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President Duda rules out homo marriage in Poland as banned by the constitution

Ironside  50 | 12709
27 Jan 2017   #61
only marriages between a man and a woman shall be under the protection of the Polish state.

for the same reason that doesn't state that marriage between a man and a dog shall be under the protection of the state or between a women and her son or between a man and a child. Based on an obvious assumption that when one talk about marriage its pertain exclusively about act between a man and a woman.

Now you can introduce any HS and call it law.

religion lessons are pretty much universally loathed by high school students in Poland.

Which is pretty meaningless as long as their parents think that it is the best thing since sliced bread.
Lyzko  42 | 9659
27 Jan 2017   #62
Sodomy though contradicts ALL known religious teaching, the Bible, Koran, Bhagavagida etc.. Any holy book will disavow such relations between humans and animals.

Gay marriage therefore, obviously doesn't fall under that category!
mafketis  38 | 11028
27 Jan 2017   #63
Sodomy though contradicts ALL known religious teaching

I think you mean 'bestiality' aka 'zoophilia'.... animals cannot consent.

Which is pretty meaningless as long as their parents think that it is the best thing since sliced bread.

Find some parents that think that and get back to us.
Lyzko  42 | 9659
27 Jan 2017   #64
That too, Maf, oh, yes!
Marsupial  - | 871
28 Jan 2017   #65
More of blatant backwardness the precise reason Poland is losing its reputation as a decent democracy. Someone says gay....backwatd village idiot equates this to screwing a dog. Dumb much?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
28 Jan 2017   #66
Poland is losing its reputation

No one is losing any reputation. Liberal loonies such as yourself are being laughed at more and more often. Aren't you smart enough to even notice?
Marsupial  - | 871
28 Jan 2017   #67
I am not liberal and definately are lising reputation.
Wulkan  - | 3136
28 Jan 2017   #68

He didn't say "homo die", stop lying.

Polly deliberately used a homophobic slur

That is only your opinion which has no credibility here.

o you there is nothing wrong with calling a Pakistani a "paki", not that you would be so brave as to call any of them that to their face, or even within their hearing.

Yesterday I called my mate at work "paki" and to be exact I said "Shut up you raghead dumb paki", I know that it's alien thing in your progressive bubble where you all suck each other's d1cks with highest level of political correctness but there are easygoing people out there who have a lot of fun in their lives, you however will never experience anything like it.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
28 Jan 2017   #69
to be exact I said "Shut up you raghead dumb paki",

it's not OK Wulkan. Perhaps it was just 'banter' , but if someone overheard you, and reported you to HR, you WOULD lose your job.

Or you might find one day that your 'mate' has had enough of it.
Wulkan  - | 3136
28 Jan 2017   #70
Perhaps it was just 'banter'

It was
28 Jan 2017   #71
Well I would have less banter if I were you.

This isn't Poland this is the UK and you are very lucky that someone hasn't reported you. Not that I'm against calling someone a Paki or a dumb Polack and the other guy may have laughed it off, but someone else might not and you might get yourself sacked.

I wouldn't make a habit of it.
29 Jan 2017   #72
He didn't say "homo die", stop lying.

Care to quote me saying that? Or are you just falling back to your default position of lying about what somebody said when you aren't able to argue against what they do say? Either quote me saying that or show us you were lying.

The simple fact is that 'die' is not a slur; when used the way Polly used it is a homophobic slur.

my mate

Now we know you're back in the realms of fantasy.

you WOULD lose your job.

Yep, absolutely guaranteed instant dismissal. A British employee would probably get fired for calling a gay man 'homo', but calling a Pakistani 'Paki' is an absolutely nailed on firing. Sadly here at PF it's entirely accepted.
29 Jan 2017   #73
Compared to most other central & eastern Europeans, Poles have no real issue about homosexuality. Like any other sexual habits - "in private" is the catchword. Compared to the United States, an unmarried single male over 35 has way more respect in Poland then he does in the US - regardless of sexual orientation (which in Poland is nobodies business, but in the US, they'll dig till they find out!). Still to this day, rabidly hetero males doing hiring (the majority, btw) will eschew a male over 35 who does not have "lady in arms." In Poland I've almost never seen it. I call it the "mind your own business" issue. Bi and "gay" sites in Poland (for real men, not clowns) are very discrete - just the way it should be. Americans can't grasp that stuff. The neo-Puritans want to know EVERYTHING about you, and if they don't know for sure - they'll make it up.
johnny reb  49 | 7830
29 Jan 2017   #74
Americans can't grasp that stuff.

Oh we grasp it just fine because most of us here in the U.S. have been brought up in Christian families that teach morals.

Being gay is not a sin however practicing the sex acts that go with it are.
Poland is a conservative Christian Country that does not approve of homosexuality no matter how much you try to justify it..
Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Jan 2017   #75
Care to quote me saying that?

That's what you meant by giving example "homo die" as a slur or maybe you want to say you didn't give that example?

Or are you just falling back to your default position of lying

That would be your default position, well know to every member of this forum.

when used the way Polly used it is a homophobic slur

wrong, he used it normal way or perhaps you want to prove he wanted to insult somebody? Remember that personal opinion is not a proof.

