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The Political Circus of Poland

OP pawian  226 | 27558
13 Jun 2021   #211
Mayor elections in Rzeszów.

Wow! Congrats to Konrad Fijołek! Exit polls suggest he has won in the first round with 55%. He has beaten two rightist politicians.

Good omen for the future cooperation of the opposition and removal of PiS gangsters from power in 2023.
Alleluja! Alleluja!

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mafketis  38 | 11167
13 Jun 2021   #212
The only negative thing I can say is about his appearance

That's like the old saying: Politics is show-business for ugly people....

But congratulations to him! Great result!

Now.... how will PiS/Ziobro try to overturn it? Does anyone expect them to simply accept defeat?
OP pawian  226 | 27558
13 Jun 2021   #213
Does anyone expect them to simply accept defeat?

This time they will swallow the bitter pill coz it is just a mayor election. It might be different in 2023, though - if they lose power, they will be prosecuted for all their crimes and they perfectly know it.
amiga500  5 | 1501
15 Jun 2021   #214
Does anyone expect them to simply accept defeat?

You may live in Poland, But to use a Zbigniew Brezinski phrase, you have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what is going on.
mafketis  38 | 11167
15 Jun 2021   #215
so what's your analysis then?
amiga500  5 | 1501
15 Jun 2021   #216
That PiS believes in representative democracy, just not the secular liberal model. Hence they will accept defeat if defeated by the will of the populi. Of course if it's close like Bush/Gore in Florida , legal challenges are allowed.
Lenka  5 | 3539
15 Jun 2021   #217
if it's close like Bush/Gore in Florida , legal challenges are allowed.

It's not. The guy got 56%
OP pawian  226 | 27558
15 Jun 2021   #218
Cargo, thank you for your compliments. Let`s hope it is one small step for the man who won, but one giant leap for the whole nation in the future in general elections. hahaha

BTW, Cargo ,don`t you think it is time for you to drop that PiS mafia and join the light side of the Force??? hahaha Did you hear they might introduce the ad valorem property tax for people who own more than one flat or house?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
15 Jun 2021   #219
property tax for people who own more than one flat or house?

Yes Sir,I only have one 40 sq m where I live and the one I got for my American friend that I am selling anyway,rest all are commercials with 777 leases,if they tax commercials tenants will pay.That was the reason I came to Poland for low property tax cuz here is almost .5 to 2 % a year,depending upon the State and my State is a fooking confused one called New Jersey.

And they can raise it on that lil flat as it costs me less then 100$ a month to stay there in hard core centre with a useless Porter service.148 pln for monthly spozolnea,130 pln from Orange Cable.Wifi,and unlimited Komurka and 100 pln for electric and water:)=378 pln a month a freaking joke to live in a Centre of a European-union country capital isnt it???LOL and paid 30K $ in 2000 for it:))oh forgot to add 400pln a year property tax too:))
16 Jun 2021   #220
The more i hear about PiS the more I love them.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
16 Jun 2021   #221
But you are supposedly still in London, hundreds of kilometers away from PiS, London1234?
16 Jun 2021   #222
Mate, enjoy your 30 pieces of silver, may it bring you all the joy and happiness that it did for Judas.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
16 Jun 2021   #223
You sound very mysterious, too mysteious for a PiS supporter!
OP pawian  226 | 27558
16 Jun 2021   #224
The more i hear about PiS

What exactly?
OP pawian  226 | 27558
10 Dec 2022   #225
From another thread:

Fortunately, Gowin is generally rejected by the opposition. They see very well that renegade switched the team only after PiS threw him out. Earlier, he had voted with PiS for all controvercial and unconstitutional laws. Now he is fawning at PO and other liberals.

Down with Gowin!

It seems that Mr Gowin reads our forum coz today he has resigned from leading his little party. Also he had no other option coz all main political leaders refused to talk with him. However, after his resignation, his men and women will have a chance to join the ranks of anti PiS opposition.

Mr Gowin! Message from me! I consider you a political swine which enabled PiS to suck Poland like unsatiable leeches, spoil democracy and breach the Constitution. Your bad conscience after the few years of your cooperation with PiS doesn`t count - it happened too late.

Your place is in the dumpsite of history - go there and never come back, azhole.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
10 Dec 2022   #226
Comments on Mr Gowin`s :transformation from supporting PiS to opposing it:

Is anyone buying his "conversion"?

He also mumbled something about the compromises he had to make, schmuck one!!! With these compromises, he helped to destroy democracy: break the constitution, turn the Constitutional Court into a dummy, introduce rogue changes in the legal system, education and health care. "I'm sorry" is not enough to make honest people want to shake his hand.

Gowin is a political excrement and a human pig. I can't stand this political crap. He is worse than Kaczyński
The azhole needed 7 years to see with his own eyes. Let him go to the oblivion of politics, that pest.

Corrupt man, give yourself (and us) a break. Go away, let me forget about you once and for all.

