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PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
22 Jul 2019   #121
When one day Poland reaches the economic level of Germany

For anyone interested in the subject, a good book on that by a renown Polish economist Witold Orlowski:

Will Poland Catch Up With Germany?
[Acording to a report by the Warsaw Enterprise Institute, it is possible in 40 years (catching up with France in 15-20 years)]

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
22 Jul 2019   #122
Na ja...I foresee a dumping of the economic level of Germany, so it might be easier (and quicker) for Poland to catch up!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #123
Of course it will. The best thing Merkel could've done to destroy Germany and allow Poland to catch up is bring in millions of turd world mud hut engineers and witch doctors - and even in that the vast majority is unemployed.

I was reading an article online - from a feminist magazine actually - that called out the problem of turd world migrants sexually assaulting women in pools all over Germany.

It won't just be economically - Poland has already surpassed Germany in terms of quality of life by culturally, safety, crime levels, etc. Unlike German cities, a Polish woman can walk around town in a miniskirt without worrying about being shoved into bushes and culturally enriched by a pillar of Islam. In fact that's why so many W Europeans that can afford it are moving to E Europe. Just look at the amount of W Euro expats on here alone living in Poland - they even outnumber the people who are actually Polish.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
22 Jul 2019   #124
In fact that's why so many W Europeans that can afford it are moving to E Europe.

Do you have a number? A link maybe? Stats?

I only found one pointing into the opposite direction....

"More and more Poles are settling in eastern Germany. Since the fall of communism 30 years ago, rural areas in the east have been depopulated. Now, Polish families are taking advantage of the low real estate prices."
Tacitus  2 | 1255
22 Jul 2019   #125
For anyone interested in the subject, a good book on that by a renown Polish economist Witold Orlowski:

I obviously have not read it, but does he take the looming demographic crisis in Poland into account? Poland will be among the worst affected in Europe.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
22 Jul 2019   #126
so it might be easier (and quicker) for Poland to catch up!

does he take the looming demographic crisis in Poland into account?

I haven't read my e-book yet. But I hope to let you know what the major issues of the problem might be according to the author as soon as I read the book. Personally, I'm very interested in the subject.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
22 Jul 2019   #127

Personally, I'm very interested in the subject.

Me too.

Do you have a number? A link maybe? Stats?

Of course he does not. The statistics show a clear net migratiom from Poland to Germamy in 2018 and the years before that.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #128
There's several articles I posted here showing a negative net migration from UK.

Furthermore I'm not talking about just Germany or just Poland. If you've been to any polish city recently you'd know how many people from w Europe, India, china, USA, etc are coming everyday. Also other e euro countries are experiencing significant thing is for sure - eastern Europeans aren't leaving anymore and in some places like UK to Poland more are coming back than leaving.

Poland will be among the worst affected in Europe.

So? Japan's population is also aging and they're doing just fine. Either way the solution definitely isn't to import turd worlders the majority of whom are unemployed. German government figures show unemployment levels at 74% according to a financial times article.

Poland is addressing this by bringing in Ukranians, Georgians and others who come from societies where men don't have to take classes teaching them they can't grope and rape women and by encouraging people to have kids through 500 plus and tax rebates for the youth.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
22 Jul 2019   #129
The UK is a special case because the looming Brexit has decreased migration from other EU countries as well, and because it received a large amount of Polish migrants to begin with, who now often return to live their retirement in Poland.

That does not change the fact Polish people are migrating to Germany and other Western European countries.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 Jul 2019   #130
who now often return to live their retirement in Poland.

It's not just old people. A lot of poles realized that the United Kaliphate isn't quite what it was when they first arrived after EU accession. Back before it went full clown world allowing sharia courts to be established and taking away medical licenses for not agreeing to transformers demands, the UK was a great destination for work. Hell even my own family moved there after accession but now several have returned and tge rest are planning their move. One cousin will remain though mainly because hes taking full advantage of what will essentially be a free bachelors degree paid paid for by British taxpayers. In Germany it's similar - one female family member left because as a single woman living alone she didn't feel safe thanks to all the rape squads. Even a feminist magazine pointed out that women can't even go to the pool anymore without being groped by young muslim men. After considering the cost of living vs salaries they're not much better off in the UK while in Poland they'd make less yet have the same living standards plus they wouldn't have to deal with all the b.s.

