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The Political Circus of Poland

OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Mar 2024   #301

I see you are still not so cheerful yourself. Your old frustrations continue instead of dissipating. :(:(:( Are you currently off your meds???? :):):)

What a silly cow.

Wow! Amasing change of rhetoric. You are rarely so personally emotional about strangers. Have you decided to drop that pretentious Irish lady`s demeanour and are showing us your true self???? :):):)

it works in Norway because Norwegian society and social policy couldn't be more different to Poland.

Polish law is very strict - e.g, in Ireland repeat alimony evaders can be sentenced to maximum 6 months imprisonment. In Poland it is 2 years. I presume similar differences apply to other offences.

Thanks to strict law, Poland has the second highest rate of prisoners per 100.000 population in Europe - 190. It is twice less in Ireland - 90.
Did you settle in Poland because you didn`t feel safe enough in Ireland???
amiga500  5 | 1547
21 Mar 2024   #302
Wonder what sort of convicts she'll be releasing?

It's merely a matter of supply and demand. If PO introduces free abortions on demand, then they naturally have to increase demand. I.e releasing rapists from prison.
Ironside  51 | 13124
21 Mar 2024   #303
are showing us your true self???? :)

Well, we know your true self as a classless slime clown all along, who are you to pass judgements.
Lenka  5 | 3549
21 Mar 2024   #304
they naturally have to increase demand. I.e releasing rapists from prison.

That is covered by the current law
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Mar 2024   #305
who are you to pass judgements.

I am a decent ape who refuses to allow various forum azholes, including you, to go unpunished for their azholing. Don`t blame me - Goddess ordained it so. I am the Hammer on the Forum Azholes. Ha!!!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Mar 2024   #306
Thanks to strict law, Poland has the second highest rate of prisoners per 100.000 population in Europe - 190. It is twice less in Ireland - 90.

The current rulers have thought of making Poland the second Ireland by releasing thousands of prisoners.
Atch, do you think it is a bad idea???? Do you worry that gangs of released criminals will roam Polish streets, like they do in Ireland???

Right now, the intentional homicide rate for Poland is 0,7 and 0.9 for Ireland. Comparing it to prisoner statistics, one can suppose that many Irish murderers aren`t sentenced to prison. Is that why you left Ireland and decided to settle in Poland???? :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Jan 2025   #307
Certain net media celebrity announced his access to the race. He claims he doesn`t intend to be a president, but instead desires to mock the whole process of becoming one. He is going to collect the required number of signatures to be registered as a runner coz his online TV is quite popular in some rightist circles.

Good coz experts predict his clownish participation will take away votes from rightist parties.

Circus on wheels. hahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Feb 2025   #308
AmaSsing news on the nationalist party!!!

Ryszard Wilk, far right nationalist Konfederacja Member of Parl, was led out of the Sejm session chamber by a club colleague on Thursday due to his apparent indisposition. Earlier, the Confederation MP shouted at the Prime Minister Donald Tusk who was speaking. In a statement published on the X portal, Wilk apologized for his behavior.
"I am placing myself at the club's disposal. I have tried to conscientiously perform my duties as a member of parliament, but I am losing to alcoholism. I have made attempts to remedy this, but as it turned out, these attempts have failed," writes the Confederation MP.

Thursday's case is not the first such situation involving Ryszard Wilk. On May 10, 2024, he was found on the road in Kamionka Mała in the Małopolska province. Officers found him sitting in the middle of the road. He could not get up on his own, and when they provided him with help and led him to the police car, he began to insult them and fight with them. The MP wrote at the time that "stress and emotions always find an outlet, but they should never do so in this way"

OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Feb 2025   #309
far right nationalist Konfederacja, led outdue to his apparent indisposition.

Because he declared his will to start a therapy, he was fined with mere 4000PLN fine (1000$).

Another Parliament rascal,. rightist PiS hooligan who screamed "Bullet into the head!" during Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk`s speech, was fined the max penalty of 20.000 PLN aka 5.000$. Wow!
Fine those rightist and nationalist hoodlums until they learn their manners!!!!

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