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PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
15 Jul 2019   #61
Stop that Pawian....I've known Iron for many, many years....I KNOW he is no Kremlin-troll!

Case in point each time some eurosceptic politicians take power in Poland, they are forced to suck up to the American president.... a MAGA US the POTUS will only ever have use for a very obedient Poland, you do what he wants and he will throw you some crumbs, if not....

You would be never an equal, you would be a servant. And once the Chinese come, it would be the same...imagine a chinese-russian alliance...with only the EU bloc being seen and respected as equals by all of them...where would that leave poor little not-in-the-EU-all-alone-by-itself-Poland?

That's what you want for Poland? Do you think a brotherhood with Hungary will help you then? Really???
OP pawian  226 | 27509
15 Jul 2019   #62
I've known Iron for many, many years....I KNOW he is no Kremlin-troll

Many years. What if he started paid trolling two years ago? Is it enough time to realise his true mission? :):)
gumishu  15 | 6228
15 Jul 2019   #63
What if he started paid trolling two years ago?

pawian is a troll himself - this is the so called wisdom of the stage - when it was en vogue among PO politicians to seek consiliation with Russians he probably saw no problem whith Russians - now he sees Russian agents and trolls everywhere (except for the PO of course) - I'm not sure this is a curable case
Crow  154 | 9541
15 Jul 2019   #64
You worry to much...

Your wife told you that. Didn`t she?

Man, I`m not you. I would in every race run for my head.

They followed the USA into an illegal Iraq war

Fortunately, USA of today isn`t what is USA of yesterday. Not perfect but Trump make it better. So, if today`s Poland`s ruling establishment decide to follow USA in some extent, it won`t be that tragic. But, USA isn`t problem. Even hanging with Germany wouldn`t be problem if Poland knows what Poland doing. Official Poland demonstrate utter incompetence in every possible sense and one can hardly say how Poles rule Poland. That is the problem.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
15 Jul 2019   #65
when it was en vogue among PO politicians to seek consiliation with Russians

Which period are you talking about? Before 2014 or after? :):)

PS . A little riddle for you - why did I mention 2014? :)

pawian is a troll himself -

Yes, I am. I am trolling for Intellect. :)

PS. That is so nice you appear once in two weeks or more rarely only to address me. I feel really honoured. Keep up good job. :):)

PiS are stubborn. They put forward Szydło again and had to swallow a bitter pill again.

The previous voting was 21 to 27 against Szydło. Today it was 19 to 34.

What a shame. :):)

PS. Their comments: Vendetta continued!
16 Jul 2019   #66
You dare to complain and abuse Poles who are living in Poland (...) Shut up and feck off, emmigrant loser.

That's a bit harsh, Pawian, isn't it? Many people were forced to leave Poland (for various reasons), but they kept their love for Ojczyzna deep in their hearts, and never ceased to be Polish patriots; as far as I know Iron is exactly such person.

imagine a chinese-russian alliance...where would that leave poor little not-in-the-EU-all-alone-by-itself-Poland?

In case of a military conflict, Russia alone could never cope with the might of Wojsko Polskie - we would own them in matter of weeks, like we did in 1610--when I see a picture of Moscow on Facebook, I always write - "Aaaah, such a nice city - it used to be ours!" (which, for some reason, always agitates Russian posters), and in 1920. If Chinese joined on their side, it might prove a bit of a problem, but still I think we could manage (with American help or without it).

Having said that, if the Union doesn't force their ridiculous and suicidal immigrant policies on us (which, so far, they don't do), or try to impose their decadent "values" on our healthy Catholic society, we should remain a member, and appreciate the fact that it helps both our economy and political position in general. Poland is stronger in the EU than it would be outside it.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
16 Jul 2019   #67
That's a bit harsh, Pawian, isn't it? Many people were forced to leave Poland (for various reasons),

You come once in 3 months to address me? I also feel really honoured, thank you. :):)

What a pity that during those 3 months you couldn`t find enough time to read more carefully what I wrote and only pick random quotes.

