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Poland's post-election political scene

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2016   #2281

Not Poles but a motley fringe group of frustrated grumblers falaciously believing that their scamster-era status quo would last forever.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Oct 2016   #2282
Not Poles

Yes, definitely Poles, as were those on the Czarny Protest and the Polish pro-democracy rallies.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2016   #2283
pro-democracy rallies.

A nice euphemism for pro-status quo rallies! The Jandas et all want the scamster-era grants, contracts, awards and invites to the halls of power to continue indefintiely (can't blame them!), but a new pro-Polish govenrment is the reality for the next 8-12 years or more. It's time they adjust to the new times. History is not stagnant but constantly moves forward.

TVP1 news last night reported GW was laying off 135 people and even the status of That Cat Michnik was uncertain. They too had their heyday, but everything changes. The new, modern conservative press is now in the forefront.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Oct 2016   #2284
a new pro-Polish govenrment

That government is not the declining PIS regime, Po. One more scandal and they will start to fall. Should Jaro appoint himself premier, history will repeat itself and they will collapse.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2016   #2285
One more scandal

Many more scandals masterminded by the PO scamster party are only just now coming to light. They had 8 years to perfect and refine htier shenanigins.The Warsaw resitution scam is but the tip of the iceberg. Financial hanky-panky has also been revealed in many PO-controlled local councils. Sit back and enjoy. And, oh yes, do bring the popcorn!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2016   #2286
Czarny Protest

The Black Protest (the colour of mourning was fittingly chosen for the millions of tiny unborn infants being murdered) was hardly typical Polish womanhood. Typical Polki find fulfilment mainly in their families and homes, work only for the extra pay packet, try to be good mothers and wives and generally do not go in for agitation and politicking. (That's a feather in their cap, becuase politics is a dirty business which most women prefer to avoid.) The march by contrast was dominated by radical feminist agitataors, high-testosterone types, the vicitms of failed relationships, man-haters, sleep-arounds and unfulfilled females with a chip on their shoulder.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Oct 2016   #2287

Don't be silly.

Typical Polki find fulfilment mainly in their families and homes, work only for the extra pay packet

That's actually bordering on the insane.
14 Oct 2016   #2288
Carmaker Daimler AG, parent of Mercedes Benz, announced they intend to invest around $550 million i

Quite a fall from the €800 million the PiSlamic State first claimed, isn't it; although given how you tell us 59 is more than 60, perhaps you think it's an increase.

Quite a demonstration today outside Jaro's house. It looks like Poles aren't going to lie down and put up,with PIS.

I'm sorry I couldn't have been there.

The Black Protest (the colour of mourning was fittingly chosen for the millions of tiny unborn infants being murdered) was hardly typical Polish womanhood.

How surprising that you're completely out of touch with what Polish women think.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2016   #2289
PiSlamic State

No such thing.

out of touch with what Polish women

Out of touch only with what high-testosterone feminists and promiscuous, failed females think. They represent but a tiny fringe of true Polish womanhood
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2016   #2290
true Polish womanhood

A CBOS poll has shown that Polish women value above all health (97%), family happiness (95%), honest life (95%) and the respect of others (94%). Their parents and their own deliberations have influenced them the most.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Oct 2016   #2291
millions of tiny unborn infants being murdered) was hardly typical Polish womanhood. Typical Polki find fulfilment mainly in their families and homes

Do you think that PiS will have the ba11s to use this message in public?

Does this mean Szydło is not a typical Polka and is instead some kind of high-testosterone unfulfilled female?
14 Oct 2016   #2292
Do you think that PiS will have the ba11s to use this message in public?

The reaction that message is attracting elsewhere suggests they'd be unwise to do so.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2016   #2293
high-testosterone unfulfilled female?

