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Poland's post-election political scene

Dougpol1  29 | 2497
30 Dec 2015   #391
Those are very wise words said by Andrzej Duda, I'm proud of our president.

But they weren't. The interviewer absolutely owned him.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
30 Dec 2015   #392
how Warsaw can host a NATO

Shout it from the hills and rooftops and let it spread far and wide. Anything to demean and discredit Poland and its democratically elected government in the international arena is fair game to that pathetic lot of frustrated losers!
30 Dec 2015   #393
Anything to demean and discredit Poland and its democratically elected government

The 18% regime and the unelected dictator, The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski, don't need any help when it comes to demeaning and discrediting Poland and themselves, they're doing an astounding job all by themselves; surely even PISed-up "VIP" types can see that? Even your own government is openly questioning the actions of the 18% regime and its unelected dictator!
Bieganski  17 | 888
30 Dec 2015   #394
But they weren't. The interviewer absolutely owned him.

Ridiculous. His answers showed he thoroughly understood the complexities of the topics brought up and he spoke with conviction and confidence. He wasn't stumped by anything she asked. Indeed, she was the one who came off as an automaton merely reading out questions prepared for her by someone else at the BBC.
30 Dec 2015   #395
he spoke with conviction

Won't be too long before he has a criminal conviction or two to go with that metaphorical conviction.
Bieganski  17 | 888
30 Dec 2015   #396
^^^ Christmas is over. You'll have to tell Santa your wish list next year.
30 Dec 2015   #397
next year.

Sadly it won't be next year, but the day that Duda stands trial for his crimes is coming, you can be sure of that. And just saying "But I only followed the orders the Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski gave me!" won't save him. Plus there won't be a president to pardon him in the way that he pardons other PISed-up criminals.
Bieganski  17 | 888
30 Dec 2015   #398
Sadly it won't be next year, but the day that Duda stands trial for his crimes is coming, you can be sure of that.

Oh? So I take it you are going to take up my challenge to you and confront him yourself with your allegations. Surely your interrogation of him will be entered as evidence against him, right?
30 Dec 2015   #399
confront him yourself with your allegations.

His fellow PISed-up failure of a president demonstrated that anybody who dares to speak to the 'president' in the same way as the 'president' speaks to others can expect to be abused by the supposed forces of law and order. So I'll leave the inevitable prosecution to the appropriate authorities. Personally I also leave dog turds I see on the pavement for the appropriate people to clean up, are you the type of person who likes to jump up and down in furious anger on dog turds?

evidence against him

There's more than enough evidence now for a conviction, no need for any more.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Dec 2015   #400
So I take it you are going to take up my challenge to you and confront him yourself with your allegations.

I'm surprised that such an expert as yourself fails to understand that Poland has the incredibly flawed concept of immunity for politicians.

Still, I'm sure plenty of people will ask him questions after he's released from prison in many years time.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
31 Dec 2015   #401
after he's released from prison in many years time

You realise of course that even in the most democratic of countries special services take an interest in those who level accusations or threats at the head of state or are especially obsessive or abusive. Alien nationals (regardless of visa, residence permit or pasport) especially call attention to themselves. So don't say you weren't warned!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
31 Dec 2015   #402
What a very silly post Polonius. We know you live in the paranoid States, but even there people poke fun at their politicians. Even in the bars of Moscow, people openly call Putin a ****. My drinking pal is from Moscow and he knows this for fact.

Nothing to see here.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
31 Dec 2015   #403
Even in the bars of Moscow

Bars are one thing, but online fora are or can be scrutinised. Special services selectively pick out things of potential interest and may well decide to keep tabs on an alien repeatedly abusing a head of state. That may just land on a list of suspicious foreigners worth watching. Over 90% of the leads and tips turn out unproductive but maintaining vigilanace is what those services are paid to do.
31 Dec 2015   #404
special services

Who do we know who used to work with those services in Poland before 1989?

those who level accusations or threats at the head of state

Please report me to those special services for saying that that cat Duda is a criminal; I'd love the chance to point out on an international stage that he is a criminal because he is refusing to do what is legally required of the President of Poland.

Actually, given the files those people might have on you, please ask somebody else to report me.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Dec 2015   #405
You realise of course that even in the most democratic of countries special services take an interest in those who level accusations or threats at the head of state or are especially obsessive or abusive.