To get the full picture, let me direct you to this post where I explain my attitude to typical emigrants which is neutral and to emigrant p..ks like Iron which is highly critical.

but they kept their love for Ojczyzna deep in their hearts, and never ceased to be Polish patriots;

I fu..k Iron`s patriotism if it pushes us into Kremlin`s arms. Let`s say his is Polish patriotism for the Kremlin, there were thousands such traitors in history of Poland.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
16 Jul 2019   #68
Having said that, if the Union doesn't force their ridiculous and suicidal immigrant policies on us (which, so far, they don't do)

Right now there is a small coalition of the self-proclaimed "willing" who are all for importing thousands of Africans, but the bigger coalition in the EU says loudly "NO" (or looks quietly the other way).

Even in Germany the opinion is split....with many also disagreeing with the NGO's and their travel services for the north african human traffickers.

The Quota system is dead, the EU mission in the Med "Sophia" has been stopped...SOME towns have agreed to take SOME refugees in if needed but that's it.

So, I don't think there will be any unwanted immigrants in Poland anytime soon...(and they will probably want go to Germany anyhow:)
16 Jul 2019   #69
You come once in 3 months to address me?

Is it that often? Damn it... I really must seriously limit my online time.

What a pity that during those 3 months you couldn`t find enough time to read more carefully what I wrote

Sorry. I blame my short attention span.

To get the full picture, let me direct you to this post(...)

What I can see there is more insults and some wild allegations. Oh, well... it is an internet forum after all :D

P.S. No thread about the anniversary of Grunwald battle yesterday? No thread about the feast of St. Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel today? What's wrong with this board??? :D

but the bigger coalition in the EU says loudly "NO" (or looks quietly the other way).

Thank God for that!

(and they will probably want go to Germany anyhow:)

Exactly! Germany - what a useful friend and neighbour! ;)
16 Jul 2019   #71
Don't we know that! ;)

Check your email, BB.
mafketis  38 | 11149
16 Jul 2019   #72
there is a small coalition of the self-proclaimed "willing" who are all for importing thousands of Africans

more like millions....

money quotes:

"Asylum knows no limits"....

leave the issue to right-wing populist parties."

Interviewer: What is the limit for the intake in Europe?

Rackete: I don't see a limit.

The Quota system is dead

What is interesting in hindsight was just how quickly the "these are our future doctors and engineers" government line turned into de facto "If you don't take some of these losers off our hands we're going to punish you economically!"
OP pawian  226 | 27509
16 Jul 2019   #73
Oh, well... it is an internet forum after all :D

Your logic seems a bit weak now. You wrongly said I was harsh about emigrants, I told you to read more carefully, and you still see what you want to see. Pity.

What's wrong with this board??? :D

When you come more often and contribute informative posts about Poland instead of defending Kremlin trolls in a silly way, it will be a nice board again. I can`t make up for everybody who used to be active and now visits once in a blue moon.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
16 Jul 2019   #74
Rackete: I don't see a limit.

Yeah...Rackete is on a "holy" crusade!

But gladly crusaders have not that much influence on the rather more pragmatic gov (compared to the media).

What is interesting in hindsight....

In war times the soldiers would say: "No plan survives contact with reality", heh:)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
16 Jul 2019   #75
Just read that:

Germany's Paul Ziemiak met Poland's Kaczynski in a secret meeting on Sunday to advertise vdL....
(Officially Ziemiak is on holiday and officially K. is holding no office at all and also officially the german CDU neither admits nor denies this meeting:) least one thing is already sure, she won't be the Germany's Minister for Defense anylonger, no matter what happens today in Brussels!

*phew...wipes sweat from forehead*

Good riddance! :)

PS: Paul Ziemiak is polish born...

GERPOLIA !!!! :)
OP pawian  226 | 27509
16 Jul 2019   #76
The previous voting was 21 to 27 against Szydło. Today it was 19 to 34.

Szydło lost for the second time cause she is remembered in Europe in negative light.

Firstly, she ostentaciously removed the EU flag from her office.

Secondly, she lied to the EU Parliament in her speech in 2016 when she said the changes to the Constitutional Tribunal comply with the standards applicable in Europe and changes to the public media do not violate the European standards in any respect. She was expected to provide reliable info on the situation in Poland, instead she told the members a PiS fairy tale.

Thirdly, she lied about Tusk and blackened him to prevent his reelection as European Council President in 2017.