That does not change the fact Polish people are migrating to Germany and other Western European countries.

Germany some yes. But not nearly in the same numbers as before.

Point is immigration from Poland to w Europe is decreasing while immigration to Poland from all sorts of countries including w europe is increasing
OP pawian  226 | 27509
23 Jul 2019   #131
There are rumours suggesting that PSL might one day join/ally with PiS. Now they are enemies because PiS is doing their best to attract rural voters, and PiS-controlled state media accuse PSL of all kinds of dirty machinations but in politics everything is possible. There are some politicians in PSL who are currently in the second line but would like to move forward. For them an alliance with PiS is a purely political issue, not personal. PSL is known for taking part in different coalitions, they were very flexible in the past, boys for hire, sort of, as long as they got enough positions.

That is why I wouldn`t mind if they didn`t get to the Parliament at all. They have been on the verge of the election threshold for months and it is quite possible they won`t make it.

Some experts like the idea of 3 opposition blocks: centre right, centre left and left and suggest they might try to win the elections because everything is possible in politics.

Before, with united opposition, some voters could feel lost and decided to skip participating in Euro elections. Now, the 3 blocks offer a clear choice which shouldn`t scare off anyone really interested in removing PiS from power.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
14 Aug 2019   #132
I am reading articles about German and Polish economies slow down which forecasts the approaching recession and it came to my mind: Why shouldn`t PiS get another term? So far they have been lucky because their first term 2015-2019 fell on the period of prosperity in Europe which also very positively influenced the Polish economy. In result, they were able to give away multiple benefits. Let`s see how they do their best to cope with recession. If the opposition wins, they will be blamed by PiS for all economic misfortunes which are going to take place sooner or later. Let PiS taje it on the chin.

I am slowly getting accustomed to the idea. I won`t mind PiS` victory so much as long as they don`t win constitutional majority. I hope the opposition won`t allow this to happen..
mafketis  38 | 11149
14 Aug 2019   #133
So far they have been lucky because their first term 2015-2019 fell on the period of prosperity in Europe

And to be clear.... PO (as bad as they are, which is.... pretttttttty bad) created a lot of the prosperity.

If PiS wins and the economy goes south they'll just blame the opposition and their feckless voting core will stay with them until the bitterest of ends - PiS cutting off the voter bribery system (Which they'll blame on everyone but themselves, of course)
Crow  154 | 9541
14 Aug 2019   #134
PiS is mujaheedine friendly. Total traitors of everything what means Polish. How could they keep power in Poland? I presume, only in non-democratic elections.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
21 Aug 2019   #135
their feckless voting core will stay with them until the bitterest of ends

The core is about 25-30%. These are the least educated people who crave for benefits coz they have no other choice. But 30% is nothing in comparison to when the remaining 70% goes voting and do it against PiS.

Latest upadate.

1 Folk Party PSL made an alliance with Kukiz which is a bit funny coz the guy, former rockman, has always played a role of an antisystem politician while PSL is a full system party which took part in almost each government after 1989. But they both didn`t have a choice as their chances were estimated under the threshold when seperate.

2. The whole opposition managed to create a united list of candidates to Senate which means zero competition between them. Wow. The chances to win the Senate are much bigger now. If the Upper Chamber belongs to the opposition, they might try to prevent or at least obstruct PiS deforms in the future.

The Senate is allowed 30 days to examine any piece of draft legislation passed by the Sejm, 14 days if a bill is considered to be urgent. Any bill submitted by the Sejm to the Senate may be adopted by the latter without any amendments or amended or rejected. Any resolution of the Senate, as a result of which a bill is repealed or amended, is considered to be passed provided it has not been rejected by the Sejm.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
26 Aug 2019   #136
Will the latest criminal scandal by PiS have influence on the voters? Most probably. Even if PiS lose only a few percent, it will be enough to lose elections even though they might turn out the most popular party again. But they won`t win the constitutional majority.


