Belarus will become part of Russia and that's all.
What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?
Ashleys mind 3 | 446
27 Dec 2010 #32
Nah. You don't just *become* part of another country... I don't see that happening. People will leave Belarus before that happens...
Which direction they go will say a lot about what system *they* actually want to live under.
Which direction they go will say a lot about what system *they* actually want to live under.
It took a long time for Belarus to escape from the Soviet union , and become an independant country....i can,t see them rushing to be part of the Russian federation...!
Listen to Wildrover kiddies he's got a good hunch.
1.Lukaszenko is needed by Belarus its not ready for democracy.
2. When it will be ready it will frag Lukaszenko.
3. Poles arent all that mistreated, our media makes an explosion out of a fart.
1.Lukaszenko is needed by Belarus its not ready for democracy.
2. When it will be ready it will frag Lukaszenko.
3. Poles arent all that mistreated, our media makes an explosion out of a fart.
Article by Polish military analyzer Jaroslaw Adamowski
On development of situation in the region after new NATO and Albanian pressure on Kosovo Serbs and Serbia in general.
Belarus signed special agreement on military cooperation with Serbia, what includes sending to Serbia this month systems S-300V and S-300PG, as well as 7 more upgraded Mig-29.
Serbia rapidly increasing its military potentials, since her sovereignty on Kosovo was endangered. Just to give you picture. Serbia has more then 800 tanks, famous M-84 tanks by Yugoslavian technology, among best tanks in the world. Think about it. Its twice as tanks as Germany have. And twice as Britain have.
Serbia to buy S-300 missile systems, MiG-29 jets from Belarus
On development of situation in the region after new NATO and Albanian pressure on Kosovo Serbs and Serbia in general.
Belarus signed special agreement on military cooperation with Serbia, what includes sending to Serbia this month systems S-300V and S-300PG, as well as 7 more upgraded Mig-29.
Serbia rapidly increasing its military potentials, since her sovereignty on Kosovo was endangered. Just to give you picture. Serbia has more then 800 tanks, famous M-84 tanks by Yugoslavian technology, among best tanks in the world. Think about it. Its twice as tanks as Germany have. And twice as Britain have.
Serbia to buy S-300 missile systems, MiG-29 jets from Belarus
We are discussing silly things like LGBT ideas in Poland while our closest neighbour, Belarus, is in utmost upheaval. Belarussians have stopped being a timid nation and openly oppose their long-time President Lukashenka who is doing his best to win the Sunday elections, even if it means falsifying the results. Currently, he has had his main rivals to presidency arrested and regularly cuts off Internet and phones to stop people from mass gathering in streets. Belarussian opposition is wondering whether the army will stand by the nation at hour of need.
Belarus is boiling and Poles don`t care - it is not fair.
Belarus is boiling and Poles don`t care - it is not fair.
President Lukashenka
he should win.
Cargo pants 3 | 1425
8 Aug 2020 #38
HE WILL WIN.As usual,I have been going there 20 years and seen it first hand.
Good. It is good for Poland. Should help the guy to give him a chance to stand up to Russia some...
Belarus is boiling and Poles don`t care - it is not fair.
So true.
Your hero Donald Tusk had seven years (SEVEN YEARS!) in office as PM to do something! What did he do? Nothing.
Not a thing.
Even today your EU king refuses to roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty:
Donald Tusk: It Is Only Belarusians Who Can Decide In What Kind Of Country You Want To Live
Link to the headline quoting Tusk's indifference:
in office as PM to do something! What did he do? Nothing.
Wow, a very accurate remark it would be if you also provided some ways of dealing with the problem. Without that, yours is just a common opinion,. like many other.
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2126
9 Aug 2020 #42
Poland could start military excercises near Belarussian border, start with a media campaign about possibility of war refugees from Belarus (like start preparing your homes for brothers and sisters from Belarus) ask EU for additional funds to start preperations for war refugees from Belarus
Poland could start military excercises near Belarussian border, start with a media campaign about possibility of war refugees from Belarus (like start preparing your homes for brothers and sisters from Belarus) ask EU for additional funds to start preperations for war refugees from Belarus
Poland could start military excercises near Belarussian
Poland could help Lukashenko out! Let help him to stay in power and make EU (probably not possible|) to be as helpful. In that way he will have an option or more options than Russia.
Wow, a very accurate remark it would be if you also provided some ways of dealing with the problem.
Wow, so as a very senior career politician Tusk needs ideas from the public? Now that's what you call an empty suit!
Actually, Tusk was given ideas. Specifically from the Belarusian opposition. All the way back in 2016!
