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Poland's post-election political scene

Wulkan  - | 3136
1 May 2017   #2881
One even wonders more why didn't you criticize PO for what you criticize PiS now.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 May 2017   #2882
PiS doing the same thing

I forgot to mentoin that a call for a referenddum to recall the Tusk regime for not keeping their campaign promsies was also quashed. Not the same thing. The education law was widely consulted. The majority of Poles favour the education reform. Referenda are costly and disruptive. Whenever the govt finds public support for a measure lacking, they don't need to roll out costly plebisicte machinery

but can withdraw their proposal as they did with the Warsaw metropolitan proejct.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 May 2017   #2883
same thing

Because it's not the same thing. Referenda are not goals in themselves nor run-away spending sprees just for the heck of it. In this case, the Polish nation has spoken via extensve consultaitons showing that the majority support the educaitonal reform. The huge amount of money saved can be earmarked for more worthwhile causes.

Only PO nonchalantly call for recalls of ministers knowing beforehand that the only thing it will achieve is a rumpus and mud-slinging match costing the taxpayer 1.3 million złotys each time.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 May 2017   #2884
all the ex-PZPR types in PiS

I'll be glad to if you would be so kind as to name them. This sounds a lot like a rerun of your (or perhaps lower-case's) "countless" former communists in PiS, but, when push came to pull, you and/or he could mention only Piotrowicz . Of course there are more than that, but it cannot compare with PO which (in addition to PZPR types in their ranks) of late have taken all kids of unsavoury ands ahdowy SB torturers under their wings. Admit it: PO -- the refuge of unreformed commies and their loyal stooges and pretorians.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 May 2017   #2885

Your enemy's enemy is your friend seems to be Tusk's motto. The fugitive prime minister has called Macron "the safest candidate in terms of Poland's interests." Meanwhile, Macron has slammed Poland and called for sanctions against her because Whirlpool have rebased their plant from France to Poland. He attacked Poland for breaking all EU principles whilst himself violating one of the communtiy's four basic fundamentals: free flow of capital.

On another score, word is going round that Tusk wants legal steps taken against a PolAm who portrayed him on Facebook in a Nazi uniform. Mr Tusk, politics is a rough and tumble affair, not for the thin-skinned, faint-heartred and lily-livered. Kaczyński is regularly depicted in cartoons and on placards as Hitler, behind bars, in striped prison garb, as a Taliban, some monster, etc. but he doesn't go cry-babying over it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 May 2017   #2886
The fugitive prime minister has called Macron "the safest candidate in terms of Poland's interests."

Are you suggesting that Le Pen represents a safer option for Poland?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 May 2017   #2887
Le Pen

At least no-one has heard Le Pen explicitly calling for sanctions against Poland. And other leaders, including Merkel and Orbán, favour good business ties with Russia. Le Pen has not said she wants France to join the Kremlin-led Eurasian alliance or whatever it's called. But she does represent the most realistic policy regarding the Third World migrant hordes pounding on Europe's doors, expanding no-go zones and spreading terrorism. Apparently you share Tusks' traitorous attitude, as I reckon you must, being as you are a backer of the total Targowica opposition.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 May 2017   #2888
Straight answer, Polly: are you in fact suggesting that Le Pen represents less of a threat to Poland than Macron?
Wulkan  - | 3136
2 May 2017   #2889
Are you suggesting that Le Pen represents a safer option for Poland?

Anyone who is not corrupted by the globalists is a safer option for the entire world, including Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 May 2017   #2890
Another day, another "good change". This time, it concerns the honorary consul that refused to accept an award from Duda, who has been swiftly punished by losing his position.,114871,21757720,konsul-ktory-odmowil-przyjecia-orderu-z-rak-andrzeja-dudy.html

Shameful. The pettiness of this government knows no limits.

Anyone who is not corrupted by the globalists is a safer option for the entire world, including Poland.

So you back the candidate that is being backed by Russian money in order to further the Russian agenda in the world.

Nothing more to say Wulkan, nothing more to say.
Wulkan  - | 3136
2 May 2017   #2891
Russian agenda in the world.

