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Poland's post-election political scene

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
11 Jun 2017   #3331
quote the article of the Polish constitution

Art. 178. §3
Sędzia nie może należeć do partii politycznej, związku zawodowego ani prowadzić działalności publicznej nie dającej się pogodzić z zasadami niezależności sądów i niezawisłości sędziów.

I'll save you a trip to Google translate:
A judge may not belong to a political party or trade union nor engage in public activity not commensurate with the principles of the independence of law courts and judges.

A political rally favouring one party against another is deifntiely neither independent nor impartial.
BTW, PiSlamic and Kopacz are tied for this year's Liar Laureate award. Good luck!
johnny reb  49 | 7974
11 Jun 2017   #3332
No chance of the sagging orange idiot doing that -

Naw, he is more of an upper crust golf course type of guy then a gym rat.
Hopefully he will get a couple rounds of golf in while there.

I see he is now too much of a coward to visit Britain.

Actually I think it was the other way around and they banned him from coming to the U.K.
No real loss that I can see.

he will be kept well away from the public

Of course, especially the younger Polish public that are clueless.
11 Jun 2017   #3333
A judge may not belong to a political party or trade union nor engage in public activity not commensurate with the principles of the independence of law courts and judges.

Poor 'Polish' Polly, yet again he repeats what he hears on Radio Maybach and yet again he's exposed. 'Polish' Polly claimed that the constitution bans judges from political activity when in reality the ban is on performing public activities incompatible with the principles of independence of the courts and judges. What makes it even more amusing is that 'Polish' Polly has just quoted one of the places where the constitution confirms the independence of courts and judges when First Secretary of the Party Kaczynski is currently trying to remove the independence of judges and courts.

I'll save you a trip to Google translate:

Perhaps you could also help with the translation of Article 103.2? The official translation at reads:

No judge, public prosecutor, officer of the civil service, soldier on active military service or functionary of the police or of the services of State protection shall exercise the mandate of a Deputy.

But that translation must be wrong, given that the public prosecutor general is an MP and exercises his mandate as an MP. Or is the PiSlamic State simply ignoring that part of the constitution too?
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
11 Jun 2017   #3334
Soon the communist Constitution shall be thrown away and a new Proper Polish one shall be written the angry English trio won't be able to vote on the referendum hahaha meanwhile me and Polonius will :-)

Death to the communists !
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
11 Jun 2017   #3335
activities incompatible with the principles of independence of the courts and judges

Political agitatation, taking part in poltical rallies supporitng one side of a poltical row is incompatible with the the principles of independence of the courts and judges. All the judges taking part in that hate industry seance were in violation of the constitution. The separation of Prosecutor Gen. and Justice Minister only occurred in 2010. That means that all the governments prior to then were in violation of the constitution. And yet no-one recalls PiSlamic raisng his voice in protest back then.
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
11 Jun 2017   #3336
Judiciary system in Poland was never decommunized the fathers of the current judges have been in the profession during Stalin's times sending young patriots like Inka to their deaths.

They should all be kicked out and replaced with fresh independent free of any sins of the family deeds, judges working for justice and the good of the Fatherland. Not these communist politically motivated clowns we have now.
11 Jun 2017   #3337
the communist Constitution shall be thrown away

Perhaps you'd like to read a little less fiction and a little more history. You clearly need to if you think Poland still has a communist constitution.

the angry English trio won't be able to vote on the referendum hahaha meanwhile me and Polonius will

Care for a large bet about who will and will not be able to vote by then? 'Polish' Polly certainly won't have a vote in that referendum, for obvious reasons. I understand PIS are already looking to prevent Polish citizens in the UK from voting (due to then not voting the way First Secretary Kaczynski wants them to). I don't know who you mean by angry English trio but suspect that you're again showing your ignorance of reality.
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
11 Jun 2017   #3338
Take your head out of the bog Anglo, Poland was a communist, or postcommunist country for majority of the last 25 years. Jewish Bolsheviks hand in hand with traitors governing the country like some god forsaken African colony.

Luckily these times are over. PiS is set to rule for the next 20-30 years so you can continue to grit your teeth all you like hahaha

Any source on that Kaczynski would refuse Polish citizens voting abroad?
cms  9 | 1253
12 Jun 2017   #3339
@johnny reb

Well we know he likes golf because even though he promised to work weekends it turns out that he has spent more time N the gold course than any other president in history so far. I can understand that though - sometimes it's easy to put off work you know you are not cut out for.

