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Poland's post-election political scene

jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jul 2020   #4021
Drag is entertainment for adults not children.

You should see a kids' pantomime in the UK!

A drag act every Christmas for 250 years.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 Jul 2020   #4022
You should see a kids' pantomime in the UK!

Okay mr picky, "sexually suggestive drag queens" are adult entertainment ....

How many pantomime dames are registered sex offenders? (there are at least two other similar cases)

Also, from a feminist perspective:
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jul 2020   #4023
I hope that brat Nude Dude doing fine after elections. He can relax now little bit with his wife
cms neuf  1 | 1846
21 Jul 2020   #4024
Agree that this was a squeaker - these remarkably close elections all going Putin's way in the US, UK, Poland etc is probably not a coincidence, on the other hand it's clear that the PiS message resonates strongly in the countryside.

It will change soon and when it comes the defeats will keep the idiots out of power for a generation.

Maybe one man one vote needs looking at, but the alternatives are probably worse. However the disconnect between the tax base and the electoral base is a real problem - it will generate resentment, tax dodging, reduced investment and the rich will continue to retreat behind gated communities, private hospitals etc.

Gay rights were a distraction but very poor for Poland's image and Duda will now have to break bread with a few gay leaders over the next 5 years. I hoe they give him some very uncomfortable private discussions on his views. But I'm not comfortable with how moderate views are now outside the pale - I am fine with gay marriage, far less certain about gay adoption but questioning that has become almost an extremist position In the US or Western Europe.
pawian  224 | 27236
21 Jul 2020   #4025
How many pantomime dames are registered sex offenders?

How many priests are registered as sex offenders? Yet, we don`t overthrow and ban religion, do we???
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jul 2020   #4026
"sexually suggestive drag queens"

Very few are "sexually suggestive", and in any case, in pantomime, that's designed to go mostly over the heads of the kids.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 Jul 2020   #4027
Yet, we don`t overthrow and ban religion

But we don't encourage priests to have unsupervised time with small children either...

Very few are "sexually suggestive"

"very few" is too many.... unless you think flashing his crotch to kids is okay...

Lazarus  3 | 365
21 Jul 2020   #4028
How many priests are registered as sex offenders

How many church elders shelter registered sex offenders? I'd say too many.
pawian  224 | 27236
21 Jul 2020   #4029
"very few" is too many.... unless you think flashing his crotch to kids is okay...

maf, stop it. I am running a lesson now and you are showing such pics.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jul 2020   #4030
flashing his crotch to kids

He's probably wearing knickers and tights. Otherwise it'd be indecent exposure.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 Jul 2020   #4031
Then why is it blurred? The stories about the incident make it sound very uncomfortable....

maf, stop it.

As long as I've made my point.....
pawian  224 | 27236
21 Jul 2020   #4032
Ok, I agree with you, some of these things you are talking about are sick and definitely not for kids. But one needn`t ban LGBT to prevent such acts - because the existing regulations about indecent exposure to kids are well developed and it is enough to put them in force. Simple.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 Jul 2020   #4033
But one needn`t ban LGBT to prevent such acts -

You don't know what you're for unless you know what you're against (and can articulate both and give some consistent reasoning behind them).

I'm all for individual gay rights (and marriage equality or at least civil unions) but there are things out there under the LGBT banner that I cannot support.

The problem with the sloganeers is they equate things like laws regulating civil unions with the fringe activities...

It's like equating "traditional family values" with the forced marriage of young girls to middle aged or old men (which is a traditional family value in a lot of the world).
pawian  224 | 27236
21 Jul 2020   #4034
I'm all for individual gay rights (and marriage equality or at least civil unions)

That`s good. That`s what the fight is for in Poland right now.
Spike31  3 | 1485
21 Jul 2020   #4035
Good, so there's two of you already. Find 2 more and you can play Bridge (while talking about cultural revolution)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
21 Jul 2020   #4036
@pawian @mafketis
While I agree with a lot of what you both talk about, civil unions and marriages will never happen in Poland. It is a waste of time argument when the vast majority of Poles don't support it. If they want to get married do so in a different country that allows it. They should however be allowed to "will" their partners their property at death, and they should be allowed to have access to medical information if someone is in the hospital. Basic rights like that would be fair.

Focusing on this issue takes away from the real issue effecting everyone regardless of political affiliation. The economy, taxes, ZUS, entitlements, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and immigration. These are the issues, not gays.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 Jul 2020   #4037
These are the issues, not gays.

But PiS apologists are bound and determined to make it a referendum on gay rights (and to try to pretend it was some kind of landslide).