She is a bit mannish as is Merkel, but Szydło gave birth to 2 sons, one of which is studying for the priesthood, so it looks to be a good Catholic home. The average Polish woman shies away from active politicking and is content to vote (or not).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2016   #2294
59 is more than 60

Don't forget, TCHB, I'm not a Gestapo/NKVD type filing away every small detail so it can be used agaisnt someone. And I treat this forum very casually. not as seriosuly as you do. I saw the 59 figure, later remembered it to be around or over 60. But the real shortcoming was your failure to explain the imrpessive 59% support figure for PiS in the Newsweek poll.That was the real issue, not someone's slip of the keyboard!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2016   #2295
to use this message in public

Why would PiS use a message they don't even know about. It is only one observer's view.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Oct 2016   #2296
Sorry, just the thought that you might write your own private opinion and not some party line dictated to you didn't quite occur to me.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2016   #2297
own private opinion

That is my own private opinion. My views usually coincide with those of the por-Polish good-change party not the anti-Polish, pro-foreign-interest-group PO scamster-bankster clique you favour.
14 Oct 2016   #2298
My views usually coincide with those of the por-Polish good-change party

Old habits die hard?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2016   #2299
Not habits but principles! Any party that stands for God, country, family and tradition rather than Platformer-style scams and rip-offs deserves the support fo all decent people.
Marsupial  - | 871
15 Oct 2016   #2300
A party that stands for an imaginary god p3? So deluded from the outset? Waste if oxygen. Surely you are beyond reason?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Oct 2016   #2301
beyond reason

Never forget, the so-called "age of reason" gave us the guillotine and the reign of terror. Fraternité was interpreted to mean: "Be my brother or I'll kill you!"
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Oct 2016   #2302
the so-called "age of reason" gave us the guillotine

it represented a far more humane method of execution than previous options....
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Oct 2016   #2303
far more humane

Than some but not all. It did not differ from the executioner's axe -- also a split second and lights out. But the overuse of the guillotine could hardly have been called humane. Unfortunately, the same spirit of the guillotine era persists today in the character assassination of those who do not accept to "one", "true", "undebatable" PC approach to things. So being stuck in an 18th-century time warp hardly seems all that "progressive"!

imaginary god

So provide some proof that God does not exist!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Oct 2016   #2304

The KODite pettifoggers may rant and rave that freedom and democracy are threatened in Poland, but an independent American research agency has found that Poland is second only to the US in terms of freedom of expression. In third place is Spain followed by Mexico, Venezuela and Canada. The UK is in 10th place.,39392.html
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Oct 2016   #2305
KODite pettifoggers may rant and rave that freedom and democracy are threatened in Poland

What was threatened (and is now dead) is the rule of law. At present Poland is ruled by the leader of the ruling party whose opinions are supposed to outweigh any published laws...

If you support rule by party (and party leader) as you do, then I guess there's no problem (until PiS loses at which point you will scream bloody murder)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Oct 2016   #2306
At present Poland

This was not about poltical parties but about freedom of speech which Poland enjoys. The free-speech-suppressing PC dictatorship has yet to take root in this country. Hopefully it never will.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 Oct 2016   #2307
rule of law

The rule of law in every country serves those who pay the highest bribe. That's how it's been since time immemorial but only Macchiavelli actually codified it. The real purpose of politics is to get to power and stay there as long as possible. Only rarely does a govenrment motivated by noble, higher values come to the fore. Such a government is now led by PiS.
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Oct 2016   #2308
Good news everybody! The Good Change government is making it easier to throw pregnant women, disabled people and senior citizens onto the street...

What a culture of life!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Oct 2016   #2309
culture of life

GW is hardly a reliable source as it is seething with hatred and frustration over being sidetracked after a quarter-century of media monopoly and undeserved prominence. It will do and write anything to preserve the post-commie status quo which soemone has finally had the guts to challenge

mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Oct 2016   #2310
More good news everybody! The Good Change government just appointed a former teenage hooligan as mayor of a small town!

In 1997 Jack Kowalewski was part of a group of group that beat a man with sticks, boards and a metal rod in front of a disco. He received a 9 month sentence (suspended).

In 2016 the mayor of Lubraniec, a small town in the Kujawo-pomorski region died, and Kowalewski was nominated by a local PiS bigwig to hold the office until elections are held in December. Newsweek suggests that people in the town are afraid of speak of Kowalewski on the record....

The best part is one of the commenters: Niestety PiS jest zbieraniną nieudaczników i cwaniaczków, dlatego trudno tam znaleźć kogoś normalnego na stanowiska... Unfortunately PiS is a collection of losers and conmen, that's why it's hard for them to find someone normal to nominate....,artykuly,399255,1.html?src=HP_Section_1

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