In this case it turns out that he called May personally and said he did not want to come if there would be large scale protests. There is no way the British govt would ban him from coming - the official invitation was from the Queen and she would never perform such a political act. The orange infant probably thought it would be a few days of cute photos, like Obama with Prince George in his bathrobe. Once he realised the streets would be full of unwashed anarchists and that even the decent people of Britain would protest then he pulled out.
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
12 Jun 2017   #3340
So there will two referendas!!! One about accepting the Muslim illegal migrants and the other a series of questions surrounding the current state of politics and Constitution.

First is not that interesting, everybody can see what these migrants are doing in the West so I think it will be an overwhelming no to any "refugees" in Poland.

The second Referendum though hah! I seriously cannot wait to 2019 now :-) who knows Mandatory Service? Right to bear Arms? Death Penalty ? :-)

Great times are on the horizon, Poland sure is rising from Her knees ;)
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
12 Jun 2017   #3341
According to source

Kukiz supports the Referendum idea, one of the questions will be about what kind of power over the Armed Forces the President should have, preferably same as He has during War time so the highest.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3342
angry English trio

Also known as the Brit Bullies or UK tag-team, they comprise PiSlamic, lower-case jon and delphodupa or whatever.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 Jun 2017   #3343
PiS is set to rule for the next 20-30 years so you can continue to grit your teeth all you like hahaha

Since you happen to conveniently observe the Polish political scene from "somewhere in Europe", as is indicated in your profile, I shall tell you that no, we wouldn't be so happy at all to have PiS ruling over Poland for the next 20-30 years. The reason is very simple: every political party being in power for too long will be gradually depriving themselves of the virtues which made them rise to power. I can assure you that PiS will be no exception to that general rule just as PO were not in 2015 (and they run out of steam even before the 12 years of them in power had passed). Human nature, as you know, has never been perfect and will never be, so PiS after 30 years in government will not in the slightest remind the PiS of the election year of 2015, I assure you.

known as the Brit Bullies or UK tag-team,

And yet "the English angry trio" which Goofy has just invented seems to be quite an elegant and fresh name to be used from now on.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3344
elegant and fresh name

The question is: Do that disgusting, unsavoury threesome, who have been polluting the forum for years, deserve an "elegant and fresh name"?
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
12 Jun 2017   #3346
Current state and polls show at least 20 years of PiS in power. I do hope they will change a bit more to the right wing. Old gens are dying off quickly now and new young Poles want a more right wing governance, especially those like me who live somewhere in Europe and see the dangers liberals plunged their countries into.

Orban s ruling how long now? And his coalition still numbers 49% of the entire Parliament!

I think PiS needs to prepare a new younger elite possibly from ONR circles or something of that nature patriots and mild socialists is what the country needs.

I'd really like Kukiz to get his crap together and take his place as the only constructive opposition to PiS
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Jun 2017   #3347
especially those like me who live somewhere in Europe

And there's the rub, to quote our old friend Spokeshafe. Oh the irony. You're not a trolley-dolly by any chance are you?

at least 20 years of PiS in power

Yes, a totalitarian one party state, that's the best way alright. Sure hasn't history shown us that time and time again, a recipe for success - peace, prosperity, the whole kit and caboodle.

mild socialists

a bit more to the right wing

Pray enlighten us, oh sagacious one, a policy of right wing socialism? How intriguing. Expand on that as Larry King would say.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3348
totalitarian one party state

No-one I know is advocating that. But appearances may be deceiving, especially when backed by clever albeit deceitful and misleading propaganda. PO calls itself liberal, and that menas being pro-freedom. But under PO rule the media market was dominated by the post-communist option of Michnik & Co. Now, under a conservative government, there is true media pluralism.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 Jun 2017   #3349
enlighten us, oh sagacious one, a policy of right wing socialism?

The closest to have achieved that policy was NSDAP or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei still known these days because Adolf Hitler was at its head. How that policy of right wing socialism ended, there is no need to remind anyone. Of course, I'm not saying that Our Great and Dearest Leader JK is going to cross the line between democracy and totalitarian. On the contrary, I think he will never do, although some small manipulations towards securing more influence are possible and will be emerging now and again on the example of Mr Orban of Hungary who has managed to build a network of political cliques united by common interests across the country as our Hungarian friends report from time to time in their interviews to the Polish press.
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Jun 2017   #3350
hasn't history shown us that time and time again, a recipe for success

How that policy of right wing socialism ended, there is no need to remind anyone.