Many Polish political analysts believe Ms Szydlo knows her attempts to unseat Mr Tusk are futile, but see the campaign as part of a larger plan to smear him as a foreign agent working against Polish interests, in case he decides to run for office again in Poland after his term ends in Brussels.
16 Jul 2019   #77
GERPOLIA !!!! :)


Also, "ziemiak" is a regional variation of "ziemniak" (in and around Mława, possibly other Mazovian towns), meaning "potatoe", and that's what Kaczyński was once called by the German press. *the plot thickens*
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
16 Jul 2019   #78
"Kartoffel" (potatoe) is also a nickname for Germans by foreigners :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27509
16 Jul 2019   #79
Ursula was elected the President of EU parliament. PiS claims their votes were crucial for her election because socialists voted against. PiS hopes for good cooperation with the German President,. Funny. .
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 Jul 2019   #80
She won because of her promises to the Left and the Greens.

Someone is going to be sorely disappointed...but who exactly stays to be seen! ;)
mafketis  38 | 11149
17 Jul 2019   #81
'remains to be seen'

I think she'll be a general disappointment as her tenure in German politics was not exactly a roaring success (unlike Tusk who had a long and very solid record in Poland).
Ironside  50 | 12946
17 Jul 2019   #82
just pointing out the fact that you won't change a thing for the better if you leave the game.

Well, you are right but staying would have the same effect. In fact it would take Germany to inisaite any meagful changes as only that country has enough pull in the EU. At the very least it would have needed an active German support.

Howvere it seems that Germany is pretty much satfied with the way are at the moement. They even push for more of the same i.e. more functions of a state for the EU.

That is the crux of the matter. Putting cenatrl bank, common currency and so on before building nessery istitucion, laws and regulation for a single EU state wheater it be federal or anything else is errronus and is not going to work.

It like some 'elites' trying to inteduce a canteral EU state througt the back door and force it on the people by default.

It is not going to work. Not because I say so but for various practical reasons. There is an exmaple at hand how to build a country - the USA. It is enough to take a looksie at they approach in an attempt to make a country from different British ex-colonies. Some basic lessons to be had there. Nay, smartasses know better. Well they are not!

Why you think Poland will be better off that way is totally beyond me!

So far the EU proven to be a burden. Interfering into internal Polish affairs, supporting all that LGB....whatever revolution, that progressive nonsense too. Economically while taking idly about a common market and free this or that, French and Germans are fiercely defending their own - latest exmaple changing the law to stop Polish competitors (transport companies) defending their markets. Nobody was yelling about EU values and laws then, eh? Somehow the other way around is just fine and dandy.

I think there is an option for Poland. A realistic one and one that need to embraced. Well, there is still a large popular support for the EU in Poland and PiS is a pro-EU party too regardless what some nutters say. It is changing, hopefully it will change fast ...

So yes, I think Poland would be better off because EU doesn't go anywhere nice but to a tyrannical intuition ruled by force and coercion.
Ironside  50 | 12946
17 Jul 2019   #83
they are forced to suck up to the American president to an unbelievable degree.

They are not forced to do any such a thing. They are just victims of the post-commie trauma and don't know any better. It is embarrassing and there some bad deals being made but still generally it all goes into the right directions, maybe. Could be better.

that will shift ots' attention more and more towards Asia and China?

They will need someone dependable to look out for their interest in this part of the world. Germany doesn't want to do it. There is a chance for Poland, that for a short term plan, a long term one includes a three seas potential for he economic growth.

Stop that Pawian..

Just ignore him. To take his yapping seriously well, Merkel took PO yapping for a reality see where it get her, lol. He is of the same ilk, waste of oxygen but if you need a butler or somesuch ....

Do you think a brotherhood with Hungary will help you then?

No but our own nuclear weapon will.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
17 Jul 2019   #84
That`t utter nuts. Man, are you from this planet or you live on the moon? Who is going to allow Poland to have nukes? The moment foreign intelligence smells the rat all democratic countres declare sanctions on Poland and we are finished. Even Russia won`t help you, comrade Ironside, for obvious reasons.