"The Belarusian opposition hopes that Tusk as EC President will increase the EU's attention towards Belarus, including boosting support for civil society and greater attention to security in the East European region."
Link to the quote:
That was four years (FOUR YEARS!) ago!
But clearly, Król Donald has had other priorities such as his compensation package.
Here is a headline from just last year:
Donald Tusk's STAGGERING salary EXPOSED: How EU chief earns TWICE as much as Theresa May
Link to the headline:
And what was Tusk's message to the Belarusian people on a few days ago? You are on your own!
Well, that has certainly been the case as far as Tusk is concerned and for well over a decade now.
The Belarusian opposition should have got the message sent early on from the Polish people and PO's thumping defeat at the polls that Tusk was not a man to be trusted.
The Belarusian opposition
Why would the Belarusian opposition supported by the Polish PM?
Currently, he has had his main rivals to presidency arrested and regularly cuts off Internet and phones to stop people from mass gathering in streets
PiS probably envy his ability to do that.
It's a problem, however, that they're wise to be careful about for several reasons. Not only are trade links important, but from their side they can't easily be seen to either align with the democracy protestors or the regime.
Poland Calls For Extraordinary EU Summit On Belarus
Poland on Monday called for an emergency European Union summit on the situation in Belarus after clashes in the night in Minsk following a disputed presidential election.
"The authorities have used force against their citizens, who are demanding change in the country. We must support the Belarusian people in their quest for freedom," Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in a statement.
Poland on Monday called for an emergency European Union summit on the situation in Belarus after clashes in the night in Minsk following a disputed presidential election.
"The authorities have used force against their citizens, who are demanding change in the country. We must support the Belarusian people in their quest for freedom," Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in a statement.
What a dunce!!! You boy support Polish people and their freedoms which you are selling out.
We must support the Belarusian people in their quest for freedom
This statement is fine. But, why I can`t imagine that official Poland arise its voice against Vatican that deal with Serbs eliminating them in genocide? What is the problem for official Poland to be that honest? Why not say `We must support the Serbian people in their quest for freedom from Vatican`s wrath`?
Let us say openly. No, its not wisdom. Its fear. Fear from Vatican. Then they turn to east and bark and move, working at the same time against Poland. And even if the achieve anything and take on east, Vatican would take it to them and give it to Germanics, whom Vatican truly support against all Slavs.
I mean, what is the point of Poland`s official policy? I don`t see Poland in it.
And due to fear from extermination they were even lured in Christianity, as all Slavs. Because of fear they listened all what Rome and later Vatican said. And it never protected them from Germanics. In fact, Rome protected Germanics from them. And they continued to listen and they continued to lose.
For how long? Until the extinction?
And Rome just looking and smile.
Now, let us talk how we incorporate Belarus into Poland. It doesn`t matter why. Let us incorporate it. Let it be Polish? Would it be Polish?
What a dunce!!! You boy support Polish people and their freedoms which you are selling out.

JacekthePole 1 | 51
12 Aug 2020 #51
Invite all the Belarussian girls to Polska. They are hot!
Eh, the Belarusians are getting beaten up pretty badly by the riot police. Hopefully it will end up with another Maidan but without annexations and war, which would damage the region again (including Russia).
Also, yet another example of Eastern Euro protests that do not feature smashing shops, looting them, throwing rocks at apartment blocks, burning regular people's cars, pulling random people out of lorries, forcing other regular people to crawl on their knees, etc. Very focused on the state.
The knee-jerk reaction against the protests just because the Dems and such support them is unwarranted. Say, they were supporting Ukraine too, and it now has unprecedented freedoms for the nationalist right, unlike Russia where everyone is in prison. Broadly speaking, they tend to support some of the better states like Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, etc. for foreign policy reasons even as they unsuccessfully try to push them for internal politics.
Also, yet another example of Eastern Euro protests that do not feature smashing shops, looting them, throwing rocks at apartment blocks, burning regular people's cars, pulling random people out of lorries, forcing other regular people to crawl on their knees, etc. Very focused on the state.
The knee-jerk reaction against the protests just because the Dems and such support them is unwarranted. Say, they were supporting Ukraine too, and it now has unprecedented freedoms for the nationalist right, unlike Russia where everyone is in prison. Broadly speaking, they tend to support some of the better states like Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, etc. for foreign policy reasons even as they unsuccessfully try to push them for internal politics.
Other countries like Serbia, Turkey Greece. They don't make sense.
God knows what you wanted to say here.
The original grand duchy fell apart because she tried to bite off more than she could chew.