Such a smart man, and so dirty as a politician. He caused great harm to the Polish rule of law. It was sad to see.

gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Dec 2022   #227
Is anyone buying his "conversion"?

I understand his stance to some extent - or at least what I believe his stance is - PiS turned too much towards cheap (or rather expensive) populism and it may cost us dearly - there were serious shortcomings, let's say, of the PO/PSL clique that Gowin understood - what I believe Gowin is a responsible politician: a rare case in Poland - I believe him to be a tragic figure
OP pawian  226 | 27558
13 Dec 2022   #228
I believe him to be a tragic figure

Stop making some kind of Konrad Wallenrod of him. He voted for the destruction of independent judiciary and against other important Polish issues together with PiS. He even said he voted but didn `t enjoy it.

Yes, he is tragic due to his political opportunism - he stopped supporting PiS when they got rid of him. And he isn`t Konrad Wallenrod coz he didn`t destroy PiS.

To the dumpsite of history with that azhole!! Let him stay there and never come back!

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OP pawian  226 | 27558
10 Jan 2023   #229
Can you imagine that PiS is using fire brigade cranes manned with police force to spy on opposition activists??? hahahaha Those rightists are really unbelievable. :):):)

PiS` circus on high:

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OP pawian  226 | 27558
11 Jan 2023   #230
Can you imagine that PiS is using fire brigade cranes manned with police force to spy on opposition activists???

Now it turned out that it was the activists` provocation. They had put the notice Renovation on their apartment door and didn`t open it when the police knocked. That is why officers used a fire brigade`s crane to look into the apartment through the window. They were welcomed by sneering activists inside. hahahaha

The police under PiS reminds me of the communist police. The latter also loyally served their masters and blindly oppressed the citizens.

Also, they were believed to be very stupid. A joke from the time: Why are there always two officers on the patrol? Coz one can read and the other can write. hahahahaha
jon357  72 | 23492
12 Jan 2023   #231
Why are there always two officers on the patrol?

Don't they go around in threes?

One to read, one to write and one to watch the two intellectuals?
amiga500  5 | 1501
12 Jan 2023   #232
They were welcomed by sneering activists inside. hahahaha

Sneering is the right word, these scum that seek to ridicule other people mourning the death of Polands heroes. If I was in charge of the police operation, I would have kicked the door down and thrown the activists out the window, claimed it was PiS Deragement Syndrome that drove them to suicide.
jon357  72 | 23492
12 Jan 2023   #233

Who were they supposed to ridicule?

If I was in charge of the police operation, I would have kicked the door down and thrown the activists out the window

Fortunately that kind of Italian, Iranian or r*SSian-style brutality is resisted in the civilised world.
amiga500  5 | 1501
12 Jan 2023   #234
Who were they supposed to ridicule?

These are the scum that heckle and jeer the mourners at the Smolensk commemoration. More fanatics that need to be culled than activists.

Fortunately that kind of Italian, Iranian or r*SSian-style brutality

Well at least we are not going to throw them out of airplanes like in argentina, so mercy is shown as to the duration of the splat.
jon357  72 | 23492
12 Jan 2023   #235
Smolensk commemoration.


need to be culled

Generally in Poland, people aren't 'culled' for views. It is after all a country where the national sport is arguing.

Well at least we are not going to throw them out of airplanes like in

You aren't going to throw them anywhere, however if you take Nicola Sturgeon, George Galloway and the whole Tory cabinet with them, I might turn a blind eye.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
12 Jan 2023   #236
I would have kicked the door down and thrown the activists out the window,

Yes, rightists would like to do it with the opposition. Like communists in the past. Fortunately, we are in the EU and generally in Europe, not in Russia, so they can`t act in such a criminal way.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
12 Jan 2023   #237
Like communists in the past.

Which is exactly how you behave, wanting to stifle free speech, you are no better than the communists and fascists.
Slavictor  6 | 193
13 Jan 2023   #238
Traditional Polish "Dog Dance" in Warsaw set to bagpipe accompaniment (Video clip)
OP pawian  226 | 27558
13 Jan 2023   #239
wanting to stifle free speech

Exactly, PiS have been striving to do it for years but Poles are too freedom oriented and there are still free independent media, judges, teachers, women and all. I am proud to be one of them - a free thinker who resists PiS dictatorship in words and actions.

you are communists

Yes, that`s how PiS abuse us too but to no avail - free people will never give in. Ha!!!

Traditional Polish "Dog Dance"

You need to advertise your links in a better way so that I check them out. How? - describe shortly the content of it in normal words.
mafketis  38 | 11167
14 Jan 2023   #240
Since there are so few posters here in (or really interested in) Poland.... we don't get enough chances to discuss insanity like this:

Police spying on opposition figures with a cherry picker in case they try to disrupt the monthly Smolensk death p0r rituals....

in (terrible) English:

In Polish: with picture

Any thoughts on this latest PiS sponsored insanity?

"Better a policeman on a cherry picker...
than a commander with a granade"

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