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New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ...

jon357  72 | 23361
17 Jun 2015   #91
And precisely what do you think this democratic and highly regarded organization of which Poland is a full member have told? And why?
Lolek222  - | 79
17 Jun 2015   #92
Lies, because they push the same sex marriage.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 Jun 2015   #93
this democratic and highly regarded organization

Jon plays the naive and innocent card again. All such organisations operate on the basis of diverse lobbies, and lobbies are a form of legalised corruption. The PO is as crooked as they come, but to Jon it is a wonderful, democratic party. People don't just get medals or win Nobel Peace Prizes on merit - behind the scenes it is all about political string pulling. Jon knows all this (he isn't retarded, after all), but he plays the gullible school boy and everywhere sees fair and impartial judges, wonderfully democratic organisations, etc., etc. ad nauseam if he agrees with them. But get him statred on PiS and Mr Hyde appears.
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Jun 2015   #94
They don't 'push' anything. In this case they merely report on a situation.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 Jun 2015   #95
They don't 'push'

They push like hell, and pull strings, manipulate behind the scenes, coax, cajole, intimidate and blackmail at every turn of the way. And try to disagree with them and they roll out their hate speech arsenal. If they so decide, they can have you sacked or demoted or otherwise neutralised. It is the totalitarian modus operandi all the way.The thing is that you know all this better than anyone, but prefer to play the wide-eyed innocent.
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Jun 2015   #96
That's simply untrue. Unless you know something about the European Council that the rest of the world don't.
Levi  11 | 433
17 Jun 2015   #97
"They push like hell, and pull strings, manipulate behind the scenes, coax, cajole, intimidate and blackmail at every turn of the way. "

That is tottally, absolutely True polonius!

The european council today is a bunch of lobbysts trying to push entire Europe to a socialist regime with divided between the gay lobby that try to destroyes christianity in countries like Poland, and the other half, the Left-Wing lobby financed by Saudi Arabia and Islamic Salafist organizations.

Hopefully Duda, a strong man, will not bend to interests against the Polish people.
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Jun 2015   #98
Looks like you misunderstand the presidential role. By the way, that rant about the European Council is pure fiction
Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 Jun 2015   #99
is pure fiction

You know it's not, because you're far more intelligent than you let on. That may be your official pose but in actualtiy you know all about the nitty-gritty of things even though you like to feign naïveté.
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Jun 2015   #100
Well, you pretend there's some conspiracy but you fail to give any proof of your bizarre assertion.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 Jun 2015   #101
some conspiracy

No conspiracy, just life. The playera may change (because they die off) but it's always been that way since time immemoiral. The behind-the-scenes movers and shakers have always moved and shook.

And the average person was and is aware of only a tiny fraction of what's actually going on. Journalists, politicans and in retrospect historians know a little more, but also only a fraction. Not evrerything gets written down for posterity. Yes, every poltician says: "I am here to serve the people. but......." (you fill in the blank!)
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Jun 2015   #102
That makes no sense whatsoever and doesn't explain your pretended views about the European Council.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Jun 2015   #103
the European Council.

The Council is like every bureaurcratic body -- government cabinet, bank board, leadership of any political, civic or social organsiation -- and it's main goal is the endure. The window-dressing is the high-sounding rhetoric -- "The only concern of our just,noble nad hard-working body is to serve, assist, create...bla-bla-bla", but in reality it will do everything in its power mainly to remain at the trough. That is not to say that no such body ever does anything worthwhile for or (in the case of subversive groups like LGBTQ) harmful to society, but even that is mainly to show its usefulness and get re-elected. It is truly naive to think otherwise.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Jun 2015   #104
So in fact you have nothing to say other than supposition.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Jun 2015   #105
nothing to say

...Other than to marvel at your naiveté, although I know it's a put-on. Unless you live in a self-created dream wrold you couldn't possibly not know what is going on i and has been since the dawn of mankind. Ever heard of Machiavelli?
18 Jun 2015   #106
even that is mainly to show its usefulness and get re-elected. It is truly naive to think otherwise.

Do you really think that people think about the European Council when deciding who to vote for in Polish parliamentary elections? Really?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Jun 2015   #107
people think about the European Council

Nobody in Poland thinks about the European Council, in fact hardly anyone knows what it is and does, how it differs from the Council of Europe and the European Commission for that matter. I was just trying to explain to your mate, who pretended to stand transfixed in awe before that august body, that all bureaucracies are effectively self-perpetuating organisms whose members' main goal is to stay at the feeding trough. He and certainly you know that but he likes to play the fool.

That's why you make such a great comedy duo: Harry the bombastic know-all and Jon the naive schoolboy.
Borsukrates  5 | 129
23 Dec 2015   #108
Merged: Racist attack in the middle of Warsaw. Witnesses too scared to testify.

A dark skinned man was beaten by a group of "normal-looking" men in the middle of Warsaw. No swastikas, shaven heads, concealed faces etc. It happened in front of metro entrance ("Patelnia"). They were shouting "Where are you from ? Get the f@!$ out of here!"

