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PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

OP pawian  226 | 27509
18 Jul 2019   #91
So called opposition are clueless morons not unlike pawian

He laughs who laughs the last. :)

SLD won't leave PO now, they will remain stuck to them no matter what. lol

It is funny how you voice such assertive opinions although as an expat living out of Poland, you know next to nothing what is happening here. PO has already decided to go without SLD. And who is the moron now? :):)

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Jul 2019   #92
Interesting for all who can read german...the "Spiegel" asks loudly why Poland of all EU-members voted for vdL (and is seemingly so enthusiastic about her) there a price to be paid?

The original:

Google translate into polish:
Lyzko  44 | 9713
18 Jul 2019   #93
Appreciate the heads up there, B.B.
Will try to access the link provided and print out.
Crow  154 | 9541
18 Jul 2019   #94
PiS and their main opposition is far past, being blinded by Germany and Britain. Germany is down and Britain running like a rat and gave up from entire Europe. You Poles needs new political power on the scene or Poland losing leading position in emerging Central European Union.

Look at stupid Germany. It pays its price again. Now France leads western Europe. After all, French proved to be wise.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
19 Jul 2019   #95
PO (Platforma Oszustów) party will go to autumn elections without SLD and PSL. Soooo cool. Should be an easy and overwhelming win for PiS. Great times for Poland are comming :)
mafketis  38 | 11149
19 Jul 2019   #96
who has broken his mother's jaw

The faith you show in commie prosesutor Piotrowicz is a model of reconciliation - if only more Polish people were able to put the past aside like you....
OP pawian  226 | 27509
19 Jul 2019   #97
The faith you show in commie prosesutor Piotrowicz is a model of reconciliation

Do you still remember how Ironside hit the ceiling and abused me when I mentioned there are still old communists in PiS, including ex communist prosecutor Piotrowicz??? . I thought people have forgotten about it. Good for you. I haven`t, either. I asked Iron a few times about it but he shunned the explanation.

Great times for Poland are comming :)

Only a fool can believe that Poland will enjoy good times under PiS. Yes, beneficiaries of 500+ and other handouts will rejoice. What about others? E.g., the ones who haven`t got children?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
19 Jul 2019   #98
I dont have children and really enjoy my life now. Couldnt really say that before 2015 and the rule of liars and thieves from Peło. Also i lived for a decade in The UK where benefits are normal and never complained about paying money to those on child benefit. Yet leftard idiots complain in Poland. Bunch of intollerant populists.
Ironside  50 | 12946
19 Jul 2019   #99
only more Polish people were able to put the past aside like you....

Contrary to you an American who holds those grudges instead. Somewhat selectively.

And who is the moron now? :):)

You of course. With or without SLD, PO gonna lose. As they are clueless and classes morons as they and you over time and time again.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
19 Jul 2019   #100
You of course. With or without SLD, PO gonna lose.

hahaha you aren`t clever enough to wriggle out of it. We were talking about your expat`s "expertise" on Polish matters (when you insisted that SLD will stick to PO). It is as valid as last year`s snow - namely, non-existent.

Ok, after teaching our knoweldgeable expat his place, let`s continue with serious matters. The news of the day is that the left have buried the hatchet (so far they have all accused each other of being fake left) and are going to cooperate: SLD, Wiosna and Razem.

One of the 3 tenors said: we are in for victory. :)

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OP pawian  226 | 27509
19 Jul 2019   #102
That`s what R Biedroń said: Victory over PiS. :)
Lenka  5 | 3530
19 Jul 2019   #103
and are going to cooperate: SLD, Wiosna and Razem

To be fair I find it sad. I hoped that Razem will create new quality on the left but getting together with Wiosna and SLD is a bad move on my opinion
OP pawian  226 | 27509
19 Jul 2019   #104
I hoped that Razem will create new quality on the left

Razem are very radical left, almost like communists.
The left has no chance when seperate, they need to unite.
Lenka  5 | 3530
19 Jul 2019   #105
I don't agree with everything but they were some fresh air in Polish politics and SLD is done for me after Ogorek and with Wiosna I don't see them having any real value behind the facade
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
19 Jul 2019   #106
That`s what R Biedroń said: Victory over PiS. :)

He's must be a freak! Oh wait! He's homo! He actually IS a freak!