Could be fun : I imagine the harassment and expulsion of an EU citizen would certainly attract considerable attention in Brussels and would lead to possible sanctions against the government.
G (undercover)
31 Dec 2015   #406
First report me for saying that Ciech was "privatized" for below the fair value :)))
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
31 Dec 2015   #407
Ciech was "privatized" for below the fair value

Don't know if that is a joke. Here in Poland an inflated price is always put on things. Some light at the end of the tunnel only emerges later after tedious haggling.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Dec 2015   #408
And if anyone needed confirmation of how PiS intend to run things, the new law surrounding the civil service has been passed.,Senior-civil-servants-to-be-appointed

"This bill will, in my opinion, entirely eliminate the social pathology which we have had to deal with in the years 2007-2015.

"It will be possible to immediately fire any person for whom the fact or even the suspicion of them having been involved in this pathology is confirmed," argued Beata Kempa, PiS MP and head of the Prime Minister's Chancellery.

People getting fired on "suspicions" reminds one entirely of the behaviour of the PZPR. We can expect 4 years of stagnation, as PiS appoint endless ex-PZPR comrades to top positions.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
31 Dec 2015   #409
as PiS appoint endless ex-PZPR comrades to top positions.

You seem to have an obssession with PiS ex-PZPR comrades. Incidentally though, you've never searched for them among PO rank and file ...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Dec 2015   #410
PO and others never claimed to be anti-communist. I'm merely pointing out the utter hypocrisy of a party claiming to be anti-communist going around appointing endless ex-PZPR comrades to top jobs.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
31 Dec 2015   #411
endless ex-PZPR


People getting fired

When PO came to power they started by purging public broadcasting of non-PO people and putting their party cronies in their place.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Dec 2015   #412

We're not talking about PO, we're talking about "anti-communist" PiS openly appointing endless ex-PZPR members to top jobs.

When PO came to power they started by purging public broadcasting of non-PO people and putting their party cronies in their place.

Are you suggesting that PiS intend to indulge in widespread cronyism?

Still, the good thing is that these laws can be used to thoroughly remove PiS from all aspects of public life in less than 4 years time.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
31 Dec 2015   #413

When the PO bankster government placed Poland's justice system in the hands of ex-commie Ćwiąkalski, did Delph protest, rant and fume? When the Science and Higher Education Ministry was entrusted to ex-PZPR member Kudrycka, no-one heard even a peep from Delphie Boy. When dyed-in-the-wool ex-commie Nałęcz became Komorowski's chief adviser, defender and spox-- ditto. Was he asleep, perpetually drunk or afflicted with amnesia for the past 8 years? Whatever the case, Delphie has suddenly awakened, recovered from his hangover and/or amnesia and launched an all-out witch-hunt for ex-commies in PiS. Or maybe he's merely suffering from chronic blinkeritis -- the malady that has afflicted him for years?!
mafketis  38 | 11137
31 Dec 2015   #414
Still, the good thing is that these laws can be used to thoroughly remove PiS from all aspects of public life in less than 4 years time.

I'm sure that any other party using laws put in place by PiS would provoke squeals of bloody murder from Polonius. He doesn't care about rule of law, but rather rule by party, so if a party that he supports does it then it's okay! it's when someone else does that it's bad. It's very much like Kali's morality.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Dec 2015   #415
I'm still wondering why you're trying to compare PO to PiS when the factual matter is that PiS have loaded top positions with ex-PZPR members.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
31 Dec 2015   #416
have loaded

PO have loaded their parliamentary club wirth ex-commies and secret police stooges -- 30 (count them!). You're strangely silent about MPs who'll be representing your beloved party for the next 4 years.
mafketis  38 | 11137
31 Dec 2015   #417
PO have loaded their parliamnetary club wirth ex-commies and secret police stooges -- 30 (count them!).

When did PO run on a platform of ridding former commies from public life? Why criticise them for not doing something that was not part of their platform? It has been a frequent hobby horse of JK though, so it's fine calling him out on his hypocrisy.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Dec 2015   #418
PO have loaded their parliamnetary club wirth ex-commies and secret police stooges -- 30 (count them!).

It's not about PO, Polonius. The more you try and deflect from the reality (that many prominent ex-communists such as ex-PZPR prosecutors and ex-PZPR MO officers are now in top positions as appointed by PiS), the more you'll be reminded of it.

PiS claimed to be anti-communist. They lied.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
31 Dec 2015   #419
It's not about PO

No, it's about your hypocrisy, bias and one-sidedness. Truly Kali's morality. Ask an ethnic Pole what that means.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Dec 2015   #420
It's nothing to do with me. I'm not PiS, I didn't claim to be "anti-communist" and I didn't claim to stand for any sort of moral revolution to get rid of communists.

PiS have appointed many ex-communists to prominent positions. Fact.

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