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Poland's post-election political scene

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 May 2017   #3241
Another PiS mess

More lower-case antics with semantics. It was the Opole mayor who was reluctant to sign a contract as late as April but grudgingly did even though he advocated censoring the planned performance the King of Polish Cabaret Jan Pietrzak. After Rodowicz got TVP to agree to all the performances, she was viciously attacked for appearing on TVP to explain the situation that the show would go on. Her 93-year-old mother had just died and she was in the midst of a divorce, so the frontal attack by showbiz backers of the ruthless losers camp was too much to take and she withdrew.

But the Polish Song Festival will go on as planned but at a new venue. Maybe that's for the best. Opole voters will know better than to vote for a mayor who deprived their city of both prestige and revenue. And some other town will benefit by haivng a new tourist attraction. Yet anotehr "total opposition" ploy that has bacfired. Way to go, losers.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 May 2017   #3242
is certainly the most accurate

So you are the sole PF-er allowed to make up names? By what rules? What is wrong with PiSlamic Hairy. To some that is a most apt and accurate description.

I can't believe the mods are no unobjective that they allow one poster to make up or dsitgort names and titles, whilst condemning the same thing when otehrs do.

You will notice that *** (PO with na extra O), Gronkowiec and a few others have disappeared, but a certain poster keeps spewing his TV Maybach and Pislamic nonsense with impunity.
22 May 2017   #3243
Voters, Po, voters...

The problem Poland has is that not enough voters actually vote, so it's nice to see First Secretary Kaczynski doing so much to encourage people to make the effort at future elections.
jon357  72 | 23482
22 May 2017   #3244
so it's nice to see First Secretary Kaczynski doing so much to encourage people to make the effort at future elections.

Just like last time, when people turned out in droves, occasionally swallowed their pride and voted tactically, and got rid of PiS.

It was the

An 'interesting' take on the Opole Scandal, Po, however not quite true, is it...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 May 2017   #3245
First Secretary Kaczynski

PiSlamic Harry , there is no such title. In Anglo-jabber, which you are such a blind fan of, you've got the choice of leader of chairman. First Secretary would be OK for the PiSlamic Harry Party when you set one up.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 May 2017   #3246
multi-million zloty villas in leafy suburbs of Warsaw

Again the hyPOcrytical PiSlamic Harry. He claims there is no collective guilt, so what did youg lads have to do with being raised where they were. You certainly have never objected to the traitorous KPP Judaeo-Commie environment nor the posh nomenklatura flat in Aleja stanów Zjednoczonych in which the Szechter boy was raised.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 May 2017   #3247
Just like last time, when people turned out

Indeed, just like last time when they voted PO out of office, and for the first time in Polish history (since 1918) won the election outright. That says a lot about what the Polish nation thought of the 8 years of PO's post-commie-clique misrule and mismanagement.

All your anics with semantics, distortions, badmouthing, squirming, wiggling and backtracking cannot wipe out the clear, historic victory of October 2015!


It's Kaczyński, Hairy, not Kaczynskii. Misspelling of people's names is not permitted. Ń is a separate letter of the alphabet which follows N.
22 May 2017   #3248
Just like last time, when people turned out in droves, occasionally swallowed their pride and voted tactically, and got rid of PiS.

Yep. From memory the last time PIS were in power they got more votes at the election which saw them turfed out than they did at the election which they won.

I get the feeling that First Secretary Kaczynski knows that this will happen again and so he'll try to prevent elections from being held or change the system as PIS tried with their recent 'two votes per person in the areas where we do well' plan for the Warsaw region. Fortunately none of his evil schemes will work, the fall of the PiSlamic State is as inevitable as the sun coming up tomorrow.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 May 2017   #3249
the last time PIS were in power

And the last time PO were in power they got voted out of office in Polish history's first-ever outright landslide victory. That is something neither you nor your pitiful excuse for a disciple can explain despite all the the exaggerations, distortions and antics with semantics for which your twosome are known. THE POLISH NATION WAS SIMPLY FED UP WITH THE UNKEPT PROMISES, LIES AND SCANDALS OF THE PLATFORMERS' SCAMSTER/BANKSTER REGIME IN THE SERIVCE OF FOREIGN-INTEREST GROUPS!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 May 2017   #3250
PiSlamic State

