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Poland's post-election political scene

Marsupial  - | 871
16 Apr 2017   #2551
But still, too early out from next election.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Apr 2017   #2552
against progress

I agree only if you define progress as the wellbeing of a self-styled, elitist interest group such as post-communism masquerading as III RP.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Apr 2017   #2553

Tricky Don's cabaret style arrival by train at Warsaw Central Station

POO operatives are working overtime putting the final touches to an operatic comeback for shifty-eyed Donny. He is due ot arrive by train (shades of Piłsduski!) in Warsaw and party hacks will be out in force for a grand welcome. WIll he be presented with flowers or the keys to the city by Mayor Gornkowiec? Will he give a speech? WIll there be a brass band? To find out, tune in tomnorrow, same time, same station for the next exciting episode of "Donny comes home".
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Apr 2017   #2554

Poland was shocked recently to discover that a member of PiS has been accused of being a nonce. Jacek Świat, from Wrocław, has been accused of molesting a 8 year old boy by the father of the child.,super-express-posel-pis-jacek-swiat-molestowal-8-letniego-chlopca-parlamentarzyste-oskarza-ojciec-chlopca

One can only hope that should the accusations be proven in a court of law, Mr Świat will be chemically castrated in accordance with the law that the best ever Prime Minister, Donald Tusk introduced.

Tomorrow: find out more about how PiS and "family values" actually mean depravity, disgusting behaviour and downright evilness.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Apr 2017   #2555
best ever Prime Minister

Shame on you, you got the name wrong. The best ever PM was Jarosław Kaczyński. Tusk was the slickest, glibbest, slippriest and scammiest ever. No-one could come near him in that department except perhaps Kwaśniewski. But he was never a PM.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Apr 2017   #2556
best ever Prime Minister

I hope you watched the circus-like buffoonery of Tusk's farcical homecoming on the telly or maybe actually went out to greet him in person. POO stooges had been hard at work to mobilise crowds for a quasi-Piłsudskiesque welcome and it ended in a ludicrous cabaret. Donny Boy is already campaigning for the next presidential poll.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Apr 2017   #2557
As he should. Haven't you seen the latest polling? Duda only has the trust of 34% of Poles, while Szydło has a mere 27.5%.

The people are speaking, and in 2019, PiS will be condemned to the dustbin of history, just like the SLD in 2005.
19 Apr 2017   #2558
find out more about how PiS and "family values" actually mean depravity, disgusting behaviour and downright evilness.

Are you talking about that charming PIS official who wanted homosexuals banned from visiting his city because they would be 'corrupting his children' and claims that only 'the union between a man and a woman can fully symbolise God's covenant of love' but who later turned out to be a violent psychopath who has physically attacked both his wife and his children? If so, I can't wait to read Polly's defence of him.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Apr 2017   #2559
If so, I can't wait to read Polly's defence of him.

That's indeed the one. But let's not talk about him now, because it's far more interesting that the member of PiS that I mentioned allegedly was forcing the child to walk around his flat naked, while allegedly beating him in the process.

Perhaps Polly can tell us what he thinks about the situation.
Ironside  50 | 12916
20 Apr 2017   #2560
mean depravity, disgusting behaviour and downright evilness

not really. that you and your progressive filth you are talking about.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Apr 2017   #2561
Polly can tell us

You know what any true, committed Catholic thinks about same-sex depravity, be it between "consenting" f*ags or f*ags molesting minors. Unlike your style of PiS-bashing nitpickers constantly on the look-out for things to bash the good-change government with, I do not obsessively follow every minute incident, of which there has never been a shortage in the POO camp.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Apr 2017   #2562
That's indeed the one.

One can see you get your jollies off by following such "titillating" incidents. Not my cuppa. The big good-change picture is what really counts, not isolated nitpickery.
mafketis  38 | 11137
20 Apr 2017   #2563
I do not obsessively follow every minute incident, of which there has never been a shortage in the POO camp

So.... as a PιSS enthusiast, you don't mind a little collateral sexual abuse as long as it doesn't muss up the big picture good change? Is that the official ΡiSS fan's position?
20 Apr 2017   #2564
don't mind a little collateral sexual abuse as long as it doesn't muss up the big picture

That description reminds me of another organization Radio Maybach supports unquestioningly.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Apr 2017   #2565
has the trust

What is the trust level of Schetyna, Petru and Kijowski -- the Unholy Trinity?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
20 Apr 2017   #2566
Jacek Świat, from Wrocław, has been accused of molesting a 8 year old boy by the father of the child.

I have retrieved that article of SE to find out what it is all about and discovered that you have conveniently ommited the whole context of the story. The father of the child is currently fighting yet another battle in court with the mother of the child (the couple is divorced). The mother is an assistant to Jacek Świat who is an MP. She claims she has no private relation with her employer whereas the father says the child has reported his mother lying naked in bed with naked Mr Świat at the time of this incident and consenting to all this. Mr Świt says the accusations of the father are all fake.

