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PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

Crow  154 | 9541
17 Oct 2019   #211
Now Germanics and Francos can`t comprehend what befall them. Poles penetrate them from within and Serbians from outside. We f*** EU so hard that Trump and Putin think we are greed and taking all the party for ourselves.

And Brits think they escaped. That they can escape.

ahahahah hahahahah hyahahahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Oct 2019   #212
PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

Of course they won another 4 years, teee heee heeee
Crow  154 | 9541
17 Oct 2019   #213
Sure but not only because of that. Its too simplistic to tell that way. PiS ways announcing changes to Europe. Like archangels. Nothing won`t be same when PiS finish bringing changes. German rule would stay deep past, far and ugly memory of nightmare.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Oct 2019   #214
Woot woot!!! Even konfederacja got 6.8%
OP pawian  226 | 27510
19 Oct 2019   #215
Of course they won another 4 years, teee heee heeee

It is so prophetic of you to use Past Simple tense instead of Present Perfect. It suggests they only won it but won`t be able to take advantage of their victory. Thus, the damage done to Poland by PIS this term will be less harmful than before.

I think so too. E.g., the opposition is going to be much tougher now so PiS will have to adopt tougher measures to have their way which will result in the opposition dealing really rough with PiS when they lose power one day. :):)
OP pawian  226 | 27510
19 Oct 2019   #216
p[people like that would never vote left or PO.

Sorry, these incantations aimed at distorting reality are useless. I am amazed you don`t understand such obvious things. :):)

Good Konfedracja is in the parliament hopefully they will show what an opposition looks like.

I hope you will soon cease being so fond of PiS like so far. Did you hear that PiS doesn`t want to let Konfederacja take seats in the far right part of the Parliament, traditionally occupied by PiS? hahaha

I also read some Konfederacja guys claim their election success is partly a result of blatant lies and manipulation about Konfederacja in PiS controlled state TV channel. It is said to have mobilised Konfederacja supporters to take part in voting.

So, when you stop loving PiS, tell us so that we can open champagne. hahahaha
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 Oct 2019   #217
@pawian, you're making an attempts on creating Reality Distortion Field but you're not Steve Jobs and you're not advertising an iPods to a global audience :-)

The facts are that PiS has won again and, which is more important in my opinion, Konfederacja has enter Polish Parliament.

They will same a similar purpose as Jobbik does to Fidesz in a Hungarian Parliament - they'll "keep PiS real"

So I assume that PiS will policies will shift right and be more radical due to those circumstances
OP pawian  226 | 27510
19 Oct 2019   #218
Konfederacja has enter Polish Parliament.

Yes, we have known about it since last Sunday so you dont` need to remind about it in every post of yours after your successful come back to the forum (I am really glad). We do have access to some independent media here in Poland. :):)

So I assume that PiS will policies will shift right and be more radical due to those circumstances

That`s great news! The more radical PiS becomes, the bigger chances for a wide anti PiS coalition in the future! You have just made my happy day. Thanks a lot. :):):)

I know you can read Polish so get acquainted with this wise article about "the lost victory" of PiS,240,4144

One of 6 problems discussed in the article is the one we haven`t mentioned here: the gradual extinction of PiS oldest voters.
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 Oct 2019   #219
I know you can read Polish

I can not only read but also speak and write and even curse in Polish how about that? :-D

after your successful come back to the forum

Our definition of success is very different then. My ambitions are a bit greater than that ;-)

the gradual extinction of PiS oldest voters.

Konfederacja has the youngest voters in Poland and that's what counts the most to me. They are the future of Polish politics. And now, they are becoming our presence as well.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
19 Oct 2019   #220
I can not only read but also speak and write and even curse in Polish how about that?

Sorry, it wasn`t to you. I quoted 3 guys: Dirk, ant and dolno but their quotes were deleted. :):)

My ambitions are a bit greater than that ;-)

Do you really want to take the PF over? So it is you who is suspected on those constant hacking attacks on the PF?

Konfederacja has the youngest voters in Poland and that's what counts the most to me.