What is Russian agenda? Sorry I don't read GW so I'm not familiar with all those crazy conspiracy theories.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 May 2017   #2892
threat to Poland

Do you think Le Pen will join Putin in a crusade against Poland? Macron represents the same kind of threat as the Schultzes Junckers, Timmermanses, Tusks and other big brass of the arrogant Brussels mafia. The worst of it is that they do not realise they were the ones mainly responsible for Brexit and continue in their horse-blinkered delusion that federalisation, ratehr than genuine reforms, will solve all EU's ills.
jon357  72 | 23361
2 May 2017   #2893
Do you think Le Pen will join Putin in a crusade against Poland?

Those two, plus Kaczynski and Orban are four peas in the same pod. So yes.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 May 2017   #2894
Do you think Le Pen will join Putin in a crusade against Poland?

Quite possibly so. The sanctions are really hurting Russia economically, and Poland has been one of the loudest supporters of them. If France starts demanding that NATO troops pull out of Poland, there will be some real issues ahead, especially as some other countries aren't very keen on the idea of NATO troops being near a potential flashpoint. Le Pen is also unpredictable, and from the FN's point of view, picking a fight with Poland is winnable.

Macron isn't perfect, but at least he isn't in Moscow's pocket.

Also - this -

Which would hurt Polish workers in France. Macron is annoyed about jobs going to Poland, but that's a sentiment found all over France and the UK right now.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 May 2017   #2895
Those two, plus Kaczynski

Blind irrational hatred does indeed addle the brain. Go tell your twaddle to your LGBT chums.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 May 2017   #2896
NATO troops pull out of Poland

More Targowica-style scare-mongering?! As you well know, Le Pen has as much to say about NATO troops in Poland as that idiot Macron does about the Whirlpool Corporation's site-choosing options. At least the Polish government is not telling France or America how to run their sovereign affairs. Macron would do well to avail himself of the opportuntiy to "se taire"! In other words -- Clore le bec, Emmanuel!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 May 2017   #2897
picking a fight with Poland

What Le Pen may or may not due is the same kind of speculation as when the notorious Włochaty repeatedly and obsessively insisted that Kaczyński specifically "volunteered to prosecute dissidents" ("Hey chaps, I'm here to prosecute dissidents, where do I sign up?") -- which of course he never did. BUT MACRON ALREADY PICKED A FIGHT WITH POLAND SAYING, IF HE WINS, HE WILL SUPPORT SANCTIONS AGAINST POLAND WITHIN THREE MONTHS. As a vote-getting ploy amongst Whirlpool workers, he chose to speak out against one of the basic EU fundamentals, the free flow of capital. Rememher how you hotly defended the giant foreign banks and retailers monopolising Poland's maket. funelling profits abrorad and paying taxes in tax havens? The bottom liren is: You and your ilk will support anyone, as long as they are anti-Polish!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 May 2017   #2898

If that tax plan to protect the French labour market is banned by Brussels, that will be grounds for Frexit, and the Brussels Sprouts will again be in a muddle, blame Le Pen and start calling for more integration and federalisation. Poland's plan to tax foreign monopolists was blocked by the EC, again proving that the Brussels mafia is in the pocket of generously kickbacking multinationals.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 May 2017   #2899
Another day, another "good change".

This time, it concerns the very rural areas of Bieszczady in the south-east of Poland. It's a large area, notable for the fact that the roads are very winding and transport between towns is often difficult, especially in winter.

PiS plans to take away one of the two ambulance crews serving the region. It's a large region, with the ambulance crew in Usztryki Dolne covering Eastern Bieszczady - some villages are as much as 50km away. The plan is to combine the two crews (one in Usztryki and the other in Sanok, covering Western Bieszczady) into a single crew, meaning that cover will be reduced by 50% in the region while the single crew will be expected to have knowledge of a vast area.

"Good Change", indeed. But hey, as long as the PiS fatcats have their huge salaries in state owned companies, they can perfectly well afford private hospitals in Warsaw. What about the small man in his village in Bieszczady?
jon357  72 | 23361
3 May 2017   #2900
The lastest idiocy by the bad change government looks likely to lose the lion's share of development aid from Norway - a €1 billion payment to be divided between Poland and Hungary.