I completely agree that economic mismanagement by the blundering kleptocrats that make up a lot of PiS _should_ be the issue but those will be coming home to roost soon enough (and I'm preparing to act like Family Guy's 'black woman in hindsight' )

Spike31  3 | 1485
21 Jul 2020   #4038
It is a waste of time argument

Don't discourage them. I would like it very much if "total opposition" would get into this dead end subject. This would guarantee that they'll never win a majority in a Parliament. Militant LGBT and obviously "refugees" are both great subjects to sink them.
pawian  224 | 27236
21 Jul 2020   #4039
Good, so there's two of you already. Find 2 more and you can play Bridge (while talking about cultural revolution)

hahaha No., Didn`t you know elderly chaps like us prefer chess? It is good for our brains. hahaha So we don`t need to look for the next 2.

It is a waste of time argument when the vast majority of Poles don't support it.

I have lived long enough to see the slow but steady evolution of public opinion on various issues here. That sth is impossible now doesn`t mean it won`t be possible in future. The question isn`t if, but when!

The water drop erodes the rock, slowly, but incessantly.

The economy, taxes, ZUS, entitlements, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and immigration. These are the issues, not gays.

You are so right. However, this forum is so unusual it rarely conforms to what should be discussed, it always focuses on most controvercial issues coz they are the most exciting. :)

This would guarantee that they'll never win a majority in a Parliament.

I will send you back to this thread and post in a few years` time. hahaha
mafketis  38 | 11137
22 Jul 2020   #4040
What's going on with JK's behavior at the ceremony where Duda received the resolution that he won the elections.

Kaczyński arrived late, sitting down while Duda was speaking and was out the door the second the ceremony ended (French exit - the same as the Polish "English exit"),79cfc278

Most are assuming that it was a message to Duda just how little JK thinks of him....

Will AD find his spine and stand up to the man who so consistently humiliates him?
Lazarus  3 | 365
22 Jul 2020   #4041
Well, can he pardon himself?
kondzior  11 | 1026
22 Jul 2020   #4042
I'm all for individual gay rights

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself where all this societal "bias" came from, and why it is has been present in almost every single civilized culture (save a few exceptions) throughout history? Societies disgust towards homosexual behaviour is not something that materialized out of thin air, nor was it learned from religion (after all, what made it manifest itself in religion?). Have you perhaps considered the fact that over thousands of years, society has come to realize the destructive and disgusting tendencies that come with accepting homosexuality? This isn't even mentioning the fact that homosexuality is a psychological/hormonal disorder, and that the normalization of it very often leads to increased rates of homosexuality.
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2020   #4043
where all "bias" came from

The explanation is very simple but you don`t know it so let me enlighten you. Societies treated gays with utter hostility coz they were unproductive, I mean they didn`t bear children. Waging wars in the past caused a lot of casualties which had to be compensated somehow. Gays didn`t contribute to keeping society`s military power so they were useless.
mafketis  38 | 11137
22 Jul 2020   #4044
in favour of traditional values when it comes to family and society.

Like Kurski's somehow arranging anullments for himself and his second wife so they could get married in church? Since when is dumping a wife and getting a shady anullment to marry her replacement a traditional Polish value?
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2020   #4045
Like Kurski's somehow arranging anullments for himself and his second wife so they could get married in church?

Yes, those rightist make a parody of Christian values but still talk a lot about defending them. I throw up when I see such hypocrisy.

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cms neuf  1 | 1846
22 Jul 2020   #4046
What are the destructive tendencies that come with homosexuality ? I have seen plenty of bar fights and playground scraps over women but not many over gay love.

And what is disgusting about it ? It's no skin off my nose what they do to each other. Live and let live.
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2020   #4047
I have seen plenty of bar fights and playground scraps over women but not many over gay love.

Exactly. Gays know how to party in a very cultural way.

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pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2020   #4048
Hey, all Konfederacja fans of PiS!!!

Have you heard about their latest idea? They are thinking of bringing back 100 multi-member constituencies (wielomandatowe okręgi wyborcze). In such a situation, the real threshold of entering the Parliament by parties is about 10-15%.

This means that either you go with PiS, officially as a coalition member, or you vanish into the thin air from the Parliament.

Wydaje się że Wasz ukochany PiS nieźle Was wydyma. buahahaha
gumishu  15 | 6227
22 Jul 2020   #4049
but not many over gay love.

because like 2 per cent of the population is gay
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Jul 2020   #4050
They are thinking of bringing back 100 multi-member constituencies

There's a lot of insane ideas coming out of PiS right now, including one to bring back the PRL-era 49 voivodships, which would be a nice cover for destroying the powiats and significantly reducing the power/influence of the voivodships.

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