Yes, youngest and most uneducated. We need to work on our youth more. I will see to it from nextMonday. :):)
Ironside  50 | 12947
19 Oct 2019   #221
these incantations aimed at distorting reality are useless.

You should tell that yourself more often. Seems like you are detached from the reality too much.

so fond of PiS

You are not very bright or you doesn't listen to me or you think everybody lies like you. Whichever is the reason I don't care. By now yo should know I'm not found of PiS, I just find other more vile, more disguising and more of hindrance to Poland than PiS.

I hope for Konfedracja to mature into something with more support and much better than anything on the Poland political scene.

How to win to lose? Is that even make any sense. Some desperate BS spewed by morons in their partisan' and tribal warfare. Cheap ******** and you are into it wow!
OP pawian  226 | 27510
19 Oct 2019   #222
I hope for Konfedracja to mature and much better than anything on the Poland political scene.

Your hopes for mature Konf are infantile. They are too weak to be a constructive sensible opposition. They will be funny or disgusting clowns, coz it is their best role. Mind my words.

How to win to lose? Is that even make any sense.

It is sad you seem to be devoid of enough intellect to comprehend it. :(:(: It means we still need to work on you.

you doesn't listen to me

Actually, you have never given me a chance to listen to you. :):)
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 Oct 2019   #223
Do you really want to take the PF over? So it is you who is suspected on those constant hacking attacks on the PF?

I'm a white hat coder who code for living and not some shady hacker looking for fame on 4chan. And if I would turn to the "dark side" I would find a more suitable targets than PFs which I suspect could be taken down even by a Low Orbit Ion Cannon (am I right mods?).

Anyway, since those attempts were unsucessfulyou can rest safely that it wasn't me :-)

Yes, youngest and most uneducated

They are young, bright, radical idealists. A heavy hammer for neo marxism
OP pawian  226 | 27510
20 Oct 2019   #224
you can rest safely that it wasn't me :-)

Ok, I believe you. :)

A heavy hammer for neo marxism

Now you spoke the words of wisdom: hammer - młot - in Polish means an idiot. :):)
Spike31  3 | 1485
20 Oct 2019   #225
A hammer as in Charles Martel - Charles the Hammer, the ruler of France who has slaughter the invading Muslims in the Battle of Poiters (Tours).
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
21 Oct 2019   #226
They are too weak to be a constructive sensible opposition.

So I guess they have that in common with PO then...
Crow  154 | 9541
21 Oct 2019   #227
Woot woot!!! Even konfederacja got 6.8%

See, I was not surprised. PiS offering practical solutions.

It is sad you seem to be devoid of enough intellect to comprehend it. :(:(: It means we still need to work on you.

Iron is great Polish and Slavic patriot but he sometimes, probably when drank, falling in delusions. I was especially shocked when he said how is he Catholic first and Slavic distant second. I was actually terrified by the concept. I thought only Muslims negate their own ethnicity. Idea that one Pole can negate its Polish self to prove something to Vatican instigated great fear and mental suffering in me. Greeks for example tried to delude my people with the concept of Orthodoxy being above our Slavic self and, such as it is, my people gave Greeks middle finger. Even Russians were bore with that idea of Third Rome and of course now they cry because of that. Failure is promised to all who betray its self in order to serve foreign concept.
Crow  154 | 9541
21 Oct 2019   #228
Did you noticed that Trump speak exactly what I speak. And on a first glance we both sound crazy. I told you this 10 years ago already. Think about it.

Think in how deluded informative segmentum many of you live. My segmentum have more informations. Think about this, too. Go, figure that.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
21 Oct 2019   #229
I was especially shocked when he said how is he Catholic first

Did he really say so? Then he lied as usual. He is as Catholic as a trumpet made from the goat`s ass. .
Crow  154 | 9541
21 Oct 2019   #230
Ask him. He is honest I think and he will admit. I hope he was just joking but then I was naive to take him seriously. He almost damaged my brain. I said to myself, wtf is that Vatican same as Medina and Mecca to take your soul and make you ethnic Catholic, like you have ethnic Muslims. Its even similar to how Judaism works. All globalistic ideas after globalistic ideas. Thank God for Trump that he pledge to save human differences. Only in differences spirit can be fully creative and progress. Globalists are selfish and anti-progressive.