Rome ended Grand duchy. Previously used it as a condom as much it was possible and then ended when sowing that Grand duchy insists to defends its natural lines of wealth from Balkan to Baltic. When sowing how Kings of Poland giving an advantage to Sarmatism (read- ignoring Catholic/Orthodox difference among Slavs, especially between Poles and Serbs), over blind obedience to Rome.
Because Papacy hates Slavs and love Germanics. It's not enough you are Catholic. You must stop to be Slavic. Plus, then you must become Germanic. Then you are saved.
Eh, the Belarusians are getting beaten up pretty badly by the riot police. Hopefully it will end up with another Maida
Let Christ and Svetovid prevent any shed of noble Slavic blood. Blood of last Sarmatians.
Reprimand yourself brate kondzior. Why would you desire Maiden to them? Imposing of Germanic schemes on them. Slavery to western Europe is nothing but servitude to Magna Germania and Rome. They need no Rome, neither Third Rome, neither Constantinople's dictate. They need positive changes now when become obvious Lukashenko lost his head. To use firearms and even lasers on its own population. Its madness. God help them. I wish that the news isn't true, we shall see. But if it's true, Lukashenko is a poor madman.
Wish them independence, brate. That they need. A new, worthy administration and real statesman for President. That you wish to them. For only as such they can choose their own future and God knows that they do have the right to choose. Or you say they don't have the right to choose?
Poles! Poles, awake! Probudite se Poljaci!
Ok, what is al those post off topic posts doing here? tsk
As situation develops Poland takes a part in some kind of political push to remove Lukashenko (and his people?) from power.
In my opinion a very risky move. Could be pushing him and Belarus straight into Russia's bosom.
Well, its done I'll judge them and particularly Morawiecki and PiS by the result.
If they are not successful If all they gain will be Russian firmly on the Polish border......
After many years Poland being a noticeable exception from the VWP. I would think If four billions dollars didn't cut any slack then eight did the trick.
As situation develops Poland takes a part in some kind of political push to remove Lukashenko (and his people?) from power.
In my opinion a very risky move. Could be pushing him and Belarus straight into Russia's bosom.
Well, its done I'll judge them and particularly Morawiecki and PiS by the result.
If they are not successful If all they gain will be Russian firmly on the Polish border......
Poland is in visa waiver program
After many years Poland being a noticeable exception from the VWP. I would think If four billions dollars didn't cut any slack then eight did the trick.
In my opinion a very risky move
Not neceserely, if coordinated with Russia and as we see there are signs that confirms coordination of foreign policies of Poland and Russia.
Plus, first aim must be to secure right of people in Belarus have its own right to choose its future.
All in all, Poland should act as real Slavic and European power. And I am glad things moving in that direction.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11926
15 Aug 2020 #57
Could be pushing him and Belarus straight into Russia's bosom.
Spiegel reports Lukashenko secured himself Putin's support already....he promised "extensive help"!
Would Russia really send troops if pushes come to shove?
Spiegel reports Lukashenko secured himself Putin's support already.
No surprises here. Sure he would. The other option (not sure if viable) is China for him.
Since Poland and the EU (not sure if USA are involved) showed him a middle finger he won't hesitate to show them his.
Now, that leader of the so called opposition or protesters in Belarus who fled to Lithuania asked Putin for help too.
Seems to me Putin has a lot of cards and an upper hand. Ha!
Would Russia really send troops if pushes come to shove?
I think that there is enough power in the Belarusian gov hands to deal with the protesters'. IF Russia supports them with Specnaz its over.
Still there are some unknow and unpredictable factors at play so we will see how that situation evolves.
Hell, seems like it goes the other way. If so ... Polish PM and all that useless punks.
See BB is not that are ineffective and that they make mistakes and err in their calculations.
The thing is they don't even know what they are doing!!! WTF!
Putin has a lot of cards and an upper hand. Ha!
Putin is good with Francis, Trump, Macron, Duda and Xi. He definitely have upper hand.
You are probably getting quite nostalgic at the thought of the Russian security forces on the streets. Reminds you of the good times.
Belarussians have as much right to freedom as Poles, and of course there are many Poles living in Belarus.
Yes as a downside we might end up with more drunk Russian soldiers on our border, slouching in their rifles and drinking paint stripper. Who cares - I salute the people of Belarus for taking their destiny in their hands
Belarussians have as much right to freedom as Poles, and of course there are many Poles living in Belarus.
Yes as a downside we might end up with more drunk Russian soldiers on our border, slouching in their rifles and drinking paint stripper. Who cares - I salute the people of Belarus for taking their destiny in their hands