So your reporting doesn't tell lies, but says only half (or even less) of the truth.
jon357  72 | 23361
20 Apr 2017   #2567
Duda only has the trust of 34% of Poles, while Szydło has a mere 27.5%.

I'm surprised they even have that much, given that the party leader has made it clear that they are no more than his puppets.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Apr 2017   #2568
the latest poll result

And here you were manoeuvring to land a cushy POO party or govt post, but don't hold your breath. The latest poll shows:
· PiS 38%, double POO's 19% from Kantar Public (formerly TNS Polska). Here's the whole line-up:
PiS - 38%
POO - 19%
Kukiz '15 - 11%
Nowoczesna - 5%
SLD - 4%
PSL - 3%
Razem - 2%
Wolność - 1%
jon357  72 | 23361
20 Apr 2017   #2569
Wacław Berczyński, the Smolensk investigator appointed by PiS has just resigned. It was he whose commission claimed a couple of weeks ago that there had been a mid-air explosion (despite all evidence to the contrary).

He had been heavily criticised by the opposition regarding other matters to do with military procurement; they had in fact threatened to refer him to a prosecutor..
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Apr 2017   #2570

He claims to be an aviation expert who saved Poland from the frog chopper deal. At least Poland will have Polish-made choppers, so he did at least one thing right.
mafketis  38 | 11137
20 Apr 2017   #2571
the frog chopper deal

Can you write about any nationality without using slurs? Apparently not. How do you square your supposed Christianity with your seeming need to demain other ethnicicites at every opportunity?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Apr 2017   #2572
At least Poland will have Polish-made choppers, so he did at least one thing right.

Perhaps that's why he's quit, as he realises that the whole deal stinks and that Poland has gone from a tender whereby Poland would obtain 50 heavy-lift helicopters (badly needed) to...nothing. A man like him (who isn't an aviation expert, BTW) perhaps realises that if Macierewicz falls, he would probably fall along with him.

Still, if you think Poland losing out on vital heavy lift capacity and replacing it with nothing is a "thing done right", well...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Apr 2017   #2573

Slurs, shmurs! Do you PC types really go in for all that 1984-style free-speech muzzling and lack a sense of humour the way the femi-fascists do?

Dunno about Brits, but Americans say "we yanks", and blacks call each other "you dumb N-word" (and it rhymes with chigger). PolAms soemtimes say "we Pollacks" or "don't be such a dumb Pollack". Do Brits ever say "we pommies" or "you dumb limey" or are they too uptight for that? Jews are very clannish and rarely let their hair down in front of goyim so dunno if they ever call one another "you dumb kike". Anyway, chill out, loossen up and f---- PC!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Apr 2017   #2574
The best ever PM was Jarosław Kaczyński

A close runner-up was Jan Olszewski. Had Wałęsa and fellow-snitches not carried out their 1992 parliamentary putsch, all the police-file nonsense would have long since been taken care of. The way the more intelligent ex-Soviet satellites did!
mafketis  38 | 11137
20 Apr 2017   #2575
but Americans say "we yanks",

I, sir, am from the South and would never call myself a "yank" (a British and not American word anyway). The correct term is "(Damn) Yankee"

Don't complain about pollack if you insist on using kraut and frog - they're roughly the same level of insults.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Apr 2017   #2576
Don't complain about pollack

I don't complain. Pollack, Kraut. Dago, Kike, Scandihoovian, Cannuck, etc. are equal and Americans one and all.
I realise Yank has several connotations. As a southerner you mentioned one of them -- tjhe opposite of cracker. But in New England Yanks are strictlxy WASPs as opposed to Irish-Americans and others. And of course there's the NY Yankees baseball team.
jon357  72 | 23361
20 Apr 2017   #2577
Perhaps that's why he's quit, as he realises that the whole deal stinks

That may be true, plus the credibility-stretching conspiracy theories about Smolensk.

perhaps realises that if Macierewicz falls, he would probably fall along with him.

More when than if.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Apr 2017   #2578
So, the disgusting, depraved and downright evil news.

It concerns Rafal Piasecki, councillor for PiS in Bydgoszcz. He has denied beating his wife, yet recordings have now come to light where it's clear that he's been battering her and subjecting her to abuse. One of the reasons for battering her was that she didn't have warm food waiting for him. He also claims to have been doing it "in the name of God", which is simply disgusting.

He also appears to have subjected her to violent abuse while she was still breastfeeding, which says it all.
gregy741  5 | 1226
21 Apr 2017   #2579
He also appears to have subjected her to violent abuse whileshe was still breastfeeding, which says it all.

horrible,hope he didnt abuse her when she was ovulating or god forbid, menopausing
Ironside  50 | 12916
21 Apr 2017   #2580
plus the credibility-stretching conspiracy theories about Smolensk.

What is that? Any theory is equally plausible until proven otherwise.

So, the disgusting, depraved and downright evil news

Come on, you don't even know what that means. Not really being a psychopath and all that. Come on fess up.

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