Support for Poland's ruling coalition led by Law and Justice (PiS) weakened in a poll published on August 23 after a scandal broke involving officials from the justice ministry who orchestrated a social media smear campaign targeting critics of the government's judicial reforms. [....]

Reports by Onet and later by other media showed that a woman - revealed to be the wife of pro-PiS judge Tomasz Szmydt and identified as Emilia - was hired to launch a hate and slander campaign on social media against judges critical of the reforms. She also fed information on the judges to pro-government media.

They say that the woman called Emi is revealing all facts now cause her husband had demanded a divorce so she is taking a revenge. She already apologised to all the victims of her trolling.

Hahahaha PiS losers, how many people like that will talk one day about all your dirty acts? Nothing will stop it. You are finished.

And the woman`s lawyers said it wasn`t all what they have. The whole recorded affair is about 5000 pages. Only a fraction has been revealed so far and it is presumed more curious info is going to surface before elections. More and more reports and articles suggest that Justice Minister Ziobro knew about everything.

That is funny because when PiS lost elections in 2007, they also blamed Ziobro`s stupid moves for that.
Ironside  50 | 12946
26 Aug 2019   #137
Will the latest criminal scandal by PiS have influence on the voters?

What scandal? Gossip? Some woman talk some BS and you jump on it like a hungry rat. It is in the same category like all those Trump's scandal which came to nothing.

On the other hand PO Berejza gate is pretty much a fact. After two years of an investigation.

And to be clear.... PO (as bad as they are, which is.... pretttttttty bad) created a lot of the prosperity.

Dude you are clueless, sure PiS has some socialist attitude but it is on a different level. PO a gang of thieves if that for you equals with creating prosperity - no comment.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
26 Aug 2019   #138
What scandal? Gossip?

And because of this gossip PiS is dismissing important officials in the Ministry of Justice?

hahaha You should invent sth else.

On the other hand PO Berejza gate is pretty much a fact. After two years of an investigastion.

Now this is nice gossip.

What scandal? Gossip?

Hmm, so why has Ziobro, to save his own ass, just dismissed another PiS nominated judge who participated in troll factory?
27 Aug 2019   #139
It is mildly amusing to see the bickering between the fake right parties. :)

In any case, I don't see how any Pole worthy of that name could consider voting for either PO or PiS now, when the True Right is uniting around Marek Jurek and Prawica Rzeczypospolitej (Komitet Wyborczy PRAWICA).

Finally a true Catholic-conservative party, 100% pro-life! No longer will Catholic voters have to choose the lesser evil (which recently would seem to be PiS), and will now be able to vote entirely according to their conscience and sense of Polishness.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
27 Aug 2019   #140
Yes, they aren`t such hypocrites as PiS - when they say right, they mean it. Marek Jurek once belonged to PiS but saw through their false ideals and left. He deserves respect for that. But certainly he isn`t my idol coz his intention is to turn Poland into a country similar to Franco`s post war Spain or Chile after the military coup de etat. He glorified Augusto Pinochet. And he was against Polish access to the EU.

Not my hero. And I still consider myself a Pole. Funny, isn`t it? :):)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Aug 2019   #141
Finally a true Catholic-conservative party, 100% pro-life!

Won't that just split the vote between them, Konfederacja and other right wing parties?

Strange move of Jurek to join with Kaja Godek though, given how hated she is.
27 Aug 2019   #142

Saying that he stopped Chile going the way of Cuba isn't exactly glorifying, is it? And Franco's Spain wasn't that bad (I recommend Adam Wielomski's "Hiszpania Franco" for those who are interested in the origins and ideals of the francoist political doctrine).

Jurek might have expressed his doubts about possible dangers to our independence as EU members, but as a European Parliament deputy he surely sees that positive sides of our membership outweigh the negative sides.

Not my hero. And I still consider myself a Pole.

Well, you can even be a Lutheran or to some extent a person of leftist views, and still consider yourself a Pole. Of course, your Polishness in such cases would be somewhat flawed and incomplete, but you'd be Polish nonetheless. Flawed but still. When I said "Pole worthy of that name" I meant a Catholic, lover of freedom and independence, and faithful knight of Saint Virgin Mary Queen of Poland.


Konfederacja shouldn't have alienated the pro-life movement - it was a huge mistake and it will cost them dearly.

