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PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

OP pawian  219 | 24592
15 Oct 2019   #181
chances to win Senate are bigger now. If Upper Chamber belongs to opposition, they might try to prevent or obstruct PiS deforms in future.

As for now, the chances for such a situation are real coz PiS won 48 seats while the opposition 51. However, I fear bribing some opposition Senators by PiS. They have a history of such tricks, e.g, after last local government elections. That is why I would prefer to wait and see what happens with real poitical affilliations in Senate after all the trading is done.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Oct 2019   #182
Pis has a majority in the parliamemt what r u talking about. Then theres also kukiz konfederacja etc

Already the alarmist titles on leftist media "after poland no democracy is safe"

Now democrary to these people means having a bunch of gay parades, trannies in military and womens sports, tiny hat club telling the goyim what to think in their media outlets and hordes of kebab raping and pillaging at will. These people are genuinely shocked that poles would chuck bottles at stones at gays and that the majority doesnt support gay marraige or turd world migrant.

They even call even pis far right.

If thats "democracy" now then i and apparently most polish voters dont want that ****
kondzior  11 | 1027
16 Oct 2019   #183
As for now, the chances for such a situation are real coz PiS won 48 seats while the opposition 51.

Parliamentary majority can disregard Senate completely, so it doesn't matter much, other than whatever few personal decisions they can make.

Now, the most important questions right now are those in my opinion:
- is KO's result good enough for Schetyna to remain party leader and keep the current "total opposition" approach
- Will PSL be happy with 4 more years in opposition, or will they try to shift towards some more or less formal coalition with the government. Adding PSL and PiS votes won't change much in Sejm, but can flip a lot of local governments.

- what plans do Lewica have for expansion? Will they at first try to gain more ground in anti-PiS opposition space by going more moderate, or will they contest PiS directly, by trying to outdo them in the socialist and welfare recipient electorate.
mafketis  38 | 10868
16 Oct 2019   #184
Will PSL be happy with 4 more years in opposition

At this point they're happy to still exist... so opposition is not the worst option. And PiS have a track record as unreliable partners (who's worked with them who hasn't regretted it?)

I think Schetyna's days are numbered, in pictures he looks like a turkey before thanksgiving who wonders why everyone is so excited....

The big question is the internal divisions in PiS, the Gowin and Ziobro factions are larger than they were before and JK's lackluster reaction to the election might have the same effect that dumping a bunch of blood in the water has on sharks...

Unless something major happens we're past peak PiS... they've yet to pull off a project that requires expertise or long term planning (the closest is the educational reform that is clogging up highschools). As I've said... it's partly a pyrrhic victory
Atch  21 | 4139
16 Oct 2019   #185
they've yet to pull off a project that requires expertise or long term planning

You're right, they won't manage that but what they have managed to pull off is a fair amount of damage to the country in various ways, which they will continue to work on over the next four years.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Oct 2019   #186
Lol lewica and expansion are two words that shouldnt belong in the same sentence.

they have managed to pull off is a fair amount of damage to the country in various ways,

So record low unemployment, rising wages, healthy gpd, increased tax revenues, giving families money and encouraging them to have kids is damaging to a country not to mention maintaining a perfect zero islamic terror attacks by keeping the kebab invadion in check?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
16 Oct 2019   #187
they have managed to pull off is a fair amount of damage to the country in various ways

So, that's the sub-title. Where is the beef? What "various ways"? Why so mysterious? Is it a secret?
At least Dirk listed what he sees as progress. Which of those are not true or harmful?
Ironside  50 | 12312
16 Oct 2019   #188

Typical. That is all Chicken brains have to offer. Not talking about you but in general about so called opposition- bunch of clowns. Nothing to offer just obstruction, should do that using their own money not taxpayers money. Good Konfedracja is in the parliament hopefully they will show what an opposition looks like.
mafketis  38 | 10868
16 Oct 2019   #189
Nothing to offer just obstruction,

sounds like PiS, point to a single program of theirs that requires expertise and/or long term planning to carry out that actually happened or wasn't a disaster.... throwing how much money away on insane Smolensk 'investigations'? cutting down Białowieża? Poorly conceived school 'reform' with a doubled year clogging up the corridors? The roads they haven't built? The apartments they haven't built? The airport boondoggles they're planning (like expensive updating of an airport no one wants to use?) Appointing people with mafia connections to monitor government activities?