Good night PiSlamic Harry. Sleep tight!

not quite true

What is untrue about it in your opinion?
Ironside  50 | 12928
22 May 2017   #3251
The guy's a laughing stock

Meh, his enemies i.e. soviet political policy people are spreading their BS. A standard action of their kind.
jon357  72 | 23482
22 May 2017   #3252
soviet political policy people

Or even the population as a whole. Half mock him and the other half fear him for the reckless and highly dangerous loose-cannon that he is.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 May 2017   #3253
fear him

The total oppositon fear him because he is remembered by SB types and their TW flunkies as Mr Teczka.
Ironside  50 | 12928
22 May 2017   #3254
Or even the population as a whole

WSI people and political opponents work hand in hand to make him into a 'weird' figure in the eyes of the populace. I grant you that. He has his quirks to be sure. Make no mistake although they pretend to laugh at him they're sacred of him, and for a good reason too. He is efficient, more so that all other L&J ministers put together.
jon357  72 | 23482
22 May 2017   #3255
hand in hand to make him into a 'weird' figure in the eyes of the populace. I grant you that. He has his quirks to be sure.

He does this himself. He is certainly a weird figure, neither respected nor liked, and despite all the comedy, a highly dangerous relic of the old aeon.
Ironside  50 | 12928
22 May 2017   #3256
He does this himself

Don't be ridiculous, you know better than that.

He is certainly a weird figure, neither respected nor liked

Oh he is respected. All that hate campaign against him is a homage to that fact.
jon357  72 | 23482
22 May 2017   #3257
that hate campaign

No 'hate campaign', I-S. just a clown, whose 7 predecessors signed an open letter confirming that he is unable to do the job.
Ironside  50 | 12928
22 May 2017   #3258
7 predecessors signed an open letter confirming that he is unable to do the job.

Given their 'achievements' it is the best recommendation letter.
jon357  72 | 23482
22 May 2017   #3259

Stability, safety, progress.
Ironside  50 | 12928
22 May 2017   #3260
Stability, safety, progress.@ jon357

Chaos, corruption, disarmament .
jon357  72 | 23482
22 May 2017   #3261
Indeed. This will be Macierewicz's legacy. Hopefully, since the alternative is terrible.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 May 2017   #3262
7 predecessors signed an open letter

All of them members of the post-commie roundtable mafia!
mafketis  38 | 11127
23 May 2017   #3263
members of the post-commie roundtable mafia!

How does believing in this fairytale help you get through the day? There must be some benefit to imagining that everything that goes wrong can be traced to a small group of people.... but what?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 May 2017   #3264
small group of people

In the overall scheme of things it is indeed a small group of people in this nation of 38 million. But those protecting their lost status quo are strategically positioned in such opinion-moulding areas as politics, media, showbiz and academia where their brain-washing potential far exceeds their numerical strength. Look at the judge and lawyer hate session in Katowice or the showbiz community's destruction of the Opole festival. You may dislike the use of the term mafia, so call it a clique, in-group, coterie, formation, whatever. The point is it all began at the Magdalenka follow-up to the roundtable where the luminaries of hte PZPR, KOR and Solidarity people willing to play ball with them laid the groundwork of what they euphemistically called III RP. Those were no longer communists or Trotzkyites but pure opportunists who deftly promtoed such crowd-pleasing gestures as restoring the eagle's crown, dismissing PRL and calling it III, not IV RP, pressing for the withdrawal of Soviet troops and similar moves which only disguised the group's true objectives: power and prestige. And one must admit they did an excellent job of bamboozling the Polish public and international opinion for quite some time. Yes, that clique are masters of progandsa and PR, but does that make them right? And yes, PiS are rough round the edges if not downright clumsy in that area. But if glibness and slickness are to be one's main criteria, then one could say the monopoly on truth is held by Madison Avenue. No-one is more adroit at packaging and selling ideas lifestyles and things!