A bystander with 3 friends, returning from a party, tried to help him. The victim got away, and aggressors focused on newcomers. They ran away. Metro security saw t his but didn't react. Many people witnessed this, nobody reacted.

The police said nobody filed a complaint. Witnesses are saying they're afraid and their identity might be revealed. There's a security video, but it won't be used before the formal process starts.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 Dec 2015   #109
Breaking news. UN security council to hold an emergency meeting soon.
Borsukrates  5 | 129
23 Dec 2015   #110
Breaking news.

If attackers were Muslim and the victim was Christian, it would be.,artykuly,376155,1.html

Update: someone reported to police.,news,pobili-obcokrajowca-na-patelni-policja-sprawdza-nagrania-brak,189237.html,141637,19383103,w-niedziele-na-patelni-pobito-ciemnoskorego-mezczyzne-dzis. html
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 Dec 2015   #111

More to come -> short older guy seen at the scene, "dark skinned man" belonged to KOD. Professor Gross expected to release a statement soon.
23 Dec 2015   #112
Soros and other rich manipulators of society want to diversify, divide and conquer white countries (and only white countries). The bankers saw what happens when a culture is homogenous like Iceland. They can come together and rebel against the scum. But if a society is diversified like America it is very easy for exploitation as the people are focused on fighting each other. I live in the USA and the media here almost always spews news about interracial violence to keep people angry and divided. The intelligent cultures like Poland and Russia understand the implications of this and are not willing to let it happen.
Legal Eagle
23 Dec 2015   #113
Racist attack in the middle of Warsaw. Witnesses too scared to testify.

Well if Poland hadn't become a haven for racists fleeing the collapse of apartheid is South Africa, perhaps this wouldn't have happened.

I very much doubt that the fact that a non-white immigrant is not breaking any Polish law will make any difference to xenophobic racist Poles

Are they really racists if the want white immigrants who are hostile to Polish values and culture to get out of the country too? The Poles intend to rule their own country. Some of the foreigners coming to Poland come with an attitude that they have come to change Poland. Many of these foreigners come from a colonialist tradition which ordinary Poles find offensive.
Borsukrates  5 | 129
23 Dec 2015   #114
Somehow it's missing from this thread ? Earlier this year (5th November) a 31 Christian man from Syria was beaten unconscious in the middle of PoznaƄ. In a mall, in fact. Attackers were so excited they bragged about it on Facebook (screens, because posts were removed). They were saying stuff like "he should pay for his own treatment", "Finally some good news" and other 'witty' things. The victim was a doctor, living in Poland for 3 years.

This is the only coverage in a right-winged paper I found:,36037,19139631,syryjczyk-pobity-prz ed-starym-browarem-rasistowski-atak-w-centrum.html
4 Jan 2016   #115
Disgusting. And then we havw these Polish clowns here whining about dangerous foreign cultures and 'silent majority' in the West. Or blaming diversity for world problems. It is not the diversity politics that cause these issues but racist idiots who are easy to fool by politicians who can manipulate them because of their ignorance and shallow values.

Btw, corruption is a big problem in country like Poland and somehow we are yet to see that lilky white paradise to emerge out of their racism, bigotry and ignorance,lol. For a time being Poles are happy to migrate to tbose evil multicultural countries, buy their products and copy many elements from Western culture. Hypocrites of the worst kind!!!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
4 Jan 2016   #116
we havw these Polish clowns here whining about dangerous foreign cultures

Well, one could think that burning people alive or decapitating them by thousands is more dangerous than beating up some dude, my dear dark skinned clown.

For a time being Poles are happy to migrate to tbose evil multicultural countries, buy their products and copy many elements from Western culture.

Still. As they become more and more "multicultural", Poles will start running away from them, together with a fair share of natives.
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Jan 2016   #117
corruption is a big problem in country like Poland

That also must be because of racism.
4 Jan 2016   #118
My2cents : buy their products and copy many elements from Western culture.
Hypocrites of the worst kind!!!

Sure, impossible to doubt or dispute that evil multicultural countries do not buy goods manufactured in Poland, they also do not manufacture goods using polish workforce, do not employ for example polish programmers to manufacture their wonderful "western" goods and products. As for copying, this is not one way road, you know .

BTW, computer programmers from the so called technologically developed countries of the West do not usually won international programming contests (both for schools and universities), especially when boys from central and eastern Europe (Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Byelorussia etc) joined such contests.

Your2cents are Your$100 of ignorance
nothanks  - | 626
4 Jan 2016   #119
And then we havw these Polish clowns here whining about dangerous foreign cultures and 'silent majority' in the West.

Simple question

Do you prefer natives or ethnics to be the victims? Because in the West these sort of racial hate crimes are common against the native population. My focus is simple: treatment of Poles in Poland.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Jan 2016   #120
hate crimes

Most countries are oases or hotbeds of one kind or another. Some countries are oases of mutli-culti disintegration and hate crimes against the native majority, hotbeds of Muslim terrorism, sexual perversion, drug trafficking, human trafficking, broken families, etc.

Has anyone come up with an ideal country? If so, which is it?

Home / News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ...

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