They're all mouth and no bacon and like a circus pony they have one trick - giveaways.
Crow  154 | 9207
16 Oct 2019   #190
point to a single program of theirs that requires expertise and/or long term planning to carry out that actually happened or wasn't a disaster

Its easy to answer. One word - Serbs. PiS finally checked historic lessons of Adam Mizkiewich and now giving more space to the `Serbian question`. Question joined them already with key players of Polish diaspora. Question will strengthen Poland from within and to outside. And Serbians are still just a shadow of their true potential. In diplomacy, in numbers, in economy, in spirit, in weigh of fact that Serbs represent last direct continuity in genetics, language and culture with original Arians, ie Sarmatians, ie old Slavs, ie givers of the West. Imagine what comes later.

Three more heavy Russian helicopters arrived last night via Visegrad`s air space. Thanks PiS. Thanks Duda. Thanks Poland.

It is wisely played. And why not say, honest. Why not trust to Serbs which never betrayed Poland, while trust to Brits, French, Vatican, Germans, etc in long line of traitors.
mafketis  38 | 10868
16 Oct 2019   #191
Adam Mizkiewich

No such person of any historical importance existed...
Crow  154 | 9207
16 Oct 2019   #192
I predicts great future of PiS. They will take Poland into era of true freedom and awakening. Chains will be broken and spirit of `Sarmatism` restored.

No such person of any historical importance existed...

He existed. He was on the same path as Zawisha Czarny, Jagilonians, Jan Sobieski, Jadwiga, Warnenczyk, Czartorisky, Pilsudski, ...

They all knew where is source of Poland`s power.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 Oct 2019   #193
Nothing to offer just obstruction

I meant constructive obstruction to PiS crazy undemocratic ideas. :)

Good Konfedracja is in the parliament hopefully they will show what an opposition looks like.

Yes, a little alliance with PiS. Thank you - another reason for decent intelligent people to never vote for Konfederacja. :):)

Why so mysterious? Is it a secret?

It is obvious you lack training from the Riddle Thread. Atch pointed to important issues very clearly. :):)
mafketis  38 | 10868
16 Oct 2019   #194
He existed

Nope, there's no important Mizkiewich in Polish history. None. No such person.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Oct 2019   #195
Unless something major happens we're past peak PiS

Agreed. I think Kaczyński knew it during his victory speech, his body language showed that he was deeply unhappy with the result, and his language made it clear that they expected much more. They were in grave danger of not getting the majority, they lost 5 seats compared to what they entered the election with, and the Senate Pact showed that KO/PSL/Lewica can win by not attacking each other while focusing on their own respective programmes. There's also the issue of the Presidential election to worry about, as Kidawa-Błońska is genuinely likable. I saw one poll today that puts them on a dead heat - not a good place to be for an incumbent who has a reputation for signing everything put in front of him.

It's also going to be much harder for them during this Sejm with both the left and the right lining up to attack them. PiS failed to deal with the issue of junk contracts, something Lewica can hammer them on, while the obscene level of ZUS payments/Act 447 will give Konfederacja a platform for attacking them as well.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 Oct 2019   #196
and the Senate Pact showed that KO/PSL/Lewica can win by not attacking each other.

It is a very optimistic prognosis for next year`s Presidential elections. If all anti PiS put forward one reasonable candidate, he or she will be able to run successfully against that puppet Duda. If they choose someone like Jurek Owsiak, PiS is done for good. hahaha
mafketis  38 | 10868
16 Oct 2019   #197
PiS failed to deal with the issue of junk contracts

Not something that can be solved by handing out extra pension payments or setting up useless committees and so they're helpless....

