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Poland's post-election political scene

jon357  72 | 23361
12 May 2017   #3061
Interesting news today, that the number of Poles desperate to escape the PiS junta and move to the UK has increased.
gumishu  15 | 6227
12 May 2017   #3062
I don't trust any of Ziobro's political show trials either. Nor does anyone

I do trust Ziobro - that makes your statement false
jon357  72 | 23361
12 May 2017   #3063
I do trust Ziobro

Most people here certainly don't trust Mr Laptop.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 May 2017   #3064
Nor does anyone

Au contraire, Ziobro is attacked only by the scamster lobby who want to dissolve the CBA. And no wonder. They don't want their myriad crimes and irregularities probed and made public. The opposition's other main support base is the SB wing, hence they promise the nail-pullers and back-alley assailants: "Vote for us and we'll dissolve the IPN."
gumishu  15 | 6227
12 May 2017   #3065
Most people here certainly don't trust Mr Laptop.

- ok let's count - you, delphi, and Harry vs me, Polonius, Ironside and greggy - that doesn't make you most people here
12 May 2017   #3066
Ziobro is attacked only by the scamster lobby who want to dissolve the CBA.

He's also frowned upon by those who believe the constitution of Poland should be respected and obeyed.
And by those who think that MPs shouldn't sign the attendance and voting lists for sessions of parliament after the event.
gumishu  15 | 6227
12 May 2017   #3067
He's also frowned upon by those who believe the constitution of Poland should be respected and obeyed.

Harry - which article of the constitution was broken?
jon357  72 | 23361
12 May 2017   #3068
ok let's count

You can count to 38 million?

And by those who think that MPs shouldn't sign the attendance and voting lists for sessions of parliament after the event.

That's actually a huge scandal. And it isn't as if the scandals surrounding him started recently either.
12 May 2017   #3069
which article of the constitution

Article 103, section 2):

No judge, public prosecutor, officer of the civil service, soldier on active military service or functionary of the police or of the services of State protection shall exercise the mandate of a Deputy.

Ziobro is the Prokurator Generalny, the Public Prosecutor General and still exercise his mandate of an MP, as shown by him signing voting lists well after votes were taken.
gregy741  5 | 1226
12 May 2017   #3070
no problem
Pilsudski,Chrobry,also wouldn't be bothered with some minor cant create empires if you cant brush aside sume rubbish obstacles
Ziobro is our Savior and he can do what he wants
gumishu  15 | 6227
12 May 2017   #3071
public prosecutor

as far as I know Prokurator Generalny cannot initiate investigations and as such is not really a prosecutor

You can count to 38 million?

do you claim that all Poles don't trust Ziobro - that's quite a claim you know - and again I trust Ziobro - so your claim is false
12 May 2017   #3072
Prokurator Generalny cannot initiate investigations

Not only can he do that, he can also stop them (by removing the prosecutor and replacing him with another one).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 May 2017   #3073
frowned upon

How many ordinary citizens care a wit about this or that document, some procedure, brands of helicopters, a school closure in Kozia Wólka (Goatville) or the removal of diseased trees in some remote woodland? The only ones who make a fuss about it are poiticians, political activists and the politicised partisan media who want to score points against their political foes (such as a politician who wanted to prosecute dissidents and isn't even a Catholic because he missed one Sunday mass last month).
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 May 2017   #3074
You favour banning political parties?

Not political parties only those that proved to be a danger to safety and stability of the Republic of Poland. Namely PO and N. - traitors, saboteurs and ******.

Yes ban them and their members for ten years. Although their leadership should be jailed o their property should confiscated or both.
jon357  72 | 23361
12 May 2017   #3075
only those that proved to be a danger to safety and stability of the Republic of Poland

So you're in favour of banning PiS? Shame on you.

Not only can he do that, he can also stop them (by removing the prosecutor and replacing him with another one).

Didn't that happen before, in Germany...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 May 2017   #3076
a school closure in Kozia Wólka (Goatville)

Unfortunately for you, those school closures are taking place all over the country.

More to the point, why are you so dismissive of the concerns of citizens in small towns?
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 May 2017   #3077

I don't trust Ziobro or think highly about his abilities I just give them benefit of the doubt. Obviously PiS is better than the alternative - PO.

He is clearly going against corrupted people - that good.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 May 2017   #3078
He is clearly going against corrupted people - that good.

Really? Where's his investigation into Macierewicz, then?

He's not going against corruption at all. He's going against personal enemies, such as the cardiologists from the hospital where his father died. It's classic PZPR behaviour.
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 May 2017   #3079
Where's his investigation into Macierewicz, then?