Exactly Ziemowit that was my point, just in case the irony was lost on anyone......
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3351
network of political cliques united by common interests

That is precisely what the current losers' club had achieved. The post-communist establishment emerged from a bandwagon on which had jumped ex-commies rebranded as social democrats or businessmen, ex-KOR-ites, various professional cliques, showbiz types and assorted unlustrated PRL-ites. Although a seemingly diverse collection of human flotsam, they were bound by common interests, esepcially a great distaste for having the spotlight shone on their PRL past. And, more imprtantly, they possessed much opinion-moulding potential (clever PR). Its no wonder then that quite a few Poles not belonging to any of the above cliques voted for them. PiS are at a distinct disadvantage because they represent the ordinary Pole, the typical Polish family, the little guy who have limited opinion-moulding clout. The fact that despite that disadvantage a majority voted for PiS and booted PO out of office simply proves, as Lincoln said: "You can't fool all of the people all of the time!"
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3352
socialism ended

All utopianist idoelogies end becuase they are based on false premises. Soviet communism actually lasted 70 years, a far crimey from Hitler's socialism -- 12 years.
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
12 Jun 2017   #3353
Conseervative socialism would be great way forward, by no means would i or any sane politician in Poland want a 100% state owned industry etc that would end up in a Venezeula-esque catastrophy. How would that lead to i guess gas chambers and a world war 3 is also beyoundmme :)) NSDAP was slightly different in its ideology to anyhting PiS proposes or I would like to see them do :)

But to certain maniacs here, even 500+ smells of Nazism, theres a fallacy called Godwin's Law,- have a look you guys might learn something !

PiS should promote Polish capital, fight off any foreign competition, unless it is to benefit us and the state, socially they are on their way to bring about a gigantic change in society.. byt supporting the rebirth of Polish nationalism in little ways.

The idea of placing National Defence lessonsback into the curriculum is a fantastic approach, the Party should listen to the needs and demands on the Youth which in their larges swathes are increasingly right wing, this should be supported and grown.

Promote Polish bussinesses, grass rots actions like " Buy from the Pole" etc these actioans have brought a huge amount of wealth nationwide back in the 20s and 30s and they are already doing the same these days.

One good policy i hope they follow on is a mix i guess of both socialism and right wing ideology,- they should simplify the bureacracy, and alll around ease all the troubles the Poles wanting to come back to the Homeland for a bit longer than an average 2 week stay, have to fight with during the initial months after settlign back in the Country.
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Jun 2017   #3354
the Youth

Youth with a capital 'Y'?? ja mein Komandant.

the Homeland

I think you mean 'ze Fazerland' ja?
12 Jun 2017   #3355
Promote Polish bussinesses, grass rots actions like " Buy from the Pole" etc these actioans have brought a huge amount of wealth nationwide back in the 20s and 30s and they are already doing the same these days.

Here in Poland they are doing no such thing. I've only heard of a few such attempts and those were miserable failures. One of the funniest recent examples I've heard of 'Polish' 'patriots' trying to show how patriotic they were by meeting up in what they thought was a Polish pub but instead they managed to go to a Russian financed franchise of a Dutch-owned company :D

I think you mean 'ze Fazerland' ja?

It is said that those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it, and our teenage friend seems very much set on proving that observation.
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
12 Jun 2017   #3356
its a shame Western mentality is covering your eyes, oh well you are just some foreigner anyway Harry!

no such attept was made? what about the rePoonization of the Banks ? stop reading rubbish and read some proper news for a change!
12 Jun 2017   #3357
what about the rePoonization of the Banks ?

The 'repolonisation' of banks here was not a popular action, it's a government initiative and a fairly amusing one at that. The foreign banks can't believe their luck!

stop reading rubbish and read some proper news for a change!

No need for me to read newspapers about those deals, I've been involved in most of them.
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
12 Jun 2017   #3358
sure you were :)))

Soros and other banksters are being kicked out of Poland. Nationalized banks mean a national fiscal policy firmly under control. Its a very good action. I hope one part of the upcoming referendum will forbid any privatization of the Banking Sector in the future.
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Jun 2017   #3359
Promote Polish bussinesses, grass rots actions like " Buy from the Pole"

Promote nothing, first of all work shouldn't be taxed so heavily and taxes for business should be simplified and lowered. Government telling people who to buy from is a step in the wrong direction.

think you mean 'ze Fazerland' ja?

a pop culture stereotype made for a pooping poor argument.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jun 2017   #3360
The foreign banks can't believe their luck!

It really was a blessing for them!

Goofy, about your "banksters", shouldn't you first question the First Bankster, Mateusz Morawiecki? How much money did he earn for his Spanish paymasters?

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