Kaja Godek hated? By whom? Certainly not by those who support Jurek and PR.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Aug 2019   #143
Konfederacja shouldn't have alienated the pro-life movement - it was a huge mistake and it will cost them dearly.

Isn't that pretty much how they operate though? They never seem to be able to stay united for long. Of course, it will probably guarantee that they won't cross the 5% threshold.

Kaja Godek hated? By whom?

Most people ;) She seems to arouse a lot of dislike across the political spectrum, but I suppose she's really out of options. She's alienated PiS and the nationalists/Korwinists, so what else does she have? Still, surprising that Jurek would embrace her rather than simply mopping up whatever support she has left.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
28 Aug 2019   #144
Of course, your Polishness in such cases would be somewhat flawed and incomplete,


and faithful knight of

I have never been a fanatic. When I read such words, , it always reminds me of burning stakes in the Inquisition times. :):)

Saying that he stopped Chile going the way of Cuba isn't exactly glorifying, is it?

Like in Vietnam: we had to destroy this village to save it from Vietcong. :):)

Was Augusto Pinochet an enough faithful knight to earn Jurek`s respect? :):)

That sarcasm should make you aware what I think about people who screen all their rogue actions with religious shield. They are the same murderers as Cuban communists, there is no difference at all.
28 Aug 2019   #145

I'll be delighted if Konfederacja doesn't cross the 5% treshold. Korwin-Mikke and Braun are pretty much harmless, but Ruch Narodowy appears to be everything that Polish nationalism shouldn't be: they oppose the Jagiellonian idea of Intermarium, view Russia as a potential friend and ally (which is abhorrent to a freedom loving Polish soul), in economy they reject the legacy of Władysław Grabski and economic freedom in favour of badly understood distributionism. Out of pity I won't even mention the usual antics of Młodzież Wszechpolska. *rolls eyes*

I have never been a fanatic.

It looks like we have something in common then - I have never been a fanatic either. Catholicism, being the only true religion, excludes fanaticism ex definitione. :)

When I read such words, , it always reminds me of burning stakes in the Inquisition times. :):)

To those who apparently are victims of liberal propaganda (and they are numerous) I can only recommend Roman Konik's "W obronie Świętej Inkwizycji". It's always useful to learn some real history instead of repeating stereotypes and lies about the Holy Inquisition.

As for the rest of your post, I refuse to believe that you think there is no difference at all between killing good people in the name of Satan or his works (like communism) and killing bad people (which is sometimes necessary) in the name of greater good. It's like saying that a bandit killing an old lady to steal her money is the same as a policeman killing a criminal who's trying to murder a child.
Ironside  50 | 12946
28 Aug 2019   #146
I'll be delighted if Konfederacja doesn't cross the 5% treshold.

Why? Is that makes any sense? Brickering. It is pathetic.

but Ruch Narodowy appears

If you don't know don't make guesses - that is sad.

Few people heard about Jurek's new party. So good luck to them, they seemingly have no Chance but all best, fight.

As to pawian he is a Soviet, a waste of space.
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Aug 2019   #147
Korwin-Mikke and Braun are pretty much harmless

Harmless, if one overlooks the little matter that Korwin-Mikke thinks child pornography should be legalized.

Though it pains me to say it, I think it's quite likely that PIS will be re-elected, Kaczyński will become PM (in other words, declare himself supreme ruler of Poland) and it's downhill all the way from there. The 'reforms' will really start to kick in. Remember Kaczyński's declaration that the first term of office for PIS was just the first in his plan of twenty years in power for PIS. Stalin had his five year plans and Mr K has his four year plans.
Ironside  50 | 12946
28 Aug 2019   #148
it's downhill all the way from there

Worry about your country, it is down the hill for it already, for every problem there is a one solusion - more LGBT BS everywhere.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Aug 2019   #149
Mr K has his four year plans.

Mr K' s party may not win a stand-alone majority in parliament this time despite his aggresive neo-Bolshevik propaganda that LGTB ruins the country by making families collapse.
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Aug 2019   #150
more LGBT BS everywhere

I'd be more worried about the effects of Brexit than the effects of lesbians.

Home / News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

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