I hoped that Razem will create new quality

Razem is pro-lgbt, minority, feminist.... u really expected ANY quality from that?
Lenka  5 | 3530
19 Jul 2019   #107
Hmmm, let see. As a women, person with gay friends and someone who believes in equality of people...yes I do. And please don't bother with all your crap, I know it by now.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
19 Jul 2019   #108
Typical leftist...
"My ideology says this and that so i don't have to disquss anything with ppl who think otherwise or in contradiction to what my ideology implies (even if facts show they have a point)"

LST - Leftard Selective Tolerance
or even
LSD - Leftard Selective Democracy (how i like to call the chauvinist left of today)
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
19 Jul 2019   #109
Uncontrolled liberalism destroys Democracy. It's a very simple mechanism:
-Liberalism gives power to the "opressed" minorities,
-that leads to the division of society into multitude of minority groups that cry for acceptance to their claims (dont matter how riddicoulus those are),

-that leads to the division of society where there are only small groups with no "global" connection nor common values,
-that leads to some groups fighting to have more rights than other minority groups,
-that leads to the growth of chauvinism,
-chauvinism is one step from fascism.
Lenka  5 | 3530
19 Jul 2019   #110
I don't have to discuss anything with you because I know the crap you post and as till now I never saw you posting anything worth debating.

Maybe if once you post something fresh I will discuss it but I can't see that happening
Lyzko  44 | 9713
19 Jul 2019   #112
Ask yourself first why said minorities were oppressed to begin with, and perhaps you'd have a different answer.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
19 Jul 2019   #113
Why is the majority opressed now? Is fight fire with fire the answer?
Ironside  50 | 12946
20 Jul 2019   #114
you are removing yourself/Poland from the equation...talking about the EU as something far removed...ruled by "Marsians"..

No, I'm just stating the obvious. In EU rule the one with the biggest pull, economy and so on ...i.e. Germany. Do you really expect Poland to step up and change anything that has been planed a way before Poland joined the ?EU?

See you are one of those who talks a lot about this or that while talking about Poland and EU. Somehow you forget to mention facts, numbers and statics. Which is strange considering you love to quote those anytime you can.

In my view you would be much more difficult to do anything while remaining in the EU than outside it.

Hell, the uk a second economy of the union couldn't do it - change the grant plan. they had no disadvantage of no elites and 50 years of Soviet occupation, but you talking Poland to do it? Are you pulling my leg>?
Tacitus  2 | 1255
20 Jul 2019   #115
Somehow you forget to mention facts, numbers and statics

If you looked at facts and numbers, you would know that one country alone does not rule the EU. The EU is specifically designed to prevent this.

Hell, the uk a second economy of the union couldn't do it

They never even tried it . The EU works through partnership and alliances, and the UK never tried to get others on board for their desire to change the EU, or to at least get a better deal for themselves.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
20 Jul 2019   #116
Hell, the uk a second economy of the union couldn't do it -

*cough Rebate cough*

Remember Thatcher and her handbag? :)

Before the Brexit the UK had a veto to stop laws which she used, she could bring in new ideas....the UK had alot of influence about what happened in Europe.

How do you define "change"?
Tacitus  2 | 1255
20 Jul 2019   #117
The UK (together with Germany) succesfully pushed for the Eastern Enlargement of the EU. Furthermore they also prevented a closer military integration, hence it might supercede Nato. The day they left they paved the way for Pesco and other initiatives.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #118
you would know that one country alone does not rule the EU. The EU is specifically designed to prevent this.

It is clearly evident that Germany has by far the most pull in the EU. De jure no, no one country doesn't rule the eu. De facto Germany clearly does.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
22 Jul 2019   #119
It is clearly evident that Germany has by far the most pull in the EU.

I guess you are critical about it . When one day Poland reaches the economic level of Germany and pulls strings in the EU as she wishes, will you also complain about it?

Home / News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

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