The PiS junta came close to jeopardising the funding before and lost. Now they're trying again, and will lose.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 May 2017   #2901
Now they're trying again, and will lose.

Not a surprise. They want/need the money to distribute it to their supporters, just as they've been doing with numerous other funds that have recently been brought under central government control.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 May 2017   #2902
What about the small man

That's a good one. When did the 20% psost-commie clique ever think about the little guy? It was always "what's good for the clique", our side, our oldboys, our servile stooges, our useful idiots... Your crocodile tears are clearly hyPOcritical! But never fear, lower-case will soon spring ot your defence. Hey, if you induct Mayfixit, you can recreate some semblance of the Brit Bully tag team.
jon357  72 | 23361
3 May 2017   #2903
They want/need the money to distribute it to their supporters, just as they've been doing with numerous other funds

They've tried to keep it under the radar, however the sheer amount of the current tranche of money makes that harder for them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 May 2017   #2904
It was always "what's good for the clique", our side, our oldboys, our servile stooges, our useful idiots

That sounds exactly like PiS. TKM was invented by them, after all.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 May 2017   #2905
concerns the very rural areas of Bieszczad

Some unsuspecting soul who happens to tune into PF might think you have some inside line into what's going on all over the country. But you don't. You're a foreigner with a limtied command of the lingo, lacking a deeper feel for the country and trying to get a glimpse from the outside, while wearing your regulation horse-blinkers, of course, and then potificating on the basis of random media scraps and snatches. Poltiics is an extremely complex, multi-layered and multi-faceted field with undercurrents that cannot even be guessed at. Quite often what is going on is the exact opposite of what it appears to be on the surface. Playing the pundit with the tiny crumbs of information and misinformation that come your way is downright laughable. ROFL!
Ironside  50 | 12916
3 May 2017   #2906
What about the small man in his village in Bieszczady?

How about you took upon yourself to finance the other ambulance from your ample fortune. Do you need a hanky to wipe off tears you shed over the small man from that Bieszczad-ian village.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 May 2017   #2907
Polonius, rather than making a personal attack, perhaps you wish to explain to us why PiS are closing down ambulance stations (which are located at the two main hospitals for Bieszczady) and replacing them with a single crew based in north-central Bieszczady?

Just to inform our readers properly, PiS want to locate the ambulance crew in Olszanica, and that single crew is supposed to provide cover for the entire region. From there to the furthest point (Wołosate) is over 60km, and if an ambulance is needed in Sanok, it will take the crew 90 minutes to get there from Wołosate.

The other recent news concerns drugs for children post-transplant. Prices for them are rising from a handful of złoty to over 1000zł. It's a cynical, desperate move by a government that needs to find money to bribe the electorate. However, I doubt people in Bieszczady will care about 500+ if they know that there's no chance of getting an ambulance in an emergency.

Of course, in the PRL, which Ironside and Polonius hold so dear to their hearts, emergency cover was similarly non-existent in Bieszczady due to the terrible roads at the time.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 May 2017   #2908

Getting ready for Saturday's tarmac-pounding extravaganza? Schetyna has ordered hyPOcrite mayors around the country to send busloads of marchers to Warsaw and pledges to bankroll the operation. They are hoping 100,000 take part. For many provincials and hayseeds a free excursion to the capital and visits to the big, well-stocked shopping malls is always a big treat. PF-ers planning to help swell the crowd should prepare the appropriate placards, e.g. Kaczyński with a Hitler moustache, as a towel-headed jihadist, in prison garb, behind bars, the sky's the limit! Suggested slogans: "PiS are ruining the country. PO will do a better job!" or "Hands off SB pensions!"
jon357  72 | 23361
5 May 2017   #2909
It's a cynical, desperate move by a government that needs to find money to bribe the electorate.

Basically attacking the most vulnerable in society.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
5 May 2017   #2910
However, I doubt people in Bieszczady will care about 500+ if they know that there's no chance of getting an ambulance in an emergency.

I sincerely doubt that anyone, not only those people in Bieszczady, would prefer a chance of getting an ambulance in an emergency which is only likely to happen over a 500-zloty payout to the hand every month which is sure to happen.

As the saying goes - lepszy wróbel w garści niż gołąb na dachu!

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