Get a grip and come back to reality cause you are like a child lost in fog.
Crow  154 | 9541
17 Jul 2019   #85
Give THEM somebody who is like Ana Brnabic and you would be fine.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 Jul 2019   #86
So yes, I think Poland would be better off because EU doesn't go anywhere nice but to a tyrannical intuition ruled by force and coercion.

Well...the EU would be finished before it comes to that. Poles are not the only ones who value their freedoms, ya know? :)

I think the current immigration crisis is a good example...there are some leftist-liberal-greens who (with the help of a big part of the media) would open the flood gates to Africa and whoever else wants to come...but the majority of the Europeans isn't going for that, flushing rightist radicals/populists into the governments, and with that into the heart of the EU institutions, so that dream ends here.

You always make the same error Iron, you are removing yourself/Poland from the equation...talking about the EU as something far removed...ruled by "Marsians"...but it's all of us...everyone has the same votes and the same rights!

The EU will develop into that direction the majority will you and Poland better be part of it!
OP pawian  226 | 27509
18 Jul 2019   #87
[Moved from]: 2019 autumn parliamentary elections in Poland - will the opposition oust PiS from power?

The latest update on the situation before the autumn parliamentary elections in Poland. A little explanation - it is not only PiS who rule Poland now. They are in fact called United Right and consists of PiS, United Poland and Agreement. But they are called PiS cause PiS is the biggets of them and those small satellites include politicians who once were PiS members.

The United Right is going to the elections as one block. Current polls give them over 40% support. If the opposition were united, they would get a slightly better result. But they aren`t.

The opposition will go in two or three blocks. Conservative PSL refused to cooperate with centre PO if the latter keep close ties with socialists from SLD and liberals from Nowoczesna. PO refuses to drop liberal allies but are ready to give up leftists, especially old ex-communists from the past.

So, the first block - PSL as Polish Coalition, currently alone, probably with Kukiz 15.

Second block - PO as Citizen Coalition, with centre, mild right or mild left politicians from other parties.

Third block - left - currently nothing is decided but if they unite, it will be SLD, Wiosna and Razem

Wiosna (Spring) - liberal pro LGBT is still undecided who to go with. They realise they won`t pass the threshhold when alone so they need to join or create a coalition. e..g, cooperate with Razem (Together) extreme left or socialists from SLD. .

The far right Konfederacja which gained over 6% in recent Euro elections seems in disarray as leaders are quarreling about the division of seats and power before and after the autumn elections.
mafketis  38 | 11149
18 Jul 2019   #88
The far right Konfederacja which gained over 6% in recent Euro elections

Those were exit polls IIRC weren't they shut out after all the real votes were counted?

PSL with Kukiz makes some kind of sense (which means.... not really)

Razem and Wiosna joining might make some sense but RB wants to be the Star(!) and not rank and file..

The question now is will PiS raid the treasury for more kiełbasa or more scare their voters that any other party will take away their 'free' goodies? Those are the only cards they really have....
OP pawian  226 | 27509
18 Jul 2019   #89
Those were exit polls IIRC weren't they shut out after all the real votes were counted?

Oh, yes, I am so sorry, somehow the exit poll results got imprinted in my memory, finally they had 4.55%. Thanks.

PSL and Kukiz united is the only hope for them because they are both on the verge. Especially that Kukiz isn`t a party but association so they don`t need to worry about 8% threshold as a coalition.

Wiosna`s leader, Robert Biedron, is very self-centred indeed. But I suppose he already realised he has to change his attitude, otherwise his party might lose.

The question now is will PiS raid the treasury for more kiełbasa

No, they said there would be no more benefits. Now they should focus on improving the difficult situation in medical services and medication market, cause the opposition is going to make a big halo about it in their campaign.
Ironside  50 | 12946
18 Jul 2019   #90
The question now is will PiS raid the treasury

Pis doesn't have to do anything to win. The question is will it going to be a crushing victory or just a win. So called opposition are clueless morons not unlike pawian. They are unable to do anything but talk BS.

Also I think Konfedracjoa should dump Korwin and some others too, if not RN should go for it.
SLD won't leave PO now, they will remain stuck to them no matter what. lol

Wiosna is done. No matter how much money they gonna pump into it. Biedron (who has broken his mother's jaw in his younger years) is already in the sit he really wanted. He is not going to lift a finger now.

Home / News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

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