You were not here back then, but as an educated person do you truly believe the status quo crowd (that's pretty neutral, innit?) are really all about constituions, tribunals and suchlike legal niceties rather than self-interest? If given the choice of remaining an oppositon or regaining power on condition they drop all the imponderables, do you really believe the majority would not opt for the latter?
23 May 2017   #3265
so what did youg lads have to do with being raised where they were.

What makes you think that I'm talking about First Secretary Kaczynski when I talk about former collaborators who now live in multi-million zloty villas in leafy suburbs of Warsaw? It's clear to all that he isn't the only owner of such a property who signed up to serve the commie regime by oppressing the supporters of democracy. And he at least saw the error of his ways fairly quickly, unlike some who loyally served the commie regime for decades and now shill for the PiSlamic State.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 May 2017   #3266
First Secretary Kaczynski

PiSlamic Harry is at it again, misspelling and mistitling Poland's leading 21st-century poltical figure. PiS leader, PiS chairman, outstanding poltical strategist, leading Polish statesman, a worthy successor to the Great Marshal Piłsudski -- there are so many more accurate options to choose from.

BTW, since you have thoroughly invesitgated the subject, seeing you're the only one to constsantly bring it up, do tell us how JK's volunteering scenarior went:

Did he go to the justice ministry and tell the porter: "I'm here to prosecute dissidents, where do I sign up?" Porter: "That'd be room 203, proszę pana."
23 May 2017   #3267
tell us how JK's volunteering scenarior went

That is all set out, by the brother of First Secretary Kaczynski, on page 92 of Alfabet braci Kaczyńskich. Do feel free to have a read.

Poland's leading 21st-century poltical figure. PiS leader, PiS chairman, outstanding poltical strategist, leading Polish statesman, a worthy successor to the Great Marshal Piłsudski

If he was those things, he wouldn't have had to hide behind the skirts of a woman in order to be elected, would he.

PiSlamic Harry

Care to explain how that comment is related to "Poland's post-election political scene" rather than just being off-topic ad hom trolling?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 May 2017   #3268
hide behind the skirts

He was elected on his own merits in his voting district like everyone else. No woman to hide behind there.

that comment

If PiSlamic according to you is OK, then what's wrong with using it to describe the term's No. 1 user and proponent?
mafketis  38 | 11127
23 May 2017   #3269
You were not here back then

I've spent most of my time since 1991 here.... and I simply haven't seen the scenario you describe play out. Overall, it's close to a mirror image. I've seen a Poland where a large majority are far better off now than they were in the early 90s (when there were a couple of really dicey years). Of course the process hasn't been easy or smooth and the rewards haven't been evenly distributed (which is impossible) but mostly the people who really haven't thrived.... would not thrive in any system because of a lack of education and initiative and social capital (ability to adapt to new situations).

Joining the EU helped a lot both in terms of infrastructural aid and in letting Poland export its employable unemployed though Poland may be approaching peak EU (and might need to disengage). The biggest problem in cities now is not a lack of jobs but a lack of applicants (and the problems of wages taking time to catch up with demand, a perennial problem in a developing economy).

This is all pretty much the mirror image of the Poland that PiS describes (with a small minority in luxury and everyone else in misery) so I can't support them or believe that they have answers since their answers are all aimed at a reality I don't live in where more people are doing better than the opposite.
23 May 2017   #3270
He was elected on his own merits in his voting district like everyone else. No woman to hide behind there.

If he's only a back-bench MP, he should behave like one, instead of publicly announcing that he's the "real actual leader" of Poland and ordering the PM and President around.

I've spent most of my time since 1991 here.... and I simply haven't seen the scenario you describe play out.

I've been here since '95 and am reminded of the 20/60/20 theory I heard then. It said that 20% of Poles had already completely adapted to the free market, 60% were in the process of adapting and 20% would never adapt. The problem we now have is that of the 20% who then were pegged as never going to adapt and are now still alive almost all vote and they all vote PIS.

If PiSlamic according to you is OK, then what's wrong with using it to describe the term's No. 1 user and proponent?

Changing posters' names is against the rules here, as you know, because you've been banned for it in the past. Of course, if you don't want that rule to apply to you, just post telling the mods that it's OK for people to call you anything they want to.

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