Don't make me laugh! Whoever claims that Maciarewicz is corrupted is clearly daft.
12 May 2017   #3080
interesting news
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 May 2017   #3081
Whoever claims that Maciarewicz is corrupted is clearly daft.

Where are our helicopters? Why did Poland order VIP planes rather than helicopters? Most importantly, why did ex-PZPR member and Head of the Smolensk Sub-Commission Wacław Berczyński vanish to the USA after a) receiving large loans from Boeing to buy property and b) boasting about how he killed the order for the helicopters? Why wasn't there a fair and open tender for those VIP planes?

Why are you trying to defend this situation? I really don't understand it Ironside. You supposedly hate the commies so much, yet you turn a blind eye to an ex-commie's involvement in a horrific case of corruption.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 May 2017   #3082
so dismissive

Becuase it's as plain as the nose on your face that your only nitpicking them out and raising a rumpus over them to give vent to your PiS-bashing obsession. No concern on your part for small towns or little guys when you side with a party known only to cater to a privileged elite. So save your crocodile tears, because everyone sees through them!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 May 2017   #3083
MPs shouldn't sign the attendance

Scrounge around and nitpick some more, as if ordinary, normal Poles are all up in armes over some obscure procedural points. What concerns them are the billions embezzled by the Gronkowiec city hall mafia, numerous PO-linked VAT swindlers, the millioms lost by depositors in the Tusk-linked AmberGold/OLT aireline scam and other scandals of Tusk's ancien régime.

You know you only bring these things up to bash PiS, whose leader "had volunteered to prosecute dissidents" and is no longer a Catholic, having missed one Sunday mass last month. Do you plan to attend?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 May 2017   #3084

having missed one Sunday mass last month

This sentence dropped out: Word is going round that Pope Francis is now preparing the excommunication trial of Kaczyński "who volunteered to prosecute dissidents". Do you plan on attending?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 May 2017   #3085
Anyone else notice how Polonius goes on a rant about other members when he wants to deflect attention from one of the most unbelievable cases of open corruption in a long time in Poland?

Polonius, don't you realise that by trying to cover these things up, it just gets worse in the end? Macierewicz is even annoying people in PiS now, and they've voted today to investigate the Boeing VIP plane deal. Wouldn't it be better to admit that it's probably a case of corruption, and that PiS should be looking for a defence minister who doesn't have suspicious links to American lobbyists?

You and I want the best for Poland's defence, don't we?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 May 2017   #3086
one of the most unbelievable cases of open corruption

You mean the Gronkowiec city hall property scam? Not millions but billions have been embezzled by corrupt city officials, shady lawyers and speculators linked to the city hall mafia including Mr Gronkowiec-Waltz.

want the best for Poland's defence

I know I do and that means it should be kept as far away as possible from PO operatives and scamsters.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 May 2017   #3087
unbelievable cases of open corruption

An update FYI: Ziobro told public broadcaster TVP: "We estimate that private owners and the treasury could have lost as much as several billion zlotys as a result of the operations of organized gangs or mafia in Warsaw."

He added: "This is about really gigantic money, gigantic abuses, extremely influential people." Ziobro said suspects paid for false documents and credentials, and possibly also for decisions in their favour by various state organs, including courts.

Gronkowiec reacted last year when the scandal erupted by sacking a few underlings. Later she was convientily ill or on holiday when officials wanted to question her. She continues brushing off journalists in corridors before she disappears behind the safety of a closed door. A truly unsavoury witch to say the least! But what else could one expect from the vice-leader of PO?!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 May 2017   #3088
Ziobro told public broadcaster TVP

But of course he did. Of course, he's not saying anything about a deal that even members of PiS know to be so rotten that they want nothing to do with it.

Isn't it also strange that Ziobro is conveniently trying to seize control of the courts at the same time as making such claims? I mean, it wouldn't be anything to do with Stalinist show trials, would it?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 May 2017   #3089

Stalin is long dead as a door-nail, but it is quite likely that Tusk, Gronkowiec, Sikorski, Mr Wristwatch (if he can be extradited frorm Ukraine), Kopacz and a few other political scamsters will go on trial for their misdeeds. The sooner, the better!
gregy741  5 | 1226
12 May 2017   #3090
Isn't it also strange that Ziobro is conveniently trying to seize control of the courts at the same time as making such claims? I mean, it wouldn't be anything to do with Stalinist show trials, would it?

nahh,,hes trying to reform justice system ,that hasn't been reformed since Stalinist time.PO,well known communist collaborator is trying to prevent this and keep justice system in form made by beloved communists.

same with constitution trybunal,made by commies to help them avoid justice

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