AFAICT they've completely lost the young who are very pessimistic about their futures in Poland...
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 Oct 2019   #198
It's also going to be much harder for them during this Sejm with both the left and the right lining up to attack them

Yes, as I said, the atmosphere will certainly get much hotter and thicker now. PiS will react hysterically to it, as usual, by restricting the opposition`s rights in the Parliament. Good, coz after the next lost elections the current opposition will have a pretext to delegalise PiS as a totalitarian organisation, like the NAZI party in Germany after the WW2. :):)

So, let`s say prayers so that PiS will remain themselves like so far. hahaha
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Oct 2019   #199
If all anti PiS put forward one reasonable candidate, he or she will be able to run successfully against that puppet Duda.

I don't think they have to agree on a single candidate, only that they should agree to support each other's candidate in the second round. They did a wonderful job of not attacking each other during this campaign, instead, they focused largely on their own campaigns (with the exception of Schetyna being a useless clown as always) - and it paid off.

What has to genuinely worry PiS is the electoral numbers: PiS got 8.1m votes to the Senate, but the opposition bloc got 7.9m. Add in the numbers for the independents (around 120,000) and you've got an almost dead heat. Konfederacja voters stayed away from voting for PiS, so the situation is very difficult for Duda indeed.

AFAICT they've completely lost the young who are very pessimistic about their futures in Poland...

I think PiS really have put themselves into a corner with all these handouts.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 Oct 2019   #200
What has to genuinely worry PiS is the electoral numbers:

A Polish saying: a water drop erodes the rock. I only hope I will live in free Poland again one day. That hope is the only thing I stick to. :):)
antheads  13 | 340
16 Oct 2019   #201
hahha all you low paid teachers were saying a year ago that PiS would be defeated at the parlamentary elections, now you just switched to presidentia lelectionsl, unlike a broken clock you guys are never right but i guess you need something to believe.. Duda is the most respected politician in poland, many PSL/Kukiz and Konfederacja voters will vote for him. 4 more years of PiS! God is great!
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 Oct 2019   #202
hahha all you low paid teachers

What? I must strongly protest - I am not low paid! :):)

now you just switched to presidentia lelectionsl,

Yes, coz we never lose hope. Isn`t it wonderful??? :):)

Duda is the most respected politician in poland,

Today. How about next year, in the ring with a much more respectable opponent? hahaha

God is great!

Yes, because he/she is on our side! Decent intelligent people`s, not those fake Catholics from PiS.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
16 Oct 2019   #203
It is obvious you lack training from the Riddle Thread. Atch pointed to important issues very clearly. :):)

Is this some novel way of communicating? It would take only ten more words to make that post self-contained and clear to those who just joined the conversation or PF. Plausible deniability?

not those fake Catholics from PiS.

How do you tell the fake from the sincere Catholics?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 Oct 2019   #204
Is this some novel way of communicating?

Yes, verging on first crude attempts of online telepathy. Simple. Haven`t you connected with anybody in that way yet?

How do you tell the fake from the sincere Catholics?

True ones go to church and love their neighbour. Fake ones go to church and do their best to drown their neighbour in a spoon of water. That`s what most PiS do.
Ironside  50 | 12312
16 Oct 2019   #205
for decent intelligent people t

p[people like that would never vote left or PO.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
17 Oct 2019   #206
True ones go to church and love their neighbour.

That's an answer to a question I didn't ask.

Haven`t you connected with anybody in that way yet?

No. I post assuming that to comprehend and respond, I am obligated to provide all the required information in the post. An incomplete post is like it is deliberately meant only for the initiated.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
17 Oct 2019   #207
That's an answer to a question I didn't ask.

I am thinking hard now in the morning how to please you but I have no idea for a better answer. Any hints, coz you are a bit equivocal now? :):)
antheads  13 | 340
17 Oct 2019   #208
great article on how PiS won and how other political parties around europe will folllow suit
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Oct 2019   #209
The first victory of the opposition In Hungary for many years. The opposition canditate has won the election for the mayor of Budapest.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
17 Oct 2019   #210
Let me guess: a liberal.
Budapest experience aside, why is it that the politically stupidest people aka leftists are mostly in big cities? With all the sources of information around they should be the smartest. My best guess is the large numbers of the really stupid - high school and university students whose brains are half baked and still under construction.

Home / News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

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