Now we know you're back in the realms of fantasy.

You need to explain us what you mean because we have problems following you when you are on drugs or whatever you take.

Yep, absolutely guaranteed instant dismissal.

It would be dismissal if a pussy like you said it, the things are different if you are respected around people and then you can loosen up quite a bit.

Pakistani 'Paki' is an absolutely nailed on firing. Sadly here at PF it's entirely accepted.

Indeed, I didn't like that either when mod didn't do anything when you started using "paki" word in this topic.
30 Jan 2017   #76
he used it normal way or perhaps you want to prove he wanted to insult

Wulkan, I can only think that you have missed the many trolling threads Polonius starts if you think this. In his opening post he refers to ' gay marriage', so why not in the title? Polly is the master of trolling threads, and he knew full well what he was doing in choosing ' homo' as opposed to 'gay'. He knows exactly the reaction that choice of word will cause, and he's been proved right. These days it is not normal to use that word, and had he used gay in the title instead, apart from the fact that he constantly seems to focus on LGBT issues, nothing much would have been said. He used it to troll and provoke on a thread which isn't actually 'news' at all.
Wulkan  - | 3136
30 Jan 2017   #77
he knew full well what he was doing in choosing ' homo' as opposed to 'gay'.

He definitely knew that Harold's oversensitive asss was going to bleed.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
30 Jan 2017   #78
So if I'll call a straight guy "hetero" I am insulting him? Or only homos are so sensitive and have double standards?
30 Jan 2017   #79
Wulkan, I can only think that you have missed the many trolling threads Polonius starts if you think this.

Wulkan hasn't missed that at all; Wulkan is just trolling, as is shown by his attempt at defending Polly's homophobic slur. And by his attempt at boasting about how he supposedly called one of his colleagues at work a "paki". And by his off-topic ad hom trolling calling me a "pussy".

He used it to troll and provoke on a thread which isn't actually 'news' at all.

Nail and head right there. It's a real pity that PF has fallen so far and so fast, but at least now people who find this place by chance know as soon as they see the first page that this is a place where homophobic slurs are entirely acceptable and they can just make their own assessment about whether or not to read any further.
johnny reb  49 | 7830
30 Jan 2017   #80
It's a Libeal's game of this generation to be "Politically Correct" so they can shove their agenda down your throat without you being able to defend yourself as in this case.

That is why President Trump is steam rolling the Liberals, he is not Politically Correct and refuses to play their game.
So when you stick to your guns and call a homo a homo the Liberals will then start calling YOU NAMES like red neck, illiterate, trailer trash, uneducated.........

so sensitive and have double standards?


So I think it all boils down to that Pol just refuses to be brow beat by the Liberal Politically Correct Progressive Whiners.
Homo marriage in Poland will not be tolerated is the massage.
Now if Pol would have said "Faggot Marriage is banned in Poland", that may be considered a slur.

a "paki".

So, So what, no different in you calling me a Yank is it or are we back to double standards again ?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 May 2017   #81
President Duda

President Duda has called for a constitutional referendum next year, marking the 100th anniversary of Poland's regained independence in 1918
"Poles have a right to say whether the constitution, which has been in force for 20 years, should be changed," Duda said during events marking the 3 May Constitution Day celebrations in Warsaw.

The current constituion was forced through when former high-level communist leader leader Aleksander Kwaśniewski was president and the government was under a pre-PO/post-KOR coalition. The 1997 constitution's imprecise formulations have resutled in many needless squbbles and excessive national polarisaiton.

"It's time for a serious constitutional debate, not just with politicians but with the whole of the nation," Duda said.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 May 2017   #82
It's just hot air. Duda knows fine well that he's heading for defeat in 2020 unless they can change the Constitution to rig a PiS victory in 2019. It might also be a way to eliminate the State Tribunal so that he can avoid punishment for his wrongdoing.

More to the point, opinion polls show that only 35% of Poles want a new Constitution.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
3 May 2017   #83
only 35%

Since when is more than 1/3rd of people "only"?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
3 May 2017   #85
Your only implies it's not many. It is quite many indeed.
mafketis  38 | 11028
3 May 2017   #86
not enough to change the constitution legally, but then when has PiS ever cared about the law? it's all about using the frustration of losers to build a base to rob them blind while blaming on other people
jon357  72 | 23243
3 May 2017   #87
As far as I know the referendum doesn't involve marriage equality.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
3 May 2017   #88
As far as I know the referendum

As far as i kno you dunno noting about Poland. Heck you can't even speak Polish.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 May 2017   #89
pre-PO/post-KOR coalition

Sorry folks, that was 20 years ago and I was recreating things from memory. I thought the AWS-UW coalition was then in power, but Wiaodmości said tonight that when the post-communist 1997 constittuion was adopted ex-PZPR operative Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz was PM. Incidentally, his father was a Belorusian in the Red Army and NKVD and after the war was personally involved in liqiuidating former AK members.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 May 2017   #90
only 35% of Poles

He only announced it several horus ago. I doubt if anyone has already managed to run a survey and compile and announce the results that swiftly. Anything to bash the good change, eh Delph?!

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