RosUKREnergo is also 50% owned by Naftogas which is Ukrainian state owned company. This is classical deadlock. Is the glass half empty or half full? Stop being such a hypocrite.
That is wrong. This 50% is owned by "private businessmans" from Ukraine.
Exactly, Gazprom one week after the end of Ukrianian crisise has stoped sending gas for Poland. Poland paid for this gas.
Heh, guys, you need to read more. Gasprom decided to cut off this "private businessmans" probably because at least one of them is donator of president Yushchenko. After last agreement between Naftogas and Gasprom, Naftogas took over all RosUkrEnergo gas which was stored in Ukraine. Of course now Gasprom says that it wasn't part of a deal... Anyway, legally RosUkrEnergo is responsible, and has no gas.
Of course Gasprom is behind it, but isn't responsible legally. So what can we do?
Again, important question: there is world wide crisis, now in Poland too, production is falling. Maybe after all it is not so bad that we didn't get this 24% of our contracted gas?
I think we didn't pay for it yet. Why do you think there is no alarming articles about it in Polish press? Why there is no alarming posts on internet forums? Why we didn't see directors from Azoty in the media telling as that they could have problems with production?
My hypothesis: we don't need this 24% now.