they would rape when assured of no criminal consequences. 35% said yes.
When a woman is stranded because her car died, within minutes she will be offered "help" with the intent to rape.
Men are opportunistic scum.
Ironside  50 | 12816
7 Aug 2021   #27
you were raised by a single mother, you're automatically doomed to become a child-raping monster lol

Only people who think in absolutes would draw that conclusion but the fact remains that is much better to have a mother and a father than to have only a one parent. And lack of one parent or a normal family increase chances of one becoming an abnormal or anti-social - Individual.

So he would have a male role model.

It is not that simple as in being a male role model...just because same male relative exist in the background it doesn't mean he will become automatically a role model.

There is - organisations

Oft people can claim to be raped or some-such but that doesn't mean it is a factual information so even if there is no Indological bias in those organizations (oft there is) they tend to take the word of those who claim to be a victim of a rape on its face value.

As far as i know they have no way to verify those claims. It means that data is corrupted.
They don't even know to what extend all that alleged evidence is just an educated guess and ipso facto cannot be counted as an evidence or a scientific data..

There is no question that some rapes are not reported to the police but there is nothing that can be done about it. Rather than being a meddling control freak to extent control over people you don't even know it is better to respect their individual choices.

On that note oft people who claim they care about all those unknow victim of a rape that hasn't been reported are out there to use it as an excuse to extent control over people...and society all those little Stalin out there..

Also a sexual abuse and a rape are not a one the same...
Novichok  5 | 8631
7 Aug 2021   #28
Two kinds of "rape" pi*ss me off. First: "My boyfriends raped me repeatedly but I stayed because I loved him". The other: "He raped me and asked me to see him again so I did". That's the Epstein model.
Ironside  50 | 12816
7 Aug 2021   #29
The idea that man get 'provoked'

Not provoked but girls as well as women should be aware of the reality and act accordingly. Cannot act as if outdoors were just an extension of their parents living room. The world is not a safe place.

I would say some awareness and caution would be in order. Young men tend to be reckless and pay for it. Young women are more vulnerable and if they act recklessly they pay for it even more, that the way it is and is nobody fault.

Why do you keep acting as if the reality check was some kind of insult to women or men's fault? Get your head in order first.

oh, I changed my mind."

Johnny do you hail from a two parent family?
Lenka  5 | 3514
7 Aug 2021   #30
I would say some awareness and caution would be in order.

Of course. That doesn't mean though that the rape is the girls fault. Acting stupid is not criminal. Raping is.

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