I suffered, man. Mourned for Poland and Slavic world. Iron should apologize to me, frankly.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
21 Oct 2019   #231
Ask him.

No, thanks. Firstly, I am not interested. Secondly, why should I ask for more lies from him? I am not a masochist. hahaha
Crow  154 | 9541
21 Oct 2019   #232
True. Tell me, are you satisfied of growing PiS`s influence in EU parliament?
OP pawian  226 | 27510
21 Oct 2019   #233
That`s a tricky question. :):) After losing their biggest ally, Britain, PiS has realised at last they have to cooperate with Germans to achieve their political goals in Europe. So, now they are replacing their old anti German rhetoric with a milder one and secret talks about future cohabitation are under way. PiS` influence in the EU parliament will be a result of how positive their relations with Germany are - the better relations, the more influence. Simple.
Crow  154 | 9541
21 Oct 2019   #234
PiS has realised at last they have to cooperate with Germans to achieve their political goals in Europe.

I think PiS will grill Germany. Sure, PiS isn`t alone. And, it was about time for Germany to pass in oblivion. Like some more countries its a rogue state.

result of how positive their relations with Germany are - the better relations, the more influence.

Yes. More influence, closer eastern Germany to Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
21 Oct 2019   #235
And they've lodged a bunch of complaints over particular senate races in an obvious ploy to overturn the electoral results...

According to the old bolshevik slogan: it doesn`t matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes. PiS are neo bolsheviks for a good reason. :):)
Crow  154 | 9541
21 Oct 2019   #236
Artistically speaking, PiS is sword of justice, supported by Trump`s and Putin`s deal.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
21 Oct 2019   #237
Yes, Putin pays his secret services to influence voting in Poland so that PiS could win. The Kremlin expects further animosities between PiS` Poland and the EU. In the long run the Kremlin hopes for Poland to leave the EU.

Ask our dear Ironside about the details, he is an expert on Kremlin vs Poland affairs.

If he doesn`t want to, check out this excellent interview:
Crow  154 | 9541
21 Oct 2019   #238
Ah, its simplistic approach. Kremlin wants to see central European Union on its western borders rather then EU, its a fact. Russians are wise not to trust to western Europe that using EU as instrument to assimilate Slavs and spread on east (one aspect of it all - EU is Drang Nach Osten). But, Britain also don`t trust to Germany and France. That brings us to USA, great Anglo mother and father to mankind with a mission that include taking Jewish interests in account. It all set Anglos, Jews and Russians on one side. That was moment when Vatican gave up and gave agreement. Germany and France were then isolated from Turkey. Turkey gave up. When China entered game world was then cemented as Multi-Polar.

PiS? Serbia? Hungary? Vucic? Orban? Duda? Zeman? Just a tool to make Central European Union. I know I don`t complaint. Its time powers repay some debt to us who live from Baltic to Balkan.

As for Germany and France? Germany will be reduced and what remain will stay with France. What remain of western Europe would all gravitate around France. As compensation that new conglomerate gets parts of northern Africa.

Britain goes as new US state.

Global civilizations forming.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
18 Oct 2020   #239
The latest polls are merciless - PiS is losing support. From 42% after Presidential elections, to 36% today. The reason is simple - they are unable to fight the virus threat effectively - nothing has been done to improve the key sectors before the second wave of the pandemics - neither national health care system nor online education.

Wise people predicted it long ago - now morons who voted for PiS are going to pay dearly for their fekked up choices.
Thank you, PiS. Thank you, PiS voters.
cms neuf  2 | 1852
18 Oct 2020   #240
Well people whos main platform is concerned with abortion and gay rights might nit be the best people to steer us through a crisis.

Home / News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

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