Good, so there's two of you already. Find 2 more and you can play Bridge (while talking about cultural revolution)
hahaha No., Didn`t you know elderly chaps like us prefer chess? It is good for our brains. hahaha So we don`t need to look for the next 2.
It is a waste of time argument when the vast majority of Poles don't support it.
I have lived long enough to see the slow but steady evolution of public opinion on various issues here. That sth is impossible now doesn`t mean it won`t be possible in future. The question isn`t
if, but
The water drop erodes the rock, slowly, but incessantly.
The economy, taxes, ZUS, entitlements, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and immigration. These are the issues, not gays.
You are so right. However, this forum is so unusual it rarely conforms to what should be discussed, it always focuses on most controvercial issues coz they are the most exciting. :)
This would guarantee that they'll never win a majority in a Parliament.
I will send you back to this thread and post in a few years` time. hahaha